The Run

A quick, frantic rustle in the dry leaves of the underbrush next to the trail startled Claire as she jogged down the path leading to the riverside park. She picked up her pace, thinking she’d probably frightened whatever little animal or bird was venturing out for an evening scavenge more than she had been. She checked her watch and her pace was on par as she came out of the summer turning to fall foliage and onto the riverside, 45 min to go. There were trails all over this valley, some high, rough, and rarely visited, high up on the hill, and others packed smooth and wide, crowded with families and casual walkers along the river. Claire liked both and usually tried to find a mixed route, quiet seclusion in the forest where she could push herself, and some moments to catch her breath on the more crowded paths where she’d spring past walkers and catch the eye of fellow runners.

It was warm but not hot out, the first cool breezes of autumn arriving. Claire was in navy blue running shoes, matching small shorts with a white border, and a fitted heather grey long-sleeved top. She was tallish, fit, and had what some would consider small to medium breasts, perfectly perky enough to live out her day in lace bralettes, or no bra at all, but round enough to need some support as she ran. It was kind of the best of both worlds, and although she knew some guys preferred something a bit bigger, hers were suited perfectly for her sporty, casual life.

Other runners and walkers crossed her path as she continued over a crossroad from the forest, leading up the hill. She checked her pace again, only to find her wrist bare, a light tan line where her running watch had been minutes before and had somehow come free… She stopped suddenly in her tracks, looking around on the ground and retraced her steps a bit. Claire really didn’t want to lose this watch she’d gotten so used to but she couldn’t see anything along the ground around her and it didn’t seem like the other visitors to the river valley had seen anything on the path. The sun was getting a bit lower, still time to finish her run, but Claire didn’t want to delay too long and get back to her apartment at dusk, and who knows, maybe someone had already found the watch and thought themselves lucky and continued on? A loss for sure, but not a horrible one. Before her long bare legs could chill she turned to continue on when a voice from behind her called out.

“Excuse me, wait! I think you might be looking for this?”

A tall, thin, but wide-shouldered man jogged up behind her holding a watch in front of him, her watch.

“Umm yes!” exclaimed Claire, surprised, “That’s mine! Wow… I can’t believe it! I was just trying to find that!”

The man smiled, panting, “Yea, I was crossing from the river path and saw this in the grass and took a guess on what direction you might have gone, I feel so lucky actually finding you, these things aren’t cheap.”

He handed her the watch and flashed her another grin, “Well, back at it! I’m going to head back to the forest trail. Make sure it’s back tight on your arm!”

As soon as he appeared the man was saying goodbye, trying to keep up his pace and get back on the trail, waving as he left.

Claire smiled to herself and she strapped her watch back on, double-checking the band which must have not been fully attached the first time. She was so relieved to have it back, and that guy had been dang cute too. She felt a bit of heat in her cheeks as she turned and continued down the river trail to make up for lost time on her evening loop.

Rejoining the upper forest trail on her way back and pushing herself to continue, Claire admired the low, yellow sun breaking through the dense fir tree trunks. The hillside was covered with them, but their branches were high, giving her an on and off, dark to light pathway that led her on.

Footfalls and a long shadow came around the bend ahead of her and a tall figure appeared. Claire realized it was the guy who had found her watch and managed an embarrassed smile as he flashed a grin and passed her in the other direction.

“Hey!” she called out hesitantly over her shoulder, what was she doing? “You wanna run together?”

She heard the footfalls stop and turn, coming back in her direction. Purposely slowing her pace, he caught up to her and she said, “I’ve got a couple more km to do, would be nicer than going alone if you don’t mind going in this direction?”

“Not at all watch girl,” he teased, “would love to. I was having a hard time convincing myself to finish what I wanted to run tonight, this will make it easier. I’m Jeremy by the way…”

“Wow, cute *and* polite, I’m Claire,” she laughed before she could stop herself as they picked up their pace a bit and continued up the trail. What was she doing? Jeremy flashed that grin again and for the second time she felt her face growing warm as the evening cooled.

They talked and ran, pointing out their favorite trails and discussing races they’d finished, or failed, and what they hoped to run in the future. Claire found herself enjoying this outing more than she’d enjoyed one in a long time, and Jeremy seemed to never tire of laughing at her stories and light-heartedly sharing his own with his ever-present smile.

Their trail run continued but the more they continued, the closer to Claire’s place they go and she didn’t know what to do. This was so fun, but she could just keep running… her legs would give out eventually and she couldn’t run home alone in the dark. She wished this run wouldn’t end but didn’t know how to make it continue. She’d been single a while, her schedule quite busy and she was a bit shy, not to mention just not feeling motivated to hit the casual sites…

Jeremy was in the middle of telling her some funny story about the last time he’d tried to run on the beach when Claire slowed and reached a branch of the trail that would lead her to her place.

“This is me…” she hesitated.

“Oh! Ok, well wow that went by fast, was great running with you… get home and maybe if I’m lucky you’ll lose that watch again so I can find it?”

Jeremy flashed her a grin, but a bit hesitant this time, as he started continuing down the main path.

“Wait…” stammered Claire, “I’m sure you’ve finished your run by now… but my place is right up this path a few minutes. Do you want to join me? We can get some water and stretch out?”

Her heart slammed in her chest as she saw his step stutter and slow…

“Umm… yea, I mean… that would be nice… I…”

“Follow me,” she said with faux-confidence, as she ran up the trail, not believing he’d actually accepted.

Jeremy continued his story, reassuring Claire as she let them in and up to the second floor. She invited him inside and poured two large glasses of cold water, walking them to her living room which fortunately she’d cleaned up earlier in the day, tossing off her shoes and stretching her tight legs. Jeremy followed suit, his shoulder bumping up against her in the small space.

“Sorry, your place is about as big as mine but normally I have space to stretch out without running into anyone,” that grin was back again. “And I’m not sure if a sweaty guy has a place in this immaculate apartment!”

“Oh stop, I’m as sweaty as you, and I’m glad to have company…” started Claire, and feeling the reaction to those smiles and kind behavior piling up on her she managed to continue, “and you’re welcome to take care of that sweaty problem with me if you want?” blushing for the third time that evening. Jeremy turned her way with a look of intrigue.

To make things clear, Claire peeled off her damp grey top, revealing the tight black sports bra, and turned to head to the bathroom, hoping desperately she wasn’t going in the wrong direction.

Jeremy’s hand landed on her shoulder before she walked away and turning back towards him, his other hand came up to her face and pulled her in for a kiss. It was long, gentle, and maybe even a bit hesitant as he waited for her reaction. This changed quickly, though, as she grabbed his shirt and pulled him against her. She could feel her heart rate climbing as if she were back on the trail and she heard Jeremy’s breath quicken. Apparently their workout wasn’t done yet…

Claire stood on her tiptoes as Jeremy’s hands wrapped around her head and neck and pulled her in for a stronger kiss. She felt a growing firmness pressing up against her thin shorts sending a wave of warmth between her legs. She walked backwards, pulling him with her until they stumbled into the bathroom where she pulled his shirt up over his head. Pushing him a step away, Claire looked up Jeremy’s wide chest and locked eyes with him while she slowly stripped off her bra, releasing her breasts from its tight fit. Without a word, she shimmied out of shorts and stepped into the shower and leaving him to follow.

Jeremy’s didn’t waste and time and Claire knew that somehow, from the moment she’d lost her watch, that everything had gone perfectly as if planned ahead of time…

Once in the shower, the roles finally switched and Claire was relieved to find Jeremy making the first moves, massaging her neck and back, running his hands over her ass and firmly down her legs, coaxing the tightness out of them. She was proud of herself, bravely flirting her way through the run to attract him here. It wasn’t her normal instinct, but this guy just magnetized her for some reason…

She closed her eyes, enjoying the firm pressure on her hot muscles, letting the run melt out of her.

She stepped back, pressing her leg into his massage and body as a hand slid up the inside of her thigh, moving over her before sliding in between her legs to her lower abdomen, making her body shudder.

Jeremy stood back up, wrapping an arm around her front and cupping his large hand over her firm breasts and sending electricity through her nipples which were reacting now to his presence.

His body pressed up against hers, Claire reaching around to grab at his athletic ass before sliding between them to the hardening boner she felt between them.

Her hands ran over him, sliding up and down the length of his sex, feeling a shudder similar to her own in his body as she reached down below his balls.

In reaction, Jeremy’s hand tightened on her breast and his fingers gently pinched her nipple as his other hand drifted down and pressed up hard between her legs, a finger finding its way into her as she gasped and leaned forward, supporting herself on the tiled wall.

His hand continued, stronger and more rhythmic now, two fingers gliding deep inside her from behind as her hand slid up and down a his hard penis.

Claire felt Jeremy’s hand leave her and grasp her hand, bringing it around in front of her while his other hand left her erect nipples and guide his sex between her legs. She’d thought two fingers were nice with their rhythmic movements, but they didn’t compare to the long, firm, smooth form that took their place, filling her and pushing deep into her.

She gasped as one of his hands grasped hers on the tile wall and the other came back around her chest, taking her breasts in its wide grasp, massaging and teasing them with his touch. His body moved against hers and she pressed back, matching his rhythm with the movement of her hips.

Claire felt so good, so wanted by this man who had been so kind and nonintrusive with her that she wanted nothing but to invite him in. Her sore but energized body was lost in the pleasure, not wanting to come too soon and lose the moment.

But Claire’s boldness had had an effect on Jeremy as well and he pushed on, letting her invitation guide him to the edge.

His hand tightened on her’s, and his fingers closed around her breast as she felt him come in her, long and deep and full, and she let herself go with that, her thighs and sex tightening around him, mirroring his movements.

Claire sighed with a shudder, her body trembling with pleasure as she felt the last of his thrusting slide between her legs…

The steam surrounded them as the hot water played across their naked bodies and their workout came to an end… this was definitely a motivation to keep up her routine…


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