Married professor blackmailed by janitor [FM] [Blackmail]

My red stilettos spread to opposite ends of a polished oak desk, feeling a layer of goosebumps shudder across my body as I look across the lecture hall that reverberates every gasp and sigh from my parted glossy lips. Although we’re alone I feel a rush for each moan that could ring across the corridors, for each slip of my leggings down the polished oak desk and every gentle breeze from the open windows. I pace my dark red nails across his bobbing curly hair, tracing my way down from my cut down bumps to the jet black stripe that grows into a brown shade as it leads to my pussy. The longer his tongue swirls my clit into an itching pleasure spiral the more I loose control, I’m pretty sure that I lost my knickers and lanyard in the mess but I couldn’t care less. He ceases and looks up at me, “Am I doing good Mrs MacKie”, I only respond by pushing the back of his head into me.

You might be wondering how & why is there a student eating me out in a lecture room. You might also wonder why I’m not at home marking assignments and loving my deadbeat husband, well I can answer that by saying that I need stress relief. He comes over, I unwind and de-stress, and he uses my birth control pills to the max. Great deal.

My ass now slides to the edge of the desk while my legs jitter uncontrollably, he pushes my clit slower and slower until I take a tight inhale that tucks in my skin. A wave of pleasure washes over me, as if I were floating in warm ocean waves of the Bahama islands, he looks at me with puppy dog eyes that a track and field athlete like him would never make. I exhale and lay myself upon my wooden love bed, he quickly leaves while shouting ‘Sorry Mrs I gotta date’ across the lecture hall.

For the life of me, I honestly couldn’t find my ID and red panties; it’s not like anyone would notice me without it yet I still walked by each ring of seats for a few minutes checking. I smirked realizing that he must’ve left with them, while I walked outside in my business skin tight skirt I felt each gentle step send a breeze down my thigh gap which just promoted me to think about his cheekiness.

Coming home I briefly kissed my ‘husband’ on the neck and made some dinner for him and my daughter, who as usually refuses to speak to me. Good day at the office.

When I came in next morning, before my students, I found a note at my desk with a scribbled ‘stay here till 8 or..’ with a cheap University flash stick on top. I blushed and hid in a deep corner of my drawer, not that it helped much since it ran through my head every lecture I gave. I had hours and hours to stay in there after everyone left, I tried to do everything I could to pass the time to the point I began to touch my self. Nearing 7 I already was rubbing the top of my pussyhole through my clothes while a single bare breast encompasses my hand, my phone buzzed with my hubbies name and I could not care less. I was beginning to soak until I noticed a dark figure in the doorway, my heart raced as I tucked my tit back and fumbled up one of the seats.

‘Perv!’ My voice cracked and I suddenly felt a wave of cold regret reach my boiling skin, I looked back and I saw an middle aged janitor who seemed African. “Ahaha! Nice nip luv!” his deep voice echoed and resented against all the furniture surrounding me, I looked down and noticed that I improperly tucked my boob back in. With jittery fingers I attempted to slide it back in, failing as soon as he spoke again “Ay dun’t worry babes I’ve seen way more than that” he held up a hard drive. I then noticed his janitor uniform across the hall and sighed in frustration.

“Jesus you prick, ‘I have to suck you off so I don’t lose my job’. Ass” I imitated his deep voice, crossing my arms.

“No Kie honey you jus’ need convincin’ why I could treat you better than that youth, jus’ cus I’m a janitor you think I’m no good?” He smacked his lips “you want a hard man like me in your life: not a student, not your husband. By the way I heard the staff rumors, you don’t need to hide the divorce”.

I grew shocked at his audacity, yet no word escaped for I knew it would end my career. I thought for a moment about my predicament and began unbuttoning my shirt, nimbly as my nails got in the way.

I looked back at him, watching him slide his large palm into his the crotch of his overall. Button after button I grew more frustrated until I looked at him a second time, the bulge had grown larger to the point I was doubting if I had ever seen one AS large. A quick zip and peered the eye of a black anaconda, a veiny beast which hungrily my eyes devoured as if starved from the touch of real men.
He came forward and I felt butterflies raise in my stomach, as if I were back in my teen days being laid across my bed by my first crush. I involuntarily bit my lip and sunk back shy as he smiled, it’s as if he melted my rage away by simply being himself. I looked up at the 6ft 2 man as he ran his soap scented fingers down my lips. He reached my delicate hand and placed it on his shaft, shushing me as I took an uneven breath.

“Good girl”

His words making me uncontrollably flustered. Another calming hand was placed upon my head, I slowly buckled my knees down into the stone cold floor. As I stared into into its hypnotic allure, his large drooping bells accompanied by an eight inch shaft that vigorously throbbed, I began to edge towards it closer and closer with parted lips. Feeling his heat, his manhood scent, simply eased my lips onto his head.

My mouth melted into a pit of saliva and precum, a second pussy which which began to drop onto his shaft. I twisted and twirled my throat and jaw for him, swirling and tracing my tongue across his pulsing veins, until I ached. I took gasps of air, which I used to smack his meat across my puffed up cheeks, that were short lived as he guided my lips back into his cock. As he thrusted himself I looked up at him with my blurred vision; runny eyes which only made him harder.

He groaned “Call me the professor” as I was popping his sweaty balls into my mouth.

“..Mghg.. -“ an heavy breath “professor” I began swirling my tongue back on his head.

“You want to learn biology school girl” he groaned even heavier.

“..phop.. yes professor” as I finished he quickly began thrusting me onto his dick, without mercy of break. Pulling out I felt him splash on me repeatedly a hot and steaming face mask that ran into my nostrils and mouth, it’s sheer weight made me smile with delight.

“I think you know now who’s the professor luv” I saw him wave my ID as he placed it around his neck.

A phone camera flash.

I hesitated, slightly growing agitated, but let it go as I remembered there was none other than his cum dripping into my bra. “Yes professor” I began speaking without my cold demeanor and more like his plaything.

Before he could even begin to respond I began to bend to his whim “Keep the hard drive, I’ve been a naughty girl and want you to come in again. Professor”. He smirked and left, the only man to leave me without climax.

When I came home my family was already sleep, no argument or drama for being so late. I took it as an opportunity to pick out my out fit for tomorrow: starting with a black g-string that rubbed into my pussy and fishnet stockings. I proceeded to take out my skintight skirt that was cut right before my plump ass emerged. Ditching the bra I let my peckers stick out underneath a black shirt and crop top blazer. When I looked in the mirror it screamed inside me that this isn’t what a 38 year old mom would wear, yet I felt and uncontrollable thrill which stuck with me like a drug.

The next day, after my shift of odd looks was finished, I waited by checking the flash drive. It contained a half an hour of me getting piped, yet with each thrust and each climax I thought of that nameless janitor. I couldn’t watch myself shake and moan without thinking about his scent and taste, his heavy balls that carried his fertile baby makers. When he came in I promptly gestured for him to sit in my leather chair after he had locked the hall door behind him. As he unwinded, like instinct I began to slowly dance for him. Stripping for him while gently grinding on his groin in sensual intervals, after each move and rattle of my body I could feel him pulse through his rugged overalls. As I looked down upon his magnum cock print I felt entranced, a shaking feeling of absolute lust swept from my womb and dissolved anything rational left in my mind. A tornado of my belongings now swirled around my pale naked body and his slumped seat, mirroring the storm of rushed thoughts that thrashed against my very barriers. In my heat I whispered the bewitching words to his coarse ear: “I want that big black dick inside me”.

Without saying a word he stood up and revealed his dark body, patched by curled bushes around his chest and legs. His dick, although stiff and rigid, bounced with each movement.

“Bend over” he turnt me around and smacked by ass, ripping my g-string so quickly that I let out a high pitched squeaked. I helplessly whimpered when he dragged two beastly fingers through my vagina wall, I slid down upon my stomach across the desk with legs far parted as soon as he began to touch me.

“I’m gonna leave you so loose that you’ll have to finish yourself off when your husband shags you, that is if you’ll still want to stay with him” he smacked my as causing me to audibly gasp.

His voice became rough and aggressive “guess I’ll have to teach this slutty school girl”, he began to drag his bellend down my pussy. I could feel myself drip for him as he relentlessly teased me.

Without warning I yelped, he had pinned me down and rattled my hips in quick subsequent motions before my mind could register it. A dull mellow pain accompanied by ecstasy hit me, he was stretching me with each thrust yet I could only moan and slobber onto my desk. I could feel him drag my pink curtains in and out, no amount of pussy juice or lube would’ve stopped me from clinching onto all eight inches of his cock. He continued on and on, each time I was near climax he let go and let me sulk in perspiration. Each time making me beg worse and worse until I was a mumbling incomprehensible mess as the afternoon paced on.

As he laid my limp body on the table, spreading my legs as courtesy, I remembered that I hadn’t been on the pill. Yet in my pleasured hazed I didn’t care nor did I want to, all that I desired was him and that anaconda which consumed my thoughts.

As my breasts shuck and my thighs jiggled, I couldn’t put in words what the contrasts of our skins mixing made me feel or how his one eyed companion made me loose track of reality. I can’t fully explain the pleasure he gave me or how his muscular legs felt in between my subtle softness, it just simply felt like the greatest feeling.

A spike of pure joy forced me to wrap my arms around his tense shoulders, digging deep as it further leapt through my body in stormy waves. As time slowed we both gasped and groaned in unison, his endless pumps of cum bringing me to an orgasm I had never reached before. I let go, feeling free while a hot puddle began to leak from me.

He kissed me on my cushioned lips and told me to meet him at his to spend a weekend, needless to say I came back a single woman. Well not that single if you count me and my new boyfriend who are expecting.
