The Ugly Duckling (fiction)

I am linking here my latest story I have been able to finish. The story is a part of my so called “Clinic series”, which revolves around a mysterious medical corporation that is able to do just about anything when it comes to human body.

Like all my stories, this too has a heavy D/s theme. However, this time the story is told from the viewpoint of the dominant party, something that isn’t typical for me. One comment I have heard is that it doesn’t include the submissive’s point of view at all, but it is not supposed to. This is her story, not his. He is merely furniture in this story.

Thematically, and fetish wise the story is a mixed bunch. It’s partly a family drama, a huge part of it deals with sexual objectification, extreme cruelty, humiliation and scat play, and on the top of it, it’s also a coming out story of sorts. I’m mentioning this just in case some of these theme’s isn’t your cup of tea.

I wrote the story rather quickly, in a course of couple of weeks. What can I say, I had an inspiration. As always, bear in mind I am not a native English speaker. I apologize for any grammatical errors in advance.

