Work Wife Chapter 2: The Aftermath

“I have got to get a pillow for that fucking headboard,” I thought as it rhythmically ricocheted off of the wall behind it as Trina bounced insatiably on my cock.

I’d just given her the play-by-play of my office tryst with Hannah. I’d barely started the story before Trina had my pants around my ankles licking and sucking the remnants of our coupling off of my cock and balls, only coming up for air and to comment on how good we tasted together.

For most men, I’d imagine telling your live-in girlfriend that you just fucked your supervisor six ways to Sunday in her office would elicit a bit different reaction. Given the nature of our relationship, this was pretty par for the course.

Trina and I had been practicing ethical nonmonogamy as a couple for the better part of a year at this point and had been living together for six months. Truth be told, she was my best cheerleader and wing woman.

At five feet, four inches, full DD – DDD cup breasts, an ass and thick thighs that wouldn’t quit, and medium length curly black hair that she liked to put up into two poofs she strikes quite the figure.

If I was going to describe her, I think the best comparison I could offer would be Audrey from Atlantis: The Lost Empire or Kaylee from Firefly. She grew up on a farm and I liked to joke that I moved to the big city just to meet and start dating a little black girl who out rednecked me at every avenue possible. She did all her own handiwork around the house, she did her own mechanic work on her motorcycle, and could drink me under the table. She was most comfortable in a pair of muddy overalls, but give her thirty minutes and a sink and you better hide your husbands and your wives because she’s coming after both.

Together, we’d lured our fair share of individuals into our bed. Trina has this disarming way about herself. She makes you feel like you’re safe to tell her anything, and she’s funny, too. She’ll make you laugh and laugh until the next thing you know your naked doing some shit you’d never even heard of.

Once she was certain she’d lapped up every last drop of the mess Hannah and I had made, Trina slowly continued sucking my cock while I finished the story. She had to come up for air as she sputtered and giggled about the custodians nearly catching us in the act. At the end of the story she stood back up and led me to bed by my cock where we proceeded to beat a hole in the wall via our headboard.

Having cum twice already that afternoon, Trina knew this session was for her. So, once she was content with the number of times she had made herself cum on my cock (I stopped counting after four), she rolled off and looked at me with this shit-eating grin.

”Well, what’s the plan, Stan? Are you going to share, or are you keeping that ass all to yourself?” she asked while playfully stroking my cock.

I laughed, ”Hell, I don’t know. We’ll see. Haven’t quite thought that far ahead. We do have that conference coming up next week.”

”What do you think she’ll tell Mark?”


Mark was Hannah’s husband. They’d been together basically since she started college and that was over a decade ago. Great fucking guy. Funny, smart as a whip, and I cannot stress this enough, just a great fucking guy. As far as looks go, he looks a bit like Louis C.K. but acts more like Josh Lyman in The West Wing. Red hair, with some male pattern balding going on, a smidge overweight, but he carries himself with the confidence of someone who knows just who the hell he is and he has this whit that can destroy you at any given time.

Hannah wasn’t dissimilar in this way, but she only seems to break her best witticisms out when she has fairly strong feelings about someone: good or bad. She has a delicious habit of calling out our CEO when he needs to be knocked down a peg or two. It’s part of what I enjoy so much about her.

Back to Mark, he and Hannah’s relationship was not open as far as I knew. That afternoon may have been the first time either of them had had sex with someone other than each other in over a decade. How the hell was this going to work?

”Shit, Trina. I don’t have a fucking clue.”


Hannah walked into a bar. She’d not been to this place before, but it had been recommended by a friend and, given their description, this place would have exactly what she was looking for. She bellied up to the bar in her tightest jeans, black riding boots, her lowest cut tank top, and maroon leather jacket. She ordered two shots of tequila, and while waiting for her drinks, she eyed up the available options. The bar was busy enough, and there were definitely some promising options catching her eye:

A tall, bubbly, brunette laughing at someone’s joke.
A short blonde with a big ass grinding back into her dance partner.

That’s when she saw her, her conquest for the night. Medium height, pale skin, dark hair, big bright blue eyes. She basically looked and dressed like Zooey Deschanel, but with bigger boobs. She was wearing a form-fitting black dress with pink polka dots and was at the moment looking very bored fingering the rim of what appeared to be a vodka soda.

Hannah caught her eye, at which point she smiled a bit. Hannah grabbed her shots and walked over to the brunette’s table, “Hey! You look like you’d rather be literally anywhere else. Wanna get out of here?”

The brunette smirked, “My place is just a block away.”

Hannah slammed her two shots in quick succession and followed the brunette to a row home down the road.

As soon as they were through the door Hannah pinned the brunette to the wall. Lips and hands were everywhere. Clothes were flying. Every touch was electric. Hannah was struck by just how soft the brunette’s skin was and different her lips felt from any man she’d ever kissed. Her large breasts spilled out of Hannah’s hands.

The brunette laid Hannah down on the bed and began working her way up her legs kissing and licking as she went up her shins, around her knees, up her thighs, nuzzling into her pubic bone. She reached out with her tongue to get her first taste of Hannah’s pussy.

Hannah awoke in a sweat from the dream to a chorus of snores from Mark, and her fur babies. It was going to be another long night.
