World Turned Upside Down [F/M][Aliens][Tentacles]

It’s funny how sometimes life comes out of no where and hits you like a wrecking ball demolishing a poor unsuspecting building. That was how I felt tonight, It was a typical Friday night for me. I was at home in my one bedroom apartment drinking a glass a wine in my undies lamenting another Valentines day without a man. How I would give anything to feel wanted, I want someone to lust after every inch of my body as they use me so completely to fulfill their wildest fantasies. I want them to not take no for an answer and then ravish every part of my body. I felt my hand migrating to my nether regions a bit as I fantasized about the man at the Starbucks but soon noticed and stopped.

I got off the couch and walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower and took off my bra and panties. I stood there a minute waiting for the shower to warm up and stared into the mirror. I took a gulp of wine and thought to myself, who is going to want me, who would lust after this I say covering my belly. I turned around and looked at my butt and let out a sigh than finished my wine in one last gulp. I jumped in the shower and cleaned off hoping the hot shower would lift my spirits. However I had no such luck afterwards, I felt just as depressed. I dried off my body than used the towel to wrap my hair up, the cool air felt nice against my naked skin.

I walked out of the bathroom into the kitchen and filled my glass back up with more wine. I leaned against the counter, drinking, imagining what it would be like to be one of those girls at the club, that all the men fawned over. How I would happily take some stranger into the bathroom and suck him off just for a bit of attention, maybe his friend would take me from.. God, I’m such I slut I thought to myself and I was petting my kitty again. Than I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, at the window. I moved so quickly I spilled my wine all over the floor.

I called out “Hello?” and I covered my boobs with one hand as the other grabbed a frying pan. I slowly approached the window, inching forward. The window was open and the night breeze was blowing the sheer curtain. I approached slowly ready to strike when I finally reached the window, I looked out and, the neighbors cat was on the fire escape. I let out a laugh and I closed the window. I cleaned up the mess in the kitchen than went to the bedroom and crawled into bed. I loved the feel of the smooth sheets against my body, I thought as I snuggled into my cool bed.

When I awoke the room was pitch black, I tried to reach for my lamp on my night stand by I couldn’t move my arm. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts, and tried to move my other arm so I could free it but that one was restrained as well. My heart started racing, and I cried out “Hello?”. I tried to kick my feet but there was no sheets and my legs were locked into place as well. My voice quivered as I cried out “Who’s there. Why am I tied”. A voice spoke to me but it didn’t come from part of the room, I couldn’t tell it’s distance, it was everywhere, and no where at once. It said to me, “You have been chosen.” I struggled against my bonds but I could not move them, they were wrapped so tight around me. I started panting and hyperventilating, what was going to happen to me, where was I.

That’s when I felt the bounds around my legs moved they coiled up and around my thighs like snake slithering around a branch. It caused my skin to crawl and I screamed out in horror. The bounds around my legs pulled them apart with ease exposing my bare pussy to the room. I cried out again “Please let me go, please don’t do this. Than I felt a large object pressing at the entrance way to my lush garden. An image was pushed into my mind of a handsome man in his 30’s with a muscular physic and an enormous cock. The man was pressing the head of his cock against my clit rubbing it back and forth and my pussy started getting wet. This must not be real I thought to myself, this must be a dream.

The handsome man slid his cock down my clit and pressed it against my swollen sex. I could feel him press in with the enormous cock inch by inch to my tight little pussy.

I snapped back to darkness, I could feel my pussy getting stretched so wide as the thing slide in and out. I let out a scream and an image of the man grabbing my breasts and playing with my nipples was pushed to me. I let out some heavy panting as I could feel the insides of my quivering. It felt so amazing, like every inch of me was filled up, but my nipples were being worked and some how it felt like my clit was being sucked. My legs shook as the mans massive cock plowed in and out of my soaking love hole.

I snapped back to the darkness and could feel all over my body was covered, legs, pussy, nipples everywhere there was pressure moving in sync. I let out a cry of pleasure as an orgasm rushed over my body, sending a tingling sensation to the tips of my toes and my fingers. The thing only got more encouraged as my pussy was milking the cock inside me and a I felt it press into my back door as well. I let out moans of pleasure as the thing ravished my behind. It moved with such grace as the thrust in and out back and forth like the piston of an engine. My body tightened again as I orgasimed once again. I tried to curl into a ball to get it to stop but it kept up its pace in and out, my pussy and ass were its playground and I was getting used well. I screamed as the over sensation of my clit was causing sharp pain throughout my body. It felt like my clit was crying out in pain throughout my entire body.

That’s when another one was inserted in my mouth and down my throat. I tried to bite it but it did no good and the moment I did an image was pushed to me of a handsome man thrusting his cocked down my throat as he held me by the hair. I could feel the man exploding in cum as he shot hot strand after strand down my throat, but it wouldn’t stop, more and more just keep shooting and my whole body relaxed and I felt amazing and light headed. Than another orgasim ripped through my body that shook me to my vary core. I could feel more hot cum be pumped into my nether regions as well and the warm feeling felt so amazing inside me. I flinched and the thought of the over sensation but it didn’t come this time just another orgasim that ripped through me like aftershocks from an earthquake. But it didn’t stop this continued for countless hours until I woke up in my bed.

I thought it must be a dream and I kicked off the sheets and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the water to splash some water on my face, that’s I felt the cum leaking down my leg.

I reached down and touched the cum with my fingers and brought it up for closer inspection. It wasn’t exactly cum it was a similar consistency but something wasn’t the same. I immediately shook and turned on the shower. I jumped in and scrubbed my body down and cleaned out as best I could my insides. After I got dressed in pajamas and went to the kitchen and poured more wine. I sat on the couch and drank and thought about the experience. The feeling of it inside me the feeling of it pushing thoughts into my brain. I drank my whole glass of wine and went back to get more. I had to open a new bottle but I wasn’t going to let a little thing like a cork detour me. I wanted to forget, I wanted to not know, to think it was a dream. Before long I was sleeping again on the couch with an empty wine glass in my hand.

The next time I awoke it was late, I had must of slept most of the day. I rolled around on the couch and got to my feet. Luckily it was Saturday and I didn’t have to work. I stumbled into the kitchen and opened the fridge but it was pretty bare and I didn’t feel like cooking. I closed the door and headed off to the bedroom to get dressed. I went and pulled a pair of jeans out of the dresser. I tried to button the jeans and that’s when I noticed they were loose, really loose. I thought it odd but it must be that new diet I’m on. I went and grabbed a belt and tightened up my pants. Than I grabbed a t shirt and put it on and decided I would head out for some breakfast.

I stopped by the local Starbucks to get a coffee and one of those yummy breakfast sandwiches. I waited in line as the duchebag hipster in front of me was blasting his crappy music so loud I could hear it. A man a few years older than me was behind me. He was dressed in a pair of slacks and a collared shirt. I pointed to the douche and smiled at the man, he chuckled as well. He said “Kids these days” and shrugged. I chuckled a little bit but I could feel something deep inside my stirring. All of a sudden I was feeling incredibly horny. I turned away, and looked back at the counter and the hipster was called to the cashier. All the while my pussy was throbbing on its own, like it was milking invisible cock. I pressed my legs together hopping the feeling would go away but it only intensified.

By the time I got up to the cashier I could barely order my coffee and my sandwich. Than I headed over to wait for it near the barista. Not long after the man made his way over waiting for his drink as well. I could feel my inside beating like a drum, my mind was drunk on the thought of cock, and I was leaking down my leg. I quickly ran off to the bathroom to figure out what was going on. I got inside and immediately dropped my pants and started playing with my clit. I was circling it and rubbing as fast as I could. The tension was so excruciating, I needed to cum but right when I got to the point that I should cum nothing happened. I tried again this time inserting my fingers and going faster I let out a moaning noise a my nipples whole body was arching. I was so close but nothing happened, there was no release.

I started to panic, this is awful, I heard a knock on the bathroom and I panicked. I quickly pulled up my pants and washed my hands. I walked out of the bathroom and a teenage girl went inside to use the restroom. I walked back over and waited for my coffee and food. The man was still waiting as well, all I could think about was cock, juices were running down my leg, my clit was crying out so loud my body could not ignore her.

I don’t know what I was thinking but without thought I just blurted out to the man. “Wanna fuck” as I stared at his pants.

The man was taken back he looked up and around, like he didn’t know if I was talking to him. He looked me over and I bit my lip nervous as I’m trying to hold my legs together.

He says “Um… yeah do you have a place”.

I blurt out “No time, bathroom now”. I walk over and pound on the door. After a few minutes the teenager opens the door and leaves and you walk in followed by the very apprehensive man. Once inside I immediately pull my pants down and bend over the sink sticking your pussy out. The mans looking unsure and taking his time. I blurt out “Hurry up and fuck me” as I play with my clit, circling it with my free hand, while my others pressed against the mirror.

The man eventually comes and takes me from behind inserting his hard cock in from behind and I let out a moan of extacy from the feeling of it. It felt like soothing lotion on a sun burn that’s been bothering you all day. You cry out “Fuck me hard” as he grabs me by the hips thrusting his cock deep inside my aching hole. The mans thrusting hard and deep as he plows my soaking pussy, the waves of pleasure wash over and I let out a loud moan. I finally have a sense of calm as the man is ruthlessness thrusting in and out and before long he shoots his load inside me, which triggers an orgasim ripping through my body. I’m still panting as he slides out and I pull my pants up not even bothering to clean off.

I say “Thanks” as you walk out the door while hes still fiddling with his pants.



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