[F] 40. A Tale of vintage Cybersex… or how I was corrupted

This happened more than a decade ago. I was a new mom, not working for the first time since part time jobs in high school, trapped with a baby in the house and bored pretty much to tears.

I started to idly cruise around the internet, still fairly new at the time or at least high speed was, looking for distraction, mostly in PG sites but I did enjoy some of the erotic story sites.

After a while found myself in the old chat rooms that no longer seem to exist. One of them was for moms to converse and swap idea. I enjoyed the company of other people, starved as I was for human contact. The downside was that whenever I logged in I was besieged by men wanting to talk sex. I wish I had a dollar for every time I was asked for my bra size or if I wanted a huge cock. Pretty gross stuff when you really just want to learn about teething and diaper rash.

One man who went by Jack hit on me one time. I rebuffed him and he actually apologized for being so forward and asked about me as a person. I told him a little about myself and he shared some of his life. He was in his 40’s, married to a woman he said he loved, a couple of older kids but a dead bedroom situation.

As time went on, we chatted more often. He was really sweet and supportive with a lot of good life advice. Sometimes he would push a little on sexual things and I opened up more, telling him stuff I would never divulge to a real male friend. I told him about my cult-like church upbringing, the shame I endured through my teenage years for my libido and my secret desire for being spanked. He never pushed me further than I was willing to go but, at the same time, he made it quite clear that if I ever wanted t get into some hot sex chat, he was more than available. It was tempting but this was a line I was unwilling to cross. Meanwhile most of my daily online sessions ended with me hunting out a dirty story to masturbate to.

One morning my husband and I woke up and got right back into the argument we had begun the night before over something quite inconsequential. There was a lot of yelling, me crying, the baby screaming and picking up on the tension between us. It only ended when he stormed out of the house to go to work, slamming the door so hard that the pictures on the wall shook. A little later, with the bay sleeping again, I sat down at the big desktop computer we had in those days and logged into the chat room. I was still angry and upset and felt like a victim. Jack was already there and he greeted me and asked how his beautiful, sexy young friend was doing that day. .

I should have told him that it wasn’t the best one of my life and left it at that. Instead I asked him if he still wanted to have cybersex with me (That is what it was called before it was sexting). Of course he did and when I told him I was his he seemed taken aback, asked me if I was sure and when I reassured him that I was ready he started to do a sweet romantic roleplay. I stopped him. “Give me a big spanking and fuck me hard!” I don’t know who was more surprised. Him for hearing it or me for typing it with my sweet little suburban mommy’s fingers.

And that is exactly what he did. We spent the next two or more hours with him describing every little detail of the spanking he would give me and then how he would fuck me with his thick 7″ cock. It was so real. God knows how long I was edging myself before I finally went over the edge with a huge orgasm.

Jack was the best. I have never had another online partner with the skill to make sexuality to come so alive but also to draw out the deep desires I have. Then one day he wasn’t there any more. Never came back. I was devastated and depressed for a few weeks before I realized that all online relationships like that are ephemeral and temporary. That is why they call it virtual reality.

But Jack left a legacy. I am now hooked on online clandestine adventures and have been ever since they called it cybersex.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dyab70/f_40_a_tale_of_vintage_cybersex_or_how_i_was


  1. Is it an addiction? Just curious if you’ve tried to stop. At the end of the day, it’s not real.

  2. Something similar to my experiences except with me, it was a woman through email. We had met on a social site (before FB – that tells you how long ago it was). We would always exchange emails or notes about everyday things… how are you? what are you doing? what do you have planned for the day? What do you enjoy? etc. Then, one day she asked what I kind of things I would do on a date. I responded with innuendos and suggestive undertones. She pushed me further and asked me not to hold back. She really wanted to know what I would do. She promised me that nothing would shock her or change our “friendship”. Well that opened up an exchange of emails that got me masturbating time after time. She responded back with what she would do and tell me about how wet she was. Our emails changed from the third person perspective to ones that were directed towards each other. I was hooked. She was separated from her husband at the time but eventually got back with him. That’s when it stopped. But I was forever grateful for her openness and it opened up my world of sexual awareness and cybersex.

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