[MF] [Adultery] Karen PT 2 Meeting Again


**Before you read, please know that this story deals in adultery and infidelity.**

**If that is not your thing then please don’t cause yourself undue stress by continuing to read.**

To catch you up quickly, Karen is a 42 year old divorced co-worker. She is 5’8” and slender.

Her and I got to know each other on a more intimate level following a company get together.

You can read about that [HERE – KAREN PT 1.]([/r/sexystories/comments/dsiu7c/str8_mf_adultery_employee_appreciation_day/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/dsiu7c/str8_mf_adultery_employee_appreciation_day/) )

During the drive home, I couldn’t help but smile at everything that had transpired that afternoon.

In the past 9 months of working for this company, I had wondered on more than one occasion “What If” about Karen, and low and behold, I got some of those questions answered. The moans and verbal outcries of her orgasms were still ringing in my ears, but it was when I left her place that caused another “What if” to pop in my head.

What if she was open to meeting again? I was getting ahead of myself because we both said it was only a one-time thing, but my cock had other thoughts, as it was getting hard replaying the visual of Karen’s lips wrapped around my finger as we said our goodbyes, her eyes staring me down.

That night, I found her on Facebook (no I didn’t send a Friend Request) but I did send her a message:

“I hope you are doing ok and not having a slew of regrets about today. No regrets for me at all and willing to talk about it if you want.”

“Thank you again. I did have fun.”

Thinking carefully, I typed out another message before I saw her at work the next day.

“I was thinking about today, and I wonder if I was too quick to say it can only be a onetime thing. I can’t deny how much I enjoyed it.

“What I’m wondering is what you’re thinking? Given my situation. And now I’m wondering if you would be ok with potentially seeing each other again? Not anytime soon, but….. “

I hit send again and decided not to check anything else that night.

The next morning before work I look and have this in my INBOX:

“I don’t think a second time would be smart. But with that being said, our first time wasn’t smart either. I told you in the parking lot, there is an attraction and I had fun. I knew what I wanted to do, and maybe my mood combined with the alcohol gave me the courage to go through with it.

I know your situation. I don’t want to cause you any trouble. We both have a lot to lose. Let’s just see what happens.”

I interpret the message as her only wanting it to be a onetime thing and for me not to push it.

I deleted everything and closed the messenger on my phone and headed to work. I saw Karen in the break room later that morning getting coffee. No one else was in there, but we still didn’t say anything other than good morning. I can’t deny however that our smiles were a bit larger than previous mornings after we said hello.

About a month and a half goes by and aside from a friendly “Hello” in the office, not much was said, and it was business as usual. I’ve pretty much accepted the fact that as good as it was, a repeat session wasn’t in the cards.

Friday rolled around and a few of us were in the office chit chatting about what we had planned for the weekend. The weather was supposed to be perfect, between 80-85 degrees with plenty of sun. I made mention that I would be on the bike all weekend.

I spent the rest of the afternoon staring at the clock waiting to get the day over with when I jumped on my phone to kill a bit of time and had a message from Karen.

(K) “I overheard you say you’re going out on your motorcycle this weekend. Will your wife go with you?”

(E) “No not normally, she hates riding. Just not her cup of tea so I’m normally out by myself.”

(K) “I don’t want to intrude, and if you have plans I understand, but with it being so nice out this weekend, I’d like to ride with you. I haven’t been on the back of a bike in years.”

(E) “No plans at all. Do you have a helmet?”

(K) “No but my neighbor does. I can ask him if I can borrow one.”

(E) “Great! I’ll message you when I’m heading out, and if you are still game, then I’ll swing by and pick you up.”

The next morning and I was on the bike and heading towards Karen’s. When I pulled up to her house, I turned the bike off and was walking up to her door when Karen opened it and was walking out locking it behind her. I had thought MAYBE there would be a little playtime before riding but I guess not.

She walks up to me, says hello, and gives me a quick hug. It was so quick I didn’t even have time to wrap my arms around her.

“I guess you’re ready to go.” I say.

“Yep…whenever you’re ready.” She replied while pulling the strap of her helmet tight under her chin.

I tell her a few basic rules of being a passenger, not knowing when she rode last, who she rode with, or what they were riding.

I fire up the bike, get on, and tell her I’m ready. And a minute later I’m hitting 2nd gear as we start down the road.

We had been riding about 10-15 minutes when she tapped me on my shoulder and asked if we could pull over. I found a gas station and wheeled it in. I turned the bike off and she got off.

She started to take off her helmet so I followed suit. With the kickstand down, I swung a leg over and was still sitting on the bike.

“Is everything ok?” I was thinking I was going to be taking her back to her place and she didn’t like the ride.

“Yeah, everything is great. I just needed to get away from the house. My neighbor’s daughter goes to school with my son, and didn’t want her seeing this and saying something”

With that being said she stepped forward, bent down, put her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss.

There was no hesitation, her tongue pushed passed my lips to wrestle with mine. From my seated position, I reached up, put a hand around her neck pulling her in. My other hand found and cupped around her right ass cheek.

She pulled back and said, “Ok…now I’m ready to ride.” And smiled at me.

“So maybe not just one time and one time only?” I asked her with a sly smile.

My cock came to attention, but she was strapping her helmet back on with the biggest smile on her face. She had looked down to stare at the bulge in my jeans caused by her sudden and unexpected actions.

Five min later we were rolling down the road again and after thirty minutes of riding I pulled into a state park that I knew was mostly used by boaters. I had been there a couple of times before and was hoping it would be isolated.

Tons of people must have had the same idea since the weekend was nice and the parking lot was packed with trucks and empty boat trailers. Getting off the bike I told her we might be able to find an empty spot since everyone would be out on their boat and not in the park…and sure enough, less than a half dozen or so people were in the park itself at the picnic tables. We walked over to a gazebo covered table and sat down. We shared a quick, passion filled kiss before we started talking.

It was during this conversation that Karen and I came to an agreement. We agreed the first time was fun, and we each had something the other desired. Our “relationship” would be potentially hooking up from time to time, but they would be few and far between. We both didn’t want to encroach on the other, yet the sexual chemistry was hot as hell and undeniable.

With the ground rules in place, I pulled her in for a kiss to seal the deal. Moaning through lips that were covering my mouth, Karen slid in closer and reached down between my legs to find my hardon. She discreetly rubbed and stroked me through my jeans, while our mouths played havoc on one another.

We broke our kiss, but her hand never stopped moving from between my legs, and again that sly little smile of hers crept across her lips. I wondered if her plan was to keep me hard and then leave me wanting more by the end of the day.

Taking a deep breath “Maybe we should just take a walk and cool down some.” I suggested.

We found a trail that lead off into the trees and wound around the edge of the river. Occasionally we would stop to share some more affections, and then continued walking and talking.

We stopped at the edge of the river still in the tree line, and again we were locked in at deep lust filled kiss. Her hand found its way to the lump in my jeans, and this time I followed suit and reached down to feel the heat from between her legs. Sliding upwards I tried to slip my fingers inside the waistband of her jeans. No such luck…they were too tight for me to get my hand inside effectively.

Karen must have sensed my frustration and was done teasing, because what happened next shocked the hell out of me.

Karen dropped to her knees and her hands went immediately to the buckle of my belt. With deft fingers she made quick work of getting to what she was after, and a moment later I felt the head of my cock slipping past her lips and her mouth was descending down my shaft. No words spoken just a few moans from me and the slurping and sucking noises from Karen as her head moved back and forth.

I put my hand on the back of her head, not that she needed any persuading. She had two thirds of my cock down her neck, gagged and started again. Karen sucked back and forth, gagged a few times in the process, but continued the good fight.

I could feel the muscles in her throat spasm from the invasion and she would hold for a moment…then come up for air. A string of saliva connected her bottom lip to the head of my dick like a spider’s web. Karen took a deep breath and went back for more, and I watched as my length slowly began to disappear.

She continued until her nose was resting in a small patch of hair I kept on top after shaving my balls and groin slick. I’m not porn star huge but I’ve only been with a couple of women that could deep throat me.

Karen had her hands on my hips and was quickly finding a rhythm of breathing oxygen and sucking me down her throat. Her mouth moved quicker and now my gyrating hips were trying to keep in time with her bobbing head.

“If you keep this up I’m not going to be able to hold back.”

Karen pulled back, and wrapped her hand around my shaft and kept stroking me.

“That’s my plan Eddie.” And again she opened her mouth and my cock vanished in between her lips.

With permission granted, I held her head between my hands and began moving back and forth. Each time her nose touched skin a wave pushed me closer. A dozen or so strokes later I was holding her head tighter.

“I’m cumming” I moaned. Karen backed off until her lips wrapped tightly around the head and she kept sucking. One of her hands went to my balls, while the other gripped the base of my shaft, massaging and stroking until the last of my seizures subsided. She never missed a drop.

She stood and while I was picking up my jeans and trying to fasten them, she leaned in and kissed me not being bashful by shoving her salty tongue in my mouth. I wasn’t expecting it, but I wasn’t upset either.

“That should keep you satisfied for a while. Or at least until we get back to my place.”

We walked back hand in hand. The stops for kisses were fewer than before due to us both wanting to get back to the bike and get to her house.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e0ykvl/mf_adultery_karen_pt_2_meeting_again


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