[Group] If you’re a straight guy, you need to read this, because I might have witnessed the hottest thing that’s ever happened to anybody

Forgive me if this takes some space to tell, but holy mother of god, I have to get this off my chest, and I’m just looking for anyone who wants to chat with me about it and freak out with me about what happened.

I’m part of a pretty nerdy friend group (or at least we were the nerdy friend group all through high school), including a bunch of guys, and three girls. We’ve remained close for pretty much our entire lives since we met each other in high school, and even though we’re in our late 20s now, we’re as close as ever. We always get together, pretty much every week, and just hang out.

We’ve been hanging out a lot more than usual recently, because one of the girls in our friend group is getting married, and so we’ve been hanging out a lot and planning things, and getting ready for that big day. We also have a fourth female friend, who is close to a couple of us, that has been joining in and helping us out. On top of that, the groom’s sister has also been around with us, for obvious reasons.

So the group has gotten a little bigger lately, just for this time.

One of the male friends in our group has a younger brother called Alex, who I have been doing private tutoring for. He’s a really shy, nerdy young guy, with absolutely no friends, and he’s been bullied throughout a lot of his life. Spends all day indoors playing video games, that kind of person. Being the nerdy group from high school, we’re all super sympathetic about this, and he knows all of us pretty well.

One night, when a big group of us were hanging out, we began discussing Alex, and I told them that he seemed a bit more down than usual lately. This drew a lot of “awws”, because we like Alex, and a lot of people feel very sorry for him.

A couple of the girls suggested that we maybe do something for him soon, and I agreed that it would be a great idea. So I said I’d start thinking about things we could do for him, and I did.

The wedding was rapidly approaching at this point, though, and so I kind of forgot about it.

We had something planned for two nights before the wedding, just hanging out again, but more of a celebration. A bachelorette party, but not just for the girls.

The night before we were supposed to do it, I got a call from the maid of honor (one of the main three girls in our group), and she said that because things had become really busy around wedding preparation, we were no longer hanging out that night.

I was kind of disappointed, as I’d been looking forward to it, but I understand that stuff happens, and things get busy.

This left me with a night with nothing planned and nothing really to do, so I did what I often do when I’m in that situation, and I went for a long walk at around the time I was supposed to go to our event.

When I did, I happened to pass by the house where two of the main girls in our group (the bride and the maid of honor), live together. I saw a couple of the other girls’ cars outside, and thought “Hey, hang on a minute, we weren’t supposed to be doing anything.”

I felt left out, and so I went up to the house to see what was going on. But before I got to the door, I passed the living room window, and I could see inside, and vaguely hear some stuff. I could see the main three girls in our group, the fourth girl I mentioned earlier, and the groom’s sister, all sitting around talking in the living room, with Alex.

Alex seemed to be the only other one there, and they were teasing him about how he had no idea why he’d been invited. He seemed under the impression that I, and the other guys, would be there.

He was clearly super embarrassed by this teasing, and so at one point, it got very serious, and the maid of honor explained to him that they’d felt sorry for him lately, and he shouldn’t take offense to that, because they had a surprise for him.

One of them said something like “What you don’t know, Alex, is that you’ve been invited to the bachelorette party.”

One of the others chimed in that “Something is about to happen to you that would make the guys so jealous that they’d want to die.”

At this point, all five of them began gathering around him, where he was seated in the middle of the living room couch. Three on the floor in front of him, two on either side on the couch. They leaned in, undid his pants, and before I could even comprehend what was happening, all five of them began licking and sucking all over his cock and balls together, at the same time.

I am not fucking kidding.

I still cannot believe what I saw. It’s so surreal. They are actually the last people on earth that you would ever expect of this. You have no idea. Like, the opposite of the type. Out of character would be a massive understatement.

I’m dying to chat with someone about this, so please, if you’d like to, send me a message. I need to freak out about this with someone. Please include at least your initial reaction and thoughts in your message!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e2e9nh/group_if_youre_a_straight_guy_you_need_to_read

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