Night at the basement

I hear the sounds of your heels clicking on the hardwood floor above, becoming louder and louder, piercing through the silence of the night as I wait, sitting in the basement on my favorite chair. I hear you creak open the basement door and start tiptoeing down the stairs, your hands sliding across the ice-cold steel railings as I wait, looking up at the only bulb lighting up the entire basement.

I see your shadows becoming smaller and smaller as you come nearer, strutting like a Victoria Secret’s model in your high heels, wearing your favorite short black summer dress.

I look at you straight in the eye as you come up near me, quivering at the thought of what is gonna happen. I instruct you to come sit on my lap, your back leaning towards me as I feel your cold hands. We interlock our fingers, sharing our warmth as I whisper in your ears, ” I can’t wait to taste you”.

I reach into my pocket, taking out a satin lined fur blindfold and fasten them across your eyes, making sure you don’t get to see what’s going to happen. I then slowly work my hands along your face, down your neck and place them on your shoulders, feeling the straps of your summer dress as I slip them off you, and pull your dress down a bit, just enough to expose your breasts. I slip my hands around your breasts, cupping em in my hands as I let my thumbs straddle your semi-erect nipples. You turn your head to the side, pressing my beard against your soft cheeks as I bring my thumb and forefinger to pinch your nipples as you let out a moan. I bring my mouth closer, kissing you gently to soften your moans as my fingers go round and round, pinching your areolas, our tongues intertwined in each other’s mouths.

I bring my hands to your side, sliding across your silhouette along your navel as I reach into my pocket again and take out nipple clips with a chain running between either clip and bring them up, dangling one of the ends on your exposed shoulder, sliding it across as I slowly nibble into your ear. I bring my head back, adjusting the clips in my hands to bring em to the correct position, and stretch your areolas with my fingers, pinching them out slightly as I clip the ends of your nipples onto the pegs with the chain dangling between both your breasts. You twitch your body as the clips tighten along your nipples, sending out slight moans from your mouth and your hands scamper to the sides, digging into my legs as you come in terms of the experience. I bring my hands across between your breasts and gently tug on the chain downward as your nipples get stretched slightly, and you squirm, digging into my legs with more force.

I bring the chain up and lay it across your open mouth as you bite into it and I whisper into your ears, “pull on it”. You gently nod your head as you stir the chain between your teeth, jerking your head to the sides as it pulls the chains and your nipples along with it. As you do that, I bring my hands down sliding across your inner thighs, parting your legs to side and slip my hands into your dress, pulling your panties to the slides as I rub my knuckles on your wet little clit.

You keep tugging on the chain as my fingers start exploring your cunt, sliding my fingers across your pussy, top to bottom and as I look across your face, seeing you bite your lips, I take my index finger in your cunt, deep, as your ass sways side-to-side on my crotch. I dig my fingers deep into your cunt , swinging em around as you moan out loud, bringing your head back and at the same time tightening the chain, giving you orgasms from the top and bottom. I realize you’re reaching the end as I increase the intensity of my fingering on you, faster strokes, in and out as you squirm to break free. One final thrust of my fingers and you cum right into my hands, breathing heavily as my hands get drenched in your cum.

I bring my hands up, licking the wetness off my fingers as I turn your face around, making out with you passionately, and untie the blindfolds and take out the clips. Keeping you in my arms as I say ” you taste wonderful, lady “, as we kiss, hands interlocked.

