Maid for You – Part 1 [mf][female masturbation][public nudity]

Kayla could feel a light blush coloring her cheeks as she imagined herself wearing it; she could barely suppress her smile as she bit lightly down on her bottom lip, a tingle of excitement ran down her spine. She’d waited so long…she’d been eyeing this item ever since the first prototype had been released nearly two years ago. During that time she’d made it to the payment confirmation page dozens of times already, but had never managed to bring herself to hit the “Confirm” button.

Until now.

No more excuses. After two years, it was obvious that the company was still going strong and had perfected their product. After two years of continually coming back to the site and staring longingly at their catalogue, it was obviously a sign that she needed it in her life.

Thoroughly reading through the site’s payment policies for the fifth time, she finally opted for the monthly payment plan option. To say that this was an expensive purchase would be an understatement. Tipping back her margarita glass, she finished the last of her slushy, mango flavored liquid courage, savoring the sweetness as the cold alcohol warmed her from the inside out. This was the missing ingredient she had needed, the last push before she…clicking the “Confirm” button with finality, she held her breath as the page reloaded to congratulate her on her purchase.

Seeing the receipt to her latest purchase, the reality of the situation slowly sank in. She was officially the owner of the sexiest French maid uniform ever created. Custom made and hand tailored to each person’s specifications, it had the most unique design she’d ever laid eyes on…and it was going to be *hers*.

With the initial down payment paid, she couldn’t wait for her new outfit to arrive. A tiny voice of doubt nagged at the back of her mind, but it was quickly lost in her tipsy haze of excitement. Not much was known about the company, Eternal Fantasy. It was infamous in select circles for various reasons and the internet had absolutely blown topics way out of proportion. Most of the “known facts” about Eternal Fantasy seemed to be baseless rumors. All that could be said with certainty was that Eternal Fantasy delivered quality products.

Her mind began to wander as she leaned back in her chair, the confirmation page and receipt still on her monitor. She couldn’t help but imagine herself in the outfit, how cute and sexy she would look in it. Scott’s handsome face flashed through her imagination and she blushed at her own thoughts, not wanting to admit to how badly she wanted to wear the outfit for *him*. Modeling it for him, letting him pose her however he wanted, pretending to be his good little maid…

Scott was Kayla’s co-worker and while they were certainly friendly, even a bit flirty, at work, he’d never officially asked her out on a date yet. Sure, they had lunch together often and would go on coffee runs, but it’d be nice to see him outside of the office for once. Be more than just his “work wife” as he liked to so fondly call her. She’d been frustratingly treading the fine line of the friendzone for a while now and she was determined to change that.

Clicking back to Eternal Fantasy’s homepage, she sighed happily at the featured maid outfits – they were simply gorgeous. The thought of the glistening monochrome costume sliding across her naked skin, hugging the curves of her lithe body…mm, it made her wet just thinking about it. Some people may have a latex fetish, it’d be fair to say that maid outfits were Kayla’s weakness.

Turning off her computer monitor, she maneuvered her way effortlessly through her dark apartment and crawled into bed…but not before grabbing her favorite vibrator out of her nightstand. She imagined Scott kissing her as her fingers slipped down between her legs and underneath her panties to gently circle her clit. Would he have soft lips? Maybe it’d be a bit of a rough kiss from his stubble? She shivered as she tried to remember the way he smelled, grasping at memories of when she’d catch a whiff of his cologne.

Her fingers slid down lower to touch herself. She was already wet, her lips slick with her own juices from the excitement of her latest purchase. Rubbing herself, she gave a soft whimper as her index and middle fingers slipped into herself, coating her fingers with her wetness before spreading it all across her slick lips and finally rubbing her stiffening clit. Yeah, she was going to look *so* fucking good in her new outfit, Scott wouldn’t be able to *not* want her.

Pulling her panties aside, she slid the length of her vibrator against herself. It wasn’t long before she’d managed to lube it up with her own wetness while she moaned and writhed against it as she worked her clit. She imagined the feel of her nightgown and bedsheets to be that of smooth silk from the maid’s outfit. Imagined the way Scott wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off of her once he saw her in it. As she thrusted the vibrator into her needy hole, turning it on in one swift motion, she imagined it to be Scott’s dick violating her instead, fucking her.

“Oh god,” she whimpered, softly panting around her own moans even as the buzzing vibrator schlicked furiously in and out of her wet hole. She imagined that it was his thumb crushing her engorged clit while he fucked her. She could feel herself getting close, so tantalizingly close to cumming. “F-F*uckk*!!” she cried out as she came, back arching as her body stiffened. The vibrator spurted out of her slick pussy as the orgasm crashed over her.

Panting breathlessly, she reached down past her trembling thighs to turn off the buzzing vibrator. As post-orgasmic bliss engulfed her, she snuggled down into her blanket and drifted off to sleep with a satisfied smile on her face…

– – – – –

Monday arrived far too soon, but Kayla almost didn’t mind having work as a distraction. Anything to make the time go by faster as she waited impatiently for her package to arrive. She smiled at Scott as she paused at his cubicle, a daily morning routine before she got settled at her own desk for the day.

“Heya Scott, good morning~”

“Morning Kay, you have a good weekend?” He smiled back up at her and her heart skipped a beat at his dimpled grin. With a strong jawline, bronzed skin and an adorable curled cowlick that he could never properly tame, Scott gave Kayla mild Clark Kent vibes with his boyish charm and she found him to be simply irresistable.

“Mm, not bad, but not long enough either.”

“Yeah, they never are.” They both chuckled. Kayla waited for the usual follow up, it was Scott’s turn to choose where they went for lunch. “What are you feeling for lunch today? I’m thinking Gulliver’s? Really craving one of their pastrami sandwiches for some reason.”

Kayla smirked teasingly at Scott, tucking a stray strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. “Again? This is the fourth time this month!”

“Hey, their pastrami sandwiches are *good* alright?”

“Yeah, yeah. One of these days you’ll admit that you’re an addict.” Kayla gave him a flirty wave and laugh as she left to get to her own cubicle. “See you at lunch!”

Mondays were Mondays, typically spent busily catching up on whatever came in over the weekend. But Kayla’s mind was elsewhere and the first thing she did once she logged onto her computer was to check the tracking for her package. Amazingly, to her delight, the status was listed as delivered!

It was hard to focus on her work as excitement buzzed at the back of her mind. As she struggled to get through her workload for the morning, a slow realization came to her. Maybe once she’d tried on the outfit and seen how great she looks in it with her own eyes, she’d finally be able to work up the courage to ask Scott out.

Ironically, it turned out she wouldn’t have to be the one to ask after all.

As she sat across from Scott for lunch, their plates of food nearly finished, Kayla’s mind wandered during a lull in conversation as she nibbled on her fries. As she was busy obsessing over how she couldn’t wait to get home and rip into her package, Scott cleared his throat awkwardly and brought her attention back to him.

“So, um…got any exciting weekend plans?”

Kayla cocked a brow at him, but her heart skipped a beat in her chest. This was new, it was only Monday after all. They still had the whole week to go before their usual weekend chatter on Fridays. “Eh, you know me. Not much. Why do you ask?”

“I was just wondering if you’d…” He looked away from her briefly, his eyes darting around her before coming back to rest on her. It was strange to see Scott looking so unsure of himself. “I dunno. Wanna hang out? Maybe go to the movies or something this Saturday?”

Kayla could feel her ears heating up as a blush encroached upon her pale cheeks. Her heart beat more quickly now and she glanced coyly down at the table, mostly to hide her own elation because *ohmigosh* Scott was *finally* asking her out! Once she’d composed herself, she looked up and flashed him a bright smile. “Sounds like fun!”

The look of relief that flashed through Scott’s eyes was adorable. He also quickly regained his usual sarcastic, witty self and grinned right back at her. “Great! I guess I’ll see you Saturday then.”

As the bill came, Scott reached out without a word and covered it. Kayla said nothing but it felt like she was walking on clouds when they walked back to the office together afterwards. The rest of the afternoon went by in a blur of paperwork and daydreams.

– – – – –

Adrenaline trilled through her body as she finally got home to her apartment complex. Today had been such an unexpectedly great day and she knew it was about to get even better. As the elevator doors opened to her floor, she had to force herself to walk normally rather than run to her door like she wanted.

A large box had been left leaning against her door. Her cheeks flushed a little when she noticed the pink logo emblazoned across the cardboard box: a busty maid frozen in the iconic pose of being bent at the waist, one leg cocked up behind her as she tried to reach high up with a feather duster. In beautiful calligraphy, the words Eternal Fantasy were scripted across the package. It looked like the maid was trying to dust the “T” in Fantasy.

Quickly picking up the package, she tucked it under her arm as she fussed with her keys to get her door open. She couldn’t help but wonder how many of her neighbors had seen the package and what they thought of her. According to the tracking, it had been delivered around 10:30 am and it was well past 5 pm now. She was sure that there were bound to be some interesting rumors whispered about her behind closed doors. Oh well. Maybe she could try to pass it off as a delivery for special cleaning products if anyone asked.

Kicking off her flats, she tossed her keys in the basket hanging next to the door before shrugging off her gray suit jacket and leaving it folded on the shoe bench. Hurrying into the kitchen, she grabbed a box cutter out of a drawer and carefully slit the packing tape. Tossing the box cutter back in its drawer, she brought the box to her living room and plopped down on the couch to open her new prized possession.

Inside was a sleek, matte black box with the same logo decorating the lid in embellished gold. Running her fingers across the logo, she loved how even the packaging felt deluxe and elegant. Pulling the lid off the box, a thick, white user’s manual sat on top of carefully wrapped tissue paper. Picking it up, she flipped through it without actually bothering to read it. Why would an outfit come with a user’s manual? Must be some care instructions on how to wash and clean it.

Skimming through the chapter contents confirmed her guess. It seemed fairly technical, instructions on how to keep the outfit in pristine condition, basic care, a service agreement, etc. Tossing the manual aside, she instead dug eagerly into the tissue paper wrapping. A sticker with the company logo held it all together. She ripped through the flimsy tissue to reveal the neatly folded maid’s outfit.

It practically gleamed in the light, the glossy satin and silk held such a gorgeous sheen. Pulling it out of the box carefully, almost reverently, she held the dress up before her. It was a one piece dress with buttons up the front. Its sleeves flared out from the elbows, the ends trimmed with white lace. The dress would expose the top of her shoulders, while also having a relatively low cut neckline; two white ribbons hung from the middle – they were meant to be tied and attached to a separate, leather choker.

She marveled at the way the fabric felt, rubbing it between her fingertips. So incredibly smooth and silky, it practically pooled in her lap. Picking up the choker, she couldn’t help but think that it seemed more like an elegant collar. A dainty metal ring hung from the middle – this is where the dress’ ribbons were to be decoratively tied to the choker.

Even the dress’ accompanying accessories felt lush. Beneath the dress was the apron that brought the entire outfit together. Perfectly white satin trimmed with delicate lace, it felt almost as creamy as it looked. Its frilly straps went over the shoulders and attached to a waistband that was meant to be tied in a large bow at the small of her back.

Next were the stockings she had chosen. While the website had provided several options, Kayla had wanted the ones with an intricate design of rose vines wrapping around. She marveled at the detail, the beautiful roses in various stages of blooming along thorny vines. She gave the tights an experimental stretch – they were supposedly completely rip and tear proof – hesitantly at first, then with more confidence and was pleased to see that they managed to stretch without losing its shape or any signs of tearing.

Finally, a pair of glossy, lace up black heels with pointed toes sat at the bottom in its own matching black shoebox. She could practically see her own reflection staring back at her as she admired the shoes.

Letting out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, Kayla arranged everything neatly on her couch before standing and holding the dress up against herself to check the fit in the mirror. The dress’ skirt flared out in soft pleats, but it was extremely short, just barely managing to cover her plump ass. The dress’ flared sleeves were actually longer than the dress itself.

Her own flushed face stared back at her as she eyed her reflection. Holding the dress in place with one hand, her other hand ran down the front of her body, enjoying the slick sensation of the fabric against her skin. She cupped her breast through the fabric and sent a shudder down her spine as she pinched her perky nipple.

She needed to feel it against her bare skin. She needed to be wearing the full outfit **now**.

Laying the dress down on the couch, she hurriedly unbuttoned her blouse with impatient fingers. Muttering soft curses at herself as her shaking hands fumbled with the tiny buttons before she was finally able to shrug her blouse off. She’d never been this thrilled by a purchase before, been…*aroused* this way before. Her whole body felt flushed with heat, hot with eager anticipation.

Unhooking her bra with a practiced motion, her full breasts sprang free, hardened nipples standing erect. It didn’t take long to unbutton and unzip her gray work pants, letting them simply fall from her waist to pool around her ankles. Stepping out of them, she briefly admired herself in the full length mirror.

Despite being her own worst critic, this was one of the rare occasions when she was in a good mood and saw herself in a positive light. She ran her hands down the front of her body, cupping her bare double D-cup breasts and squeezing them together to simulate more exaggerated cleavage. Smoothing her hands down her flat stomach, she rested them along the sides of her hips at the curve of her waist. Turning, she admired herself from the side, playfully slapping her ass to make it jiggle before she let her eyes run down her beautifully sculpted, luscious legs. The new exercise regimen she’d started a few months ago with squats, lunges and light jogging has definitely been paying off.

Looking into her own blue eyes, she explored her body with her hands before hooking her thumbs into either side of her panties and sliding them off. Even though her face was flushing, the blush practically reaching her neck, there was something incredibly hot about seeing herself this way. She looked different somehow, brimming with an inner energy…*primal* almost.

She watched as her hand slipped down past her pelvis and touched her soft mound; she was wet again. Reaching for the dress, she held it up against her naked body and couldn’t help but draw a sharp intake of breath as she felt the cool silk against her bare skin. The only word she could think of to describe the sensation was…*luscious*.

Hugging the dress to her, she nearly moaned as she practically writhed against the slick material. Gripping her breasts firmly through the fabric, her index fingers circled teasingly around her stiff nipples causing her to mewl with pleasure.

Part of her was amazed by how turned on she was. These wanton feelings of lust, of deep seated *need* were inexplicable to her but she wasn’t about to deny herself the pleasure her body so obviously craved. Sliding one hand down between her legs even as the other continued to squeeze and caress at her breast, she pressed the liquid blackness of the dress against her throbbing sex.

Again, another gasp was drawn from her lips involuntarily as she pressed the flowing silk against her clit, fingers circling it through the fabric. Her head tilted back as her eyes fluttered closed, a soft moan escaping her lips while her long blonde waves slowly drifted past her pale shoulders to hang down her back. Fuck, she was already so close. How could that be? And yet, as her fingers dipped lower to press into herself, her body stiffened reflexively as her fingers stroked her inner walls, the smooth fabric a deliciously cool sensation against the heat of her core. She could cum right now if she wanted to…but instead she edged herself, wanting to draw out the delicious sensations.

Falling to her knees, still hugging the dress to herself, she started to slowly finger herself not even caring that she was getting her juices all over the dress as she essentially fucked herself with it. She alternated between inserting her fingers into her slick hole and simply stroking her labia in slow circles. Needless to say, she was practically dripping from how wet she was and she was close, oh so, so fucking close…

Leaning forwards to rest her upper body against the couch while on her knees, her greedy need to cum soon had her fingers thrusting in and out of her slick pussy. She could see her reflection moaning back at her, panting with flushed cheeks and parted lips. Wow, she thought to herself, I look like…a slut. But the word didn’t hold any negative connotations in that moment. She *liked* the fact that she looked like a horny slut, just begging to be fucked. For once, she reveled in her sexuality.

She could see the bottom of the fabric being pressed further and further into her needy pussy as she fingered herself. Her moans grew louder as her orgasm neared. Seeing herself in such a state only managed to turn her on more and her entire body jerked as she came with an almost startled cry. As the orgasm washed over her, causing her body to twitch even as her toes curled, she threw her head back as a silent scream ripped through her while she came in shuddering waves…

– – – – –

Her eyes slowly refocused as she came to. She was lying against her couch, still sitting on the floor with the dress sprawled across and underneath her. Had she passed out from that orgasm? It’d been intense, but…damn. She was kind of impressed with herself.

Getting up and plopping back onto the couch, she picked up the dress to examine it and assess any possible damage from her earlier frenzied masturbation session. While the bottom of the dress was covered with her sticky juices, she was able to wipe it off with her hand fairly easily. It was like the fabric was waterproof, as if it repelled any substances from sticking to it. Rubbing her sticky fingers together, she looked at it thoughtfully before murmuring to it fondly. “Good thing too, if I cum like that every time I play with you.”

She wasn’t sure how long she’d been passed out from post-orgasmic bliss, but judging by the nighttime sky, it was definitely past her usual dinner time and her rumbling tummy agreed. She was eager to try the full outfit on and didn’t want to wait another minute, but it wasn’t going anywhere and she still had the whole night to herself.

Opting to make herself the quickest “meal” imaginable, she hurriedly washed her tacky hands in the kitchen sink and stuck two slices of bread in the toaster before wiping the dress clean with a wet paper towel. It didn’t take long for her to scarf down her buttered toast and that was all she allowed herself before she was once again admiring her naked reflection in the living room mirror.

Time to finally try it on…Unbuttoning the dress, on closer inspection she saw that the buttons were actually clasps that snapped together. They had an intricate interlocking pattern that Kayla had never seen on an article of clothing before. Just another small detail that made the dress such a luxurious buy, they’d thought of everything and now she wouldn’t have to worry about a button coming undone at the most inopportune time. With her luck, it was bound to happen otherwise.

Sliding her arms into the long sleeves, she began clipping the clasps together as she buttoned herself up. Each button required some care as the two steel pieces had to be pressed together and turned, sealing closed with an audible click. Her heart was beginning its familiar beat of excitement, slow at first, but picking up with each button as the dress began to be melded against the curves of her body. Her hands continued fastidiously fastening each clasp and she could feel the outfit tightening like a second skin over her sensitive body.

At first, she had wondered if it’d be necessary to wear a bra underneath the dress, but once every clasp had been fully sealed it was obvious that the dress had built in support that naturally lifted her large breasts. The dress had a bit of a cinched waist which only served to accentuate her already dynamite hourglass figure.

Even wearing only one piece of the full outfit, she couldn’t help but stop to admire herself briefly. The tops of her shoulders looked pale and milky in comparison to the dark fabric. Her cleavage looked greatly exaggerated, as if she were wearing a push-up bra, her breasts were pushed up so high that it was almost comical. The flared sleeves had an open slit from the elbows that could be laced closed or left decoratively open. The dress was tight, but not uncomfortable, and left nothing to the imagination as it hugged her body. She could even see her perky nipples standing erect under the fabric like two pebbles against her bosom. While the bottom of the dress managed to *just* cover her, a gentle breeze would’ve easily exposed her wet pussy.

She chewed her bottom lip as she ran her hands over herself and the luscious fabric. She resisted the urge to masturbate again and instead turned to the remaining accessories. Rolling the stockings onto her dainty feet, she pulled the patterned tights up one leg at a time, savoring the smooth sensation of them as they stretched across her skin. It wasn’t until she’d pulled them up to her waist that she realized they were crotchless. What a nice surprise, that’d certainly be convenient.

Next was the choker. As she adjusted the leather choker in place, she ran her fingers over the cute frills decorating it. Tying the ribbons on the front of the dress to the ring dangling from the choker, she tried her best to tie it as a decorative bow. It managed to somehow lift her breasts even further, but at least they looked somewhat contained now.

Satisfied, she pulled the apron’s straps in place over her shoulders before turning to look at the mirror over her shoulder as she attempted to tie the waistband into a wide ribbon resting against the small of her back. The ends of the bow rested against her rounded ass, somehow further accentuating the curve of her derriere.

Finally, the shoes. Part of her almost didn’t want to bother with the shoes, but she needed to see the complete outfit. She’d already come so far after all, might as well go all out. And so the shoes went on and she carefully laced it up her ankles like a ballerina’s slippers. The heels were practical, only two inches tall with a wide heel rather than a thin stem. Definitely perfectly work appropriate shoes despite their elaborately decorative nature.

Looking at herself in the mirror, her reflection smiled broadly back at her. The outfit was perfect. She just needed a feather duster and maybe a frilly headband and she’d look just like the models showcased on Eternal Fantasy’s website. She struck the same pose as their logo and giggled to herself. Briefly, she tried leaning forwards a bit more so that her breasts looked even more enhanced like the logo’s, practically about to spill out of the uniform. Even through the apron, she noticed that she could still see her rock hard nipples jutting out under the fabric.

God, she was horny.

She could feel her heartbeat thrumming as her pulse throbbed through her body, feel it in her engorged nipples and wet cunt and she knew she needed to fuck herself silly again ASAP. She wanted to get her vibrator, but her hands were already roaming along her body again. For some reason, touching herself through the uniform just felt so much better than skin on skin contact. There was something about how incredibly luscious the silky smooth fabric was that she couldn’t get enough of it.

She stopped herself before her hands dipped down into her nectar again and instead hurried to her bedroom to grab the vibrator. She could’ve just fucked herself right there in bed, but she wanted to see herself cum in the dress again. The thought almost made her blush. When had she become such a slut? Such a…*narcissist*?

Pushing those thoughts away, she hurried back to the living room, her heels thankfully muffled by the carpeted floors. Leaning back into her couch, she spread her legs and found herself blushing at the glistening vagina peering back at her from the mirror. Her eyelids lowered lustily as her fingers slid down to slip against her slick labia, coating her fingers with her own juices. She watched her reflection through half-lidded eyes as she dipped her fingers into herself with a soft moan. Somewhat entranced by the show she was giving herself, she began slowly fingering herself, rubbing her clit with her thumb while sucking on her vibrator – tentatively at first, then with gusto as her eyes fluttered closed while she imagined it to be Scott’s throbbing cock violating her mouth and pushing against the back of her throat.

She panted as she turned the vibrator on before inserting it fully into herself with a mewled groan. It slipped into her eager snatch easily and she thrust it in and out with a gasp, her hips squirming against it as she played with her tits. Her eyes were closed, lost in pleasure as her mind ran away fantasizing about Scott. She wanted to feel his hands on her, roaming her body, squeezing her breasts tight around his thick cock as he fucked her tits, feel his fingers digging into her hips as he fucked *her*.

She came with a scream that her neighbors certainly wouldn’t appreciate, clenching down hard on the vibrator as she held it firmly in place before turning it off with trembling fingers. Panting breathlessly, her hands fell limply to her sides and she felt the vibrator slowly slip out of her and fall to the floor with a *thump*. She was so wet that it felt like she was sitting in a puddle of her own cum, but she was too tired to care.

As her breathing leveled out, she curled up on the couch and drifted happily off to sleep, completely unaware that her new uniform was subtly twitching and rustling quietly on her body…

– – – – –

Kayla woke up to the sun glaring brightly in her eyes. Blinking sleepily, it took a moment of her squinting to realize that she was on the couch in her living room rather than being snuggled up in bed. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she yawned hugely and stretched only to realize that she was still wearing the maid’s uniform.

She ran her hands over the smooth material with a happy smile, reminiscing about the pleasure she’d gotten from its liquid slickness last night. Just thinking about it was making her horny again, her thighs squeezed together in remembrance. Kayla’s always had a vivid imagination, but even she was surprised at how wet and horny this maid’s outfit and accompany fantasies were making her.

Her throat was parched; it was probably time to get ready for work and have a quick breakfast anyway. Swinging her long legs off the couch with another yawn, her feet automatically took her to the kitchen. Filling a glass with water, she checked the time on the microwave clock. Nearly 8 am, she’d better get moving if she wanted to get to work on time.

It only took a few minutes for her to gulp down the glass of water while she prepared a repeat of last night’s “dinner.” Hurriedly, she scarfed the buttered toast down with an additional glass of orange juice before scurrying off to her bedroom to get changed.

She couldn’t help but stop for a second to admire her reflection in her bedroom mirror. Maybe it was because she was seeing the outfit in the light of day now, but somehow, it seemed to fit even better than before. While it’d been a perfect fit, today it looked like a second skin. Her tits looked absolutely mouth watering, gripped and supported by two layers of glossy black and white fabric, her soft cleavage was temptingly grabbable.

Doing a little spin, she twirled in front of the mirror to make her short dress flare out. Smoothing it back down in place, she looked wistfully at her reflection. The insatiable part of her wanted to masturbate yet again. Something about the uniform just made her so incredibly needy. But there was no time. “Sorry,” she said to the uniform as she reached back to untie the waistband’s ribbon, “gotta get changed for work.”

As she tugged lightly at the dangling ends of the ribbon that framed her ass, she was surprised to find that it wouldn’t budge. Odd. Had she knotted it more tightly than she’d realized? Tugging on it harder, she tried pulling the ribbon apart from different directions. The knot refused to come apart. “Damn,” she muttered to herself as she began tugging more insistently, “I wish I could tie my shoes this well.” It’d save her from another humiliating fall of tripping over her own shoelaces.

Kayla struggled futilely for a while longer before backing her ass up against the mirror and glancing over her shoulder for a better look. Her fine brows furrowed into a frown at what she saw. The knot appeared to have somehow…fused together? It was barely noticeable from a distance, but up close, there was no denying the fact that the ribbons seemed to have melted into one another to form a permanent knot. The straps’ inner linings were bonded together, the crevices filled with liquid whiteness. Yet glancing at the exterior, the ribbon still looked flawless and glistening.

“What the heck happened here?” After a few more unsuccessful attempts, she sat back to ponder her options. Her mind was racing. Why had this happened? Was this *supposed* to happen? Should she just cut the ribbon? But it’d been such an expensive purchase. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin the uniform, there must be another way.

Giving it one last, vicious tug, she was suddenly overcome by a wave of weariness. Eyelids drooping, she shook her head in an attempt to clear the fog of sleepiness weighing down on her but it only seemed to make her more aware of how heavy her head suddenly felt. She needed to lie down.

“What’s…happening…?” Holding onto the wall, she leaned heavily against it as she tried to make her way across the room to her bed. A tiny part of her was still hanging on, struggling to stay awake and aware of the situation. That part of her realized that her words were practically a slurred mumble.

She collapsed onto the ground, sliding down against the wall, as sleep overcame her. As her breaths steadied to that of deep sleep, her uniform once again began to ever so subtly twitch and rustle as it continued bonding with its new host…

While Kayla slept, her dreams slowly took shape and traveled down a very particular path. Kayla had sexy dreams quite often, but today’s were quite different from the usual steamy shenanigans. Today’s dreams were all about centered on obedience and control – strict and severe bondage that Kayla had never even imagined.

– – – – –

The next time Kayla’s eyes fluttered open, it took a moment before her mind understood what she was seeing. As she struggled awake, there was a strong nagging sensation at the back of her mind, like an alarm that had gone off only to be snoozed – something was not quite right.

First, she realized that she wasn’t in her bedroom like she last remembered.

A slow panicky sensation was stirring in her, rising as she became more aware. Bringing her hands up to rub at her tired eyes, she flinched back in surprise. Her hands were wet! Not just damp, but dripping wet and sudsy.

Blinking as she looked at her hands, she noticed a few things all at once. She was standing in her kitchen; her previously unpolished nails were now beautifully manicured with a bright crimson red; the tight sleeves of the maid’s uniform glistened on her arms – she was still wearing the full outfit; for some reason she was standing at her kitchen sink, now full of soapy water while a pile of dirty dishes sat neatly stacked beside the sink on her chopping board.

“What…the *fuck*,” she whispered uncertainly to herself. The wave of panic she’d begun to feel earlier was quickly rising. Had she been sleep walking? She’d never slept walked before though. But…sleep-*washing the dishes*? Who does that? Do people do that? Was this even possible or was she still dreaming? “What is *happening*?!”

Gripping the edge of the countertop to steady herself, her manicured hands were starting to freak her out. When had she done her nails? She always struggled to do her nails perfectly and these looked professionally done. Rinsing her soapy hands clean, she dried them haphazardly on her apron before looking closely at her nails. Maybe they were just fake stick on pieces?

No, they were definitely her own nails.

Stepping nervously away from the sink, no sooner had her heel clad foot left the ground when a deafening siren sounded in three brief shrieks. Startled, Kayla reacted with a frightened scream before immediately dropping into a crouch. Jerking away instinctively from the sound, her hands went up to her ears in a useless attempt to block out the horrible noise. “WHAT. IS. HAPPENING?!” She shouted to no one, her voice lost in the loudness of the blaring drones.

It stopped just as suddenly as it had begun. Three brief, but deafeningly loud, shrieks like a blaring siren. Kayla’s ears rang in the ensuing silence. Just as she brought her hands away from her ringing ears, tentatively looking around for the source of the alarm, a female, mechanical voice began speaking.


“What the…where…?” Scrambling up, she looked around frantically, confusedly searching for the source of the voice. As she stepped further away from the sink, wanting to search the rest of her apartment, the evil Alexa robo voice chimed in again.


“Punishment mode? Wha–” Before Kayla could fully comprehend what was happening, both her arms were suddenly jerked back by her elbows, locking her arms in place by her sides. The long sleeves began wrapping around her torso until she found herself restrained as if she were wearing a straitjacket. “Oh god,” she whimpered fearfully as her outfit came to life. The decorative laces wrapping around her ankles and calves began snaking towards each other before merging, locking her legs in place.

She found herself forced to her knees, the outfit manipulating her in such a way that she couldn’t even struggle to fight back. Once on her knees, she was made to lean forwards so that her face was planted against the cool tiles of her kitchen floor while her ass was arched up in the air. She could feel the cool air against her naked crotch.


“Oh god, oh god, ohgodohgodohgod,” Kayla began struggling anew, frantically trying to wriggle free of the sleeves, to break the binds around her ankles, to get up, *anything*. But all were futile attempts as her mechanical captor mercilessly kept her in place. Her stream of frantic prayers quickly changed to a panicky mantra of “This isn’t happening. This can’t be happening. This isn’t real. I must be dreaming. I need to wake up. I need to wake up. Wake up, *wake up*!”


Each time evil Alexa announced the words “punishment” and “discipline” Kayla’s heart skipped a beat in anxious trepidation. But now, with the additional choices of pain or other also thrown into the mix, Kayla felt like she was stuck in a living nightmare.

“OTHER!” she shouted desperately. Who knew what kind of pain this outfit could inflict? Kayla didn’t want to find out, but she also dreaded whatever “other” insinuated. It was certainly a gamble, but there was no time for regrets.

The itching started without warning.

She felt the itch in both her vagina and anus. Just barely noticeable at first, but it quickly became deep and intense. It was like she had a yeast infection but a hundred times worse. This wasn’t an itch that could simply be ignored. She desperately needed to scratch it, satisfy it. Fill it, plug it, anything, *anything* to somehow satisfy the urge.

As the itching intensified, she could feel herself getting wet as she reflexively clenched her pelvic muscles, trying her best to somehow relieve herself of the itch. “How…is this…happening,” she panted. Completely immobilized, she wanted so badly to plunge her fingers into her dripping cunt and tight ass. Finger herself good, hard and deep until the friction satisfied the itch. No, her fingers wouldn’t be enough. She needed something, *anything*, inside of her and she needed it NOW.

But her uniform kept her firmly in place and she was practically sobbing with need. This was a new kind of torture that she’d never anticipated. It was like edging almost, but so much worse. She felt like she was slowly being driven crazy with need, her whole body trembling with effort as her muscles clenched and unclenched, clenched and unclenched trying to satisfy the uncontrollable desire of the itching.

How much longer would this last? She couldn’t think, her entire focus was honed in on trying to escape this inescapable punishment. It had only been a minute, but to Kayla it felt like an eternity of agony as she suffered motionlessly. Only her ragged breaths and sobbed gibberish could be heard now that evil Alexa had fallen silent.

[continued in [Part Two](…]


1 comment

  1. This. Is. Fucking. Amazing.

    I love this story! It’s so good. I just couldn’t stop!

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