Power Girls’ Peril – Chapter 2 – (Kara, Power Girl, DC, Public, Gangbang, Double handjobs, Rough, Hardcore)

Night finally fell in the forest. To ward off the darkness, the trolls moved the fuckfest to a clearing where they could set fires for their camp. Even now, as the fires flickered in the gentle wind, two blue bodies and a single human female body remained illuminated with the warm red and orange glow as they moved. Power Girl’s costume was a distant memory. Broken and shredded pieces of her white spandex uniform barely clung to her shoulder, parts of her stomach, and her knees. Her blue boots had been ripped off along with her last glove.

As this last pair finished sampling the fallen angel’s overused cunt and asshole, they slowly untangled themselves from Kara and just left her to fall back onto the heap of sleeping trolls around her. There was scarcely a spot on her body where sweat and the cum from half a dozen trolls did not decorate her. Nothing had stopped the savage creatures from filling her holes and covering her massive breasts in their sticky cream. She smelled of wet hot sex along with a smattering of dried and wet cum. Kara wanted nothing more than to be back home and take a long, hot shower. Looking around, the superheroine Power Girl didn’t think she’d be seeing that anytime soon. During her long engagement with the troll tribe, she had asked them where on Earth they were during a brief respite. Throg had chuckled at her, remarking what a dumb whore the fallen angel had proved to be.

“What is Earth? This is the great world Relihor.” More than that, she had not been given, but Kara could assume a few things. One part of the puzzle was that somehow someone or something had used some sort of device or spell to send her here to this dreaded place. And worse, this place did not have a sun capable of giving her the right solar radiation to sustain her powers. As she found her only slightly torn cape and pulled it close around her naked and cum-soaked body. The woman with the short-blonde hairdo cleaned her face and fought off the hopelessness that clawed at her body and her mind. She had to get out, or she knew exactly what the trolls would do to her.

Looking around, Kara found that most of the trolls still awake had assembled near a fire pit. It appeared her luck was turning as she noticed their backs were too her. If she had even a hint of her power, she knew she’d like nothing more than to blaze a hole into the skull and cock of each of the blue beasts as they sat there. But she had to be smart, not just rush in and fight as she had for years as a fighter for justice. Right now, she had to think about her survival with the ultimate goal of returning to a life where she was far more than just an overused cumdump for such monsters. Monsters or no, she had to remark that certain parts were so full of pleasure that she would not forget the experience anytime soon. Grabbing her blue boots, Kara decided it was time she proved that even if she couldn’t overpower the troll army, she could still escape them. Staying low, Kara moved from her spot with her red cape still huddled up around her body.

The fabric threatened to stick to her cum covered tits as she moved. Every now and then she had to pull away the crimson cloak and air out her breasts as she moved from the camp. She hoped to find a creek or river close to wash off her soiled form. It appeared her luck was indeed turning as she made it for at least ten minutes with no sign of troll sentries or guards. When she passed through another thicket of large trees, she also heard the gentle trickle of water and her spirits quickly raised. She found a creek not far off and immediately drank in the rich nourishment of the water. Nothing had tasted so good on her pink lips, and she quickly started splashing some water all over her sticky, glistening body.

The cold water made her whimper slightly as she cleaned off her body as much as she could. After Kara rinsed her gigantic breasts, she couldn’t keep her nipples from not getting erect with the cold air and lingering taste of water. Not worrying about it too much, the superhero cleaned off the cum and spunk that matted her pubic mound and her pussy lips.

‘I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this messy before,’

Kara bit her lip as she moved her hands slowly over her reddened slit and let out a sigh. She had escaped the trolls, but a big issue still remained. She was on some other world, and all she had right now was literally the cape on her back.

Biting her lip again, Kara realized she had done all the cleaning she could without potentially exciting herself further.

‘Maybe once I find a way back home to that bath, then I can go to town. But right now, I need to get out.’ Kara thought and steeled herself to continue. Getting up, she looked up and noticed that she could see the strange planet’s moon peeking through a space in the foliage. The light reflecting off the moon lit up her hips, breasts, and face with an elegant blue glow. Kara had to smile. Even when after being ravished for hours, she still looked positively amazing. From her crouched position, she gave a slight chuckle right before she walked right into the thick stomach of another troll.

Caught off-guard, Kara cursed her missing powers once again. She was being too careless! If she wanted any chance of leaving the mysterious planet alive, she’d have to be more careful. But at that moment, her blue eyes just looked up at him as he grinned and overshadowed her as she rested on the ground.

“Stupid angel trying to leave camp.” He chuckled and crouched near her. “Not smart enough to realize that Throg only chieftain cause he is best troll of all tribes. He makes sure we have men out far to make sure no one gets into camp. And no one gets out.” The troll said and grabbed her arm to drag Kara up.

Power Girl stared at him defiantly and pulled her hand back to punch him right in the gut, but she never had a chance. As she prepared to strike him, she heard a quiet “Ullp…” from the creature.

Blue eyes spied a dark-red spear tip embedded directly through his heart. The tall humanoid looked down at the wound for a moment, slowly realizing what had happened.

“How?… Angel trick me…” The troll muttered before three more spear tips pierced his arm, chest, and neck. The weapons extended out from the troll’s front for a moment before they were yanked back. With nothing holding him up, the sentry crashed to the ground in a black blooded mess. Looking forward into the forest, Kara saw a series of figures appear seemingly from nowhere. A single torch was lit, and the buxom blonde managed to adjust enough to pick up a few details. The figures appeared human, humans clothed in roughspun, hooded cloaks of green and brown. One moved forward and paused as he seemed to notice the naked female for the first time. Looking at Power Girl, the figure pulled down the oak-red mask from his nose and mouth. Kara’s heart soared as she saw a distinctly human face.

She was saved!

“Seize her!” The man shouted, and before Kara could move, she found herself surrounded. The punch she’d been saving for the troll caught her first attacker right in the chin. A wild jab made in retaliation was easily broken, even without powers, Kara knew how to kickass. An expert strike repelled the unwieldy punch of the second man. Unfortunately, the rest of the humans piled onto her. Kara broke noises and arms, but in her state, they were just too many. In the chaos, a few eventually dragged her red cape from her body before others bound her hands with rope and affixed a leash around her neck. Kara fought back the tears welling up in her pretty blue eyes.

Was no one this forsaken planet going to help her? With a sharp tug on the rope, one of the hunters let the captive superheroine know it was time to go. Where to, she did not know; but as she looked at the lifeless form of the troll sentry, somehow Kara knew it couldn’t be worse than where she had been.

The hunters took Power Girl through the forest and then out onto an area of low rolling hills. Any time there was a group of trees on the land however, the hunters moved swiftly and used those as cover. The pace they made was brisk, and Kara’s aching and bruised body struggled to keep up before one burly and large-shouldered man plucked her up as if she weighed nothing. Kara’s cheeks burned as the men laughed at her exposed pussy since she no longer had her red cape barely to cover her nakedness. She was in no mood to protest, and the gorgeous busty woman simply tried to focus through the situation and get some rest. Maybe her powers were gone, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t smash in a few faces if she had the strength to do it.

Resigned to being a passive baggage, Kara caught her first glimpse at the Red Star that hung over this world. If the trolls could be believed, it was called Relihor. Her body ached from the brutal rape she had experienced, and when the hunters camped in the early morning hours, she asked for water and a cloth to clean herself.

They gave her water, but any request for cloth was ignored. It left Kara to just use her hands when she needed to gently rub her reddened bare pussy and asshole. Luckily, the sting started to fade away as she massaged the tender flesh. She could already tell that the situation wasn’t that much of an improvement over the trolls. The humans around here seemed very interested in her body. Kara believer that only because of orders forbidding it, she had not been taken over to a tree or into some bush and fucked some more. Then again, perhaps they didn’t like the idea that they would be getting the sloppy seconds from some trolls. Either way, she managed to enjoy more than a bit of time to relax before being plucked up again as they continued moving.

“Where are you taking me?” She asked the man walking behind the lumbering beast of a man carrying her.

“Gundarf. We must cleanse you of all the foul troll essence! The captain was very surprised that you did not manage to escape their clutches.” The man’s voice seemed younger, less gruff than the others.

“It is said that the fallen angel is a woman of immense power. All you seem to be is an unlucky blonde with a godly set of teats.” He growled. Despite his terse response, Kara swore she saw a smile through his mask as the brute carrying her chuckled.

“If it weren’t for the captain’s orders, I’d have Brutis set you down and have those orbs around my cock in an instant.” The younger soldier continued, and Kara glared at him and looked away, concerning herself with anything else she could focus on at that moment.

These men of Gudauf reminded her of all the more baser disgusting sorts in Manhattan, no respect and only deigning to listen to her as an excuse to have their eyes mentally undress her. But at the moment the undressing had already been completed and save for her cape, there was nothing between them and her milky-perfect skin. How she craved to have her powers back.

‘I will treat these bastards and the trolls a lesson in respect,’

Soon enough, she heard new sounds coming from the front of the column, cheers for the returning soldiers, and questioning remarks about the woman they were carrying.

“Put her down.” The captain, the one whom she had met first, grunted as he moved next to the brute. The massive being put Kara down gently, and her eyes met the brown eyes of the brute for a moment.

“Thank you, Brutis…” She whispered softly before she felt another piece of fabric covering up more of her body. It turned out to be one of the cloaks from the men that had come out to check in on her. After he tied the collar around her body and closed up the cloak to cover up her nakedness, he turned Kara to face him.

“Do not try to escape, Angel. The elders must decide your fate once te stench of troll filth is cleaned from your body.” He said briskly before grabbing her shoulder. The Human moved her towards the entrance of Gudauf. It was an impressive looking city, but it paled in sheer size to Manhattan. There was a great stone wall around the edge of the city, but inside, Kara could already see various high rising structures that must have at least risen to ten stories tall.

These humans appeared skilled in stealth and in architecture as she walked through the open, obsidian gates. People milled about in simple tunics of dark greens and light tans. The fashion reminded Kara of clothes that dotted depictions of people from during medieval times. Yet somehow, but they seemed off a bit. To her, the fashion appeared more elegant and it was hardly at the level she had expected to see after meeting the soldiers of the group. Eventually, the superhero was taken to a large domed structure. There, another set of people waited. These men sported red-jeweled necklaces around their necks. Unsurprisingly, none of the well-off gents made any attempt to ease the mood about the situation.

“The Girl of Power…” One exclaimed and moved forward to greet them.

“Very excellent, Captain Stugarn. Rest assured that your men shall have ample rewards for their service tonight.” The speaker had black hair going slightly gray. His messy, full mustache reminded Kara of some 90’s porn star. She prayed that the reward for the soldiers didn’t involve her, but by the lustful look that the young man and others gave her made her realize the mistake in her assumptions.

Strong ‘direction’ guided Kara towards the men with red necklaces. They took her into the structure. Traveling inside and through one door, she immediately saw a room with a large tub. Steam rose from it while several attendants waited. The men with red necklaces pulled away her cloak and the tattered remnants that covered up her body. Each scrap of material seemed to interest them. In no time, scattered glances between each other turned into heated-debates between each other. Unfortunately, the tongue they conversed in was one that Kara couldn’t identify.

The one who had spoken first, collected her cape while the others pushed Kara forward toward the attendants who helped her into the tub. The water boiled nice and hot. The beautiful blonde gave a little gasp of pain when she was submerged. Soon enough,, the woman known as Power Girl endured a very voracious cleaning. Extensively scrubbed and rubbed by soft oily towels and hard brushes, Kara felt like an entire layer of her skin had been washed clean by the time the process was done.

Finally, the young woman received a white robe with a gold rope to tie it around. The basic garment looked impossibly tight, specifically around her massive breasts. After her earlier experiences, Kara did not growl at such a small thing covering up her naked form. Before she ended her visit to the spa, some attendants gifted her some smooth, wooden sandals. Venturing further into the domed interior, Kara took in the lay of the land. Inside the center of the building, the blue-eyed superhuman saw a great theater area with a circular dais at the center where the senior red necklace wearer was looking over a book covered in strange ruins and symbols.

Off to his side, Kara eyed a row of red-robed individuals. One in particular easily dwarfed the others. The attendants pressed Power Girl forward. Soon, Kara realized who was under the red hoods of the largest individual. It had to be Brutis, unless there were two of those monstrous humans around. Power Girl looked around, sneakily seeking an exit. With no shortage of frustration, Kara realized that each alcove that might get her out was heavily guarded.

‘I have to get away from these monsters; they’re no better than the trolls.’ Kara thought as the humans dragged her onto the dais. She was brought forward onto the platform, and the leader of the priest-like individuals smiled warmly at her.

“Do not worry, my child. After the ceremony, we shall speak to the great sorcerer, Agiilion. Our goals will not trouble you anymore. Once… we take your gift to the people; we will never be weak again…. He promised to spread it to our people. Once this is done… we will send you back to the horrible world you come from.” He said, and Power Girl’s eyes lit up for the first time since she had arrived at the strange planet.

‘Home? A wizard named Agiilion? How did he bring me here?’ Kara had so many questions, and yet she did surmise that trusting the sorcerer without proof would be like trusting any infomercial that promised success within two weeks. There were just no such things.

‘Damnable men,’

Why would they just let her go after they took her power? Worse what if they actually knew some way to take her power? Before she could ask them anything else, one of the attendant girls started pulling open her golden robe. Kara’s lips quivered, and she shook her head.

“Do not worry, Fallen Angel. Soon the ceremony will be over. With your power, we will be able to destroy all those who threaten, Gudauf…” The girl insisted softly. The once superhuman Kara shook her head. Her dismissal did nothing to stem the lust of the attending male population.

“Please let me go. You don’t need to do this. If you need help, I will help to save you from the trolls. I’m a great fighter, and this is just… There has to be another way,” Power Girl declared, glaring at the leader of the priests before the men holding her pulled away her white robe. The action revealed her massive perfect breasts and the well-kept tuft of blondes hair above her almost sparkling pussy. Power Girl could hear the crowd murmuring around her, and she was ashamed that a hero like her was being displayed so lewdly. Her sky-blue eyes already noticed a few people getting aroused by her display.

Her robe fell to the floor around her. Shortly after, the rough hands of two of her captors grabbed onto her shoulders while two others stood in front of her. Kara heard the priest start up again.

“From her body, our people shall be strengthened. We shall be united by this discovery and empowered to crush these Troll scavengers, the Lizardmen in the Crasic Sea, Minotaurs in the East. All of them shall soon know what it means to feel the wrath of Gudauf!” The priest shouted to the crowd.

The people assembled cheered out loudly while they watched Power Girl shoved down onto her knees. The two warriors in front of the naked, buxom blonde pulled back their robes to let the red fabric pile onto the ground. Both men were well-hung, and when she saw their eyes, she recognized them as some of the hunters who had found her.

Kara tried to cover up her massive breasts, but the two men behind her held her gruffly as she watched both men in front of her begin to stiffen. They weren’t as long as the trolls, though it appeared they were definitely thicker. Kara felt her pussy quake as she noticed precum already forming on their tips as she tried to look away.

‘Sometimes, I hate looking as amazing as I do,’ Kara grumbled to herself before the priest turned to address her.

“Fallen Angel, you will service them. Relinquish your power, or you shall meet a fate far worse than those trolls you were fucking.” Kara heard the man’s words. Her cheeks reddened, but she was still so confused.

How could they be treating a fellow human this way? Part of her knew that they didn’t see her as a human however, and that only made the situation worse. To them, she was a gift sent by the gods, whose only purpose was for *their* victory. Somehow, sex appeared to be the only way to gain her power.

Beyond her feelings of hopelessness, her eyes couldn’t help but be drawn back to the cocks presented to her. Kara felt her sex begging and gnawing at her mind, hoping to betray her again, just like in the forest. The sight of the cocks made her salivate a little in the presence of such awesome displays of lust and manliness. Without conscious thought, the gorgeous blond felt her hands rising, and Kara couldn’t find the strength to resist. Her fingers gripped each strong throbbing piece of cockmeat, and her tongue reached out to lustfully wet her mouth while Kara gave each cock a gentle squeeze.

The two men in front of her gave little sighs and gasps as Power Girl started becoming familiar with their long dongs. Kara could feel their heat pulsing through their bodies while the men behind her rubbed her shoulders. It wouldn’t be the truth if she said the massage didn’t feel a bit nice. They were less rough then the trolls, but perhaps that was because she was being so accepting of them. Still… what if they were telling the truth.

Kara wanted nothing more than to be sent back. Was there any harm in having some fun with the situation. Slowly leaning in closer, the buxom woman let her breasts rub and tickle the full sacks of the two warriors in front of her. The fallen angel felt their bodies shiver slightly as her pink nubs tickled their balls while. Each of the men’s hard, rugged flesh continued getting warmer while Kara caressed their big thick cockheads.

“The Fallen Angel proves her worth, my people. She welcomes the warmth of our brave soldiers who rescued her from the grips of the foul trolls,” The priest pontificated. Kara almost rolled her eyes. The only reason she was doing this was to get herself back home. Despite the notion, however, she could feel her pussy getting warmer, and slight beads of cum started saturating her hungry lower mouth. She wondered if the men would pick up on the situation. Focusing all her hand to hand skills, Kara playfully serviced the men and leaned her body in even more. Now her bodacious breasts mashed right up against their thick, bulging cocks before. To add even more fuel for the fire, Power Girl started greedily lapping away at both mighty members.

When her blue eyes looked up, the naked superhero found that the two were already enjoying her sordid actions. Each warrior was young and virile and very much enjoying the boon that their success had brought them. It wasn’t long before Kara’s tongue started lapping away at the tasty, salty tang of their precum. The dawning pleasure stirred deep inside of her, and she started pumping the two shafts while her naked body grew hotter and hotter.

“Haha, smell that boys? The ‘Angel’ is already getting nice and wet… Haha.” One of the men still away from her chuckled. A distressed Kara tried to keep the look of embarrassment from her face. She quickly decided the easiest way was to take one of the cocks in her mouth while she continued using her hands to add a sweetener to the pot. By now, both men were moaning, but the one with a super heroine’s lips around his cock seemed to be breathing even more huskily.

Kara enjoyed his taste even while she mused about the situation,

‘I guess it’s good. I don’t have my super-speed and super-strength. Otherwise, I could tear their cocks right off, even by accident,’ Kara thought with a chuckle while her tongue wagged rapidly over and around his cock as she milked more cum from his cock. Soon enough, the blonde felt the man’s unit leap inside of her throat, driving down further before he shot his load right into her. Moving by reflex, Kara pulled back, coughing sloppily as more cum splattered over her lips. As she struggled with one load, the amazing superhero felt the other man start to erupt within her fingers.

Her face and both her hands were painted with cum, but she didn’t stop. Leaning back over the member that had spent itself first, Kara’s excited eyes looked up at the man as she slowly licked over his tip. The man’s head rolled back in pleasure as she cleaned off his cock before. The warrior nearly lost his footing when he felt her tongue wipe clean the crown of his cock. Kara turned to his partner, whom she cleaned off in a similar fashion. Both men shivered from the sensual bliss as Kara cleaned them off.

Soon enough, they were being shoved away as more men took their places. The next pair eagerly moved in after shedding their clothes. They had the similarly lean bodies, like the fighters before. More importantly, they produced a pair of magnificent cocks that made Kara’s lips water just a bit. The naked woman’s ass shook tantalizing as growing lust flooded her insides.

She welcomed it when the first man pushed her onto her back on the dais and immediately began savagely attacking her breast as he leaned over her. The other moved to his knees and pushed his cock into her gasping mouth without delay. He heard Power Girl choke as she took his hard cock, but the noise didn’t stop him. The man pushed his hips in hard and started feeding the Fallen Angel her newest offering.

“Make me stronger than ever before, my Angel.” He told her while his friend kissed and nibbled on her juicy and incredibly-sized t

Kara fought for air through her nose as she was brutally facefucked. Down beneath her waist, her body soaked itself thanks to the brilliant pleasure of being roughly manhandled while the man between her legs started really going to town on her tit. It felt so wrong and so hot all at once, and Kara nearly jumped as the tip of the other cock in the equation prodded her entrance.

“Mrmmmm…” She moaned around the cock being rampantly shoved into her mouth as the cum from her first two attendants rolled down her lips and chin. Lying on her back, she heard the priest prattling on about the ritual as the warriors continued pleasing her and taking their pleasure from her in turn. Her eyes closed and opened wistfully as the man leaning over her body moved guided the tip of his length to press against her pink lips. Kara’s breathing fracture while the warrior rubbed his cock up and down, spreading precum over her soft lips while Power Girl struggled and choked on the cock stuffing her throat.

It didn’t take long for the hunter at her pussy to get bored with teasing her. With a growl, he pushed his cock in between her labia before he settled his face against the massive pillows of Kara’s breasts. Kara would have smiled when she felt the strange man motorboating his nose and lips in between her gigantic tits while he started feeding her dripping pussy with his throbbing cock. Her mouth quivered around the cock in her throat as her pussy rippled with pleasure as she started getting penetrated.

It felt as if her entire body was on fire from the ritual fueled sex romp she found herself in. Before long, the cock in her mouth slowly pulled out, and she mewled at the absence, but when Kara looked, her eyes tracked two more cocks being offered up. She licked her lips salaciously before she extended out her hands to grip both lengths. One of the men replaced his cock in her mouth, pushing in so deep that her nose started tapping against his clean-shaven base. The warrior held her in place for a moment, fingers nestled into her blonde hair that was already a little dirty with cum. Under such treatment, Kara began choking and gagging around this big, thick cock while the man in her cunt *really* started hammering away at her pussy.

Finally, the man in her mouth pulled back to let her breathe unhindered. He dragged and rubbed his cock all over her cum-slick lips. Kara never left off the man in each of her hands, however. The short-haired vixen continued stroking them with her skilled and dexterous hands. The sexually charged superhero applied a little pressure here and there. Even just such a small touch from hands that could crack bones, it was proving more than enough for the two lucky youths.

It ended up being enough for her to bring some of the men to their knees. She liked doing that to criminals, and doing that to these strange, barbaric idiots made her heart swell with pride. Of course, Kara was still moaning and going as the cock drilling her pussy unlocked each of the doors holding back her sensual nature. Eventually, the busty petite babe started pushing her hips up against the man fucking her. Even with so little control remaining to her, Kara tried tightening up her pussy around his cock so she could savor every inch of pleasure as she moaned like a bitch in heat.

The pleasure started flowing through her mind. Every pump and squeeze and even the biting on her breasts as the man pile-drove into her body helped Kara forget about all of her troubles. The fucking produced rough, hard, bliss and she loved it as she watched the man she had been blowing lose himself to the pleasure. Reacting quickly, Power Girl just managed to close her eyes as he jerked his cock out of her pussy and dumped a load all over her face and lovely blonde hair. When she opened those big, blue eyes, she gave him a hungry smile and blew a little kiss his way while she kept on pumping the cocks between her fingers. Kara enjoyed the heat radiating with each pulse of the meat in her grasps. The only thing she wished was that she could use some of the power they sought to actually fuel her superpowers. Alas, her body had gotten used to the state it was in now.

Ramping things up, Kara’s hips throttled forward. Her body started begging and seeking out every huge dick she could enjoy. Suddenly, the blonde with the simple haircut felt her release coming. Even though her slit was now going unused, she was soaked in cum and could feel the anticipation building both of the cocks she was jerking off.

One man quickly upped the ante and drove his cock smack-dab into her folds once more.

“Yessuahhh… give it to me again… Make this Angel your bitchuaaah!”

As she moaned, Kara decided the man fucking her must have been inexperience or even a virgin. Even after just jamming his cock into her blazing pussy for a few times, she felt the long length start quivering as the man pumped into her.

Kara’s body rocked and bounced hands pumped feverously at the cocks in each hand. Her mouth was constantly open, spewing out spittle and moaning with rapturous delight. A brilliant star of pleasure rocked her entire world, blasting her consciousness with waves of brilliant pleasure as her bottom lips seized the toy driving her pussy mad. She had the cock right where she wanted. As Kara felt the man losing his tempo, she knew he would not disappoint her desires.

“Fill me up with your cum, and I shall give you every …nngghh! All of my energy… Fuck… fuck me… like the big strong men you areuaahh!…” Kara barely managed to say before the warrior on top of her roared out in ecstasy. Power Girl groaned as the muscular Adonis slammed his cock to the very end of his reach before beginning to cum. The man in Kara’s right hand erupted soon after, with his opposite following closely behind. One second later, a wave of white-hot cum splashed over Kara’s mountainous breasts before another layer settled in soon after.

Within her burning, silken canal, the prodigious cock seated their churned her juices with his own additive. There was no space to be found inside the bombshell blonde, and soon Kara smiled as she felt the man’s warm hot seed spilling out around the seal. Even as she gasped for air and relief as her body was packed full of cum, Kara’s left hand continued massaging the cock within reach while her other hand slipped down over her cum-glazed body. Reaching down to her soiled pussy, Kara continued trembling and sneaking in small breathes before scooping up two fingers worth of the mixture her body and the warrior had created.

Raising the white, sticky liquid to her lips, she smiled at all three men before the blonde bombshell licked and placed her fingers inside of her mouth. With wet slurps, Kara sucked her fingers dry. The man her fingers still held shivered at the sight, releasing one last shot that landed right on her pink nipple. Power Girl relaxed her grip, finally letting go of his shaft as she rested back on the smooth surface of the ground. Her breasts heaved as she fought to recover, knowing she would only have a little bit of time before the next set of cocks arrived. She reveled in the naughty thought and as the man in her pussy slowly pulled his cock out. The muscular stud immediately pushed a pair of fingers deep inside of her reddened abused pussy. His thick fingers couldn’t reach as deep as his cock could penetrate, but it felt good as he played his digits into her warmth, mixing up her juices even more as he stroked her inner walls. Looking up Kara smiled as more men quickly approached. The sex-addled superheroine smiled and let out a growl. When the man playing with her pussy pulled his hand free, Kara reached down and spread her vaginal opening nice and wide. A slurry of thick cum and her own juices slowly poured out from her hole.

On the cusp of welcoming the newcomers with a breathy moan, Kara saw an immediate change in the situation when some of the doors to the room were smashed open. An earth-shattering roar filled the domed building, and the men nearest her immediately set their sights on the forms rushing in. Only a few candles close to her illuminated the area. Kara could tell that whatever had crashed the party appeared big and moved fairly fast. She heard another otherworldly roar, and then she watched as one of the shapes smashed through four of the red armored guards as easily as if they were dolls. Startled, Kara quickly grabbed one of the red robes to cover her body. She tried to stand up, but her legs were still so numb from being fucked so forcefully. All Power Girl could do was to put a hand down to keep her from crashing back down to the dais. Suddenly in the confusion of the events unwinding around her, Kara felt a powerful arm sweep under her belly and then pluck her up.

“Hey! No, put me down…I can help just let me fight…” She said to no answer in particular as she was dragged away from the dais and main stage. Kara’s blue eyes widened when she realized how high off the ground she was. Fear gripped her more when she realized that the man called Brutis must have been carrying her.

“Please, Brutis. Just set me down. My body can’t… stand much more of this.” She said and despite herself, she couldn’t help but feel the ache of her empty pussy, but given her predicament, she couldn’t even move her hand down. Finally, she saw the flash of something big and hairy race by her. Another roar stormed her ears, and somehow Kara’s vision blurred from the rancorous movement, but she thought she saw a set of white tusks attached to the helmet of one of the strange attackers. Had the trolls returned for her? She wondered as bobbed up and down over Brutis’s shoulder. Demanding her eyes to focus, she was just about to get a better look when suddenly her assistant took a hard turn, and Kara’s head smacked right into the lining of one of the curved doorways. The last thing she felt before the blackness took her was feeling something warm and hairy being pressed against her lips.


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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/e2lx7v/power_girls_peril_chapter_2_kara_power_girl_dc