I [M] hooked up with a [F] neighbor over a balcony conversation

I travel a lot for work. Last year I ended up in Arizona for several months. Since I’m independent, I don’t stay in corporate-rate hotels. Air BnB’s or short term furnished rentals seem to be the cheapest way to stay somewhere without actually living there. I also travel as light as I can, except for my gear and an old Martin acoustic I bring to practice on. I can hop from a Holiday Inn to an AirBnB to an RV at a camp site in 3 days time and not be bothered by it.

In Flagstaff, a sympathetic firefighter/owner saw me booking multiple dates at two of his properties and messaged me about it. We talked, worked out a deal for two months at the town home he used to live in that was in the process of being converted to a rental. If I didn’t mind some workers there during the day, I’d be able to stay for two months at a great rate. Win for both of us.

None of the units were in good shape. Built in the 70’s, it showed its age with garish angular roofs, concrete brutalism, and kidney bean pools converted to skate parks. Each building had 6 homes on two floors, and the buildings were connected via walkways through pool areas and garden areas. Probably looked groovy back in that day, but, needed some, well, yeah, maybe a good gutting.

The apartments abutted each other in a strange fashion. The neighbors to the left of me on the top floor had an L shaped balcony that peered into the kitchen window of my place. That couple would sit outside in the mornings, smoking, drinking coffee, and saw me half naked more than once. They were actually really friendly, to the point that we’d have conversations through my open window while I was making breakfast. One of the two bedrooms in the back of the place that overlooked the common pool area several buildings shared, was in front of the balcony of the apartment behind me.

I hadn’t seen Toni, who lived in that place. The entrance to her front door was through the back of the building, and mine was in the front. Certainly had heard her though. Damn could she scream.

Construction dudes during the day were busy. I’d leave out beers and other snacks for them, they’d smoke me out when I got back and they were done. They’d tell me about Toni- “Hey, that neighbor back there, she was screaming some mad shit at us through the windows”. They kept waking Toni up. Apparently she was a night shift girl and slept, or tried to, during the day. Not much I could do about that. Them either, they were in the middle of a partial demo job.

I’d use that back room to practice in. Usually had the window open because it was October-ish, and damn is the desert nice at that time of year. I’d sit on the futon with my sheet music in front of me, plucking out some Sor or Asturias, playing more softly than loudly just out of consideration. Toni would hear it, and there were a couple of times I heard some clapping. I’d jokingly respond “Thank you Cleaveland!” and just leave it at that. I’d heard her heated telephone arguments through the same window and thought it best to steer clear. She’d let her ex have it about everything, child support, visitation, you name it. Dude had put a serious hurt on this one for her to strike back like she was doing.

Shit I heard those two say should have been posted on some subreddit. Dude dropped off their kid on one Sunday night and after some verbal back and forth I’d hear them on their balcony, smell them smoking a j, seemingly trying to work things out. I’m in bed and around midnight I can hear them fucking through the walls. Hey, right on, they worked it out and are gettin’ some make up sex on. Turned over, pillow on my head, almost asleep, hear her screaming. What? I missed the first half but caught “..The only time you tell me you love me is when you’re sucking my fat pussy!”. Heard Dude mumble out something and she quipped with “Your cum’s so foul it smells like dead fish something something I’m not sure it’s your cum or that nasty skank you been fuckin!”

I lol’d. Really. What the fuck was going on and why the fuck was it so damn funny?! They must have heard me and Dude screamed out “Mind your own damn business Picasso!” while banging on the wall. Just about then my kitchen window neighbors screamed out something like “It’s midnight, I gotta sleep and get up at 4, simmer down over there.”

Things simmered down and I didn’t think much of it, her, or Dude. Got my work week on, would come back to the abode in the evenings, jog a few miles, call friends and family, practice, crash by 10 to rinse and repeat. Couldn’t sleep Thursday night, turned the light on, sat up on the futon, tuned the guitar, and started on a slower gavotte. Smelled the reefer coming from Toni’s balcony through the window, and played a canon. Worked through Salida Del Sol and a few flamenco influenced pieces, then heard during a pause as I was trying to find another piece to play, “Hey guitar boy, you’re decent, wanna get high?”

Who am I to say no to that? I’ve made some great friends over the years with variations of that exact same question!

“Sure thing trouble” I replied easily.

“Bring you guitar too” she responded.

I threw a shirt on, but was otherwise in my boxers. Grabbed the Martin and walked around the building. She was waiting at her front door for me, in an open robe wearing a mis-matched bra and panties. She told me to be quiet, that her daughter was asleep in the other room. We walked through her living room, full of toys and stuffed animals, onto her balcony. I could see my open window about 2 feet away from the railing of her balcony.

She closed the sliding glass door, had a baby monitor outside on her table next to her ashtray, baggie of herb, and some IPA. Told her my name, what I was doing here, she rolled a j deftly, said she’d been having a shitty-shitacular week and listening to my music was probably the highlight so far.

She looked to be around late 30s, was plump-ish, but not curvy. Maybe 34 or 36 with C cups, stood about 5’6, shoulder length black hair and blue or green eyes, wasn’t sure- it was dark. Easy on the eyes indeed. We puffed, then I sat and plucked out a few pieces and she talked. Figured she was just working through shit, it was nice to smoke, and I listened to her while playing.

Dude had cheated on her with her best friend at their daughter’s 5th birthday. Someone discovered them. Melt down scene ensued, kids got ushered out of the party, Dude gets angry and tells her it wasn’t the first time. She moves out with the kid into this dump 6 months ago. Does full nude dancing at night to make ends meet while she’s trying to land a day job. Dude was the bread winner, she had been a housewife / stay at home mom, and it was all fucking gone because he was boning her friend and others, often while she was watching their kids. She’s the fucking embarrassed, unemployed, idiot wife so fuck him. Says she can’t be with him, it’s over, and is tired of stripping. Said that’s how she and Dude met, and after Dude married her, he didn’t want her to dance again, she was his. Her dancing now was another way to tell him fuck you because his friends came to see her. She got off on it at first, rubbing her pussy on his friends legs during a private dance, letting them finger her if they paid her and security off, rubbing her tits in all types of men’s faces.

I had stopped playing, she passed the j, then asked “What, is this too much? it’s me, right now.”

Told her that I could understand how she liked the attention. It must have felt great, having other men reassure her that she’s still fucking sexy and has great tits especially after Dude cheated. She sat next to me, robe just wide open, threw her leg over mine, showing me her panties with hearts on them. The conversation stopped and I couldn’t help but stare at her deliciousness. She laughed.

“See, you’re just like the men at the club, tits will always distract you.”

I laughed, grabbed her thigh, and said,

“Unlike the others, I’m not paying you to give you my attention, I think you’re hot the way you are.”

“Play some more” she said as she put her arm around my neck and kept puffing on the j.

I put the guitar down instead, pulled her over leg over my lap, and told her that I thought it would be more fun to make some hot videos that she could send to Dude, accidentally you know, to exact a little sweet, sweet revenge because fuck that loser. Let him see her getting fucked doggie style, let him hear her moaning and screaming with another man. And she laughed. She told me that would make him furious, since they had been making an effort recently. She knew it wasn’t going to work out with him, she admitted that to herself this last week. And of course, she needs a rebound lover, no need to say it.

I was helping myself to rubbing her exposed thighs, working my thumb and index finger between her lips, she opened her legs wider to let me in.

“I’ll be your side guy Toni, let’s have fun with it, do you have something sexy to wear for this video?” I asked her as I was putting the tip of my finger inside her, pulling it out with some moisture, then up to near her clit, then back down and in, slowly and softly.

“Jesus that’s nice” she replied, then toked once more. She blew it in my face and told me at the clubs she dances at, men just grab her, slap her ass or tits, or want to choke her during a private dance. Even her Dude was rough and impatient. Said she hadn’t had nice soft touches like this since she was with a woman. She wanted to do the video now, the first of several she laughed. With one hand on her camera, pointing to what my fingers were doing, and the other still holding the j, she narrated the short clip.

I was still just going finger tip deep, and she was moving and moaning to it.

“This is how you touch a woman you fucking dickhead”, then followed it with a moan when I went further in. Her panties were pushed to the side, making her available, but I thought what the video needed was me taking her panties off, so I did it.

She spread her legs further, on cue, catching her lips open up, glistening with moisture. She tried to zoom in, and I sat in front of her, circling her vulva, then using one and two fingers to plunge in.

She was moaning more loudly, then told me, “Fuck, that’s gonna make me cum”. Didn’t stop me, thought it would be a nice touch for the video. I was going deeper, trying to hit her g-spot when her legs started to quiver, her breath quickened, and she kept mumbling “Fuck, oh, god, oh, ah”, followed by a long sighing exhale and a “Did you see that you cheating fuckhead? See how this guy can make me cum with his fingers, you can’t do that with your cock, tongue or fingers you fucking shithead”. She was pointing her phone at her face now, then ended the video.

She told me that felt really good, and that she could probably cum again, would I want to make that video too? Still sitting in front of her, I laughed, told her I most certainly wanted to do that and listened to her beckoning pussy. I kneeled further in front of her and started to lick her, parting her labia with my tongue, tasting her. She exhaled with a long “ohhhh”, hit the record button once more and started capturing the action. My face was buried in her pussy and between her legs, Dude could only see the top of my head from that angle.

She narrated what I was doing to her.

“Oh, his tongue is going up and down my pussy, yeah baby, he’s circling my clit with the tip of his tongue, now he’s sucking my pussy into his mouth and teasing my clit, oh my god, that suction feels so sooood….” I kept up a little longer, until I knew she was worked up enough for my cock, I wanted her to cum on camera with me inside her.

“You’re so good at that”, Toni told me. She was getting closer, squeezed her legs around my head, and told me to wait. I stopped, she told me she really wanted to have some fun now. I sat up, she replayed the first video of me fingering her, and then said “I’m sending this right now”. And she fucking did. Dude responded within a minute, trying to call. Then texted.

I was reading them with her as they came in. Sure enough, Dude was pissed. She didnt respond to any of his pleas for communication. She was loving it.

“What the fuck, I thought you loved me”

“Fuck you Toni, you fucking slut”

“Why you gonna do this to me you bitch”

“I’ll get your ass fired from that club”, and so it went on for a few minutes.

She sent the next video of me going down on her with the caption, he’ll be inside me on the next video.

And silence. She wiped the pussy juice off my beard and mouth and we started to kiss. The phone buzzed from texts, but she silenced it. We quietly walked to her bedroom, our clothes coming off at the foot of her bed. She stood and I embraced her from behind, a hand on her belly, one on her breast, feeling her next to me. She danced in the silence as I held her, her ass moving and grinding on my cock, arms in the air, letting my hands explore her. I kissed her neck, then her shoulders, she turned her head, then her body, and we kissed more. We laid down, and she stopped to grab her phone, wanting to make another video to taunt Dude with. I told her I could get a better angle, but I just didn’t want to be face front in her revenge video.

With the camera in one hand, I was between her legs, one hand on my cock, stroking her pussy, teasing her clit. She was worked up enough for another orgasm. I was filming and she was talking.

“You’re gonna watch his fat cock go into my pussy you deadbeat, he’s got a man’s cock, not some skinny pencil shaped dick like yours, see it?”

“I’m not gonna make him use a condom like I do with you ‘cos his dick feels so good bare”

I pushed my tip in and she gasped and squirmed around for the camera. She gasped when I plunged the rest in, her lips hugging the base of my cock. I zoomed in as best I could, pulling in and out slowly. I zoomed out, and got her tits and face in the picture.

And then there was loud knocking on the door. Dude couldn’t stand it. I figured her daughter would be waking up too. I was so close, she wanted o get up, Dude kept knocking, but I plunged in a few more times deeper, pulled, out, came on her belly and pussy and let her up.

I stay behind in her bedroom, that’s her brand of crazy to deal with, not mine. She answers the door wearing nothing, screaming ensues from both sides, daughter is crying, screaming ends with “Get the fuck outta here or Imma call the cops!” and the door slams. Neighbors reply with “Simmer down back there” and I’m laughing. Just for fun, with her phone in hand, I forward Dude the video of me fucking Toni, with the caption “I want his cock 24/7, not your shriveled dick.”

I don’t want to interfere, let Toni console her daughter and get her back in bed, and end up taking a nap until she comes in the room. She wakes me up, ready to fuck again- tells me she wants me to fuck him out of her forever, I chuckle at the whole situation. She glances at her phone, sees the replies from Dude to the last video, and says “What the fuck, that fucking pervert.”

Dude wants to see more, is encouraging her. Is begging for forgiveness, and tells her it’s ok. It got weird. We were more focused on fucking than replying to him or making another video. We went at it for another hour until my phone alarm went off. I was lying on top of her, telling her I couldn’t call out sick. We were naked and just laying next to each other. She tells me she liked that, she really needed that, and her door would always be open to me.

We fucked several times a week for the next month, until I left. Dude was still texting her, begging to be forgiven. There were a couple more videos she teased him with, some with me, some with another guy. I know she invited him over once after I was there, just to fuck with him. The day after she told me she made him eat my creampie, he thought it was just her being extra juicy. Toni was a special blend of crazy, but she and I had some fun times!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e2o9su/i_m_hooked_up_with_a_f_neighbor_over_a_balcony


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