Power Girls’ Peril – Chapter 1 – (Kara, Power Girl, DC, Trolls, DP, Rough, Hardcore)

Kara Zor-L, better known by her superhero namesake Power Girl was flying around, enjoying a bright sunrise as she wondered what her day would be like today. Everything seemed quiet in the early morning. She stopped some gangster junkies who were trying to rob some joggers on their way to the part, but other than that, her super-hearing hadn’t picked up on much. Maybe for once, it was going to be a quiet day.

She continued flying along with her cute little blonde bob cut moving from her air travel when something seemed to hit her in mid-air. It wasn’t hard or anything super-hearing but instead it felt like something had just smashed into her brain. Her blue gloved hand raised to her temple as her facial expression formed into a confused and painful grimace.

‘Where did that come from?’ She thought as the pain subsided for a moment before she was hit by another and then another. Suddenly every waking second her body was wrecked through with pain from her head to her toes. Power Girl struggled to resist it, but the attack was overpowering her resistance. Her trajectory began faltering, and as she fought to regain her composure, it felt like a thousand needs were jamming into her brain. Her crimson cape fluttered around her as suddenly she stopped and diverted all her energy to combating the intrusion.

“Nngh… Must be some sort of mental eiiaghh… attack … I can’t… ngh.. no!” She said the situation in her mind deteriorated rapidly. It felt like someone was opening up a door to her mind, and then all around Power Girl, she witnessed great flash and musical “Snap!”

Beyond the blindness that seemed to pierce deep into her eyes, she felt the pain leave her like water leaking from a broken bottle. Her eyes were finally able to refocus. They saw a blue sky around her, but it was much cloudier than it had been before. Looking around, she suddenly grew alarmed when she saw that the cityscape around her had been erased by a mountain range with a nearby forest covering the land to the south.

The blonde superheroine also realized that for the first time in a long time, she was unable to maintain her flight path.

“What in the world?” Power Girl gasped as she started falling rapidly through the sky and right towards the forest below. She crashed against one tree and then another. During her unwieldy descent, she felt the tree branches cutting in across her cheek and all over her body, cutting open large holes and scratches across her crimson cape and white suite. One of her blue gloves flew away in an instant while her body flipped and crashed. Kara tried to steel her resolve and attempted to grab onto the branches, so her head didn’t strike first when she made her landing. Thankfully do to her extensive skill in hand to hand combat, she was able to brace herself against a thicket of branches racing up to intercept her. Kara felt her body ache as more pain lanced through her, but fortunately, she was able to put herself right side up. With this accomplished, Power Girl’s hands locked onto a set of branches, finally allowing the busty blonde to halt her descent.

Power Girl breathed in a haggard strained breath as she managed to hold onto the two branches. She could feel half a dozen cuts all begging for attention across her body. Her entire frame felt like it was on fire and she couldn’t understand how it had happened. For years her body had been indestructible, and her only bare weakness as psychic attacks or rare strains of kryptonite. Now she was bleeding from at least a dozen scratches, her head felt like someone had jumped on it, and she was pretty sure part of her leg was broken or at least sprained.

“How did this happen?” Power Girl asked aloud as she looked over her shoulder and found that she wasn’t far from the ground. But still feeling the pain in her leg, she wanted to do the best she could to simply climb down rather than just fall. So moving from the branches, the muscular woman shimmied down down the nearby tree when she finally got down. On solid ground, Kara found she could at least stand on her leg without much pain but who knew about walking on it. Looking at the tree, she found it looked similar to trees back in Manhattan, but she had never seen the trees packed in so tightly. It was a wonder her fall took her this deep at all. Turning around, she stopped suddenly when she heard voices nearby.

“She fell here. We must get to her before the others do.” A low dark growl of a voice said from nearby. Kara couldn’t understand how they had snuck up on her. Added to her ability to be injured on her descent and the loss of her flight, she had an awful feeling forming in her gut. It wasn’t as if it was dark out; her powers should still be getting energy from the sun. But as that was, she felt that her powers were out of her reach for the moment. The realization struck her cold, and her eyes watched and scanned in the hopes of being able to examine her potential rescuers. Finally, she could see the first one emerge, and her eyes widened.

The tall, blue-skinned humanoid that arrived first was lanky but still very well built. His hair was black and looked greasy and unwashed, as did the rest of him. Two teeth reached out from his bottom lip that reminded Power Girl of the tusks on hippos, but this creature didn’t look at all as cute as the hungry hungry sort. They were dressed in small pieces of steel armor, and leather thongs or codpieces covered up their private areas. They were tall, with some bearing dark eyes brimming with intelligence. Still, some help was better than none; she still didn’t know what to do. He didn’t look human, but she could understand its words as it spoke when others arrived.

“Spread out; the fallen angel is nearby. We must have her power.” He said, and Kara knew then that even if they were here to help, they wanted something from her. ‘Too bad for them my powers are gone. But these guys don’t look too friendly. Maybe there are some humans nearby.’ Power Girl turned to try finding a path out when she turned right into another one of the blue creatures. At first, the taller being just grunted as it looked down at the blonde human with the fantastic rack and torn white uniform. Kara nervously took a step back towards her tree feeling it press up against her ass. She couldn’t figure out how the beast had snuck up on her.

“Alright, easy boy, no need for things to get rough.” She said with a carefree smile hoping the creature would be friendly.

“Found her! I found the fallen angel Thorg!” The beast shouted out, and Kara bit her lip. Looking past her captor, she saw Thorg pulling away at his loincloth.

“You know I was almost hoping you’d be stupid and do that.” She said, and then she hopped forward from the tree ready to pummel the dumb fool through the forest with one swift punch. But her first never reached his head. Instead, the slow-moving, seemingly average swipe, was quickly blocked by the creature. With a bark, the blue-skinned fighter grabbed her by the wrist and then tossed her back against the tree.

“Nngnhh… Hey!” Power Girl shouted as leaves scattered from the branches as her body was slammed again. Her hair was already a mess, and now a series of twigs and leaves matted the golden fiasco resting atop her brow. The creature loomed over her pushing her hands up above her head as it looked her over.

Power Girl both saw others approaching and found that they did smell as bad as they looked. Worse some of them were looking at her bust with a growing emotion in their dark eyes that she was all too familiar with.

“Hey, guys. Let me go! Now!” She commanded them as the leader Thorg, took his place next to the one holding her.

“Human whores do not command Thorg the troll chieftain to do anything,” Thorg said as he slapped Power Girl across the face with a heavy hand. The pain instantly laced through her body as she was still pinned up against the tree. “Even fallen angles must respect the Kurgin Tribe if they wish to live. You will give us the power to bring all others under our control angel.” Turning around and leaving a very confused Power Girl to her own thoughts for the moment, Thorg addressed his men.

“Brothers! Long have we heard the prophecy of the fallen angel and her blessings and power. This girl of Power will help us unite the lost tribes again. Together we shall bring the Kingdom of Soupar to its knees!” Thorg growled out to his kin. A roar of troll acknowledgment sent the forest trembling as their maws opened up, and they shouted to the heavens with cries of victory. Looking back at Power Girl, he slowly grinned, and his blue long-fingered hands tugged open his codpiece revealing an impressive length. Walking towards Power Girl, he could see her eyes focus in on his twelve-inch cock before she tried desperately to smash in the nose of her guard.

“If you think you’re doing anything to *this* girl, you’ve got another thing coming ugly.” She spat only to have her captor smack her face again. Her blonde haired swayed as her head was thrown to the side leaving her dizzied from the force of the blow. As Thorg appeared, he grunted at his compatriot. The fellow Kurgin member nodded and allowed Thorg to grab her arms. Under the cover of the mass of trees, Power Girl grit her teeth defiantly as the massive troll looked down at her.

“Today we shall feast on the body of this fallen angel. We shall fill her with our cum and claim her power and her body as our own.” He said, and Kara tried desperately to get her hands free, but without her super-strength she as vulnerable as any other human girl. Growing irritated with her struggling Throg smashed her into the tree once more, and then he used a single hand to brace her neck and hold her there securely while his other reached down and started grasping at the tight material of Power Girl’s costume. Grinning Throg pulled up on the material wedging the fabric into a thin white stripe to rub against Power Girl’s pussy.
“Nrnnngh don’t you… dare…” She barely managed to growl out as she fought for air. Throg paid her no mine and yanked up harder, causing Power Girl’s legs to kick feebly through the air as the troll held here securely.

Power Girl fought to restrain her body from what the troll was doing, but her body’s resistance was failing her. As the fabric of her costume rubbed more and more against her pussy, she could feel her body reacting to it in a way that was a universe away from what she needed right now. The mighty troll’s nostrils flared before its mouth formed into a cruel smile.

“Haha, looky this boys. She’s already getting wet. The dumb bitch can’t wait to feel my big cock splitting her open.” He chortled, and with that, he pulled hard on the fabric of her suit and tore the material away, exposing a cute little tuft of blonde hair and the shapely lips of Power Girl’s pussy. Power Girls’ eyes widened for a moment before she snarled at him, but he paid her no mind and simply started to push the bulbous head of his blue cock inside of her while his hand moved from tugging at the bottom of her clothes and instead started squeezing at her massive rack. She could feel his fingers slipping in under the supporting fabric before his strong hand ripped at that as well. Power Girl gasped at the moment as her immense tits were exposed to the fresh forest air right as the troll pushed in his immense cockhead.

Her fingers immediately reached out to attempt in vain to grab something as the troll penetrated her. Thorg made a horrible smile and growled in pleasure at the fallen angel’s tight cunt burned around his cock. The tall, blue troll pushed the blonde bitch further against the tree as he savagely assaulted her tight little cunt as he slammed her against the tree sending more leaves scatting about from above. Power Girl moaned as the troll’s clawed fingers dragged across the flesh of her massive breasts before his other hand tugged down harder on her suit until her right breast popped out of the tight confines of her suit.

“You blue bastard. The moment I… urgh get my hands around your throat… I’ll…Niaahhh.” Kara cried out when the troll hit something absolutely sensitive within her. The troll laughed heartily as he felt the fallen angel’s juices flowing down from her tight little pussy. Thorg smiled as he pulled Power Girl from the tree and fully impaled her onto his rod, and he still had inches to spare. The Kryptonian screamed and moaned. Kara could barely control her body’s desire before she heard shuffling behind her. Then suddenly, she felt another clawed hand scratching over the material of her suit that covered her ass.

“Don’t.. you niahh.. fuck. Don’t .. you dare!” But no matter her struggles and words she felt the new creature’s intent as his claws dug deeper into her clothing and then started to cut and rip. Soon she closed her eyes and felt a sizeable chunk of her clothing shredded away. The warm air of the forest touched her bare ass before she moaned out again from another hammering thrust from the troll inside of her pussy. Her lips opened up in another scream before she felt the warm tip of another blue cockhead pressing up and down her perfect crack. As Thorg held her, he bounced her harder on his cock while the other troll spat on its cock and then grunted at Throg to stop. The chieftain gave his tribesman an annoyed look before smiling as Kara tried desperately to shove him away with her hands, but her body was already basking in the intense pleasure the troll was giving her. But even as she seemed to get adjusted to the long cock in her sex she finally felt the second cock starting to push in against her tight asshole.

“No please… its… it’s already too much you big bastards.” She cried out before Throg pressed his mouth against hers, scraping her cheeks with his tusks while the chieftain continued to fuck the blonde-haired superheroine to his black heart’s contentment. As her moans of protest were stifled, Kara’s eyes widened as she felt the new intruder push in aggressively inside of her virgin asshole.

“Fuuuaack! Fucking shitssaaahhh!” She screamed as she pulled back from Thorg’s lips as she was double penetrated by the chieftain and his man. Her arms snaked around his neck as she felt her pussy slowly began feeling like it was being engulfed in a sensual fire as she was attacked from both front and back.

Her ass and pussy were being penetrated deep, and it made her moan and shout even as she struggled for each breath. The single impressive breast that was exposed continued bouncing as she was slammed down each time her perfect body. The two trolls didn’t have what you’d call an ideal tempo but as the lust started to spread across her body, all she could focus on was the powerful forces that were feeding her sexual desires.

‘I could snap these two fucks in two if my body worked off sexual energy.’ Her mind thought for a moment, and Kara felt shameful. She was a daughter of Krypton, and yet the trolls were fucking her like a common whore. Part of her shouted to continue struggling but her strength ebbed as each thrust filled up her body and sent her into another fit of spasms as her pussy and ass clenched hard. She screamed out to the heavens as her tongue dropped from her gaping mouth as she came suddenly and violently. Her form went limp in Throg’s hands as he chuckled before slamming his cock straight and deep inside Power Girl as he filled her up with his cum.

She hardly had the energy to moan and whimper as the first blast of cum coated her pussy. Soon enough, the troll in her ass followed the lead of his chieftain. Throg still helped support the pleasure ridden blonde’s form while his fellow troll pounded away into Power girl’s rectum and slapped and pinched her ass as he went to down. A few more thrusts and he buried his cock as deep as he could go before releasing his thick juicy troll cum straight into her.

“Mrmmm…. please… so fucking warm..” Kara mewled as the troll pulled it’s cock out of her ass none too gently. The seal broke in half as the cum he’d just injected spilled out onto the forest floor. Seeing the thick gooey mess, the troll let out a rough bout of laughter as he looked at the reddened asshole. It seemed to be trying to return to its original form, but the troll had not wasted any time trying to properly prepare her. Power Girl’s ass felt like it was on fire and her pussy was flooded with her own juices and Thorg’s thick release as she slumped dizzily onto the floor. Her body was a sweaty mess and her hair looked distraught as she tried to focus her vision. Unfortunately, as she did all she could see as her eyes slowly looked up was more trolls. Throg patted his comrades on the shoulders as he smiled over the girl.

“She’s all yours, mates! Fuck her nice and good, and her energy will be ours. Today starts the age of the trolls so make sure everyone gets a chance.” Power Girl gulped desperately searching for a way out, but everywhere there were trolls and she was in no state to fight. In her state, it would just mean a fight she couldn’t hope to win anyhow. She didn’t like it, but she would need to save her strength for later. There would be an opportunity; she knew it. But when the first troll arrived at her feet and forcefully pressed her glossy pink lipped mouth around his smelly cock without so much as a hello part of Power Girl could feel her lust returning.

‘What is happening to me?’ She managed to think, knowing that for years she’d never felt so horny and yet as a troll moved her ass up off the ground to prepare her pussy and ass to be used again she couldn’t help but feel the ache returning to her sex. Her remaining blue gloved hand even reached up to pinch her pink nipple as her breathing grew heated once more. Kara’s other hand reached out to grip the cock pressing its weight against her mouth. It was quickly obvious that the troll facefucking her didn’t need any more encouragement. The newcomers positioned themselves and once more punctuated both her wet and reddened fuckholes with their long, thick cocks. Despite the rough situation, Power Girl couldn’t help but moan out around the cock ramming her throat with hard, driven thrusts as the trolls of the Kurgin tribe truly began experiencing all the sweet and pleasurable blessing of the fallen angel.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/dwfxx9/power_girls_peril_chapter_1_kara_power_girl_dc

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