Ridiculous encounter I had with [m]y G[f] when we snuck away from a HS basketball game

Disclaimer: both participants were indeed of age at the time of the deed. This is a post that I didnt’ intend to write for gwstories, or for it to be nearly as long as it ended up being. But after putting these thoughts to paper, it definitely belongs here. So it’s a copypasta of my comments in another sub.

GF and I snuck off during a basketball game, an absence noted and reported to her parents, and went to go find somewhere to play. We went upstairs and found a tiny broom closet in the school hallway. Mind you, it’s a small private school 15 years ago. Security was a bit lax once you’re inside the building. The closet door was unlocked. So we went in to have our seclusion.

Anyway, it escalates to sex. It’s going pretty well. Right before I begin my 10 second swan song, we hear footsteps coming down the hall. So we’re trying to be quiet now but there’s no actually stopping us. I’m moments from lift off when we hear the steps halt near the door, and her best friend, who f’king hates me fiercely, calls her name down the hallway.

GF stirs in a panic. No one knows we’re active. It’s a christian high school, after all. She’d be kicked out if people found out. In that tiny, pitch black broom closet, perhaps equal parts trying to be quiet and equal parts horny as horny gets in life, I bottom out and hold her tightly, quietly shushing her in her ear. After a second of continued panic by her, she relaxes a bit and holds me in return.

It was a tense moment. Her friend calls out her name again before walking away a few seconds later, but in a dead end direction. We knew she’d have to walk back past us to leave. I figured, or hoped, that I could finish before she came back around(priorities). So I started pumping slowly and quietly, getting ready to pull out and push GFs face downward at the right time.

As I’m about to finish this time, of course we hear the footsteps returning. I bottom out again in her in total agony, holding her still against me as before. She holds me tightly with her legs around my waist as we wait for her friend to leave. The steps are agonizingly slow. GF starts shivering a bit, but the final straw was her quiet whimpers in my ear. I couldn’t handle it any longer. With the footsteps still audible, I groan into her ear, stifling it as well as I could, as I exploded silently inside her.

…and then her phone starts vibrating. Someone was calling her. She quickly reaches into her jacket pocket to silence it. But it was her father calling. She still lived rather subservient to them, and it was too uncomfortable for her ignoring their call. “No” I wanted to whisper. But I couldn’t. My prime directive was in effect. She had me wrapped up tightly in one arm and both legs, with her face nested in the fold of my neck, when I heard her speak. In a voice as quiet as she could muster without whispering, she says “Hey Daddy.”

“Where are you??? Your friend says you left the game” I heard him say, as I continued to bury my seed in her. She paid him some bullshit about going for a walk with me, and she got an earful in return. We just stayed their, coupled, while he continued to berate her.

We learned that night that shame turns her on. Big time. She bit my neck and convulsed. At some point he says “Do you understand” and she eeks out “Yes Daddy” in a voice obvious to anyone that isn’t a clueless father. He shouts some more last things and then hangs up on her.

I tried to speak. I whisper, “I…um…”

“I know,” she said, all the while holding me just as tightly.

“I didn’t mean to”

“I know. We’ll handle it”

“Shouldn’t we get back? They sound pissed”

“Probably,” she says softly. I begin attempting to withdraw from her, but she holds me snugly. “Not yet,” she whines. “I’m already grounded. Just a few more minutes. This is incredible.” She had never had this done to her before.

We stayed coupled like that for a while longer. She kissed up and down my face as she continued to softly buck and squirm with me, rock hard as ever (oh the power we have as teenagers) bottomed out inside her. She always became increasingly more giddy and playful after she was satisfied. She giggled and continued to kiss and nibble at me while her movements became more and more flagrant. When she was about to quit, I suddenly wanted her all over again.

I slammed home with force. She squealed. I continued. “Can you do it again? I want to feel it again”.

And so I did it again as soon as I could. And this time she was much more vocal in her appreciation.

We cleaned up and went back to the game and rejoined the crowd, her friend mean mugging the hell out of us. Girlfriend was so bouncy and cheerful with her friends for the rest of the night.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dw96gz/ridiculous_encounter_i_had_with_my_gf_when_we

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