Mary’s Adventure, Part 1 of 6 [FM]

What follows is part of a story I wrote as a commission. I still write for commissions, DM me for pricing, if interested.



I never had any intention of being bad. I was a good girl, born and raised into, and perfectly happy to maintain, a good, solid, Catholic household. I never screwed around with boys, I never drank, and I, in general, never broke the rules. But everyone has that one friend. For me, the unlikely pairing was with Gina. We met as roommates our freshman year of college, and despite the fact that she was far more wild than I could ever dream of being. She drank, she smoked, and she loved the company of men. There were a fair few nights that I would be woken up by her and whatever random guy she’d managed to pick up barging into the room in the throes of passion, and I’d be kept awake by the squeaking of her bedsprings. Among, of course, other sinful sounds. As the school year went on, I even found myself at confessional, tearfully admitting that I had enjoyed the sounds. A few Hail Mary’s later and I was on the straight and narrow again…until Gina brought another boy home.
Against all odds, though, Gina and I became fast friends. When my parents expressed their disapproval, I simply pointed out that Jesus kept the company of sinners and prostitutes, and they seemed satisfied by their daughter’s incorruptibility. In truth, I liked having Gina around. She was a ton of fun, and she did things that I would never dream of doing, with guys I’d never dream of doing it with. She would lightly push me to step outside my comfort zone, but as much fun as it was watching and listening to her, I knew where my boundaries were. She took to calling me Mary, Mary, quite contrary, as I’d regularly preach the proper, Christ like way of living, but would never try to stop her in the act. I suppose I was envious of her, in a lot of ways. I wished I could cut loose like her. Part of me longed to cut loose and get wild without worrying about my immortal soul, but salvation is a powerful thing to argue against, not that Gina didn’t try. Even when I met Frank, the man I would eventually marry, Gina tried to push me into the sinful lifestyle. I never budged, though, and my romance with Frank blossomed the way Christ intended, culminating in a wedding night that I had been waiting for since the first time I heard Gina’s bedsprings creek.

Even as a virgin, I knew Frank was…alright. He was as nervous as I was, but we knew the basic order of operation, so penetration didn’t take long. He was enamored by it, and jerked around for a bit, getting quite a rise out of me, before unleashing himself inside of me. To the uneducated, I imagine it would have been a fine first time. To me, having had a vicarious education through Gina, I had expectations, and they hadn’t been met. Even as we started our life together and Frank moved past the 15 seconds of rabbit thrusting, he didn’t match the heights of some of Gina’s partners. Just as he learned to get a little better, though, I learned to lower my expectations and tamp down on the urges he couldn’t fulfill. We settled into a happy, suburban life with a nice little house with a white picket fence. Frank got a job at an accounting firm that paid the bills and then some and I played housewife, home alone all day to cook and clean and make sure that everything was ship shape for my darling hubby when he came home. We regularly attended church, lived a Christ-like life, and we were both very happy. Until Gina came around.
Gina had settled into a lifestyle befitting of her personality. She wrote a lifestyle article for a popular website, making impressive money and getting free trips around the world at the same time. A couple times a year, she’d blow into town, much to Frank’s chagrin, and gush over how wonderful everything was in all the far flung corners of the globe that she’d just traveled to, and how I simply must come with her sometime, and then she was off again. It was as Gina-like as it got. Blow in, brag, and then leave. She was a force of nature. I loved her. Frank was not a fan. He’d smile big and welcome her in, even when she showed up unannounced, but when she left, the same concerns my parents had came pouring out all over again, causing me to roll out the same excuses, getting us to the same conclusions. Life has a way of moving in perfectly ordered circles like that. Gina has a way of disrupting even the most balanced of orders.

So it was when she showed up, unannounced (again) at our front door one Thursday afternoon. I threw my arms around her, awkwardly (as usual, my slender 5’2 frame pressing against her willowy 5’11), without a thought for how sweaty and gross I was. I’d spent the day cleaning and scrubbing, and I was just getting ready to start working on dinner. In short, I was a mess, as usual. Gina, by contrast, always looked great. Her naturally wavy black hair had been straightened and pulled back into a long ponytail, which served to accentuate her angular, intense face. Her white tank top stretched over her impressively large chest (which I would have thought were absolutely fake had I not known Gina better than that), a stark comparison to my modest B-cups, but also hugged her toned belly. Below that were simple black yoga pants that left nothing to the imagination, and simple flip flops. It was an unusually casual look for Gina, but she pulled it off in spades. I invited her in, naturally, and offered her a drink while asking what brought her to town.

“Oh, you wouldn’t believe it, Mary,” she gushed in her naturally theatrical way. “I just got back from Paris, which was AB-so-LUTE-ly BEAUTIFUL. Of course it would be around this time of the year, you know.” I wouldn’t know peak season in Paris from a stick in the eye, but I smiled and agreed, and let her brag about her job, and the perks involved, including the men she had met in her travels. One man in particular, Jacques, had truly impressed her.

“He was gorgeous, Mary. Tall, and built like a Greek God. I swear, the things this Frenchman could do with his tongue…” She stopped short and looked at me, mock-sheepishly. She knew what I was about to say.

“Well? Gina, don’t leave me in suspense!”

“Mary, Mary, quite contrary. What would Frankie think if he knew that you were pumping me for details on how Jacques was able to…?” As if on cue, the sound of Frank’s car rolling into the driveway rumbled into the house. Gina shot me a devilish grin, then shot out the door, greeting Frank as he climbed out of his car. “FRANKIE,” she squealed in delight, throwing her arms around him and forcing his face into her prodigious breasts. He extracted himself as politely as possible and mumbled an excuse before coming inside. He dashed in, pecked me on the cheek, as usual, and then up the stairs before Gina could even make it back through the door.

“He hates it when you do that, you know,” I admonished, though I did have a smile on my face. It was funny to see my husband, normally low-key and unflappable, get flustered.

“I know,” she replied, without a care in the world. She knew what she did to men, and she simply didn’t care. “Besides, I figured giving him a little bit of a show will butter him up for what I have to ask you two over dinner.” I raised an eyebrow at her. She made good money, but was occasionally careless. It wouldn’t be totally out of character for her to ask for a loan, but she waved a hand, as if she could read my thoughts. “I promise, nothing but good news, Mary, darling. Maybe even great news.” She winked, but refused to say another word until dinner.

“St. Bart’s?” Frank choked on the water he’d been sipping when Gina dropped the name. “They’re just giving you a trip to St. Bart’s? That’s…quite a vacation, Gina.”

“Well, not so much a vacation, Frankie, darling,” she waved her hand dismissively. “I will be working, of course, writing an article or two on the finer points of the nightlife and such, but it’s mostly a thank you for the good job I’ve been doing.” She shrugged and took a mouthful of the chicken I had prepared for dinner. She chewed thoughtfully, staring at her plate, almost as if trying to sort out her next words in her head, which was highly uncharacteristic of her. “The best part of it all,” she said, still looking at her plate, “is that I finally talked the magazine into letting me take someone along with me to help.” Her eyes flashed at me, a hopeful gleam in her eye along with something else.

Frank took a moment to understand what Gina was saying. When he finally noticed Gina’s intent gaze on me, he just looked back and forth, back and forth, before sputtering out “M-m-m-Mary? You want Mary to go with you? To St. Bart’s?”

Gina nodded, grinning widely. “What do you say, Ms. Contrary? Think you could take a break from the housewife life for an all-expense paid week to St. Bart’s with your bestie?” It was phrased as a question, but there was no mistaking the tone. I was going to St. Bart’s. I looked at Frank, my mouth agape in wonder. After all these years of Gina promising to take me somewhere, she had finally come through. And to a tropical paradise, no less! Frank shrugged. I almost cried. It was a miracle. A real, honest to God miracle. I was going to St. Bart’s!
I fought back the tears long enough to choke out “So when do we leave?”

“Saturday,” came the response through a mouthful of chicken. The words were like a bomb exploding in my brain.
“Saturday? As in the day after tomorrow?” Gina nodded. I shook my head. “I can’t be ready to leave in two days, Gina. I don’t have anything to wear, I don’t have time to get everything straightened out, I don’t know what Frank will do on such short notice…” As I was talking, Gina pulled out her phone and pulled something up, showing me the screen. Two reservations on a flight leaving at 3AM, first class to St. Bart’s. One had her name, and on the second, clear as day, was mine.

“Non-transferable. No refunds. You’re going, babe.” She knew me too well. I didn’t know exactly how much those tickets cost, but whoever bought those tickets, I wasn’t about to waste their money. I guess the defeat was clear on my face, because Gina lit up like a Christmas tree. “Oh, Mary, it’s going to be so much fun! You’re going to love it. We’ll have to go out shopping tomorrow, of course. We need to make sure you have the right clothes, the right supplies, of course I’ll have to stock up…” her words faded into the background as reality set in. I looked at Frank across the table, clearly as shocked as I was by the sudden developments. I shrugged. Looks like I’m going to St. Bart’s, I thought.

The next day was a whirlwind of activity. Gina picked me up bright and early and we hit all the shops I could never afford, buying beautiful clothes from designers I’d never heard of, she bought me a new set of luggage to haul it all in, she even paid for me to have my hair done for the occasion, though there’s nothing much you can do with shoulder length mousy brown hair, I still felt overwhelmed by the experience. Of course, it all went on the company credit card. “I told you, all expense paid…” she’d chime every time the card came out. Finally, we stopped by a one last store, and, sitting in the car, Gina turned to me and took my hand, looking me dead in the eye. “Mary,” she said, “You know I love you like my own sister, right?” I nodded, at a loss of words for the sudden intensity from my best friend. “Good, because you’re going to hate this next part, but it needs to be done. This may be the most important stop of the day.”

“Okay…” I looked out the window, trying to figure out what grand secret was waiting to spring on me. Gina gently placed her hand on my cheek and guided my gaze back to hers. There was a long pregnant pause before Gina said those five dreadful words.

“We’re getting you a bikini.” I groaned and turned away. She knew I wasn’t the type to flaunt my skin around everywhere. I hated wearing a swimsuit at all, let alone something that bared my midriff. It was just a small step away from walking around in my panties and bra. In short, I was against the entire idea. Unfortunately, Gina had made up her mind.

“C’mon, you’ll look great! This is a top notch place!” I huffed. “It’s St. Bart’s, Mary! I’m not going to let you go walking around in some frumpy one piece! You’ll look completely ridiculous.” Again, I huffed, staring out the windshield. Then, she leaned in for the kill, whispering in my ear, “I’ll bet Frank will go wild for some tan lines.” I wanted to huff again, but the truth was there. Frank hadn’t been terribly interested in me in some time. The words echoed through my head. Even if I didn’t wear the swimsuit out at all, it still might be something a little extra sexy to get Frank’s motor running. Lord knows I could use any help I could get to start his motor most nights. That didn’t mean I’d like it. I shrugged and opened my door, to Gina’s delighted squeal. She hopped out and beat me to the door of the store, holding it open for me.

Inside, Gina was a flurry of activity. She was dashing here, there, and everywhere, grabbing a bottom here, a few different tops there, eventually bringing me an armful of possibilities. What followed was something like a montage out of an 80s movie, if the subject of said montage was miserable and wanted to go home. I trudged in and out of that dressing room more times than I cared to count, wearing articles of clothing I was humiliated to be wearing in public. Fortunately, the dressing rooms were far away from the windows, or I may have truly died from embarrassment.

Finally, Gina fell in love with a little (and I do mean little) black number, which she said worked beautifully with my pale skin. I shrugged and looked down at it. It was basic enough, without any extra straps or frills, but it was still a good deal more revealing than I cared for. The top plunged more than most of my bras, showing off what cleavage I could muster, much to my horror, and the bottoms were woefully inadequate to cover my behind, which spilled out well more than was decent. Gina didn’t give me time to protest, though. She just demanded I go back into the dressing room and get changed back into my clothes so that she could pay for the suit.

After that, it was a simple matter of going home and packing, a task that Gina tackled with surprising zeal, making sure that everything she’d bought for me was packed neatly in its place. Then, before dinner, she took off for her apartment to prepare herself for the coming day. We made all the necessary plans for when she would pick me up the following morning, and then she was off, leaving me with my brand new luggage and brand new wardrobe to think about the brand new experience coming my way. As I looked at the impressive, expensive array of purchases my best friend made for me, all packed up in some very fancy luggage, I couldn’t help but smile at the way it all looked. To the casual observer, I knew it must look like Gina had prepared me to leave Frank for good. As I cuddled next to him that night in bed, the thought re-entered my head and I smiled. I had no idea what Gina had in mind for my marriage.


The suite was unlike anything I’d ever seen. The main living area was bigger than our garage, the furniture in it easily cost more than our car. While Gina discussed something with the bellboy, I wandered from room to room. A Jacuzzi took up one corner of the bathroom, which had a shower big enough to hold four people easily, both bedrooms were huge, with king sized beds that I wanted to crawl into and sleep forever, they looked so soft and comfy, and a dining area with a big, sturdy looking table. I made my way back into the main living room area as Gina finished talking to the bellboy. With his departure, Gina spun on the ball of her foot, a huge, purely blissful smile on her face. She spread her arms wide, as if to indicate the entire living space. “Well?”

“It’s…amazing, Gina.” The words were hard to find. Just the flight down here was probably the most expensive, nicest gift I’d ever gotten, but now this beautiful place to call home for an entire week…I could feel the tears welling up as it sank in. “It’s…It’s just too much, Gina.” She gave me a hug, still awkward from the size difference, and a light peck on the top of the head which, for some reason, made me feel better, and we sat on the couch in front of a big picture window overlooking the beach. She made no attempt to start a conversation. She just let the beauty of a sunny morning view of a tropical beach ease my worries. It worked surprisingly well. Just watching the distant waves rolling in, the people walking by, the seagulls circling, I could feel all worries sliding away. Layers of tension I didn’t realize I had started to melt away as well. It was just me and my best friend and a beautiful day in a beautiful place. I didn’t have to worry about cooking or cleaning or errands or laundry, none of it mattered. In the silence of that hotel room, I felt stripped down and bare, primed and ready for what came next, whatever it may be.
After staring at the ocean for a long while, Gina patted my leg and, with a warm smile, stood up. “C’mon, girlie, it’s time to enjoy ourselves.” I looked after her, confused, as she went to my briefcase and opened it, picking through until she found my brand new bathing suit. She tossed me the wadded up tangle of black fabric and pointed at what was apparently my bedroom. I waggled my jaw, searching for an excuse, but Gina was not to be argued with. “We’re going poolside in five minutes. If you’re not suited up, I’m coming in there to put it on for you.” She punctuated it with a friendly smile and a wink. Gina always knew how to walk the fine line between threatening and warm and friendly. She pulled me up, pointed me towards the door to my room and, with a friendly swat on my behind, sent me trotting in, closing the door behind me. I just looked at the black fabric in my hands. I could still put my foot down with Gina. If I told her I was really uncomfortable with it, she’d understand. I could go out walking on the beach like a tourist, wearing something more modest, and Gina could have her fun. It would be easy.

So why was I already changing? There was something electric about the swimsuit; it had an energy that I couldn’t deny. As much as my modesty wanted to take control, I wanted to wear it. So, without any hesitation, I slipped into the too-revealing swimsuit that wasn’t at all like me, and stood in front of the mirror. Part of me wanted to cover up and run away, seeing myself so exposed. I had underwear more modest than what I was wearing. Another part of me, a part that I hadn’t heard from since the days of listening to Gina in bed, couldn’t wait to show off. It was a small but powerful voice that ran counter to everything else inside me. I started noticing how well the bikini held my breasts, framing the B-cups in a flattering way, making them look slightly larger than they actually were, and the bottoms that hung low on my hips. For the first time in a long time, I was happy I was completely shaved down there, a habit I had gotten into early in the marriage to spice things up in the bedroom. Frankie loved the look, so I kept doing it, but the spiciness of it had long since worn off. Here and now, though, it made me look like a model out of a magazine. I even spun around to make sure that my butt looked good. It was bigger than I’d like, but I’d heard that some guys liked that sort of thing. The bikini barely kept it contained, no matter how much I tugged and tried to make it. I sighed heavily. The better part of me still wanted to get dressed and tell Gina that the swimsuit was a mistake. So why was I already opening the door and walking out to meet her?
Gina let out a wolf whistle when she saw me. I blushed, but surprisingly didn’t follow my instinct to cover up. It didn’t hurt that, compared to Gina’s swimsuit, I was practically fully clothed. She left nothing to the imagination with a red bikini that was little more than string with small patches of fabric that just barely kept her from being indecent and a couple towels draped over her arm. “Wow, Mary! I have to admit, I expected more resistance!” She walked around me, appraising, as if she hadn’t seen me in it just the day before. I wasn’t used to being appraised the way Gina was doing, certainly not by anyone but my husband, but I got a bit of a thrill when she walked behind me and gave another whistle. “Mary, you’re making me jealous! I wish I had an ass like this!” Modesty took the best of me as I remembered how woefully inadequate the bottoms were at fully covering me up back there, and I reached behind and tugged down, hoping in vain to cover everything. Gina laughed and swatted at my hand. “It’s a force unto itself, girl, just let it be.” She circled back around to my front and crossed her arms, shaking her head with a smile. I arched an eyebrow. I could tell when Gina had something on her mind.

“Spit it out, Gina,” I blurted with a laugh. She shrugged.

“We could have really driven the guys wild back in college if I could have gotten you to cut loose.” I was taken aback. She’d needled me a bit back in school about how I needed to relax, but it hadn’t ever come across as serious. She was always the party girl, and I was the good girl who sat in our dorm room and studied. She spent the weekends drinking and sleeping with all the guys she could find, and I spent weekends at the chapel. We had our roles, and while I’d certainly enjoyed bearing witness to her antics, I was certainly happy with our arrangement, and she seemed to be to. I stared at her for a moment, completely forgetting my exposed status. She didn’t seem sad, just…wistful, I guess, as she looked me over, then it was gone. She snapped back to reality and tossed me a towel. “Let’s go get some color, girlie.”

It wasn’t until we were actually in the hallway, with the door shut behind me, that reality sank in. I was in little more than underwear, and I had officially crossed over into a very public place. Before panic could set in, though, Gina had an arm around me and was guiding me towards the elevator. The ride down to the ground level was quiet, with just the two of us. It was, on retrospect, the calm before the storm.

The pool was deserted. Gina had told me on the flight down that it was the off season, so while the clubs and cheaper motels would still be fairly busy, the more upscale places, like we were staying in, would be relatively dead. Still, it was almost eerie. Calm, but eerie. The pool was huge, maybe Olympic sized, and beautifully blue. There was an array of beautiful deck chairs, all natural wood, in an orderly fashion around the pool for sunbathing, with the occasional umbrella to protect those looking to relax, but not get any color. It was almost like paradise, and it was all ours.

In the time it took me to take in the sight of this beautiful private pool, Gina had already made a spectacle of herself. She’d already picked out a chair and had stripped off her top, letting her impressive breasts free. They were natural, that much was obvious from the very slight sag in them, but they were still very impressive, sitting high and firm on her chest. I looked away quickly when I realized I’d been staring at another woman’s exposed breasts, even if it was Gina. She hadn’t noticed me, as she’d been busy applying tanning oil. I made a mental note for my next confessional and sat in the seat next to hers and leaned back, sighing happily as I soaked in the sun. I was beginning to see the appeal of the bikini. The sun felt incredible as it beat down on my exposed stomach, and the low cut on the waist of the bottoms and the bust on the top let in enough sun to get me supremely relaxed in a hurry. I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and drank in paradise.

I must have nodded off, because Gina had to raise her voice to get my attention. I looked over to find my half naked friend offering me her bottle of suntan oil. “Skin as pale as yours, Mary, you don’t want to burn. This will help you get some color.” I took it and squirted some in my hand, rubbing it over my legs first, then my stomach, then arms. As I got to the exposed area of my upper breasts, Gina leaned towards me and said, in a faux whisper “Do you know what’s more sexy to men than tan lines?” I shook my head, still supremely relaxed from the sun on my skin. I’d never had a drink in my life, but I imagined this is what being drunk felt like. I liked it. Gina wiggled her breasts at me and giggled “No tan lines at all!” It took my sun drunk mind a few seconds for the message to sink in, but when it did, I sobered up quickly.

“I…I can’t…” Gina held up a hand and all wickedness vanished from her face in the blink of an eye.

“I’m not here to make you do anything you don’t want to, Mary. Just know this is a safe place. No one will ever have to know, and judging by our walk down here, I don’t think anyone will ever see.” I glanced around the pool area again. It was quiet and empty, aside from us. I thought about it for a moment. The sun did feel wonderful, especially on my exposed skin. I could only imagine how amazing it would feel on my exposed breasts. Gina, as usual, could read me like a book. “Hey,” she said, quietly. “When are you ever going to get another opportunity like this?” She made a lot of sense. I wasn’t going to see anyone I knew here, and no one was going to ever know. Gina would never tell anyone, and I certainly wasn’t about to tell anyone. I took a deep breath and reached back behind my neck to untie the only thing keeping my breasts hidden from the world.

It was an odd feeling, letting the top fall free, almost like I had crossed a barrier. Certainly I had, I mean, 24 hours ago, I never would have worn this kind of outfit in public, and 24 minutes ago, I never would have taken it off in public, but something clicked in my mind as well, like that part of my mind that liked the way I looked in the bikini had gotten stronger. I untied the bit behind my back and wadded the skimpy top up, dropping it beside me on the ground. I looked at Gina with an uncharacteristic grin. Her jaw was on the floor.

“You naughty little bitch!” She reached over and slapped my arm. I couldn’t fight back a smile. After all these years, it felt good to surprise Gina a little bit. I rubbed the oil over the remainder of my exposed skin, enjoying the sensation of rubbing it into my soft breasts more than I expected. When I was done, I leaned back, basking in the sun. I was right, the sun on my bare breasts felt miraculous. I quickly became drunk on the feeling again. “You know,” Gina said a short while later, “If you really wanted to go without tan lines…”

“Don’t push your luck, Gina.”

We stayed out there for nearly two hours, though neither of us kept track of time. Gina just tapped my shoulder, shaking me out of my stupor, and nodded towards the door, already most of the way towards stuffing her breasts into what passed for a bikini top. I followed suit, regretfully pulling the dark fabric over my skin and tying it behind my back, adjusting the cups to make sure I wasn’t going to give the hotel staff a free show on the way back. “That might be fun, though,” that little voice in the back of my mind whispered. I should have been concerned that the voice had become as prevalent as it had in just the last couple hours, but there was something comforting about it. I liked it being there. It was comfortable and encouraging and so unlike who I was and how I felt at home. That definitely should have scared me. I was a loving wife at home. I was an upstanding member of the church at home. Being anything but that person should have scared me. But this new person I felt like was fun, and if there was one thing I was bad at while at home, it was having fun. Besides, I wasn’t hurting anyone by having a little fun here. Surely Frank expected Gina and me to see each other partially dressed while here, sharing a room. As far as I was concerned, no lines had been crossed. Which was good news for me, because it meant I could keep doing what I’d been doing.

That got a sly smile on my face as we boarded the elevator, which Gina, naturally, noticed. “I was hoping I’d be able to get you to have some fun, Mary.”


“I wanted to get you to cut loose all through college, but you never seemed willing. With Frankie…”

“You know he hates it when you call him that, right?”

“…you’ve only gotten worse. Do you know why I stop by and visit so often?”

“I always assumed it was because you’re in town.”

“No, I go out of my way to be back in town because every time you see me, it looks like the first time you’ve smiled in weeks.” I was taken aback. I had known that Gina was a good friend, but to warp her entire schedule just to give my mood a boost? That was something special. “Look, Mary,” she said softly as the elevator doors opened, “I’m not going to push you to do anything while we’re down here that you don’t want to do. I’ll offer, and I may nudge, but you can always say no. I hope you won’t say no too much, though, because I like seeing you have fun. Okay?” With that, the elevator doors opened and Gina walked out without waiting for an answer. By the time I got back into the suite, Gina had already gone to her room and closed the door. I knew I should have gone to my room to change, but I wasn’t ready to take the bikini off just yet, so I sat on the couch, looking out over the St. Bart’s scenery. For a moment, I imagined that everyone out there could see me, clear as day through the window, sitting there in my sexy bikini, and it excited me in ways that I knew were wrong, but that growing voice in the back of my mind was very persuasive.

Sitting there, staring over the landscape, was how Gina found me. “I knew you’d get hooked on that suit from the moment I saw you in it.” She was leaning against the doorframe leading into her room, wearing a fluffy white robe with the hotel’s insignia on the breast. I just smiled. I really did love the suit. “Well, I’m going to hop in the shower before dinner, get the sweat and oil off of me. You should take one, too.” She walked to the bathroom before looking back over her shoulder. “Of course, you could join me. It’d save time, and it’s not like anything we haven’t seen.” I just shook my head.

“I don’t think I’m ready for that.” I don’t know why I didn’t just say no, but Gina seemed to notice the implied “yet” at the end of the statement. She didn’t smile, but hesitated slightly before continuing into the bathroom.

We ordered in room service for dinner. Gina tried to convince me to answer the door wearing nothing but the hotel-offered robe, but I wasn’t feeling quite that adventurous, so she did it instead, letting her robe “accidentally” fall open when she signed for it. I shouldn’t have been surprised by Gina’s complete lack of tan lines. The poor guy just stammered for a bit before coming up with an excuse to leave and running out. We laughed until we cried around the dining room table. We talked about college, I told her about married life, and she told me about her jet setting lifestyle. I was a little jealous. To me, St. Bart’s was a magical paradise. To her, it was just another trip. Last week, she was in Paris. Next week, she’d be in Beijing. I mean, I liked my life. Being a housewife could be very rewarding, but I kind of envied her lifestyle.

After dinner, I was reminded of a key difference between Gina and me. With the sun sinking, despite having a calm, relaxing day, I was ready to wind down for the night. Gina was just getting started. As I stared out the window, taking in the beauty of the night time view, when Gina blew out of her bedroom dressed in a slutty little black dress, with far more cleavage showing than I was even capable of producing. She looked me over once and gave me a look.

“You look like you’re ready to go to bed.”

“I am, Gina. It’s, like, 9:30.”

“Yeah. This is when the magic happens. Do you have any idea how much you’re about to miss out on?”

I gave a short laugh. “Yeah, what fun can a married woman have after dark in St. Bart’s?”

“You’re sexy, Mary! Sexier than you know. You don’t have to fuck anyone to have fun. Teasing can be a blast!” I shook my head and waved a hand at her.

“Tanning topless is one thing, Gina, but I don’t think I’m ready to go throwing myself at guys in a club.” Gina’s shoulders visibly sagged, putting even more cleavage on display. Realizing how the situation must look to her, I quickly clarified. “Oh, but you go ahead and have fun! Don’t worry about me! I’m perfectly happy to sit here and call it an early night.” She looked at me with a critical eye, almost like I was trying to trick her.

“Really, Gina! It’ll be just like college. I’ll stay in and read a book; you’ll go out and party, then bring back a guy and have loud sex while you think I’m somehow sleeping through it.” She smiled.

“I always knew you were awake. I just always hoped that it would loosen you up.”

“Well, it didn’t work, but I encourage you to keep trying.” I pushed her lightly towards the door. She made it to the door before looking back at me for a moment, almost like she was still unsure whether it was alright to be leaving me behind. “I won’t wait up for you. Have fun.” With those last words of encouragement, she nodded, and slipped out the door.

I went into the bedroom, torn a bit between relief for having some alone time, and regret for not going with her. I dug through my suitcase for my pajamas, but, upon finding them, something niggled at the back of my mind. The pastel pink nightgown seemed…prudish. Frumpy. After all, what kind of a life was I living if I wore more clothes to bed in private than I did to a public pool. It made perfect sense to me to drop the robe to the floor and step out of my conservative panties and slipped underneath the overstuffed comforter. The bed was a world of comfort, beyond which nothing mattered. I was its sole inhabitant. I had brought a book to read, but I didn’t have the opportunity. I barely managed to get fully under the blankets before I passed out.

Some hours later, I had no idea how many, I was woken by a sound in the main living area. Had I not just been shaken from the most sound sleep I’d had in years, maybe ever, I would have immediately known what it was, but sleep has a way of clouding even the most common of common sense, so I, reluctantly, slipped from between the covers, unaware of my nudity, and went to the closed door of my room. Cracking it slightly, I peeked out. There, sprawled on the couch, was Gina, completely naked with a look of pure bliss on her face. It took me an extra moment to spot her companion. In the dim light, his dark hair over her crotch was camouflaged, but once I spotted him, he was clear as day. A young, muscular, tanned young man, completely naked and moving his head between Gina’s legs in a way Frank had never done for me. It was the most erotic sight I had ever seen. I simply could not look away.

Finally, he stood from between her legs and whispered something to her, to which she giggled and nodded. She rose from her position on the couch and let him lay down. I let out a gasp I’m surprised they couldn’t hear when I saw what was between his legs, far larger than Frank in every way, bobbing in the air. I watched in fascination as Gina, her back to me, flung a leg over him and lowered herself, carefully aiming him between her legs, unprotected. I could easily tell the instant that he penetrated her. People in the lobby could probably tell. She leaned her head back and howled at the moon, a guttural cry that lasted until she finally sank his entire length inside her. As she reached the bottom, she rested for a moment, hunching over her lover and breathing hard. Then she straightened herself up to her full height, and looked over her shoulder directly at my door. She searched the darkness for a moment, then smiled and winked. A jolt of electricity shot through my body at my apparent discovery. Having been lost in the spectacle, I was suddenly very aware of my current position, eye pressed to the crack in the door, completely naked, and, to my surprise, moisture running down my leg as I watched as my friend fucked a strange man in front of me.
It was going to be a very interesting week, indeed.


I’ll be posting a part a day until it’s all up. Again, if you’re interested in a commissioned story, DM me for pricing and details.


1 comment

  1. Amazing! Beautifully written and undeniably sexy. I can’t wait to see where this goes.

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