Stumble and Fall [mf][cons][rom][vanilla]

The sky begged to rain, but the blustered grey clouds stubbornly denied its release. I was digging in my bag for something, walking through the parking lot, when I heard footsteps behind me and the jangling of keys. I tried to move to my right to get farther out of the way, but I stumbled, and my bag hurled out of my grasp, spilling my keys and wallet on the asphalt, and I sprawled after, twisting my ankle.

A firm hand gripped my upper arm, helping me up, and then I heard the deep voice it belonged to, “Are you all right?” I looked up into the clearest, bluest eyes I had ever seen, viewing me with true concern. He knelt to gather my things, as I tested a few steps. I gasped, as I leaned on my right foot. Sprained, and the knees of my jeans were scuffed. I suspected I had a at least one good scrape, if not two.

“Ok?” he prodded. I guessed he was in his mid 30s, very tall and lean with broad shoulders, straight posture, and a ready smile. His slightly spiky brownish hair gleamed with gold highlights, and he wore a well trimmed mustache and beard. So, slightly scruffy, but neat.

“Yes, thank you” I said, as I accepted my things and slowly arranged them in my bag, while trying to stand on one foot. That steadying hand reached for my shoulder, and it took everything I had not to look up at him again. I was sure I’d never be able to look away, I was already under the spell of those eyes. I was also embarrassed and without words. I was clearly older than he, the streaks in my hair gleamed silver, but here he was tending to me as I pulled myself together.

I could feel his eyes on me and he squeezed my shoulder, willing me to look at him. I looked up and his gaze washed over me like fresh clean water… “Ok?” he coaxed again, as if he wouldn’t believe me unless I responded while looking him in the eye. They had crinkles at the corners, divulging that he used them often for smiling. He also had a single vertical worry line between his brows, matching the one I had, that formed when I was deep in thought, or mad, of course.

“I twisted my ankle a bit,” I said as I hobbled a step, “but I think I will live!”

“Good.” He said deliberately and released my shoulder offering his arm as I began to dodder along my original path. My knee jerk reaction was an internal ‘I do not need any help’. Which he instantly read, and chided me wordlessly for, out of the corner of his eye and down the slope of his nose. The offer of his steadying arm not just a suggestion. As I accepted and leaned into him, I felt a spark of strength and warmth flow from him through me.

We walked through the back lot towards the shops, (well I hobbled) with a stirring inside me. The energy I felt emanating from him was clear and pure, strengthening. Who was he, I wondered. I felt a sense of fate.

“Tom.” He said as if I’d just asked out loud.

“Christine…Chris.” I was still barely able to speak above a whisper, particularly since it seemed he had read my mind. I was still embarrassed and also mesmerized. His profile showed a man with carved features, a strong chin, an imperious, if a tad crooked nose, finely shaped lips, and an undeniable air of grace. We approached the curb and I felt his sinewy strength under my grasp. I couldn’t help but to press a little closer to him, basking in the warmth he emanated. All the little knots of inconsequential worries dulled and floated away, like leaves flowing downstream.

As we rounded the side of the building I motioned towards the Barnes and Noble.

“Imagine that… that is where I’m headed, as well!”

My limp began to subside, but I could feel my ankle swelling inside my shoe, and it still hurt.

He held the door for me as we walked into the B & N and steered us toward a pair of chairs off to the side in a quiet corner. I sat and sighed. I felt like crying. I rested my elbow on the arm of the chair, and my chin on the palm of that hand, looking off down the aisle, as I found it difficult to meet his gaze at the moment. Twenty years previously I would have flirted mildly, or suggested coffees, or something, but I couldn’t fool myself into thinking he was anything more than a kind young man, who would soon make an excuse to continue on with his day.

Finally I turned to him, putting on a thankful smile. “Thanks for all your help, I’ll be fine. You’ve been very kind and I really appreciate it.” I hoped my eyes relayed my gratitude as his shone with his kindness.

“Trying to get rid of me?” he asked with mock rejection, hand to his breaking heart.

“Well no, just…” I trailed off. “Giving you an out.” I caught the frown that flitted across his face, but he did not acknowledge my comment at all. He made no motion to rise, wasn’t glancing at his watch, fidgeting restlessly in his seat, or working out excuses in his head on how to politely extricate himself from this situation.

He asked me about my favorite authors, and we talked about books for a bit, and I finally came to believe that if he wanted to leave he would leave, but he was here, and wanted to be here right now. So I relaxed and enjoyed the conversation, still bewildered, however, that this handsome young man had chosen to spend his afternoon looking after me.

Tom went next door and got us coffees and we talked about everything else under the sun, and found we had a lot in common… movies, music, places we wanted to go. Places we had been. He had already been to many I had wanted to visit.

I found him warmhearted and open, with a very wry, dry sense of humor… every once in a while his voice or expression exposed a bit more darkness than he intended. That just made me like him more. He continually caught me getting lost in his eyes… and he’d let his gaze linger on mine with no awkwardness. He seemed to be studying my eyes, I felt he was looking into my soul. His eyes twinkled and his smile flashed often.

Too soon, although it had been hours, I noticed it was getting dark outside. Instead of raining, the clouds had cleared and a few stars and Venus shone in a sky that graded from pink to black. He followed my gaze, and took in the darkening sky. He looked back to me, that smile sneaking around the corners of his mouth, another question forming in his eyes.

“Would you be interested in getting a bite to eat?” he questioned, tilting his head. “I’m starving!”

“That sounds great. Do you like sushi?

“Love sushi, that’s perfect! he declared.

He stood and ran our empty coffee cups to the trash can, as I stood and tested my ankle. After sitting for hours it was swollen and tender, and I couldn’t hide the limp. Tom headed back to our spot by the chairs and took my arm. The difference in our age, which I put in the area of 15 years, had diminished over the hours we had spent talking about everything.

As we headed out to the sidewalk, a crisp breeze was blowing, pulling a shiver from me, which caused Tom to pull me closer. His warmth exuded from his body, as well as his smile and his glinting eyes.

“Tom?” I grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop, and he turned to face me, fixing his eyes on mind, bestowing me with one of his gracious smiles.

“Thank you for making me feel so special today”

He placed his hands on my shoulders, tilted his head down, and stared forcefully into my eyes. “You ARE special” He said almost brusquely, as if he were exasperated that I would even question it.

Of all the things that could switch on my emotions, it was someone just being kind. I felt my eyes glisten and my throat tightened a bit.

No no no no no, there will be none of that, come on.” He turned and gently urged me along refusing to allow the moment to be awkward. Soon we were sitting at the sushi bar looking at the myriad options illustrated on the chalkboard. We sampled a few pieces of this and a few pieces of that. As the place filled up it got loud, and they turned the music up. Tom kept leaning in close, his breath caressing my ear, so he could speak without having to raise his voice. This combined with the deep timbre of his voice drove me absolutely crazy. It was as if he could use that voice to caress my very core.

He had this way of raising his eyebrow and looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Teasingly, tauntingly, daringly. It was becoming more and difficult to deny that I wanted to touch him all over, and to feel his flesh against mine. I wanted to start by tracing the planes of his face with my fingers.

Sitting there watching him eat I noticed how perfectly shaped his hands were. Large, with long, tapering, nimble fingers. How I wanted to feel those long fingers running through my hair, brushing against my neck. Roaming over every nook and niche.

I excused my self to the restroom, so I could catch my breath and come back down to earth. “I could come with you! Make sure you don’t stumble.”

“Haha, very funny” I retorted as limped off carefully.

I relieved myself and and was not wholly surprised that I was already wet. I ran my fingers through my own hair, and splashed my face lightly in front of the restroom mirror, thinking to myself that stumbling today at the precise time I had, seemed quite lucky. I returned to him and noted an empty shot glass in front of him, and one in front of my chair. He grinned a devilish grin and raised his eyebrows, motioning me back to my seat.

“Say! You wouldn’t be trying to get me drunk, would you, mister!? You know that won’t work with an empty glass!” I patted his shoulder lightly in a mock shove, any excuse to touch him would do.

“You wound me, dear lady. Haven’t I taken wonderful care of you today after your fall?”

I acknowledged that he had and thanked him for that again.

He motioned for the barkeep, who filled our glasses with sake. I grabbed Tom’s arm, and motioned for him to move closer, but, I couldn’t be quite so bold as to brazenly nuzzle his ear, but his scent did fill up my own senses. Like cinnamon and something I couldn’t put my finger on. I inhaled deeply then sighed, and then remembered I had a question. “I’ve never had sake before. Do you down it or sip?” I was already feeling quite giddy.

He raised his glass for a clink, and downed it, after which I followed, though it took me two gulps as the potion warmed my insides. Tom was smiling at me. It was contagious… I smiled back.

“I know a secret I don’t think you know”. The eyebrow arched, his eyes danced and teased. I waited. And waited.

“Well, are you going to share?” My voice lowered a bit, “or are you just going to tease me?” He chuckled and nodded to himself more than to me. He turned to the chalkboard, purposely not looking at me, pretending as if his entire attention was focused on the colorfully illustrated menu on the wall, when we both knew it was not.

“Tom!” I demanded quietly with a bit of a growl, gripping his arm.

“Are you certain you want to know?” I said nothing and turned to my own attention to the menu wall.

“Never mind” I said with a bit of a snort. “I don’t think I care to know.”

“Oh, I bet you don’t mean that.” He touched my wrist, and one of his long fingers traced the lines of my palm. “You don’t mean that, at all.” He grinned and his gaze fell on me once more. He knew full well the reaction he was eliciting from me. He wanted me yearning and wanting. For him. And he knew he was successful.

He leaned close and his agile fingers began stroking and twirling in my hair. He nuzzled my neck and made his way up letting his warm breath tickle my ear, causing my breath to catch in my throat as I fell once again into the quicksand of his eyes.

“You have a beautiful smile. As a matter of fact, “ his finger tracing the line of my jaw, giving me goosebumps, and making me shiver, “everything about you is beautiful inside and out”. His lips brushed my cheek where his fingers just were, his fingers making back to stroke my neck.

“Tom, you must stop that.”

“Why? You’re not enjoying yourself?” he said, again feigning hurt, exaggerating utter betrayal, but his eyes, those eyes knew damn well better.

“If you don’t stop that, I may embarrass myself in front of this whole restaurant.”

His eyes widened and he looked up to the ceiling, considering this, “Hmmmmm”. His fingers continued to twine, barely grazing my skin. He signaled to the bartender again, who hit our glasses, and after another clink to which he offered a “to new friendships” toast, we threw back. I was completely relaxed my extremities tingling, my flesh craving human touch. His touch.

“To new friendships” I agreed. I enjoyed the fire the liquor, and he, fired in my belly. I was alive in a way I had not been in a while.

“I have a secret, also, Mr. Smartypants”

“Oh, do you now?” He leaned back in his seat, his hands crossing his belly, tapping his index fingers together, expectantly.

I clicked my tongue, and pretended to be interested in more sushi. “Oh, I’ve decided not to tell you, because you are such a wretch, among other reasons, I teased.

He nudged me with his shoulder, “Come on… he wheedled. I imagine you have lots of secrets, and he tilted his head, leaned in, brushed his lips against my ear, and sighed blowing his wam breath in my ear. “Tell me” he pretended to plead. Only his eyes told me he wasn’t pretending. He was certain he knew what I was about to say, and wanted to hear me say it.

I sighed and turned to whisper in his ear, teasing him as he’d been tormenting me since we’d been here.

“I would very much,” …breath, nuzzle… “like for you,” ..burrow, nibble…”to kiss me,” I whispered and sunk my teeth into his skin between his neck and his shoulder, a growled a tortured growl before sitting upright and watching his eyes.

I actually saw his pupils dilate, as he imagined, like I was, what that might actually be like.

Then he put his naughty face on again, “That’s it?” He chuffed haughtily, That’s the ‘big secret’?

I hate to tell you this, my dear, but that is no secret.” Because he had been right, knowing that is what I’d say.

“Oh, shut up,” I rolled my eyes.

“Ok, you ready??” He bent down and gave me a peck on the cheek, without waiting for a response.

“There, happy now?”

“No, I most certainly am not!”

“I’ll tell you what,” he said, that sneaky, snaky, sexy gleam in his eye. “We’ll see…”

“Well, I need another shot, then” I complained

“No. No, you don’t”. He glanced sideways, peering at me through narrow slits, watching me, no enjoying me pouting.

“You have had just enough.” he admonished and performed a curt nod signaling that this discussion was over.

He excused himself to the restroom, and extended a hand to me upon his return.

“It’s time to go.”

“Oh, all right.” I said and upped and hobbled towards the door, not accepting his hand, giving him a teasing look, that said ‘catch me if you can’. This was ridiculous in my lame state, and all he had to do was saunter with his long legs at his usual gait to catch up to me. He leaned over me from behind and put his hand over mine as I pulled the door open. “You know you can’t escape me” his voice purred. Outside, a few steps away from the door, I turned, and gave in, utterly and completely.

I looked up at him, desire blazing in my eyes and body. “The very last thing on this earth I want to do is escape from you.”

All of the teasing left his eyes, the playful banterer was gone. He opened his arms to me and I fell into him, my head to his chest, my arms inside his jacket. my body consuming his warmth. I could hear and feel his heart beating, as he wrapped his arms around me and we finally reveled and welcomed the contact we both had been wanting.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm” he sighed. He kissed the top of my head.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm” I sighed drinking in the feel of him as he rocked and swayed me, fingers tangling in my hair, stroking my cheek, while I allowed myself to be hypnotized by the thudding of his heart, running my hands up and down his back.

“Will you come back to my hotel room?” He urged.

It had never occurred to me he didn’t live in town. But it was far too late for hesitation now. I didn’t really even need to agree. There was nothing else to do. There was no choice involved. It was fate. Predestination.

“I’m just a few cars away from you… “ This sent my mind back to early this afternoon, never in my wildest dreams had I thought my day would end up like this.

I wanted to laugh. Sob. Run. FLY. But right now, all I could do was hobble.

We reached my car… “this is me.”

He smiled and pressed a finger to his lips then traced my own, again making me shiver. He turned then and headed down the row, as I watched his tall, graceful form slide into his rental a few cars away. I pulled into a spot right next to him in the hotel lot, and he took my hand as we walked towards the building. He used his keycard on the nearest side door, and we made our way to the elevators up, and down the hall to his room. He was absolutely right. I had had just the right amount to drink. Flushed and warm and wanting, but all faculties intact.

He opened the door and motioned me in ahead of him. I headed straight for the inevitable pair of chairs seated around a little round table next to the window, and plunked myself down in one of them, looking out the window. I just couldn’t bear to recreate the cliche pathway of discarded clothing leading to a bed. It seemed so crass and crude. More stars were in view, and it was almost full dark, just a faint line of blue sky at the horizon underneath the weightlessness of space.

As turned on as I was, as much as I wanted him, all of him, in every way, I began to second guess my desires. It started to feel as if it might sully the beautiful thing we had created between us. A naughty little voice inside of me taunted ‘who do you think you’re fooling ?’

He closed the drapes, and then turned and knelt in front of me, slipping off my shoes.

“How’s your ankle?” he asked caressing my foot, “it’s definitely swollen.”

“It’s sore, I’ll live, I’m sure”

“What was that secret I had to wrench from you before? I’ve already forgotten”. He looked at me with those eyes, which were now ablaze with passion and blatant desire, both hands rubbing my feet. I looked up at him, and the hesitancy fell away, and as I had wanted to do, basically since the moment we met, I finally traced the planes of his face with my fingers, across his cheeks, jawline, lips. Lingering on his lips, which were soft, warm and inviting.

“Even though you don’t deserve it,” leveling my eyes at him, and practically daring him to, “I want you to kiss me.”

“Are you ready?” he whispered, his eyes were magnets to mine. Need and want flamed in his eyes. “Really ready?”

“Don’t think I’ve ever been more ready for anything.” I sighed softly.

He leaned in and my eyes closed as he touched his lips to mine, and held still, testing if the sparks continued to fly, which they did. He explored each corner of my mouth, and I kissed him back, and my lips parted involuntarily, wanting what came next. But he backed off, teasing, leaving me sitting there with my mouth open and my eyes closed. I sighed with a whine, as he cradled my face and smothered it with kisses. Forehead, cheeks, eyelids, earlobes. Brushing so teasingly across my own lips, but not stopping and not providing what I was sorely needing. To feel his tongue entwine with mine.

He caressed my face after his lips moved on, and I was really just a whimpering mess. Finally, he placed his lips on mine again, his lips parted ever so slightly, now. So slow, so careful, exploring, tasting. When his tongue finally met mine, it jolted me to the very core of my being, and I groaned, completely out of control. I was lost. I was no longer me, just a wave, a particle of desire. He was gentle and intense at the same time. Tender and rough in the same instant. If this went on too much longer, and I do mean, just this, I was indeed at risk of embarrassing myself. And he kept teasing me, pulling away when I really started to get into it, making me whine and cry, with pleading in my voice. He stopped, again, and grinned wickedly at me, and pressed his lips to mine again, just so I wouldn’t forget.

“I’ll be back in a minute.” He grabbed the ice bucket and headed down the hall.

As I caught my breath, I located the remote and sat at the edge of the bed, flipping through channels, calming myself down. He returned with ice and a few sodas a few minutes later.

“Ohhhhhh” He wailed. “I’ve lost you to the idiot box already?”

He sat next to me, snuggled closer and asked what was on. We ran through the guide and ended up putting on HBO so we wouldn’t have to listen to commercials.

He ran his lithe fingers through my hair, smoothing it away from my face then put his arms around me, squeezed me tight and kissed my cheek. He stood, gathered all the pillows and made a nest at the head of the bed. He took off his button up revealing a navy crew tee, and kicked off his shoes. He plopped on the bed and poked me in the side with his toe.

“Come heeeeere” He whined a bit.

“Oh, all right, sheesh! So NEEDY!” I exaggerated.

As I lay next to him, his open arms welcoming me, I could not believe how amazing it felt just to feel his body next to mine. I lay next to him, twining my thigh in his, and rested my head on his chest hypnotized again by his heartbeat. He caressed my shoulders, and stroked my temples as we watched whatever the movie was.

“This is amazing.” He crooned as we spooned. I nuzzled his neck and kissed his ear. He groaned softly, and then I begged ever so quietly, “I want you to fuck me.” He returned to my neck where he nipped and kissed me as his hands began to wander where they had not previously been permitted to roam, sliding under my top, stroking the skin of my belly, and sneaking across and teasing my breasts, up to my shoulders, pulling the straps down, and sliding my stiffening little buds between his fingers, massaging, and pinching a bit harder. I was moaning a soft continual moan.

I tugged at his shirt, not with any dexterity, it was more a blind pawing, as I was off in outer space. All I knew was that I wanted to feel his bare flesh against mine. He practically tore it off, and the with a little more care helped me off with my shirt and bra. I cried out as our flesh met, and sought his mouth again. More of his sensual kisses set me off, and I needed to make sure he was as hot and bothered as I.

I began stroking his chest, luxuriating in the feeling of his warm skin under my hand. I made sure to rub my am up against the fly of his jeans from time to time, and I could finally confirm, I was having an effect on him. I was quite delighted by this, that I could turn him on as he had done to me all evening during dinner. I placed a trail of soft kisses across his belly. I nibbled and bit and kissed every inch of his exposed flesh, from his neck to his waistband, and he sighed and groaned more loudly when I got close to his fly, or lingered around his belly button.

His hands never left my hair has I explored his lean body, until I had seen to it that the bulge in his jeans had swelled. I leaned over over him I placed my mouth over the fabric, and exhaled a warm breath of air down the length, feeling it throb and twitch. He groaned again, and the sound of his pleasure made me shiver as well. I rubbed and caressed his stomach for a few moments with my hands, as he lay there head thrown back, eyes closed as I tended to him.

Then, I returned my mouth to his flesh, focusing on that little trail of fur between his belly button and jeans. I used my teeth to undo the button on his pants, and rubbed him through his jeans as I tried to push my tongue underneath his waistband.

I tugged at his jeans button with my teeth, but couldn’t quite get it. He eagerly assisted, throwing his pants on the floor, and leaving himself exposed to the tv light, and throwing himself back on the bed. He was so hard, and his cock was long like thrust of him. I stroked him with my hand, loving the steeliness underneath his smooth skin. He was purring and sighing as I leaned down and rubbed my tongue over his head sliding it around in the stickiness that proved he was immensely turned on. “Mmmmm” I murmured around him, and then slid my mouth completely over the head of his throbbing cock, swirling my tongue and enjoying his reaction.

“Uuuooohhh” he groaned, “Godddd”. I caressed and tugged on the base of his cock and fondled his balls gently, while continuing to attempt to suck him off for everything I was worth, before he pushed me off, almost frantically, and rolled me onto my back and began treating me once again to his kisses. I would have liked to have finished him off, but he had his own ideas.

He continued to tease me with his tongue, denying me when I wanted it most, and then relenting and sliding it over mine. I was getting to the point I couldn’t breathe, pushing myself against his thigh, wanting his body to touch my hungry yoni where ever I could.

Tom sat up and leaned over me, adoring my exposed flesh, and teasing, taunting, stretching those long fingers around my waist band, occasionally rubbing my now sopping pussy through my jeans, making me strain and cry for release.

His gaze never left mine as he I undid my fly, and began exploring. He slid a long fingered hand inside my panties and ever so slowly found his way to my prize, slippery and hot.

“Oh my god, you are so wet. God want to taste you. This made me babblesighgroancry and push against his hand as he slowly moved the pad of his finger over my swelling clit, which caused it to throb. He jumped up and with far less care than previously, tore my jeans and panties off in one confident motion. He pulled me down to the edge of the bed, pushed my knees up, spread my legs, and began massaging, kneading, and finally nipping and biting my thighs.

He worked his biting and nibbles up my thigh, closer and closer to where I needed him to be. He looked up at me, raised his infernal eyebrow, and licked his lips, then he slowly licked me. This would not take long. I was on a hair trigger, he had me ready to go since our first kiss at the little round table.

I sighed and cried and moaned as his luscious tongue manipulated my clit masterfully, for just a few precious moments, then he continued fondling and kissing my thighs. I could feel myself dripping, I honestly don’t think I had ever been so turned on. “You taste so sweet” he said, sliding a finger across my clit, making me strain, toying at my entrance, which I was now dying to have filled.

I cried and moaned and begged. GOD TOM PLEEEEASE!

He looked up at me between my thighs, the evil eyebrow arch and grin on display. “Please what? Something wrong? Do you want me to stop?” His deep voice was just a whisper, but it vibrated through me, causing my clit to throb.

I was now literally crying “Pleeeeease, please, please, PLEASE! oh GOD. PLEASE!”

He touched me with his fingers or tongue just enough to keep me strung along while he taunted and teased me with his words. “What is it you need? Tell me? I want to hear you say it.” He demanded.

“Make me come! I want you to make me come. Make me come with your tongue.” I begged. “Pleaaaaase”

“Ahhhhhh! There it is! “. And he proceeded to wrench from me the most violent, satisfying and complete orgasm I had ever experienced.

He lowered his head, and began lightly stroking my clit with his tongue. I could feel it swelling and hardening more, if that were even possible. He increased the pressure slightly, for a few strokes, then increased again. I was mindless, riding the brink of this orgasm. Wanting to make it last, but suddenly he changed the pattern. With each lick, he started out lightly, the very tip of his tongue just barely grazing me, until it throbbed beneath his amazing tongue, I pushed up to get more pressure, and he complied, increasing the pressure slightly, but also pulling my thighs back down on the bed, in complete control of the level of pressure I would receive. For the next few moments he tormented me into sweet agony, very tip of the tongue, with the vaguest of contact, then with each lashing, pushing his tongue against my clit with more pressure still, then backing off again, until all I could feel was his ragged breath.

“God, Tom. Please” I whimpered.

He slid two fingers deep inside me and swirled them around in my juices, and flicked my clit with his tongue until I exploded, my mind obliterated into a thousand shards. I rode and rode the wave.

“Oh God, so beautiful.” He still held my thighs, as I thrashed and fought and succumbed, and continued to flick my clit with his tongue, making me jump at each stroke, until my convulsions stopped. He moved on top of me, and thrust his long beautiful cock all the way inside me, in one smooth motion. I was so wet, there was no resistance, I had no control over grasping him inside me… I clamped down feeling every inch.

“Ohhhhhhh”, we both cried out, I writhed against him, feeling him fill me up, sliding in and out. His mouth covered mine as his tongue found mine, and again, the fire from the very center of my being filled me, and the level of pleasure was exponential with his beautiful cock inside me.

I rose my hips up to meet him, needing him to have the same level of release he had given me. Since he wouldn’t let me finish him off with mouth and tongue.

He had been teasing me for so long, he was quickly past the point of no return. Myself, I had essentially been riding one long orgasm since he began kissing me. I felt him tense up, he cried out and sunk all the way in, arching his back, and closing his eyes and pushing into me as he came.

This triggered another less violent but just as satisfying orgasm in me and we both collapsed gasping for air clutching at each other as we returned to earth.

We sprawled apart, legs still touching catching our breath, until he rolled next to me and spooned. “That was beautiful, you’re beautiful, I don’t think I could ever get enough of you”. He confessed. As we lay there cooling down, he tangled his fingers in my hair, and kissed my neck. We watched tv until the embers ignited again.


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