Maid for You – Part 2 [mf][female masturbation][public nudity]

[…continued from [Part One](]

Unbeknownst to Kayla, the slavery programs running through her second skin were brutally efficient at maintaining her arousal levels. Her body had been flooded with microscopic nanomachines during the uniform’s bonding process. These machines were now activating and increasing Kayla’s sensitivity. She’d never felt anything like the stimulation she was currently enduring. It felt like she was being caressed all over, all along her body but also from the *inside*. Yet the pleasure was never quite enough because of the constant, maddening itch counterbalancing it.

Sometimes it felt like an unpleasant tingling, like ants marching in and out of her pores. Sometimes it felt like she were being covered with a million tiny bites, being devoured from all angles. She whimpered, thrashed and screamed helplessly on the kitchen floor but was unable to move even the tiniest bit. The incessant itching had spread out from her crotch and she could feel the tingling beginning to assault her breasts…

Five eternal minutes later, Kayla’s limbs were abruptly released.

She promptly collapsed, a quivering mess. Panting breathlessly, her blonde locks were plastered to her sweating face. Released from her bindings, her shoulders ached even as her thighs trembled. Relief coursed through her, but it was short lived.


She jerked upwards with a panicky start, shakily getting onto her hands and knees before using the kitchen counter to help pull herself up. Stumbling to the front door, she hurriedly unlocked it before yanking the door open. She hadn’t been expecting a package, but obviously she hadn’t done her fair share of research into Eternal Fantasy and its products because she hadn’t expected *any* of the events that had just occurred.

Lugging the new package in, the familiar logo was starting to become a symbol of dread rather than excitement. Bringing it quickly back into the kitchen, she was relieved to have made it within the 30 second time limit. With no further instructions, she fetched the box cutter and opened the package.

Inside, arranged neatly in another large black box lined with felt, was a variety of accessories she never expected. A feather duster, except the handle tapered off into a silicone oblong shape at the end; a large black dildo; a silicone breathable ball gag; an o-ring gag; a wooden paddle with various sized holes in it; padded cuffs for both hands and ankles; and finally a leash.

Kayla stepped away from the box, afraid that it might also suddenly spring to life like her uniform.


It took a second before Kayla realized it meant the dishes she had apparently been washing in her sleep. She still wasn’t completely sure how that had happened, but wasn’t about to question it. Her very recent experience with its punishment system had her hurrying to the sink and diligently washing her own dishes even though she had a perfectly capable dishwasher.

As she washed the dishes, her mind wandered. It was a relief that the evil Alexa that had apparently taken up residence in her head was leaving her alone to her thoughts. Thinking about the various sex accessories in the package she’d just received, she felt nervous apprehension as she wondered how exactly they would be used. It was like her body was alerted to her thoughts and she began feeling that familiar need again. Briefly, she wondered how good it’d feel to have that thick dildo stretching her pussy…

Drying off the last clean dish and putting it away, evil Alexa promptly made note.


Kayla immediately began tearing at the malevolent uniform. The apron straps were still bonded together, so she reached for the box cutter and began to determinedly hack and slice at the ribbons. When it became clear that the material wouldn’t cut, she reached underneath the apron to try to tear the dress open at its buttoned clasps. Even pulling with all her might until she was literally red in the face, the dress somehow managed to stay miraculously intact.

She tried everything she could think of, but it soon became apparent that the uniform was indestructible.

Ten minutes later and she was sitting on the kitchen floor looking rather defeated. A variety of tools lay scattered around her. Scissors, a chef’s knife, a lighter, a box cutter…As her eyes rested on the box cutter, her face suddenly lit up as she bounced back up onto her feet and hurried into the living room.

“There it is!” Snatching up the instruction manual she’d neglected to read the night before, she quickly scanned the first page.

*Thank you for purchasing your Eternal Fantasy! You have joined the ranks of an elite group of dedicated practitioners of sadomasochism who choose to live out their deepest, darkest fantasies as a lifestyle decision.*

*After years of research in physiology, psychology, nano technology and hundreds of other fields, we have created the ultimate in costumes and uniforms that cover every genre of sexual archetype.*

*Congratulations on your purchase of our state of the art product, handmade and custom tailored to your specifications. Once properly activated, these costumes are impossible to remove. Equipped with multiple conditioning programs, it is guaranteed to keep you fully committed to your fantasy.*

Kayla read on with increasing horror. When they said “fully committed” they seriously meant it. The outfits didn’t activate simply by being worn. You had to engage in significant sexual activity while wearing it. Remembering her lusty masturbation sessions from the night before, she’d definitely completed that task rather thoroughly.

A Master could be assigned to a slave, but if no master was assigned the programming would take over. It ensured that the slave would be administered the proper discipline and training regiment required. A slave was denied the pleasure of reaching orgasm – this was a reward that only a Master could allow. If there was no Master, the program would allow it if specifically programmed to do so before activation.

Kayla obviously hadn’t programmed the uniform to do anything!

The reality of being perpetually denied the ability to cum was weighing heavily on her, but Kayla felt a little glimmer of hope when she read that she could still have a master of her own choice assigned to her. However, once she’d chosen, only her master could release her. Dread quickly quashed the tiny glimmer of hope she felt. Who could she possibly ask? Her mother? God, she’d just die from the shame.

Feeling defeated, dismayed at how her latest purchase had brought her such joy and was now bringing her such distress, she sat staring off into space on the couch. In the ensuing silence, she heard something…vibrating?

Following the sound, she found her phone vibrating in her purse – completely forgotten on her shoe bench after yesterday’s excitement of opening the package containing her current living nightmare. Unlocking her phone, she noticed a few things: it was now nearly 1 pm, the morning had flown by and she wondered how long she’d been knocked unconscious by her dreaded eternal fantasy; she had an unread text and an unhappy voicemail from her manager, Michael; there were a handful of concerned texts and missed calls from Scott.

Oh gosh, *Scott*. Quickly, she read through his texts.

9:17 am Morning Kay, did you sleep in today? Hope you’re on your way to work. Gonna call

you in 5 mins to wake you up!

9: 42 am Mike’s not looking happy but I told him you’d be in soon. Don’t make me a liar!

10:49 am Heya Kay, everything okay? LMK you’re OK

11:13 am Hope you’re alright. Guessing your phone’s on silent. Worried about you!

11:58 am Guess you won’t be making it for lunch today =( More Gulliver’s for me then!

12:17 pm [attached: picture of a pastrami sandwich with fries]

12:17 pm Just me and the pastrami today

12:42 pm Hope you’re enjoying lunch at home

It was just a little past 1 pm now and it looked like she’d just missed another call from Scott. Her heart beat wildly in her chest as an idea slowly started forming.

She could ask **Scott**.

Obviously she had dreamt of showing her new outfit to him under very different circumstances, and hoped to wait until after they’d gone on their first date and confirmed that he actually was into her but…life happens and life currently found her in quite the predicament.

She hurriedly texted him back: Plz come over ASAP, need help!


The sudden return of evil Alexa’s robotic monotone startled Kayla mid-text, causing her to drop her phone before she hit Send. Cursing at how clumsy and jumpy she was, she quickly picked it up and hit Send. Quietly holding her phone in her hands, she held it to her chest in contemplative meditation. Squeezing her eyes shut, she sent silent prayers out to the unknown with all her might.

Please. If there’s anyone out there. If there really is a god…please, *please* help me out of this fucked up situation…


Kayla waited with bated breath, wondering what was next on her agenda.


“Supplies run?” Rather than questioning evil Alexa, Kayla flipped through the instruction manual and skimmed through what a default training regiment consisted of. It seemed like this was the time to pick up weekly necessities such as groceries and other day to day supplies. Apparently she’d spent most of the morning cleaning, which would explain why her apartment was tidier than usual as well as her waking up in the middle of doing dishes earlier…

Three hours! Ideas started running excitedly through her mind, so many things she could do within three hours. Her thoughts felt jumbled, there were so many at once. Too many to sort through and tackle one at a time.

Pushing them away, she hurried to her computer with newfound determination. It didn’t take long for her to enter her query into Google; there *must* be others who’ve found themselves in the same situation as her, right? There must be.

Yet every article that appeared wasn’t helpful in the least. Similar to when Kayla had attempted to do more research into Eternal Fantasy and its products before purchasing, most of the links simply went back to the main page of their website, were absolutely glowing reviews, or were various unhelpful rumors.


“What?!” Glancing at the time displayed on the corner of her monitor, roughly five minutes had passed. She didn’t know how to communicate with evil Alexa but anxiety sat heavy in the pit of her stomach as she remembered her latest punishment.

“I-I don’t need any supplies!” While not entirely true – she *did* actually need groceries – evil Alexa didn’t know that..or did she? It felt silly to be talking to herself, but she didn’t know how else she could manage to get her point across.


Kayla sprang up from her desk, hurrying to the front door. She didn’t know if the outfit was on some kind of remote GPS tracking system or if she was being watched or whether she needed to communicate verbally every time. She decided to assume the worst; that all three of her fears applied. As evil Alexa continued counting down, she shouted back as she quickly grabbed her purse. “I’M GOING! I’M GETTING SUPPLIES!” …and she was out the door.

Her pulse rushed through her ears as she stood flustered in the hallway. Turning on auto-pilot, she locked the door before realizing two things: evil Alexa had stopped counting, which was a relief…but she’d forgotten to grab a jacket or coat. It wasn’t the weather that she was worried about. Glancing down at herself, dressed only in her elaborate second skin, she suddenly felt awfully exposed – the dress was so tight, her nipples were twin pebbles adorning her breasts, she had no panties on…she might as well be naked.

But crossing the threshold of her home to grab a coat…triggering evil Alexa just seemed like a bad idea.

Looking down the hallway, she was relieved to see that no one else was around. Considering how it was the middle of the day, everyone was probably still at work. *Don’t think about it, Kayla. Just suck it up and act casual.* With that little pep talk to herself, she headed down the hall to call the elevator.

As she stood waiting for the elevator, she tried not to fidget as she stared at her blurry reflection in the smooth chrome doors. She could see the telltale flush of pink starting to make its way up her neck to color her cheeks. She shuffled uncomfortably in anticipation as the elevator *dinged* to her floor. God, she hoped no one was inside when the doors opened…

Despite mentally telling herself to act casual, to keep her head held high, she found herself standing anxiously to the side, practically hiding herself against the wall as the elevator doors slowly opened. She felt ridiculous, hiding in plain sight. Peeking in, she let out a sigh of relief. Empty.

Darting inside, her reflection blushed uncertainly back at her, fidgeting anxiously as she tried to pull her skirt down further. The reality of the task was starting to settle in as she realized what obstacles were ahead of her.

She didn’t have a car. But the nearest grocery store was thankfully only a few blocks away. It was small and its selection was limited, but it had all the essentials and would do in a pinch. Hopefully evil Alexa found it acceptable because Kayla did *not* want to get on a bus or train to get to the supermarket she usually visited.

As the elevator came to a stop at the first floor, she found herself holding her breath again as she waited for the doors to open. With her eyes glued determinedly to the floor, she made a beeline for the building entrance and hoped that no one was around in the mailroom or lobby to see her.

Exiting the building, she could feel every little breeze kissing against her pussy, caressing her bare ass. The weather was pleasant and it was a gorgeous spring day, but goosebumps covered her skin as she shivered from feeling the open air breathing across her body in intimate places she’d never felt before. Kayla was incredibly aware of the fact that anyone walking behind her could probably see the bottom of her buttcheeks at the very least. Part of her hated to admit that the thought excited her.

Her face felt feverishly hot and she knew her cheeks probably looked like they were glowing. Head down, feet forward, she trudged on towards the grocery store as quickly as possible while maintaining small steps so as not to disturb her skirt – the last thing she needed was for it to ride up due to her taking long strides. *Clip clop clip clop*, the sound of her heels only made her more aware of each step she took. Each step had the possibility of causing her skirt to lift – even just the tiniest fraction would show off her bare pussy – each careful placement of her foot against the ground could end in a misstep.

She’d never power walked so fast, yet so carefully in her life.

She flinched when a car honked nearby, but didn’t dare look up to confirm whether it had been meant for her. Likewise when she heard a wolfish whistle from across the street. *Just get to the grocery store, Kayla. Ignore everything else.* Yet part of her kind of wished that whistle had come from behind her…part of her was curious whether anyone was checking her out.

It was a relief to finally arrive at her destination; she was doubly relieved that evil Alexa hadn’t made a reappearance to instruct her otherwise. Half the time she’d been expecting evil Alexa to tell her she was going the wrong way or about to countdown to another “disciplining” punishment. While she was glad to be off the street, she was also thankful that her impromptu shopping trip was taking place when most people were still at work.

Picking up a shopping basket, she wandered into the nearest aisle – not because she was interested in the goods there, well, maybe a little bit…It was mostly so she could hide while she considered her options. She had three hours. Ehh, probably two hours and forty minutes at this point. Should she spend the majority of her time stalling here? Maybe Scott could meet her here? Rummaging through her purse, she almost cried as she cursed herself and her carelessness. She’d left her phone at home. Fuck.

With her choices limited, she turned to her current task instead. She *did* need some groceries after all.

It was probably halfway through her shopping that she noticed it. While she’d received various surprised and startled looks when people first spotted her, their gazes were quickly averted as they attempted to ignore her blatant public indecency. Kayla, while bashful and perpetually blushing, managed to keep her head down and ignore the furtive glances. She could feel eyes on her back – some curious, others scandalized, and a few…oh, yes…

A few couldn’t look away and she could feel the heat of their gaze following her pert ass, feel the intensity as they fucked her with their eyes. Sometimes she would glance over her shoulder, partly out of curiosity and partly because she wondered if maybe it was all in her head. But after a few glances, she confirmed that it wasn’t all in her head.

He was most definitely following her.

The realization thrilled her, with just a *tiny* bit of apprehension that she quickly squashed down. Surely nothing would happen, he wouldn’t dare to be so bold. With those reassuring thoughts, she brought her shopping basket to checkout and tried not to squirm uncomfortably as the cashier scanned her items while surreptitiously sneaking glances at her scandalous maid’s outfit. The cashier managed to keep a perfectly blank expression when she spoke to Kayla and Kayla couldn’t help but feel a little impressed by her professionalism.

Picking up her bags, Kayla was relieved to be heading back to the safety of her home, away from curious prying eyes. Weighed down by her new purchases, her walk back was slower but she determinedly watched each step she took, one foot in front of the other. It was only when she was halfway home that she realized she still felt the uncomfortable pinprick of a steady gaze drilling through her shoulder blades.

Glancing behind her, she was startled to see the guy from the grocery store still following her. He didn’t even have any shopping bags on him. That earlier thrill of knowing she was an object of desire shifted uneasily to that of anxious trepidation. She picked up her pace, walking slightly faster.

*Clip clop clip clop* but now she also heard the shuffling steps of the man behind her, his steps shadowing hers while obscured by the sharp clacking of her heels. As she reached the end of the block, she waited impatiently for the light to change so she could cross the street. C’mon, c’mon…just another block till she was home…

The casual shuffling came closer, closer, closer…the hair on the back of her neck prickled as she felt him standing far too close behind her. *Just ignore him, Kayla. Ignore him and he’ll go away. Don’t give him the satisfaction of your attention…*

She squeaked, jumping forwards with a startled squeal as something brushed against her exposed pussy. Spinning around, she was shocked to see the man grinning down at his hand before looking hungrily up at her. “I knew you weren’t wearing any panties,” he looked a bit astonished, like a kid in a candy store who couldn’t believe their luck.

“T-That…that doesn’t give you any right to touch me!” Kayla stammered back defiantly, backing away from him. She couldn’t believe how bold this prick was. In broad daylight! Suddenly fueled by outrage, she spat at him furiously. “Stay the **fuck** away from me asshole!”

The light finally changed and she marched angrily across the street, hurrying towards her apartment. Still following behind her, she could practically see the sneer on his face as he jeered lewdly after her. “Dressed like that? You’re just *begging* for someone to touch you. I’m doing you a favor. C’mon babe, you’re already wet for it.” She heard him making *mmm* sounds and glancing behind her shoulder, she saw that he was sucking lewdly on his fingers. “You’re just ripe for the picking, aren’t you? I bet you were hoping someone would bend you over in one of those aisles and fuck you right there, huh?”

She was tempted to whirl around and swing one of her grocery bags right into his face. Or maybe into his crotch. Yes, that would be way more satisfying…


Now she *did* actually whirl around, surprised at hearing her name called.

“Scott?” Her heart skipped a beat in utter joy and relief when she spotted him across the street. As he crossed towards them, intercepting the guy who’d been stalking her from the grocery store, she saw that his expression was both concerned and bewildered while also uncomfortably trying not to stray from her face. Ah, she thought to herself, he’s such a gentleman trying not to stare at my outfit…

“Is this…” Scott motioned at her horny stalker, “guy bothering you?” Kayla beamed happily at him, already feeling a thousand times safer standing beside him.

“Hey man,” he put his hands up amiably, shrugging nonchalantly, but he didn’t back away. “I didn’t do anything she wasn’t asking for.”

Kayla bristled indignantly but Scott cut in before she could rudely curse him out again. “So what *exactly* was she asking for?” he asked calmly, stepping between the stalker and Kayla.

“Come on man…I mean…look at her,” the stalker offered. Kayla’s cheeks flushed with…she wasn’t entirely sure what emotion she was feeling. Embarrassment? Shame? She almost didn’t want Scott to look at her. This wasn’t how she’d wanted to show him her new outfit. “C’mon,” he sneered, “who dresses like that when they’re not looking to get fucked? Flashing her pussy at me…all I did was have a little touch.” The cocky grin he flashed Kayla made her blood boil and twin spots of rage glowed red, high on her cheeks.

Scott’s clenched fist flashed across the guy’s face. He staggered backwards with an audible *crunch* of cartilage, crying out in pained surprise. His hands shot up to his face only to come away bloodied.

“What the *fuck* man?!” the horny guy yelled as twin rivulets of blood dripped from his fractured nose.

“What she wears is none of your business,” Scott said, his voice was calm and matter-of-fact but he spoke through gritted teeth. “It’s not an invitation for you to follow her home. It’s not giving you permission to lay hands on her, and you have *no right* to tell her that she was ***asking for it***.”

“Fuck off man, you broke my **fucking nose**!! Fuck you *and* your girl, fucking slut.” With those insults thrown at them, he spat a blood tinged wad of spit at their feet before storming off, one hand tenderly pinching at his bloodied nose.

Kayla’s blue eyes were wide as she stared up at Scott in surprise. She hadn’t expected…well, *that*! Scott recovered his posture more quickly than she did and flashed her an apologetic grimace. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” his contrite expression was too cute not to forgive, though honestly Kayla should be thanking him.

“Thank you!” She said it a bit too late, an awkward pause stretching into a momentary silence. “You saved me,” she finished bashfully.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, as if suddenly self-conscious of her gratitude. His eyes roamed over her ever so briefly before flitting away. “Here, let me help you.” Taking some of her grocery bags, he lightened her load considerably as they headed back to her apartment.

With Scott by her side, Kayla didn’t feel quite as uncomfortably self-conscious of her outfit and how exposed it left her. While a part of her felt humiliated by the whole situation, the other part of her still secretly hoped that he liked what he saw. He made her feel…safe somehow.

“So, uhm…” he cleared his throat, awkwardly breaking the silence. They were nearly at her apartment now, only half a block away. “Was that…was that the help you needed?”

Kayla almost chuckled at his question. If only that asshole had been the worst of her problems. “No, I…” She wasn’t sure how to start, how to explain this ridiculous situation she was currently stuck in. Even just thinking about it in her head, it sounded completely made up. No one would believe such a far fetched story…Oh yea, I just unknowingly purchased some sort of newfound super hi-tech mecha uniform suit that I then accidentally didn’t set up properly and now it has me trapped in some sort of inescapable nightmarish discipline regimen.

Yea, Scott would definitely believe that.

“I fucked up,” she finally stated. They had just reached her apartment building. Scott looked at her curiously with raised brows while still being a complete gentleman and opening the doors for her. Kayla gave him a little nod of thanks before slipping in through the doors first and waiting at the elevator for him.

Pressing the button to call the elevator, she looked him squarely in the eyes and repeated, “I fucked up, but I could really use your help…if…if you don’t mind of course.”

“Sure,” he stated with interest. The elevator doors *pinged* open.

When they closed again, the ensuing silence was too much for Kayla. Every second felt like forever. She could feel the unspoken question burning in the air, hanging over them. Turning to Scott, she blurted out in a hurried stream, “I ordered this maid outfit online ‘cus I thought it was so goddamn cute but I didn’t realize how hi-tech it actually is and didn’t read the stupid user’s manual because why would you need a user’s manual for a cute outfit? And now I’m trapped in it and I can’t take it off!”

She could feel her cheeks burning in embarrassment at her outburst. Thankfully the elevator had reached her floor and the doors *pinged* open at the perfect moment. Scott’s expression was a mix of confusion, surprise and skepticism. Before he could say anything, she stepped out of the elevator and headed down the hall towards her apartment, talking over her shoulder as she went.

“I know it sounds like a load of nonsense but I’m not pulling your leg, okay? I’m serious! Look just, let me show you. It’s easier if you just saw it for yourself.” She grumbled under her breath as she fussed with her key in the lock and finally swung open her apartment door. Stepping through the threshold, Kayla was actually relieved when evil Alexa automatically piped up.


“What the–” Scott looked around in confusion, trying to find the source of evil Alexa’s disembodied voice.

Dropping her shopping bags on the ground, Kayla motioned wildly at herself and her outfit. “You see? It’s this outfit! My *outfit* is what just talked! I’m stuck in it and it’s an evil taskmaster!”

Placing his shopping bags down carefully, Scott was eyeing her more critically now. Meanwhile, Kayla tried to demonstrate how inescapable the outfit was. Tugging on the ribbons, trying to unfasten the clips and buttons, all to no avail.

“Okay,” Scott said in his usual calm tone. It kind of infuriated Kayla. How could he stay so calm? “You said there was a user’s manual?”

“Yes! Here.” Leading him back to her living room, she showed him the user’s manual. As Scott slowly flipped through it, scanning the pages meticulously, Kayla’s impatience slowly morphed to shy trepidation as she realized what she’d have to ask next. Once again, she found herself wondering what he thought of her in the outfit. Did he find it sexy? Or was he completely turned off by how slutty it made her?

She found her eyes wandering over him, admiring him with fresh eyes. Scott was handsome to say the least. She often fantasized that he was her Clark Kent, just more tan, a brunette without glasses. He was tall and broad shouldered and she knew he kept himself in good shape even if she never got to see him shirtless. Her eyes traveled up his body, lingering ever so briefly on his crotch before she looked bashfully up and away only to find Scott’s dark eyes watching her over the manual he held.

She blushed even hotter, wondering if he’d seen her looking at him inappropriately. Was it just her imagination, or were his eyes smoldering as they stared back into her blue orbs?

Without breaking eye contact, he asked softly, “So…if I’m reading this right, it seems like the only way for you to get out of your current…predicament is if you get assigned a…Master?”

Kayla blushed so fiercely, she could feel her ears burning. She felt pinned to the spot, unable to look away, captured by his gaze. She barely nodded, her voice small when she spoke. “Y-Yes…”

Setting the manual aside on her coffee table, he took a step closer to her. That step was all it took to make Kayla’s head spin. She could feel the warmth radiating from his body, inches away from her. The small distance between them felt electrifying. She could smell the scent of his cologne, an almost spicy musk that she breathed in deeply. She didn’t flinch away from him when his fingers reached out to twine a strand of her soft, blonde hair behind her ear.

His words were just as gentle as his touch, but there was a burning intensity in his gaze that made excited butterflies flutter around in Kayla’s stomach. “Do you…” he swallowed hesitantly before continuing, “Do you want me to be your Master?” She could almost see the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes and it only made her heart swell for him. It was so goddamn cute how sweet he was.

Maybe it was hearing the words come out of his mouth. Maybe it was how close he was to her, leaving her light headed. Whatever it may be, it was suddenly all too much. Maybe she’d forgotten to breathe again. Regardless, she found herself on her knees, legs suddenly too weak to stand. Kneeling before him, he seemed endlessly tall as she craned her neck back to keep eye contact. Kneeling before him somehow felt right and she realized she could feel how wet she was, her eagerness seeping through her stockings.

“Yes,” she whispered reverently. She watched as a mix of emotions play across his features. Relief, happiness, uncertainty, *lust*. And it was all the unspoken encouragement she needed from him. Looking down at his crotch, she could see that there was a visible outline of his erect cock straining against his pants. He *wanted* her. The thought thrilled her. It was all the reassurance she’d needed from him.

Before he could think to instruct her, she took initiative and reached up to gingerly unbuckle his belt. Her eyes never left his, her movements always questioning, hesitant until he’d given her an almost imperceptible nod of approval. As her fingers pulled his belt loose, she heard his breath hitch in anticipation. It didn’t take long for her to unzip him and fish his hard cock out of his boxers to stand at attention before her. A drop of pre-cum beaded at the tip and she couldn’t help but lick her lips as she stared at his weeping cock. Was he this hard for her because of the unforeseen power dynamic? Or was it due to her outfit?

Looking up at him, her eyes asked him for permission to suck on his straining cock. He’d barely nodded before her tongue gently lapped up the bead of pre-cum, a thin spider’s web trailing between the tip of his cock and her tongue as she pulled away before kissing the velvety tip. “Fuck, Kayla…” he breathed, the words strained through gritted teeth. “I can’t…”

She didn’t have to hear the rest of the sentence. His hands reaching out to her was all the warning she needed before his fingers twined into her hair, pulling her towards him even as he pushed his hips forward. Kayla opened her mouth wide to accommodate him as he pushed the length of his thick cock into her mouth, slowly at first but his restraint quickly melted with each stroke of her nimble tongue against his veiny shaft and soon he was fucking her face while she used her hands to stroke his shaft and massage his balls whenever her mouth and tongue wasn’t slurping the length of him.

It was everything she’d dreamed of, but better. All those nights spent fantasizing about Scott with her vibrator…finally tasting him, licking him, sucking and slurping him, Kayla couldn’t get enough of him. She bobbed her head along his shaft as best she could, trying to take more of him into her mouth each time until he was pressing against the back of her throat with each thrust. It was hard to breathe, the scent of him was overpowering but she loved how heady it was.

Just as she was starting to find a rhythm, he pulled out leaving her gasping with spittle clinging to her pouty, swollen lips. Scott was also breathing hard, his eyes looked a bit wild as he looked down at her, his hands still fisted in her hair while she panted, wide-eyed, up at him. She wondered what he saw in her. Whatever it was, it made his slick cock throb as it visibly twitched before her. She opened her mouth wide, tongue out, wanting to lap at the tantalizing tip of his cock. But he held her back.

“Kayla,” the word was practically a low growl punctuated with raw need. The ferocity of lusty desire in his voice had her squirming. He didn’t have to tell her what he wanted, she was craving it too.

Turning so that her upper body was mostly leaning on the couch, she knelt with her back to him. Looking over her shoulder, she reached back to spread her asscheeks and slick lips – already dripping wet and swollen with need. Despite feeling bashful, she couldn’t help but want to boldly show herself off to him and was pleased to see his eyes riveted to her wet cunt, fully exposed for him. She loved the way his cock twitched, desperate to plunge deep into her.

Shyly, she felt like she was finally living out her fantasy as she asked, “Please Master, please…fuck me with your thick cock.” Her cheeks were flushed as she stammered the words out bashfully. They felt foreign on her tongue at first but…so *right*.

“Fuck, Kayla…” Dropping to his knees behind her, his hands reached out to palm at her bare ass. The feel of his warm hands squeezing her plump ass sent shivers tingling up her spine. She let out a little moan as his fingers dipped into her, sliding up her slit. She bit her lip to stop herself from whimpering needily, tried to stop herself from pushing back against him greedily. “You’re so fucking wet,” he breathed. “God, Kayla, you’re so fucking gorgeous, I…”

She could hear the struggle in his voice as he tried to fight against his base instincts. As much as she admired Scott’s willpower, she didn’t want to be treated gently. Pushing her ass up against him so that she could grind her wet slit against his rock hard erection, they were both left panting with need. “Please Scott…Master, please. Please, fuck me, I need it. I need your cock in me, please.” Kayla whimpered the words out, a breathy stream of pleading cries as she grinded her hips against him.

Scott didn’t need to hear more. With one hand resting on her ass, the other around her waist, he slowly thrusted himself fully into her with a groan. She arched back into him with a mewled cry as he filled her completely and for a moment, they stayed connected in perfect bliss. That second was just a prelude to more and soon he was fucking her into the couch while she screamed into the cushions as he pounded into her wet cunt. She could feel his heavy balls slapping against her clit with each thrust, feel the tip of his cock ramming satisfyingly against her cervix making her toes curl even as her fingers dug into the couch cushions.

A random string of words were streaming out of her mouth as he fucked her, a garbled mix of *oh god* and *fuckfuckoh****fuck***. Kayla tried to grind her hips back to meet Scott’s in a rhythm, but he was ramming into her so deeply that it was all she could do to hold her ass up in place for him as he pushed her further and further into the couch. It’d been so long since she’d had a live cock in her, she’d forgotten how good it felt and he brought her to screaming orgasm after orgasm until she’d lost count.

Meanwhile, Scott’s stamina left her breathless as he pistoned into her. She’d cum so many times at this point that she could feel her own wetness dripping down her inner thighs. As insatiable as she’d been, Scott’s dick was bringing her waves of satisfaction and she loved every second of the battering abuse her eager pussy was taking. She loved the feeling of his fingers digging into her and hoped that it’d leave bruised marks for her to admire later.

Suddenly, she felt his fingers brushing against her clit before rubbing it firmly. This only sent her down another spiraling scream of *yesss****fuck****yes* as she came again, clenching wildly down on his throbbing shaft. His answering groan was hot against her ear as he leaned over her. A choked gasp of “Kayla” was her only warning before he buried himself balls deep in her and came so hard that she felt every pulse as he spurted inside her, filling her with hot cum.

For a moment they simply lay there, collapsed on the couch, heavy pants intermingling. He kissed her sweetly on her cheek and atop her head before he got up; she whimpered as she felt him pulling out of her twitching pussy, she could feel his hot cum starting to dribble out of her well used cunt and mixing with her own juices as they trailed down her inner thigh. Her legs felt like jello and she could barely move, yet at the same time she already missed feeling his dick in her.

All at once, her uniform began vibrating, a low hum emanated from it. Sitting up abruptly in alarm, Kayla’s frantic eyes met with Scott’s bewildered ones and then the uniform fell silent. Before either of them could figure out what had happened, Kayla felt the uniform loosening as the ribbons finally unknotted themselves and fell free as her apron slid into her lap in a pool of silky fabric.

Kayla was utterly beaming at Scott now as she realized the uniform must’ve reprogrammed itself to a new Master. “You did it,” she whispered, smiling happily up at him with the loose apron in her hands.

Having tucked himself back into his pants, he knelt down in front of her, gathering her into his arms. She was still quivering from their rough, impromptu fucking, but she leaned back and let herself melt against his chest. She let her eyes drift closed as she nuzzled against him, loving how she smelled like him, loving the smell of him as he embraced her. She smiled as she felt his fingers clumsily attempting to unbutton her outfit, his voice warm in her ear.

“Let’s get you cleaned up…”


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