Penny and the Pilot Program or Sizzling Sex for the Skilled Nursing Set {Str8}{anal}{Oral}{Funny}

Penny and the Pilot Program 

(or Sizzling Sex for the Skilled Nursing Set) by A. Delight

 Bernard Dowlinger was reading a newspaper in the nursing home lounge next to his friend Pete Frank. “Hey Pete, you see they’re implementing that cool thing we voted for. You remember?” “Remember? That was the first time I’d gotten out to vote in 30 years. Can’t believe we get to have sex.” 

The state of California had elected to have sexual services included in their Medi-Cal program for folks in nursing homes or otherwise incapacitated with reduced access. What had begun with the Baby Boomers and further evolved by the liberal Millenials had progressed to the point in which the healing effects of sexual activity were now fully recognized. Sex work had long before been decriminalized and was now regulated purely by the health and safety department. “But, Bernard, when do we get to fill out the papers?” “I think they got ‘em in the nursing station now” Bernard and Pete slowly pushed their way out of the arm chairs and leaning doggedly into their walkers, made their slow way up to the nursing station just a few feet away. The nurse looked a bit distracted but still responded kindly to their approach: “Good morning, Mr. Dowlinger and Mr. Frank” “Good morning, Nurse Connie” They both said respectfully. Then Frank came out with it: “Hey—-we wanted to ask you: when do we get to fill out our sex papers?” “Mr. Frank, they are hot off the press and you may have yours now, if you like. You must have seen it in the newspaper. This is going to really be something else—-but we’ve had enough meetings to prepare for it, I would hope” Connie kept talking as she flipped through folders trying to find the bureaucratic wonder. “Ah! Here it is.” She handed them each the brand new hot-off-the-press papers and also pens to fill them out and they did as best they could to get all that back to their chairs while still keeping both hands on their walkers. Once seated, “Holy Mackerel, Pete. This is going to be good” Pete, smiling, did not really want to look away from his paper to speak. “Yep, Bernard, it sure will, it sure will” They perused what was actually a comprehensive questionnaire about their preferences. Pete cackled, “Did you mark small, medium, or large titties, Bernard?””Actually, Pete, I kinda like those tiny pert ones with the big nipples” “Bernard, you are something else. What did you put for activities?” “Pete! a guy gets to keep some things private, don’t he?” Just filling out their forms made for a lot of laughs. “You know, Bernard, I feel younger already” Penny was new on the team having only recently passed her certification as a Medi-Cal reimbursable sex worker. You had to have some other credentials in a healing profession in order to move forward with the process. It could be low level, but even so, you had to already be like a massage therapist, certified nurses aid (that’s what Penny had been), or an EMT, etc. Then you had to get all your shots—-boy that was a lot of vaccinations—but thank heavens they had vaccinations for STDs here in 2050 so you didn’t have to worry about all that any more. Then you had to take CPR, universal precautions, and the special elderly handling class. Oh—you didn’t want to be the one to break any osteoporetic bones or polish someone off with a heart attack. Might be a nice way to die, to go while in the act, but you didn’t want to be the poor girl to see it happen! no sirree. Penny was excited she had been picked and had her first couple of clients. She had dressed up really special—-Little pert boobs pressed up in a push up bra, g-string, heels. Then, she got to wear over it a white medical practitioner robe with her badge on the front, so the skilled nursing center would know she belonged. Penny strutted briskly down the halls until she reached the proper room. Stepping in, she drew the skimpy privacy curtain, and said cheerfully, “Hello, Mr. Dowlinger”. Bernard’s body had been aching all over that day, but seeing this ray of sunshine just made him glow. She had already let her robe slide open, and so he got an immediate rush looking at her young succulent and supple body—-all toned, smoothly round lines. He could see the line of her nipple through the push up bra, how her tummy faded into her hidden pubes, how tender and soft her bikini line looked. All that was down below, but up above was such an inviting and open face, with soft rosy lips and caring eyes. It took him awhile to find words and then he tried to lean toward her, squinting at her badge, said “Hello, Penny” “So, what can I do for you, Mr. Dowlinger?””I don’t know what to say….” “Well I read your paper and it said you might like this.” So saying, she slowly took off her push up bra for him, and leaned forward and put her nipple in his mouth. Bernard looked like he had gone to seventh heaven as he suckled that pert nipple. Penny noted with her eyes he had already popped a tent. Seeing her eyes go that direction, Bernard commented “Yah—it is about the only part of me that still works” Penny slid her hand down his chest and tummy until it landed skillfully on his cock and began stroking it. “Oooh” Bernard moaned. She leaned over and licked at the tip, teasing with her tongue pressing it into the little indentation, rubbing circles with her tongue, and then popping the whole member into her mouth to begin to suck it whole. To get in a better position, she turned around and straddled him, so he was facing her pussy. Bernard took a finger and lifted the G-string aside to get a better peek and saw her pouting pink pussy lips in a soft little nest of hair. “Wow” was all Bernard could say and then he came—-first orgasm he had had in a very long time—-he had forgotten how good they were! Penny let him plunge his member in and out of her lips in orgasmic thrusts and spurt fully into her mouth. She swallowed his jism and then smiled at him. She snuggled up to him like a kitten, pressing her tits up against him, and then kissed his cheek. “Okay, Mr. Dowlinger, I think you’re good. I’ll see you next week.” Penny walked across the room to Pete, who had of course heard everything. You might get sex, but privacy was another matter. Of course who needs privacy, if you can get sex? Penny brightly greeted him with “Hello Mr. Frank”. Pete was ready. “Helloooo, Penny. Boy am I ready for you. I am so excited I am just afraid I will end things before I’ve begun.” Sure enough, Pete’s peter was already really hard and standing full erect. “Well, Mr. Frank, let’s take things a little slow then—-you want to talk about something boring like physical therapy?””Please, no” “or something interesting but off topic like sports?” “No—thanks for trying, but all I want to talk or think about is you. Do what you will and if I come early, I’ll get another chance next week, right?” Penny reassured him in the affirmative. “I saw from your paper, Pete, that you’re a pretty kinky guy””It’s true. I can’t help it.” Penny slipped her bra down to expose her tits over the top and then she climbed onto the bed and squatted over him. “Where do you want it to go, Pete?” “You know where I want it, Penny. Can you really do that for me?” Penny took both hands and parted her butt cheeks, and eased herself down the length of his erect member, working him into her tight ass slowly until he was in all the way. She squeezed and pumped up and down just a few times, and as he had predicted, he came quick, in a wave of ecstasy so intense, he was gasping and sputtering like a fish, and had already shot his wad into her in one gooey thrust. Penny took wipes and sweetly wiped him off. “You bad boy” she said with a smile. “Thank you, Penny—-that just means so much to me. I get to think about that all week instead of all the less pleasant stuff around here.” Penny reported for weekly health checks to make sure everything stayed in order—that she was healthy for them and they were healthy for her—-like software updates, there were often vaccine updates. It was at one of those health checks, that Penny was invited to participate in a pilot program. The pay was excellent—-really about 3 times what she was already making and so it would be on top of that. The program would be for 6 months and with that kind of funding, Penny realized, she would be able to purchase one of those sweet little micro-condos for her very own in the heart of downtown instead of having to share housing with other working girls on the fringes of the city and commute; like she did now.—-Not that that was so bad but she did not want to have to do it her whole life. Anyway, it would give her a great start and even a little cushion. Penny did not ask for much in the way of information about the pilot program but it was just as well—they were not giving much out. It would require a brief in hospital procedure and then some follow up injections—really that did not seem like that big a deal, given the amount of vaccines she got on a regular basis. Penny signed the paperwork and made her appointment. Penny showed up for the hospital procedure right on time, having followed the instructions and fasted. She got into the hospital gown and lay on the gurney as instructed. They put in an IV and began the anesthesia. They needed to identify what level of the serum they would be using, and how much her particular system could tolerate. It was easier to do all that under these controlled conditions. They also needed to try different modes of entry to measure absorption rates—so they tried under the tongue, in her cheek, up her rectum, up her vaginal canal, by injection in her gluteus muscle as well as in her arm. They also tried flooding her system by infusion and then measured her body’s resistance and what it would take to shut that down. Part of the pilot was that bodies like hers would serve to naturally change the virus under designable means that other bodies would then be less resistant to. When they had found the particular pathway that worked best for her, they allowed her to become conscious again and gave her her instruction package—she would have a series of just 3 high intensity injections in her butt. ‘I can do that—no problem’, thought Penny. After that first exposure the serum, Penny did not notice a whole lot—except a mole she had had for years just disappeared and sometimes at night all her skin would be tingly and she would feel flushed. But other that that—really, that was nothing. Penny went to visit Pete and Bernard again. “Mr. Dowlinger, how have you been?””As good as I can be without you, Penny” “Well, let’s see what we can do. You want that other, more traditional thing today?”Oh Penny, that would be so nice…” Penny lifted Bernard’s hands up to her bra to stroke her breasts through it, so he could squeeze them. Penny then pulled aside her g-string panties, so he could see her furry clit and lips. Then straddling him, she slowly rubbed her creamy pussy up and down the length of his cock and then expertly tilted her hips to the right angle to scoot back and push him in. Bernard moaned, as she leaned over him on her elbows, tits brushing his chest, and slid her hips up and down with a little gentle thump; her pussy squeezing tightly. She put his hands on her ass, so he could feel her that way as she worked him. Bernard felt the rumble of pleasure bubbling over and then waves and waves of it tumbling through him, such that he could not help yelling “Uhhhh”. A nurse came running, and yanked open the curtain and then said “Oh—right. Sorry” and closed it again. Bernard just laughed. “I think it will be awhile for them to get used to the new program, Penny. They have had to think of us as sex-less for so long…” “Well, there’s no stopping you being sexed now, Mr. Dowlinger” “Penny, by all rights, I really think you should call me ‘Bernard’ from now on” Then per new norm, Penny stepped over to Pete, who was straining with anticipation. “Are you having trouble waiting your turn, Mr. Frank?””This should make you behave” Penny straddled Pete’s face, sticking her perky clit right into his mouth. “lick me, Pete”. Pete dutifully started to lick her, while she patently ignored his already sizable erection for the moment. She toyed with her nipples in front of him, moaned and responded to his licking. then she flipped over, so she could suck him at the same time, taking his cock back deep into her throat, exerting pressure with her lips and tongue, she expertly began to blow him while his face was buried in her pussy and covered with her cream. It was too much, and Pete came in chugging jolts, shooting wads of cum into her throat. Contrary to professional intent, Penny came this time too, writhing with pleasure, while his cock was in her mouth—he really had done such a good job with her clit—-it was just a side benefit of the job. When Penny showed up for her health and pilot program check, and they wanted to know of any changes; she told them about the mole “Ah, good.” the doctor said and then they gave her her mongo shot in the butt. Later that evening, she thought she had a cold, but it only last a few hours. ‘Must have been an allergy attack’, thought Penny. Then next week, when Penny went to see Pete and Bernard, they looked more energetic and like they were hornier than ever. In fact, they each wanted two rounds. A little tuckered from so much work at once, Penny strutted up to the nurse’s station and asked the nurse: “Hello. I was wondering if there have been any changes in Mr. Dowlinger and Mr. Frank’s conditions. They seem particularly feisty today” Nurse Connie looked up from her paperwork and said “Actually, now that you have mentioned it, we have noticed significant changes. Neither need physical therapy anymore, and their medical conditions have been somehow diminishing—-Mr. Frank’s chronic obstructive pulmonary disease seems to no longer obstruct and Mr. Dowlinger no longer shows signs of a very established cancer he formerly had—-we really don’t know what to think, Penny. It is as if someone just came in and gave them each a magic pill. One thing for sure, though, they keep this up and they will no longer meet medical necessity…… When Penny came in the next week, Pete was not in his room. She found him down the hall in Mrs. Jenning’s room—-actually up to the hilt in her ass. “Mr. Frank! My goodness” “Just a moment, Penny, I’m kind of in the middle of something here. She said I could do it, Penny, and she is such a sweet thing. Oooooh um.” Mrs. Jennings did look sweet—-one of those very soft elderly ladies who had just stayed pretty their whole life. “Are you okay, Mrs. Jennings?” Penny asked as Mr. Frank kept thrusting pleasurably away. “Oh, yes, thank you, Penny—-it’s really rather nice—-somebody wanting to do something with this old body—-besides taking my vitals…..and me and Pete go way back.” Penny then went in search of Bernard, only to find him similarly occupied, spooning and fully engaged in a carnal way with a Mrs. Feynmore. She had such a big smile on her face, Penny did not bother asking her anything. They looked really cute together, Bernard’s arms clasped lovingly around her breasts, languidly pumping in and out of her. With little work left to do, Penny reported back to the agency and let them know she could use more clients. The pilot program would go on to be a great success—-the genetically engineered virus that Penny had helped spread, would prove quite effective at eliminating or greatly diminishing the most prevalent diseases of old age, and between the great help via the new law and the boost the virus also gave to the libido, its spread would be expedited exponentially across the country, greatly reducing the need for skilled nursing facilities and enhancing the sex lives of the elderly everywhere. As for Penny, when she found out what she had been a part of—-well, she was just tickled pink. Watching all that happy news lounging in her cozy micro condo living room with the stunning view, she would think about Pete and Bernard, her very first clients. Penny smiled. No need to wonder, what they would be doing now.

(More Free Stories by A. Delight available on Smashwords)
