
Shannon and her daughter Vicky pulled into their driveway after returning home from the gym. Shannon was just starting to get a little bit hazy, and she wondered if what had just happened at the gym was a good idea.

They had gone to the gym that day together, Vicky to train for her highschool track and field qualifiers, and Shannon to meet her friend Janet to talk about a somewhat sensitive subject. Shannon had heard from another girl at the gym about a new workout supplement that supposedly not only helped to make your workout more effective, but also gave you more energy and made the whole experience more enjoyable. The supplement wasn’t yet available in the US as it hadn’t been tested by the FDA, which made this particular supplement illegal.

Vicky made her way to the treadmills to train, while Shannon told her she was meeting Janet in the sauna for a moment. She made her way to the sauna where she found her friend nude, sitting on the wooden benches. Janet was sweating, her almost orangish tan glistening under the dim lights of the sauna. Her copper hair was tied up in a messy bun, and her thick eyeliner was just slightly smudged from the moisture in the air. Her breasts were large and rounded, her nipples stiff and her flesh dimpling. She sat with her legs crossed, staring at the door as Shannon walked in.

“You’re going to have to undress, honey. This drug isn’t legal here and I need to make sure you’re not hiding any recording devices.” Janet explained with a friendly grin.

“Jan, we’ve known each other for years.” Shannon protested, but Janet simply looked up at her and raised one eyebrow. Shannon reluctantly agreed, and stripped off her clothes. She stood naked in the sauna, her bronze skin starting to sweat as she turned around to prove she wasn’t wearing a wire. Her body was fit and toned, and her long, dirty blonde hair began to stick to her neck as the sauna dampened her skin. Her breasts were big but perky, and her smooth mound was visible as she spread her legs to prove her innocence.

Janet stood up and stepped toward her friend. She stretched out her hand and revealed a tablet. She offered it to Shannon who took it, and with one hesitant sigh, she popped it into her mouth and swallowed.

“It’s called Bliss. You’ll never have a better workout in your life, but there are some minor side effects.” Janet warned.

“What? Jeez Jan. You could have told me that before I took it!” Shannon scolded her with wide eyes and a concerned waver in her voice.

“Relax, girl, you just might have to take some time to mentally adjust to it. The physical benefits are immediate, so go have a great workout, just don’t be surprised if you find yourself having trouble focusing, or noticing strange things and having some odd thoughts over the next little while. Now go get a good workout and come back when you want some more.” Janet gave Shannon a playful slap on the behind and sat back down to enjoy the sauna.

Janet was right. Shannons workout that day was incredible, and as they sat in the car in their driveway, she knew that she needed more Bliss as soon as she had the opportunity.

“Dana’s out in her backyard. She’s so weird.” Vicky snapped Shannon back to reality.

“Don’t talk like that about Dana she’s a sweet lady.” Shannon told her daughter.

“But she like, never leaves her house. She’s always there and she’s just always outside waving and yapping like she has nothing better to do than ambush us every time we come home. It’s weird.”

“Vicky, she’s had a very hard time lately. She’s a lonely woman. You remember how it was when dad was around. Even when he was home it was still as if he wasn’t here at all. I was lucky, I had you. She has nobody.” Shannon stroked her daughters hair and gave her a loving smile.

“We have each other Mommy. We’re both lucky.” Vicky leaned in for a sideways hug, and Shannon gave her daughter a kiss on the top of the head.

“Come on now, let’s go say hi and then you can go get your homework done before lunch.”

The two got out of the car, and as soon as Dana caught a glimpse of them, she gave them a friendly wave and trotted to the driveway from her backyard pool.

“There they are, my favourite ladies on the block! I see you were at the gym again this morning. You really never take a break do ya!” Dana giggled. Her black cut out bathing suit hugged her curves and she wore a matching black floppy summer hat. Her long auburn hair was perfectly straightened and her thick black makeup suggested she was not swimming today.

“Hey Dana, yeah we have been working out like crazy lately. Vicky here has qualifiers coming up and needs to train, and I have to keep this body tight, haha.” Shannon teased.

“Oh I hear you! I should really get to the gym myself, have to work off this extra couple of bbq season pounds! Speaking of which, you guys should come on over for a cookout!” Dana suggested with a hopeful smile.

“Oh, gosh, we will have to take a raincheck this time. This one has homework and I have some housework to do. But we will catch up with you later, Dana!” With that, the two made their way into the house with a goodbye wave.

Once they were inside, Vicky and Shannon made their way to the kitchen. This was the moment that Shannon began to really feel the effects of the Bliss. She felt a little bit foggy, and as she looked out the window, she saw Dana sitting by her pool. She watched as her neighbour sipped her red wine, and slowly rubbed sun lotion on her olive skin. Shannon saw her in a new light. She was beautiful, artistic, a vision of sensuality. Her skin was glistening under the bright sun and her round breasts were barely covered by her snug bathing suit. Shannon began to feel a slight tingle as she watched Dana lounging by the pool, her hands stroking her body as if to welcome Shannon’s gaze.

Shannon had never had any erotic thoughts about her neighbour, or any other woman for that matter. She was completely heterosexual and always had been, but Janet had warned her of the effects that Bliss might have. She shrugged it off as a side effect, and turned her focus from Dana, and back her daughter.

“So, nervous about the qualifiers?” Shannon asked Vicky nonchalantly.

“Uh, no. I’m ok. I think it’ll be fine.” Vicky stared down at the counter, not wanting to tell her mother the truth about her worries. “I think I’m just going to go get my homework done.”

Vicky fidgeted as she waved off her mother’s concerns, and she hurried upstairs to her room to avoid the conversation. Shannon watched her teenage daughter trotting up the stairs, and for the first time in her life she saw her, not as her daughter, but as a woman. She noticed Vicky’s long, bleach blond hair that lay straight down her back. Her toned young body and her clear, milky white skin. Her perky breasts bounced slightly as she ran up the stairs, and Shannon watched her taut ass in her denim shorts as she took each step.

Shannon shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to shake these sick thoughts from her mind. Vicky’s bedroom door clicked shut, and Shannon looked around the house. She saw pieces of furniture and different items around the kitchen in a strange way. Some things looked hazy, and others seemed to stand out slightly as if they were bigger or more colourful than the rest of the room.

It was clear at that moment that this was definitely the side effects that Janet had warned her about. She was a bit concerned, but ultimately brushed it off, as the physical effects of the drug had been so beneficial to her. She knew that she would soon mentally adjust to this new supplement, and that these strange thoughts about her neighbour and her daughter would pass once she got more used to taking Bliss.

Shannon thought about her next workout, and wondered when she could get her hands on another tablet of Bliss. This was the greatest physical high she had ever experienced, and the rush of endorphins made her immediately want more. She knew that she would get a great workout if she kept taking Bliss, and that these thoughts could be ignored.

She looked out the window again, and noticed that Dana was no longer sitting by the pool. She shrugged, turned back toward the kitchen, and went on with her day, the drug still swimming in her brain.
