A lust filled first date [MF][Short][First Person]

When a girl I had been chatting to online found out I like to write little erotic stories, she asked me for one. I have written quite a lot over time for ex girlfriends, and they're always enjoyed, but I'm just looking for some unbiased feedback.

I see you waiting for me and my breath stops. You look gorgeous standing there, nervously glancing at faces searching for mine. My mind conjours up a host of dirty things I want to do to you but I suppress it. I walk up to you and smile, you smile back with a beam that makes me want to just kiss you there and then. The date goes great, we click together. While I'm chatting away to you I notice your body, your gorgeous curves, the swell of your breasts and my breath catches. I look into your eyes and see the same desire burning and make a decision. 'Let's go back to mine' I say. Your eyes widen and you bite your lip. It's not what you'd normally do, definitely not on a first date, but you can't deny the fact that the suggestion makes you wet and lusting. You make a split decision. 'Yes.' you say.

The train journey back to mine is filled with tension. Your eyes flicker to me as you talk, drinking in my body, thinking about what you want me to do to you. I smile and brush your cheek gently with my hand, cupping your face towards me and bringing my lips to yours. It's like electricity passes through our touch, and you let out a little whimper of pleasure. After that we can't keep our hands off each other. Fortunately the coach is almost empty so we have some privacy as my hands explore your body while I kiss you. You moan out of lust, and kiss me hard, grabbing my cock through my trousers, finding me hard and throbbing. The speaker announces we've arrived at our stop and you let out a little 'aw' of disappointment as I give you a sly smile. We rush to mine, our hearts racing.

Once inside we throw our jackets to the floor and I cup the back of your head and kiss you passionately. You moan against me and melt into me. As we kiss my hands explore you, grabbing your ass and slowly moving upwards, cupping your breast. You press yourself into my hand, and I lower my other hand to your bra strap, undoing the clasp. I feel you smile against my mouth and grab my hand cupping your breast, pulling it down and under your shirt. I drag my finger tips along your skin, feeling your skin crawl in pleasure and anticipation, and slide my hand under your bra, gently groping your boob. I feel your nipple rock hard against my palm and take it between my fingers, pinching lightly and rolling it between my thumb and forefinger. You press against my hand even harder, forcing your breast into my rough palm. I break off our kiss as I slide your top over your head, tossing it onto the floor, your gorgeous rounded breasts standing perky in front of me. Unable to help myself, I take your nipple in my mouth, sucking and pulling on it, rolling it between my teeth, flicking it with my tongue. As I tease you, your breathing starts to get heavier, until you slide your hand down the front of my trousers and grab my cock in your hand, squeezing it and jerking it a little.

I look into your eyes as I strip off my shirt and drop my trousers down, my cock still firmly in your grip. You kiss me as you stroke my throbbing hard cock. I begin to drag my hand down towards your trousers when you crouch down, sliding my cock into your hot warm mouth. You moan as you savour the taste of the precum on my rock hard member, and begin rocking your head back and forth, stroking my shaft lightly, as you listen to my groans of pleasure. You pause as you run your tongue along the length of my cock, circling the tip and eliciting more moans from me. Finally I've had enough, I get you up for a kiss, taking a perverse pleasure of the taste of my cock on your tongue. I get your trousers off quickly and get you lying on my bed. Your smell is intoxicating as I find your dripping wet. I dive in, lapping up your juices, sucking on your clit and flicking it gently with my tongue. You grab my hair as you moan, pushing me into your hotness, and I lash my tongue wildly around your pussy, thrusting with it into your tight hole. Your juices gush as I suck eagerly at them.

I pull back and look up at you, my chin glistening with your juices. We share a long kiss before you whisper that you want me inside of you. I grab a condom from my night stand, sliding it onto myself. I look into your eyes as I lower myself towards you, seeing an animal lust. You grab my ass as I line up with your pussy and slide me into you. We both gasp out loud in pleasure, and as I slowly slide the full length of my cock inside you, you moan loudly. I begin to thrust slowly, savouring the sound of your heavy breathing and grunts of pleasure. Gradually I increase pace. You moan for me to fuck you harder, and I comply, slamming my cock into your tight pussy, both of us groaning in ecstasy. As we go, your breaths start to get quicker as my balls start to tighten, getting ready to release my hot load. You scream as your pussy clenches around my cock and you start to orgasm against me, as you dig your nails into my back. Unable to hold back, I let out a grunt, and cum hard with you, you pussy milking my cock of it's juices as I kiss you hard. Eventually we collapse into a hot sweaty mess and stay there, cuddling each other gently.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2r7d4e/a_lust_filled_first_date_mfshortfirst_person


  1. Love this. Love your writing style. I just wish it built up a bit more slowly and that the climax lasted longer. (Edit: Basically I want you to write me a book) Keep writing. I hope to see more from you ;)

  2. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! This one was a different to my normal style, I usually don’t include so much pre-amble, and have a lot more foreplay involved. I’d only been messaging the girl for a few days, so didn’t feel I could just jump straight into it. I’ll try and find some of my old material from message logs I’ll work on that book for you ;)

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