Tindering whilst travelling around the world on a bicycle [MF]

About 5 years ago I found myself cycling solo around the world. To go into why or how I was doing this isn’t really for discussion here. Needless to say it was amazing and something which if you get the chance to do you should. There are numerous cycle blogs which talk about this that are far more eloquent than me if you want to know more about cycle touring.

There is one thing that all blogs leave out however; during a long (solo) bike trip you are in danger of being celibate and therefore really horny a lot of the time. For a start you’re 90% of the time in the countryside alone, and you’re moving approximately 100km a day most days. When you are near women a good rule of thumb is that they don’t find lycra and sweaty t-shirts to be sexy (I quickly bought a nice pair of shorts, and a semi-nice t-shirt) and finally a lot of women aren’t interested in a one night stand (I never lied to a woman and said I was an expat)

A bit about myself before continuing. I was (and am still) an average looking, average height, average dick size male. I actually have a fairly noticeable injury as well, to the extent that my current girlfriend asked me about it within 1 hour of us meeting. Fortunately due to an inability to shut up (a friend’s words not mine) I’ve never had issues attracting women all my life and have drifted from long term relationships, to one night stands and back again for the last 20 years. I’ll be talking/ranting away about nonsense and then realise the woman I’m talking to is sending me really clear signals. I’ll respond to these, and before I know it she’s at mine naked feeling moderately satisfied.

Anyway it was 3 weeks into my trip before I cracked (fnarr fnarr!). I couldn’t be celibate for a year- hell going celibate for a month sounded dreadful. I downloaded Tinder but after a few days I realised I needed a strategy- I would set my location to the next town where I’d have a few days off and swipe away in the evenings. I’d match with a woman, flirt a bit and arrange a date. Sometimes I would just meet up and have a drink then go our separate ways, other times we would have sex after a few drinks, and randomly twice we didn’t have sex, but years later after staying in contact we would have sex when they visited me in my hometown.

My strategy amazingly worked- whilst I didn’t have sex as much as I would at home, I had enough to make myself not explode (well I would explode, but in a different, more localised and controlled way). The incident which most sticks in my mind happened in India. India I found really odd for Tinder (well its odd in every way so why should Tinder be any different!). White partners were seen as status symbol and a lot of women even in their 30s would live with their parents which complicated things. Also despite the Kama Sutra its a really conservative society- women are made to feel ashamed about being sexually liberated. In Mumbai I actually ended up kissing a woman who wouldn’t come back to my hotel room, lived with her folks, but was fine for me to finger her in an alleyway which we quickly realised was full of homeless people. Never let it be said I’m not classy.

I found myself in Goa which is full of Russian and British backpackers, who frankly I didn’t find all that interesting. I never really liked the backpacking vibe and even when younger found them to mainly be travel wankers called Amelia or Annabelle. I matched with a few of them but didn’t even end up meeting as to be honest I’ve spent most of my life trying to avoid them. However lying in bed one day I did match with an Indian woman living in the state capital Panjim about 40k away from where I was. Pru was her name (ok it wasn’t but I can’t for the life of me remember her real name…)

After matching we chatted a bit about normal things (i.e. why the hell I was in Goa on a round the world cycle trip). After a while we move onto Whatsapp. Now I wasn’t really that concerned with hooking up with her and was more just killing time. Panjim isn’t known for much so I didn’t want to stay the night, however she seemed pretty nice and was going to pass through it so I figured I might stop for lunch to say hi. That was until she sent me photos of her in her bra and underwear. Turns out she really liked the look/sound of me and hadn’t had sex in a long time. She was free the next day and said that I could meet her at hers.

For some reason I didn’t assume that I was going to lose a kidney and accepted her proposal at face value. So armed with her address the next day I set off and peddled towards her. The closer I got the hornier I became, mainly as she kept on sending me dirtier and dirtier messages (no I won’t share photos due to her not consenting to it!). Eventually I reached her apartment complex, after comically circling it for 5 minutes trying to work out which one was hers I texted her that I was outside. She told me to come on up, so I slowly lifted my panniers up the stairs and opened the door.

Amazingly instead of a gang of Indian men trying to rob me, there she stood in a long gown- about 5 foot 4, chubby but a really cute face. Exactly what she had been on Tinder. If it was a movie I would have said some amazing line, however being a muppet I just said:

“Hey how are you? Sorry for being so sweaty!”

“Don’t worry” she replied back as she smiled.

I was already approaching her and dropped the bags. We kissed for about 5 seconds, my hands immediately began exploring her breasts. I then broke it off saying:

“One sec, I need to grab my bike”. That’s right I left my bike outside her flat in the middle of the day! (to a bike tourer this is like leaving your child at the zoo and knowingly driving away…). I ran downstairs, picked up the bike, ran up the stairs again and deposited it in her kitchen/living area.

She had got me a glass of water and we made a little small talk standing in the middle of the room whilst smiling at each other occasionally kissing, and touching. The water got finished, I recovered somewhat from the cycle and the kissing intensified. My hands began to rub her pussy through the gown. She then held my hand and led me to her bedroom. I had known her for 5 minutes at this stage.

Entering the room she pulled off her gown and I removed my clothing before removing her panties as we lay on the bed. She had Fs or even G breasts which I dove into whilst playing with her shaved pussy. She kept on telling me how she had been waiting all morning for me to come over and how she had played with herself thinking of me. Now I am ashamed of this bit, and probably should lie, but we didn’t use protection. I don’t know why- I would have had some on me for sure, and neither of us knew the others sexual history (given how quickly we had sex we knew that neither of us were chaste…). Also the entire not wanting to have babies with a stranger thing is important, but for whatever reason I just was overcome with wanting to be inside of her. She was begging to be fucked and responding to every touch. After minimal foreplay I positioned myself between her legs, rested my penis just on the cusp of her vagina and slid right inside. She was so wet that I was able to go really deep first time feeling her body shudder as she moaned. Responding to her I began to pump hard and she began to tell me she had taken the day off work so I could fuck her. This turned me on so much. I absolutely love a woman who is sexually confident, and I really began going at her fast. Her being turned on made me even hornier which then made her more turned on. Indian beds are as hard as bricks so the frame shook with every time I pushed into her and her moans intensified.

I’ve always enjoyed being dominant and I pinned her down and kept on pushing into her harder and harder- as she kept on encouraging me. After a while I told her to get on all fours and she did as she was instructed. It wasn’t even lunch and here I was fucking a woman from behind who a day beforehand I had messaged, and not even an hour before hand I had met. She was a big woman, but my god she felt good.

The next few hours were a blur of just sex, cumming, talking, drinking water, and then repeating it all over. We actually went out for dinner to a semi hipster cafe, which felt odd like we were on a date, before going back to hers again and having sex through the night. I went down on her, she sucked me off, I rode her doggy style again and pretty much did everything else bar anal (I’m not a fan of it). Having cycled for 6 months by that stage I had pretty amazing stamina, and throughout the night I would wake up to find her playing with me, and I’d roll over to fuck her again. The next morning I could barely walk due to my knees being in so much pain (thank you Indian beds!).

The next day she had to go to work, but sadly the story turned a bit sour. Pru seemed to get clingy and really wanted
to make something of us. I think she might have had some fantasy in her head that I would stay a week and we’d fall in love etc, but really it was just a one night thing. I actually keep in contact with most women I slept with on the trip, but with her I was glad to ride away in the end.


Sorry for the length. I found it hard not to share the backstory to give it context. The rest of my hookups on the trip were a bit vanilla ie match, flirt, meet up for drinks, sex, leave the next day happy but Pru (bar her name…) really sticks in my head. I did end up on a date with a minor celebrity but instead of sex involved me having food poisoning so isn’t that wild!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dycg7m/tindering_whilst_travelling_around_the_world_on_a