A German Milf [F] taught me [M] the fine art of intimate seduction, Part 2

When I awoke, I was on my back and she on her side, gazing at me, smiling. She had been watching me sleep. Her eyes were glassy with a few spiraling, paisley-like in design, bloodshot veins as if she had been crying. Her hand draped over my head, fingers running gently through my short hair, down my forehead, over my scar, ear, cheek, lips. She was petting me with such affection as I hadn’t experienced before. She was… lovingly caressing me.

“Du bist wach. Liebling, heute abend bleib ich bei dir weil morgen kommt die Susanne zurueck / You’re awake, dear, I’m staying with you tonight, tomorrow Susanne is coming back.”

“Weiss ich nicht ob’s genug platz in meinem herz gibt ihre liebe rhein mir zuneh’men / I don’t know if there’s space in my heart to take your love in (to me)”, “daran kann ich nichts weil du da schon bist / but I can’t do anything about it because you are already there.” She leaned over to kiss me, her heavy breasts weighing on my chest. She kissed my cheek, then nibbled on my earlobe while continuing to whisper, the exhale of her breath as she did warmed my skin, my heart, my feelings for her.

“Dass hab’ ich ueberhaupt nicht erwartet. / I wasn’t expecting that at all”. Neither was I. But there I was, having already given her my conversations, my heart and my body multiple times, freely and openly.

“Ich wollte’ weider gewollt sein, wollte’ ich es seit jahren / I wanted to be wanted again, wanted it for years”. “Du schenkstest es mir / You’ve gifted me with that.”

“Und hier bist du. Ich dir hierher braechte, nicht du mir / And here you are. I’ve brought you here, not you me.”

“Keine ahenung um wie oder was wir zusammen sind, weiss ich nur gibt’s mehr dir bei zu bringen, wenn du willst und wenn du mir laesst / I’ve no idea about the how’s or what’s of us being together, I only know there’s more to teach you if you want and if you will let me.” Yeah, proceed with caution now, because the scheisse just got wirklich. How could I be in love and lust with a married woman more than double my age? Was I in her as deeply as she was in me?

“Mag ich dir weg nehm’n, hab ich ‘dran daechte, meine kleine tagestraum, auf irgendeinem insel / I’d like to take you away, i’ve thought about it, my little daydream, to whatever island.” Still not sure if that was a line from a piece of music she knew, or, if it was just her way of expressing a fantasy of hers.

“Es geht’s nicht, es kann nicht, weiss ich es nicht kann und trotzdem denk ich mir dir mehr d’rauf. Und trotzdem du bist hier, immer, du, du mir gewollt, mir hast du gewonnen, willst du mir jetzt, morgens, immer? / It can’t work, it can not, I know it can’t and despite that I think of you more. Despite that, you’re here, still, you, you wanted me, you won me, do you still want me, tomorrow, always?” I sat up in Susanne’s bed. She too. I grabbed her by the head with my hands, like she did to me so often, looked her in her sparkling eyes and said in English “Yes. You have all of me. For now. Until I leave when you won’t have me.” She repeated it to me, in English. She spoke it, close to fluent after having helped 4 kids learn it through homework. We had an understanding, everything auf deutsch, and when I struggled with it she would often hand me my Langensecheidts Woerterbusch. Her English had a most pleasant accent and sing song texture to it, not sure she found mine the same. I understood her like she did me, I thought, let’s see what happens in the time we do have together. She knew my time there was limited, even more so if I were to be deployed again. At this time, now, I want to believe that she knew what she was getting herself into even more so than I did given her maturity. But, maybe not. In spite of it, she kept choosing me in that time. And I her. Also at this time, now, I think the right answer would have been to stop seeing each other, because who was I to interfere in her life, to want to become a part of it, to infringe on the other aspects of her life, even when I wasn’t with her. In the coming time we had together, we would cross boundaries to relationships, push sexual situations to an extreme, and not know how deeply we were becoming one. Those reasons were absolutely not part of my 21 year old decision making process and despite the sex circus I had just reveled in for two weeks, it was a purely selfish decision. I wanted her badly. I needed her. She could only give herself to me if it was all or nothing. I had already given her my all. And there we were.

“Und noch was? / What now?” We smiled, hugged, and I whispered into her ear “Du weisst was / You know what”.

“Heute abend junge, heute abend laess ich dir mir wie du willst nehm’n. / Tonight young one, tonight I’ll let you have me however you want” she said with a gleam in her eyes. “Keinen unterricht’n ausser einem / No lessons except one.”

“Was gefaellt dir, mir auch gefaellt, dein vergnuegen ist auch meine / What pleases you, pleases me too, your pleasure is my pleasure.” She said smiling, very entertained by the idea of submitting to me. As she continued, I could tell it was all turning her on. She was telling me how to use her and getting off on it, hips rocking back and forth, forwards and back, nipples becoming engorged, fatter, smacking and licking her lips.

“Willst du mir nehm’n wie ‘ne deine huere, wieviel zaehlst du mir? / Do you want to take me like one of your whores, how much would you pay me?” Yeah, that came out in our talks, she was interested and wanted to know about that place by the Frauentormauer in Nuernberg where the ladies were topless in windows and, like sirens, enchanted drunken soldiers away from their DM’s. They got money from me. A few times.

“Nimmst du mir wie ‘ne 20 jahrige die in deinem gang sind bei 3er genommen / Do you want to take me like those 20 year olds in your hallway that get used by 3 men at once?” She slid one hand behind her back and I’m pretty certain got a finger into her ass as she was fingering her cunt and opened her mouth to take an air dick. I saw her skin flush at that, her chest was two shades of red, and I knew with certainty that was probably a fantasy of hers. And yeah, she asked about barracks life on our walks. She was intrigued by the fact so many lived so closely together, like brothers, and would easily and freely share women as they would a N64 cartridge.

What I wanted was to help Heike with her fantasy. And she was reading my thoughts. “Schau dahin, ‘glaub ich sie hat’s da rheingesteckt / Look over there, I think she keeps it hidden over there”. An assortment of sex toys, of course, Susanne was usually single. There it was, that big black 14″ cock dildo, complete with engorged veins, with a prince albert, the exact one from the fucking painting on the wall. Ok, it kinda gave me nightmares, it kinda got put on the floor. I looked back at Heike, she was smiling, smirking, as if caught, she knew, and I knew those two had something else between them. I found a few that weren’t so imposing and didn’t make me feel like less of a man. She giggled. She was turned on, this was making her hot. Hotter.

“Ich will dein po liebling / I want your butt dear.” I told her. She got on hands and knees, and shook her ass in front of me. She turned her head to the side to look at me, and with a sly smile asked, “Hast du schon? / Have you already done something like this?”. The way she said it… I wasnt entirely certain if this was something she had already done before, but I confessed to her “Nein, noch nicht, aber wie du jetzt aussieht, denk ich ja, ja mag ich du wie du da bist / No, not yet, but the way you look right now, I think yeah, yeah I like how you are right now”. She took the dildo, laid down so that her ass was in the air, slid her hands under her legs, then let me watch as she let the tip of the dildo enter her, pulled it out, then back in. I was watching the show with both my hands on her ass, ready to mount her. She rubbed the tip of the now moist dildo on her asshole, then told me that I could enter her slowly. She worked the dildo slowly back into her, and I started into her ass, pulled out to get some more moisture from her cunt into her ass, then worked my cock back into her asshole. She took control and rocked her hips back to meet my cock “Magst du schatz? / Do you like it sweety?” but I could only answer her with a grunt. I could feel how she was fucking herself with the dildo, the pressure on my cock in her ass changed each time she took the entirety of the dildo. She was back on her hands and knees now, thrusting her ass onto my cock, like a vise grip. I was grabbing her hips and ass, guiding her onto me, not sure how much longer I could hold out. She was moaning louder than I was. When she was having a hard time fucking herself with the dildo, holding it deep inside her and starting to shake- from her legs to her back I took that as her sign that she was about to erupt too… and was reverting back to fucking like an animal. She collapsed, was laying front down, and I straddled her, her moans were now strained and loud non verbal exclamations, she was cumming, right now, and I got as deep into her ass as I could, releasing a hot torrent of my cum inside her. She kept squirming, still cumming, now mildly screaming and shaking uncontrollably while I held on, my dick still deep within. Her back quivered, her legs shook, her arms trembled, her hands were grasping the sheets and pillows and I pretty sure her toes were curled in ecstasy, and then she fell limp, breathing heavily in and out. I slowly pulled out and she moaned. I got off her, went to the badezimmer for a towel to clean us with, then returned. She rolled over, extended her arms as if asking for a hug, and I laid next to her while we embraced. Drops of cum were still seeping out of my cock.

“Fickst du die andere’ wie du mir gerade ficktest? Mit gewalt, wie ‘ne tier? / Do you fuck the others like you just fucked me? With force, like an animal?” she asked, with a bit of playful teasing.

“Na ja, was kann ich sagen, ja? / Uh, what can I say, yeah?” I sheepishly said. “Ich mag es schatz, wiel du es gerne magst, haette ich orgasmsus in meine scheide und auch im po / I like it dear, because you like it a lot, I had a vaginal and anal orgasm.” she replied.

“Wenn du wirklich im kopf, wirklich tief, einer frau bist, sie wuerd’ fuer dich alles machen, alles. Verstehst du junge? / When you’re really deep in the mind/thoughts of a woman, she’ll do anything for you, anything. Do you understand young man?”. No, I actually didn’t. I don’t think I really understood her at that time. That lesson came with time over the years.

“Bist zur zeit du sie ausnutzt / Until that time you use her up.”, “Und dann ist alles weg, alles / And then it’s all gone, all of it/her.” Now she was talking to her personal experiences.

“Vergiss du nie, was immer wichtig ist, ist die intimitaet. Wenn die immer da ist, deiner Frauen laessten du immer sie nehmen, wie du willst / Never forget that, what is always important is the intimacy. When that’s always there, your women will let you take them however you please.” “Die bieten sich an dich gerne / They’ll offer themselves to you gladly”.

“Siehst du, genau wie du mir wie ‘ne tiere gefickt, hat mir geil gemacht, aber normaleweise mag ich es nicht / Do you see? Just like how you fucked me like an animal, (it) made me really horny, but normally I don’t go for that type of sex.” Again, more of a grey area for me at that time, one that had to steep for years until I really got it.

“Es doch egal wie es kommt, wichtig ist, ich bei dir was intim habe, jedesmal, verstehst du? Hier, hier ist was wichtig- was noch ist doch egal / It doesn’t really matter how (the sexual situations or love) come about, what’s important,” as she grabbed my hand and placed it between her cleavage on her heart, and placed her hand on my heart, “what’s important is that we have something intimate here, every time, do you understand? Here,” taking her hand off my heart and pointing to hers, then mine, then pointing to her head, then mine, “Here is what’s important, anything else doesn’t really matter”.

This was hard to hear. We never said “Ich lieb’ dich / I love you” to one another, at any time that we knew each other, but our bodies did in that two weeks. How we treated each other, how we spoke to one another, how we bathed and showered together, how we massaged each other also did in that two weeks. It’s impossible to be intimate without loving someone. That intimacy isn’t just sexual though, and what Heike taught me is that that intimacy, that closeness and knowing of a person, should be ueberall, ever and always present in all aspects of your life and relationships, not just when it comes to sex. Indeed, the sex would always be a small percentage of that expressed intimacy, not the reason for it. It should be present on a walk in the forest through the snow, present when you see something that someone else enjoys and get it for them, present in the smile and tone you speak to others with. She was intimate with everyone in that aspect, in her capacity to love a man in a sexless marriage, in the joy she approached caring for the elderly in her house, but I think she was starting to see that people, family, friends, were not doing the same with her as much, anymore. Instead of exchanging loving and intimate acts, they just took and took more from her. She was getting used up, just like she told me. She wanted more than simply to be wanted. I think she wanted to, had to, in the same primal sense as I had to search for sex, have that deep connection with someone, again. Somehow I was giving her what she needed, the complete and utter devotion and attention that birthed an intimacy that she longed for. I don’t know how I ended up there, naked in a bed with her, in a strangers place, in a foreign country, but I had never had a woman express her openness and willingness to share her love, heart, body, mind with me. A married, German milf who already had me fully and completely. By loving me, I think she knew she was teaching, modeling the relationship, so that I could love and understand the love of, not her, but the women in my future she was preparing me for.

We showered together the next morning. Susanne was returning. Heike was lathering my groin, teasing me, getting a rise out of me. “Juenge, gestern abend war fuer dich, genoss ich es gerne, aber heute ist feur mich. / Young one, last night was for you, I liked it a lot, but today is for me.” She said as her other hand pinched my nipple.

“Die Susanne und ich, vorher haben wir um dich gerettet. Sie moechte wissen was fuer eine Leherin bin ich / Susanne and I, we spoke about you before. She’d like to know what kind of teacher I am.” She was stroking me now, and with a big grin said “Ich mag es sehen, es wuerde mir extrem gefaellen, mein vergnuegen sollte auch dein sein / I’d like to see that, it would please me greatly, my pleasure should also be yours.” “Ich moehcte ‘es sehen, ich moechte dabei sein, als du ihr mit sanftigkeit nimmst, mit intimitaet / I want to see it, I want to be right there, as you take her with softness and intimacy”, “Zeig ihr was ich dir beibraechte / Show her what I’ve taught you”, “Macht mir richtig heiss nur darum zu sprechen / It’s making me really hot just talking about”.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dwel2i/a_german_milf_f_taught_me_m_the_fine_art_of

1 comment

  1. The emotion is this story is agonisingly raw and so deep that it’s almost painful. I’ve never wanted to read the next part of a story more!

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