[MF] I broke my dry spell whilst one mile high

Ok so this happened a couple of weeks ago I’ve been thinking of sharing it for a while but wasn’t sure if it was a story worthy of here but here goes….. Sorry but it’s pretty long….

I, 32 M, have been having a pretty rough year so far, my wife left me a few months back, It’s been tough but I get by. It happens that we had booked a holiday before she left and when it got closer to the time I decided not to waste my money and I would go on my own. I am not usually so bold but I wanted something nice to cheer myself up so I got on the plane and flew out on my own. Surprisingly I enjoyed my holiday. Maybe deep down inside I hoped to meet someone but no such luck whilst I was there.

It’s worth pointing out that for the weeks leading up to my going on holiday I had been staying with family and hadn’t had much privacy to look after my needs, I had also been very busy on holiday. It dawned on me on my last night that I had gone about 3 to 4 weeks without cumming even by myself, I was feeling pretty horny/frustrated but I was tired and there was too many noises in the hotel for me to relax and look after myself there and then.

I first noticed the girl who for the purpose of anonymity we will call “Sarah” in the line to board the plane, she was stood a couple of people behind me, I noticed her dark brown long hair hair and blue eyes, I correctly gauged her as being in her early 20’s, she I couldn’t see anything further because of people standing between us but I thought she looked pretty. Rather depressingly for me I also noticed she was with a guy, he was wearing sunglasses even though we were in a dark corridor and he seemed a bit of a poser. I also noticed that they weren’t really talking to each other and his body language was a little standoffish towards her. I didn’t think much of her or him again as we boarded the plane.

Now this was a long flight, I wont say where from/to again for anonymity but lets say I was in for a fairly long flight so I settled into my seat, got my tablet ready to get out and watch some movies after take-off. I was messing around and didn’t even notice that the girl I had noticed earlier was sat one seat over from me. I could see more of Sarah now and I could see that she was curvy and I couldn’t help but notice that she was wearing a low cut dress which revealed her to be very busty. My eyes lingered on her chest for a second or two and I briefly was reminded about how long it had been since I had been able to come but I snapped out of it quickly and she hadn’t noticed my eyes. I felt a twinge of guilt after all she was comfortably 9 or 10 years younger than me and was apparently taken

The seats were three abreast so there was my seat by the window, the empty seat my ex wife would have used then her. I noticed her boyfriend putting his bag in the overhead locker quite a long way further up the plane. So being the nice guy I am I told Sarah that the seat between us would be free so her boyfriend could sit there. Surprisingly she responded to say she would rather he didn’t. I didn’t press the issue and minded my own business but shortly after take-off she started to look upset so I asked if she was ok?

Sarah told me how this was her first holiday with her boyfriend and he had been a total douche to her, flirting with other women but not even letting her speak to staff at the hotel if they were men. He had generally been a controlling douche.

I was stuck with this woman for a long time so I lent a sympathetic ear and actually strongly agreed that he had treated her badly, I think she was relieved to have someone to speak to who understood her point of view.

When the drinks were due to arrive she got up to find her partner to get some money, I could see from her body language further up the plane that they were having a heated discussion and she returned to her seat upset and said he wouldn’t buy her a drink and he had her money in his bag. When the drinks arrived I bought both of us a drink which she thanked me for.

A while after she went to talk to him again and again her body language told me it wasn’t a friendly chat. She returned upset and said he was flirting with the air hostess and she had told him to leave her alone. Again I offered a sympathetic ear. It was now getting late and a lot of people were falling asleep. I am not one to sleep on a plane and she had stopped telling me about how badly he was treating her so I put my earphones in and started to watch a movie, I noticed her looking at the screen so offered to share my earphones with her, she smiled and nodded. The earphones wouldn’t quite stretch so she moved into the seat next to me.

We watched the movie for a wile and so far as I knew most people around us were asleep, I looked over and Sarah was asleep next to me, I glanced down and thought “wow she really does have impressive boobs”. As I was looking she opened her eyes and looked at me. “sorry I didn’t know if you had fallen asleep” I said whilst thinking “shittt did she see, now she must think I am a total creep”. In she smiled and responded “no im just resting my eyes”. “She didn’t seem mad, maybe she didn’t notice” I thought. I looked out the window again so as to not accidently glance down again, it was night so there wasn’t really anything to look at but I noticed her reflection, she was adjusting her top to pull her neck line down and reveal more of her chest. Now I am very much an average guy, slightly chubby, not especially good looking so I would never assume that Sarah would be interested in me but I did start to wonder if she did that on purpose so I noticed. I turned round and looked at Sarah who had her eyes closed again “fuckkk” I thought as her cleavage looked even more impressive, I also saw the top of a lacy black bra.

Rather predictably I started to grow excited and started to pitch a rather obvious tent in my trousers. “please don’t open your eyes now” I thought as I adjusted myself to hide what was happening as best I could. Me moving did make her open her eyes… “shitt” I thought. But she didn’t react with outrage instead she said her back was hurting and could she lean on me. Of course I said sure and she leaned on my side. Again I thought maybe she didn’t notice.

I sat there feeling really tense for a while, still trying to conceal my boner as Sarah leaned on me with her eyes closed. She shifted slightly after a while and her boobs began to press against my lower arm. This did not help the boner but provided she keeps her eyes closed im ok. I decided to close my eyes and think about something else.

Whilst my eyes were closed I felt a warm pressure on my lap which I suddenly became aware was Sarah’s hand on my still erect cock. “oh shit I thought, she is asleep and she has moved her hand by accident” I opened my eyes and Sarah wasn’t asleep I saw her blue eyes looking up at me she had a big smile on her face, the first time I had really seen her smile and it struck me how pretty she looked. I panicked and profusely apologised, Sarah said “please don’t apologise and gave my cock a gentle squeeze through my trousers” feeling that squeeze and seeing her face was too much and my cock twitched which prompted her to giggle a little.

To my horror I looked up and saw her boyfriend getting up to go to the bathroom so I warned Sarah and she moved away whilst I sat cross legged to hide what was happening in my pants. Her boyfriend came over to her and was pretty aggressive about her sharing my ear phones, she told him to go away and leave her alone which he did.

Needless to say that was a total mood killer for us. I was left there with a giant boner and unable to move. Sarah did move to the seat next to me again and we watched part of another movie. The cabin crew handed out blankets which we both took one of and watched some more of the movie. I assumed any chance of anything happening had passed.

After a while Sarah’s hand rested on my thigh and again predictably my cock began to grow it grew down the leg of the thigh she had her hand on and before long was pressing against her hand. She again giggled and started to squeeze then gently stroke it over the fabric. By this point the hornyness had taken over me and it wouldn’t be exaggerating to say I was hard as a rock. I put my hand on Sarah’s thigh and started to stroke higher over her leggings. Just before I reached between her legs she told me to stop and bolted up out her seat towards her boyfriend. I thought great now I’m going to get beaten up! But she quickly turned round when she reached him and walked back towards our seat, she leant in and said “he is fast asleep” then she turned away and headed towards the bathroom whilst smiling at me. I hesitated for a while then followed her. I noticed that most people were asleep so no one really noticed us.

I got to the bathroom door which was locked with Sarah inside, had I been mistaken? I coughed and the door quickly opened and she waved me in. “I’ve never done anything like this, I’ve only ever been with my boyfriend before” said Sarah. “Are you sure you want to? I asked. Sarah responded by leaning forward and kissing me on the neck.

I kissed Sarah’s neck back and noticed her nipples starting to become very prominent through her dress, I couldn’t resist so I reached up and massaged one of her boobs. Her boobs were big but surprisingly firm. Sarah let out a little moan, she reached down and grabbed my cock then looked me in the eye and simply said “wow!”

I kissed Sarah’s neck and chest which prompted more moaning, I noticed that Sarah’s other hand was rubbing between her legs through her leggings. I moved my hand to replace hers and I was shocked to find that I could feel wetness through her leggings she moaned a little then said “oh fuck”. I moaned back and pulled down her leggings and her underwear. Sarah rested her foot on the toilet and I reached down and slid a finger into her hot wet pussy, I circled round her clit slowly and noticed her hand on my back was copying the circular motions. She reached down and undid my jeans. She pulled my cock out and I heard her whisper “oh my god”. I circled her clit with my finger faster then pushed it slightly deeper into her. “I want you now” said Sarah. Being the lame guy I am I apologised and said I don’t have a condom. She reassured me she was on contraception and in my horny state I couldn’t resist her. I turned her round so she was leaning over the sink and I pulled her dress up.

I pressed the head of my cock against her pussy opening and watched her juices coat the head. She moaned and I rested against her opening. Sarah pushed back towards me and I slid into her. Sarah was so warm and amazingly tight. I started to slide into her slowly and Sarah moaned, she then flinched and gasped. I asked if she was ok to which she said “oh yes, you are just a little bigger than I’m used to”. I wont lie but I loved hearing that. Sarah then pushed against me so I slid in further and she said “oh fuck”.

I reached round and massaged Sarah’s boobs whilst I started to slowly slide in and out of her, Sarah leaning forward with both her hands resting on the sink. As Sarah started to breath more deeply I started to progressively get faster which prompted her to moan slightly and lift one hand up to her mouth to stifle another moan. I lean forward to kiss her on the back of her neck and whisper to her “this feels so good” to which she responded by saying “it really does” and she pushed towards me so as to make me fuck her harder. I went harder and faster then as she was struggling to muffle her moans with her hand I slowed right back down again. After my third time of slowing down again she murmured “no” so I began to pick up the speed again. Sarah tilted her head towards the sky and put both hands on her mouth. I felt her start to shake and I had to put my hands round her waist to hold her up as she came hard and I felt her pussy contract around my hard cock. Feeling this was too much and I fired my first nut in almost a month into Sarah’s pussy.

Sarah turned round and put her arms round my neck “oh my god that was incredible” all I could do was nod in agreement. She unwrapped her arms from my neck and quickly pulled up her panties and leggings. “stay there for a minute” she said and she left the bathroom. I sat there slightly shell shocked for a minute or two then I returned to my seat. I noticed everyone was still asleep and when I sat down Sarah confirmed that her boyfriend was still asleep too.

We still had a few hours to go so we carried on watching the movie I noticed Sarah looking at me a few times. When the plane landed she left me a scrap of paper which she scribbled her number on.

I text Sarah a few days later asking if things had gotten any better with her boyfriend, she replied to say she had dumped him and she would like to see me again. We have met up a few times now and we are getting on really well. She loves to tease me but we haven’t had sex again since the plane because she doesn’t want me to think is always like that.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dtyoii/mf_i_broke_my_dry_spell_whilst_one_mile_high


  1. Well, good on ya man. Not only was that a hot encounter, you literally fucked a girl out of a bad relationship.

  2. Stories like this help define ‘Getting Lucky’. Congratulations on living the dream.

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