[MF] Unexpected holiday fun with an inexperienced local girl (long)

This happened a few years back now and it happened so quickly that even remembering it back is a little bit of a blur but I’ll try and recount what I can of it because it was pretty great. It’s a bit long so I’ll break it up into background and action.




I was on holiday over in Malaysia – some of my family moved over there for work and invited me over after they had been there for about a year. It’s not really a place I ever had considered visiting but with free accommodation and everything being cheap there I figured why not head over for a week or so.

I stayed with them in the middle of a city (not KL) and it was pretty cool. The weather was mostly my thing – I love that hot humid weather, which I know puts me in a minority! I’d been over there for a few days and thought for the heck of it I’d jump on a dating app and see what they were like. I don’t know what I expected (actually, I didn’t really expect anything) but what I was met with was a lot of girls with very conservative values. Which is fine – but doesn’t really mesh with what a single guy who is only there for a few more days is searching for. I got a few matches and started a few conversations – some quite funny in broken English, but mostly just very polite girls. Which is how is started with Tanya (im sure she will never read this and it wouldn’t trace back to her, but of course, not her real name). She was extremely pretty. Southern Indian background, Hindu, very well spoken … hell her English was probably better and more “correct” than mine and it’s the only language I speak. She was a few years younger than me, I think around 20. The photos on her profile showed a very petite girl .. barely 5ft, looked like A or B cup, gorgeous big eyes and long dark hair. And just to round it out, a description of me – at the time I was about 26, 5’10, white, short dark hair, green eyes, short neat facial hair, slim to average build. I’m fine with my looks, but I know I’ve never really stood out … except on a dating app in Malaysia.

We matched early one morning and began swapping messages throughout the day. I was wandering around the city and on and off over the course of the day the conversation was pretty civil. The usual “oh what brings you to Malaysia? Are you liking it?” It was no different to some of the other conversations I’d had over the past couple of days … but at the same time there was something different about it. Tanya replied faster and with a bit more enthusiasm. She asked more questions. It felt more engaging than any other match before so I was a little more invested too as the day went on.

As the day turned to night I headed back to my family’s place and lay down, the texting continued but the conversation just started to shift a little. She asked me what I was looking for – I was honest about the fact I wouldn’t be here long so probably something very short term and honestly didn’t expect to meet anyone. She asked me what I thought about Malaysian girls and again i told the truth saying they’re on the whole, much more conservative than back home. It was her reply to that which changed things, it was something along the lines of “or at least we want to be seen as conservative…” that piqued my interest. I asked her to expand on that. She explained it via the “don’t judge a book by its cover” analogy. I decided to take a chance and asked “so are you trying to tell me you’re actually a bad girl?” I figured there was a good chance she would just block me after that haha. Her reply was along the lines of “No I’m still quite innocent and act conservatively … but it doesn’t mean I’m not curious and want to explore”. I pushed her further on that … she went on to explain how its hard to actually get to explore sexuality as a single girl in her community because word gets around and it is socially frowned upon etc. But that she still fantasizes. The conversation opened up a lot more here … she talked about how she likes watching porn, that she does play with herself about 2-3 times a week, that she has had a boyfriend whom she has made out with, jerked off, been fingered … but that was all – never oral and still a virgin. The openness of the conversation had made me hard and I admitted to her that discussing this had turned me on. She confessed the same. But she said it was late now and she needed to sleep so we said goodnights.

The next day around lunch time I sent her a message confessing it was hard to stop thinking about our conversation the night before. She admitted the same. I decided I’d take the plunge and just outight lay my cards on the table. I told her that I understood her need for discretion and frustration and the opportunities to explore more were limited so I said this is a chance. More than likely we’d never see each other again after a few days, no one in the world would ever know besides us, so if she wants to meet up and play a little then I was down for that. She didn’t respond for maybe 30mins after that. Finally her reply came and she said she was very tempted, but also nervous. She started throwing questions at me like what we would do and where we would go. Good point – couldn’t bring her back to my family’s place. I googled hotels around and god they were cheap so I suggested one. She said she couldn’t stay overnight but was so tempted. I asked how about we just meet up at a cafe and she can decide then. She accepted.




I was sitting at a star bucks sipping an iced milo when I saw her approaching. She was nervous laughing already and hid behind a pillar and poked her head out at me and laughed again. She was incredibly cute. Even shorter and more petite in person than I expected. She approached and sat down. Her voice was soft and she was incredibly well spoken. I’m trying to think of a better word than posh, but, she sounded posh even though she had explained in conversation her family weren’t well off. We talked and broke the ice and after about an hour neither of us had mentioned anything about hooking up. But my head was swimming with thoughts – the night before this girl told me how she plays with herself and what porn she likes and what sex acts/fantasies she is most curious about. But in front of me was just this picture of seemingly total innocence and naivety to all that. I had to bring up the topic though before the day slipped away. It was something super cool and smooth like “so, are you still tempted?” She put her face in her hands to hide and laughed and just said “I don’t know!” When she finished giggling she said “where would we even go?” I told her I’d get a hotel and I can just stay in it overnight and she doesn’t have to. She then just blurted out “you could just get one for a few hours” … it was my turn to be naive. I didn’t know that was a thing. I thought it looked suss … it feels like thats what people would do with a prostitute and that was illegal and suggesting it to the wrong person behind a hotel desk could be trouble. At least thats what I was thinking.

We went back and forth – me now more worried about it than her, it was like the tables turned and she was the one asking me if I was tempted! We were going around in circles with it when I said “ok, lets go, come with me” I stood up and offered her my hand … she was either going to say she couldn’t go through with it, or take my hand. She took my hand, thank god.

We walked down a street and there was a hotel right there, about 2 minutes walk away. We walked in and I thought I had concocted the perfect story. “Hi we are just killing time until our flight this evening and need a place to stay for a few hours …. what time does our flight leave again honey?” … the look on her face was priceless. She just stammered and didn’t offer an answer. “Oh yeah its about 8pm!” I said … I realised the old guy behind the desk hadn’t actually said a word. He just told me the price for 3 hours, I gave him money, he gave me a key and that was it. He couldn’t give a shit. As we walked to the stairs Tanya said “we don’t even have luggage, that was the worst story ever” while laughing at me. Hey, I tried!


—- The Action—-


We got to the room .. it was small and extremely modest. A double bed, a tiny bathroom with shower and toilet and … that was basically it. It was clean though, and had air con. We both sat down on the bed and it was like “so….” she kept giggling and saying “I can’t believe I’m doing this” … I pressed her “doing what? what do you want to do?” she calmed down and it was like she was psyching herself up to say it. “I really want to try giving a blowjob” she said and they were the most heavenly words I had heard. I felt myself instantly get hard at that thought. But before I could respond she continued “but I’m not really sure how or what you’d like or …” I told her i had no problem with that and we could take it slow and I’d help coach her. She got giggly again when I just leaned in and pressed my lips to hers … she kissed me back. It was soft, slow, only a little tongue .. she eventually fell back on the bed and I lay on my side next to her continuing to make out. I ran my hand from her belly, up to cup her small breasts. We broke the kiss and I just said “stand up”.

She stood up in front of me and I began undressing her … she seemed nervous and was shaking a little … I asked if she was ok but she just said she had butterflies and was nervous but really excited. I didn’t really think about it at the time but upon reflection … its almost hilarious to me now that I had this gorgeous, doe-eyed, innocent, cheeky and horny Indian girl undressing in front of me and SHE was acting like the lucky excited one! Her top came off, no bra … her boobs were gorgeous, small, perky, tiny hard dark nipples. Her skin was such a gorgeous dark tone that I ran my hands over … i hooked my fingers into the waistband of her modest white panties and asked again “are you sure?” … she paused for a moment and nodded with the tiniest “mmhmm” … i peeled down her panties … my eyes were directly in line with her crotch … a gorgeous dark shaved pussy was suddenly right in front of me. I dont know why her being shaved surprised me, but I was. It was just as petite and tiny looking as she was. I told her how gorgeous it looked and added it looked delicious. Her response was something like “I’d like to try you licking me too … but do you mind if we don’t have sex?” she said it in a way that almost made it seem like she was afraid to say it. I told her it was totally fine … I went on that app expecting nothing, so what had happened was already passed my expectations. When I responded that way it was like a weight lifted from her shoulders. She must have been stressing over thinking I was going to demand sex. Her hands were on my head, running her fingers through my hair. My hands moved from her hips around to her tiny butt. I pulled her a step closer to me and leaned in. I planted a few kisses on her belly and then further down … she instinctively lifted a leg and put it on the bed next to me. Her pussy opened up a little and she was so pink inside. I dragged my tongue further down and began going down on her. For the next 15 mins or so she stood there, grinding against my face as I lapped hungrily at her pussy. Most of my attention was on her clit. Licking, sucking a little .. my hands remained on her ass … I let them creep into her crack and gently toyed a little with her asshole, but didn’t slip a finger in.

After awhile she said she needed to sit … again i was super smooth and suggested “why not … kneel?” she giggled and dropped to her knees. I was still sitting on the edge of the bed. I took her hand and put it on my crotch. She felt how hard I was … i undid my shorts for her and pulled my now incredibly hard cock out. I’m not the biggest but I’m happy with it – just on 7 inches, reasonably thick and uncut. She was mesmorised though. She’d never seen uncut before and her little hand wrapping around me just instinctively began rolling the skin back and forth over the head. She stared intensely. The contrast of her dark hand and my white cock was much hotter than I expected. I was leaking precum at this stage. I told her about using it like lube to play and massage with the sensitive underside. She listened intently and followed instructions and god it was amazing.

“Open your mouth” I told her … she did. “You’re going to suck your first cock, are you ready?” she nodded, mouth open, tongue out. I pushed myself inside .. watching myself disappear into her mouth. Her lips closed around me and her tongue made a couple of swirls to the head. She wrapped her hand around again and took her mouth off .. she studied it in her hand and then began planting little kisses on the head and shaft. I told her not to worry about going too deep … focus on the head, to find a good rhythm. Being able to tell a girl exactly how I like my cock sucked and her hanging on my every word and following instructions was amazing. Soon her confidence was growing. She sucked and stroked, she gagged a couple of times and even apologised for it. Watching this sweet innocent face bobbing up and down on my cock was a sight. It was quite a vanilla blowjob in some senses .. I’d have to have slapped it against her tongue or face, or taken her head in my hands and fucked her face a little .. but this was as much about her exploring as me getting what I wanted so I just let her explore. She took it at her own pace … it was slow, gentle, delicate .. but affectionate and sensual too. It got to the point where I had to stop her or I’d cum.

By this point we’d taken about an hour. I pulled her to her feet and told her to lay on the bed again. I settled between her legs. That pussy looked so good spread in front of me. She just lay back and let me play with her and go down on her. She tasted amazing and was so wet and creamy. Eventually we got to a point where she had rolled onto her belly and I had a hand under her, massaging her clit with one hand while my other hand was on the small of her back pushing down. She squirmed and writhed under me. She tried so hard containing her moans that they came out in little squeaks. Eventually her whole body went stiff and her legs clamped together, locking my arm there. She came hard.

After she calmed down she rolled on her back and I straddled her chest. My cock over her face. She reached up and stroked me a little then pulled me into her mouth to lick and suck some more. I couldn’t take much more. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum … where do you want it?” “On my tits” .. I scooted back a little and she jerked me off over her … I shot load after load of all over her chest. Some did hit her on the neck and chin. I collapsed next to her and it took me a little while to realise she was playing with my cum .. between her fingers and on her skin .. I dont think she realised I was watching when she tasted a little on her finger. She musn’t have minded it as she licked her fingers clean before turning to me and it turned into her spooning me … but she was so small it was almost like jet packing.

It was hot, even with the air con on … we were sweaty, sticking together. She was covered in cum and now my back was too.. She reached around and slowly stroked my softening cock while we talked. She explained how part of what tempted her so much was the thrill of playing with a white guy .. that it was different to any guy around here and wasn’t sure she would get the chance again any time soon. It felt strange being a novelty .. but at the same time it was nice as it added to the uniqueness of the situation.

Eventually we got into the shower together. We made out under the water and washed each other. She jerked me off to another orgasm in the shower while we made out, I came against her belly.

We got out and got dressed, went downstairs and checked out. “We should have plenty of time to get to the airport” I told the guy behind the desk, who gave so little fucks he was almost comatose.

Tanya and I parted ways, a polite hug on the street corner and she was gone. We texted for the remaining 2 days I was in the country – discussing what we did and how hot it was but just chatting in general. She gave me tips on some good places to eat. And then I was on a plane and gone … who knows where she is now or what she’s doing but hopefully she’s well and still occasionally plays with herself to this memory like I do.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e3ybcb/mf_unexpected_holiday_fun_with_an_inexperienced


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