Ginger’s Challenge [MF] [sharing]

**Ginger’s Challenge**

“I think it sounds like fun, but are you sure?” Ginger asked.

“What, you don’t think you can pull it off?” Rufus teased. As his finger entwined itself in Ginger’s blond hair, his other arm wrapped around her and pulled her in closer, until they were touching at the hips. Ginger laughed and pushed him back playfully.

“I’m quite confident in my powers of persuasion.” She rebutted, but her voice betrayed a distinct lack of confidence. Rufus easily noticed this less-than-assertive inflection. He positioned himself on top of her, suspended a few inches over her body.

“I think you can handle it.” Rufus said, he then got up, and walked out of the bedroom. Ginger lay on the bed, and as she reflected over their conversation she was surprised to find herself flushed, almost to the point of arousal. She attempted to organize her thoughts, taking stock of a swirling mix of emotions.

Ginger played her thoughts back to herself. She was going to get up and go to the gym. Ben should be there, he usually was on her upper body days. He had been spotting her bench press lately, and it was undeniable that they had developed some chemistry. Ginger found him quite attractive, and when he was in spotting position, groin a few inches from her face, she couldn’t help but notice his sizeable bulge, barely concealed beneath his thin gym shorts.

Somehow Ben had come up in conversation with Rufus that morning. Rufus was intrigued, and coaxed Ginger into revealing her crush. “Do you think he’s into you as well?” Rufus had asked. Ginger said she thought so. She had noticed him checking out her cleavage and ass more than a few times.

“You should bring him back here and fuck him.”

At first Ginger laughed, but Rufus repeated the suggestion.

“I’m gone most of the day today anyway, you should bring him back after the gym and do what you please with him.”

And now Ginger found herself lying on the bed, as Rufus made breakfast in the kitchen. She had to admit, the idea was a turn-on, and she and Rufus had been looking for the right opportunity to open their relationship. She closed her eyes and allowed her imagination to wander. She wondered how it would feel to kiss along his chest, down his torso. She could imagine herself grasping the elastic of his shorts, pulling them down to expose black, tight fitting underwear. Her kisses could move down, along his shaft. Maybe the heat of her breath through the thin fabric would cause his cock to twitch as she placed her open mouth and tongue on the head of his penis. Then, she imagined, Ben would pull down the last piece of clothing separating her from his cock. Grasping it, she would let his erect penis slide recklessly over her open lips and waiting tongue, slowly licking and…

“…do you want any oats?” Rufus shouted from the kitchen.

Ginger was interrupted from her daydream. She noticed her breathing was rapid, and her right hand had found its way between her legs, fingers gently resting against her pussy.

“No.” She replied, glancing at the clock. It was time for her to head across the street to the gym. She bounced out of bed, threw on her gym shorts and tank top, and gave Rufus a quick kiss.

“Don’t come back early, ’cause you may see something you can’t unsee!” Ginger said as she grabbed her keys and headed towards the door.

“Maybe I’d like to watch!” Rufus replied.


At the gym, after warming up with some cardio, Ginger glanced at her phone. One text from Rufus.

“I’m headed out. I made the bed for you (and Ben) ;)”

Ginger rolled her eyes. She looked around the gym, but didn’t see Ben. That’s probably for the best, she thought, as she hadn’t figured out a good way to actually get him back to her bedroom. She wasn’t even sure if Ben was single. As she moved over to a free bench and began putting up her weights, she heard a voice from behind her.

“Hey Ginger, need a spot?” It was Ben. Ginger turned around quickly, she felt her heart skip a beat. She looked at Ben for a second, before stammering “Sure, thanks.” Her eyes moved up and down his tall, well-built frame.

Why was she nervous? Normally she chatted with Ben about her life. Maybe Rufus had gotten in her head. As she worked her way through her sets, she realized she needed to make her move soon. Usually after spotting her, he was finished with his workout. By the time Ginger got to her last set, her thoughts were racing. She noticed his hands resting on the bar, and decided to make some kind of move, no matter how awkward. She moved her hands up, as if to grab the bar for her final set, but instead let them fall gently on his hands.

“Oh sorry!” Ben said, but didn’t immediately move his hands away. Ginger could feel the warmth and strength of his chalked and callused hands, and she looked up to make eye contact. She said nothing, but gave a smile before slowly moving her hands off his and onto the bar. Did that do the trick? She wasn’t sure, but without saying anything Ben moved a few inches closer. She could feel the heat emanating from his body, and he was so close she could nearly see up his shorts. Her eyes moved to his bulge, and she could clearly make out the outline of his cock. She realized that she wanted to taste it, and fuck it, in that order. She looked up and noticed that his gaze was on her chest. She wondered if her nipples were visible through her sports bra.

After her last set, she stood up and faced Ben. Neither had said a word in several minutes. Not wanting to lose the moment, Ginger opened her mouth, unsure of what to say. But Ben was already talking.

“Hey would you like to grab a tea or coffee after your workout?”

“Sure, actually I just got some great teas back at my apartment, it’s only a five minute walk if you’re interested.” Ginger quickly replied. Oh shit, she thought, did I just invite Ben to my apartment? Is that too forward?

“Oh, sure, that would be great. I’ll meet you after your shower at the front.” Ben turned around and walked away. Ginger’s could feel her heart beating, and not from her workout. Ben knew she didn’t usually shower at the gym. Maybe she hadn’t been as subtle as she thought.

Ginger cut her post-workout stretching, and gave herself some extra time in the gym shower. In the event that she did manage to get to show Ben her naked body, she wanted to be presentable. She thoroughly scrubbed her body with soap and exfoliator, giving careful attention to her ass and pussy, which she was surprised to find was quite wet. Drying off she admired herself in the mirror, her post-workout pump accentuating the muscles along her back and legs. She had just recently shaved, and the patch of blonde hair above her clitoris was demarcated by smooth clear skin along her labia all the way to her ass. She closed her eyes and imagined Ben putting her on all fours, waiting for his cock to fuck her. She bit her lip as she realized just how badly she wanted him to take her, face down and ass up on her bed.

Ben was waiting at the front of the gym, and together they walked out onto the street and turned towards Ginger’s apartment. She had texted Rufus while getting dressed.

“It’s on. Are you ok with me fucking Ben?”

He replied in less than a minute:

“Yes – but I want you myself when I get home.”

“PS. Make sure he gets to play with your tits ;)”


Ginger lay on her bed, surrounded by a mess of covers and sweat-stained sheets, evidence of the lovemaking that had occurred just minutes previously. It had been ten minutes since Ben had cleaned up and left, and nearly twenty since their bodies had last been entwined. Afterwards he had taken a quick shower, which Ginger had used as an opportunity to examine his fully muscled frame and well-proportioned penis. After showering he had departed after exchanging a few pleasantries.

Ginger thought for a moment, then reached for her phone and sent Rufus a picture of her glowing face, lips still slightly swollen from engorging herself on his cock.

“Are you home soon? I want you here now!”

Ginger lay still, waiting for Rufus, thinking about soon taking him as well. Her hands lazily played with her clitoris. She allowed herself to recall Ben, her hands on his back, his hands on her ass. She recalled the feel of his cock inside her, and the warmth of kissing him passionately. Ginger could still feel the heat of his member, just before it entered her for the first time, and the feeling of…

Her thoughts were broken by the door latch – Rufus was home.
