The Professor [Series] [Part 7] [MF] [Oral] [Anal] [NSFW]


I had promised the Professor that I was going to break it off with my boyfriend. He had expressed an interest in being with me after graduation and though I was fearful of losing a great guy by breaking it off with my boyfriend, I was excited at the idea of being with a man, in an adult relationship. I didn’t have many serious relationships throughout college and I had changed majors and jobs a few times, too. The idea of graduating, with a job and a boyfriend waiting for me–it was exciting.

I called my boyfriend from the Professors house and told him I wanted to meet for lunch the following day. I wanted the Professor to hear the conversation so he would see I am dedicated to him. My boyfriend agreed. It was a date.

I wore jean capris and a flowy blouse–it was casual and cute. The dress I had planned on wearing seemed, according to the Professor, too sexy for a break up. I sat outside at a small metal safe table, sipping iced water and enjoying the cool breeze that danced through my hair. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and I felt good. I was nervous, but I felt good. I wanted to be as honest as I could with him but I also didn’t want him to know I’d been fucking the Professor. A few minutes after our designated meeting time, my boyfriend text me and said he wasn’t going to make it. He got caught up grading papers (he was a TA—I guess I’m attracted to a certain type) and that he’d come by my apartment later and make it up to me. Make it up to me. That sounds like something I could no longer take part in. I text him back no problem, figuring I would diffuse any sexual energy when he came over by simply opening with the dreaded “we need to talk”. I didn’t want to stay and eat lunch alone so I kindly explained to the waitress that I no longer needed the table, grabbed my purse and left. I had parked in their alley where they had overflow parking. The restaurant wasn’t full but I liked the privacy of the alley parking–there were hardly ever any people around so I knew both my car and I were always safe.

I turned the corner around the restaurant and looked down the shaded alleyway. No other cars were there but my boyfriend was there, leaning against my car with his back to me, looking down, presumably at his phone. I wondered what he had up his sleeve and hoped it was a romantic surprise of some sort. “Hi,” I called out to him, sounding kind of nervous. He leaned forward off of the car and turned around. I couldn’t read his expression so I quickened my pace to get to him sooner. Whatever this is going to be, I thought to myself, let me just get it over with. “I thought you couldn’t get away,” I said, approaching him at the driver’s side door.


“I wanted to shock you,” he said, with a half smirk on his face. “Shock me or surprise me?” I asked, “because those are two different things.” I started to feel like somehow he knew I was going to break it off. I grew nervous and my heart began to beat faster than normal. “I know there’s a difference,” he said, putting his hands around my waist and pulling my body into his. I put my hand up to the middle of his chest and gently pushed back, so our bodies weren’t completely flush together. “Hey, I wanted to talk to you at lunch,” I said to him, signaling that whatever he was going to do was something that I wasn’t interested in. Only, I guess the signal wasn’t strong enough because he put his hand around my wrist and pulled it down from his chest, putting it to my side. “I don’t feel like talking,” he said, leaning in and kissing my neck. I told him to stop, or at least I thought I did, but he wasn’t responding. Sometimes we played rough, sometimes he played dominant, but there was never a time when he didn’t listen to me if I said no or wanted to stop. But here I was, pressed tightly between my car and his body, his warm lips smothering my neck, his manhood growing hard against me. “Stop,” this time I heard myself say it out loud, even though it wasn’t that loud I still knew I said it. “I don’t want to,” he continued. “And I bet you really don’t want me to either,” he whsipered in my ear and shoved his hand down the front of my jeans, into my panties, within a split second. His thick pointer and middle finger went straight between my lips and up inside me. I didn’t know I was wet until I felt his finger come out of me, fully lubricated. “Told you,” he said, inserting his fingers into me again with greater force. “I want you to stop,” I said, trying my hardest to keep my legs together, though my body’s natural instinct was to step further apart and succumb to him. “No, you don’t,” he said quietly. Pushing his body tightly against mine he wrapped his other arm around my back, so it appeared that we were hugging if anyone were to look. His other hand stayed in my panties, his fingers pushing in and out of me with force. My eyes were closed and i could feel my wetness drip into my panties. Somehow I had leaned against my car and let me legs open slightly. I wanted to tell him to stop, again, but we both knew I really didn’t want him to stop. He fingered me so good that every time he did it, I had such a strong orgasm. I even blacked out once. He was good in bed, that was for sure, and as he rammed his fingers in and out of me I became light headed. Sensing my body becoming weak and relaxed, he took his hand out of me, flipped me around and pulled my jeans down to just below my ass. I put my hands on the roof of my car to stabilize myself, unsure of what was to come next. Before I knew it I felt his hard cock push inside me from behind. His lips were against my ear as he said “I know you love this.” It was true. He fucked me good and I always came. But today I didn’t want to fuck him. Today I wanted to break up with him. I wanted to be with the Professor.

“We need to stop,” I moaned, lying my face against my car. My tits bounced back and forth as he fucked my tight wet hole from behind. He was silent, fucking me hard and fast. “We need to stop,” I said again, but before I could turn around I felt myself clenching down on his erection. “Come on my dick, you know you want to,” he whispered into my ear. The dirty talk, the aggresiveness–it floored me. I came so hard that my knees buckled. Before I could collapse onto the pavement I wrapped his arm around my waist and helped lower me to my knees. Initially I thought he was just helping me not fall but after I looked up at him, I knew he had more sinister plans.

I started to say no but when I opened my mouth he filled it with his cock. I could taste my own juices and his precum. God it was sexy. I wanted to stop, I didn’t want to have to admit this to the Professor, but I just couldn’t stop. Let him have one more amazing fuck, I told myself, and then I will break it off. He thrusted in and out of my mouth, gagging me, forcing me to deepthroat his member. I could feel his pace quicken and suddenly he pulled out and blew his load all over my face and chest. By the time I realized what had happened, he had put himself back into his pants and grabbed the cardigan from my backseat. I took it, wiping my seed-covered face and chest, my blouse sticking to my breasts. After I did my best no-mirror clean up job on myself, I tossed the dirty sweater into the back seat of my car through the open window and looked up at him. He was watching me, with an empty yet lonely expression on his face. It was as if we both knew that that was the last time we’d ever do that together.

“We still need to talk,” I said, wanting to finish the encounter up as quick as possible, feeling quite guilty that I had let this happen while I was supposed to now be the Professor’s girlfriend.

“Okay, so that means you’re over it,” he said, looking down at his old maroon Adidas sneakers. “It means I just need something else right now,” I said, gently, waiting for him to look up at me again. He had his head down as he shifted his body weight back and forth, almost anxiously. In the time that we spent together, I had never seen him anxious. He was always so calm and cool. But this side of him was intriguing to me–perhaps he really did care for me? I tried to block all of that out and go forward with my choice. After all, it was too late now.

“Seriously. You’re a really cool guy. And I still really don’t know if I am doing the right thing to be honest with you. I mean we’re really sexual compatible and you give me butterflies,” I wasn’t lying. I didn’t know if it was the right choice and he did give me butterflies. This sexy guy was actually great and I felt, with his cum still drying on my lips, I couldn’t possibly lie to him. As much as I cared for the Professor, I did also care for my (now) ex boyfriend, too. So I came clean. “I care about you. But there’s always been someone else. I met him before I met you and its always been… murky between us. But recently I think we made a leap,” I kept watching him. He was turning his head from side to side slowly, as if listening intently on everything I was saying. “I don’t know if it’s right but it’s been.. a while now. And we have to do something.” I looked down and realized I was actually now wondering if I would regret this later, if the Professor’s ex-wife came around and wanted him back, would he chose her over me? The hard thing to swallow was that I simply didn’t know. For as strongly as we felt about each other, we didn’t know each other all that well. I started wondering, and looked up to see he was looking at me, his eyes were full of sadness, hope and a bit of confusion. “I’m trying. I’m trying to do something more and it does not mean a single bad thing about you.” That was all true, too, and I hoped he believed it. I turned away from him, stepped into my car and drove away, without ever looking back to see if he was watching, if he had walked after me, or anything. What would be the point in knowing? I was sad to leave my ex boyfriend but, even with all the unknown, I was anxious to really be the Professor’s… girlfriend.

I drove back to my apartment to shower and change clothes. I had dinner plans with the Professor that night and didn’t know what to tell him. I wanted to be honest about my last rondevouz with my boyfriend. Surely he would understand the elevated emotional state we were in… or maybe he wouldn’t understand and he’d call it off and I’d have lost both of them in one day? I wasn’t sure what to do but I knew that being late to our dinner wouldn’t help anything. I’ll figure it out in the shower, I told myself as I picked out my clothes and packed an overnight bag. I’ll figure it out on the drive, I told myself as I showered the adulteress sex off my body. I’ll figure it out I thought to myself as I pulled out of my apartment parking spot and started the twenty minute drive to the Professor’s house.

I rang the doorbell, my bag still in my car in case things didn’t go the way I had hoped. He took a moment to answer but as soon as he pulled the door open, the smell of his aftershave and bedsheets swirled around my head and made me a little dizzy. “Whoa,” he said, hugging me around his hips and incidentally pressing his groin against my tummy. “You ok?” he said, trying to look into my eyes as I turned my face away from him. “Yeah, I’m fine just a little dizzy. I just need to sit down I think,” I could feel a lump growing in my throat. I swallowed it down. Don’t cry, I told myself. Just tell him what happened.


He poured me a glass of white wine. A small candle was burning in his kitchen and the smell of delicious food filled the air. It suddenly felt very adult and grown up. This was feeling, all of the sudden, like a very real relationship. It made me tingle. I liked it.

He leaned over the counter, across from me, on his elbows and looked me in the eyes. “What’s wrong?” he said, with a calm voice. I looked at him for moment. He was so handsome. I often masturbated to him and our encounters. He was not just a handsome man and wonderful lover but he was sexy. All. The. Time. Sexy! I started to feel I had made the right choice. I was in an adult relationship with connection and passion. How could I have been insecure about this before? It all seemed so silly now.

I smiled at him. “I’m all yours,” I said, reaching out for his hands as I began to get horny. “You broke it off with–” I interrupted him before he could say my ex-boyfriends name. “We don’t need to say his name,” I said, letting go of his hands and walking around the counter to face him. I unbuckled him and stuck my hands down his jeans and let myself find his cock, which was covered by tighty whities. “So now that I’m yours,” I said, rubbing him gently as he looked down at me, “is this officially all mine?” I grabbed him harder and felt his dick go from soft to hard. Feeling him grow in my hand made me feel so powerful. Here was this beautiful and educated man and I was turning him on. He was fucking me. It felt surreal.

We started kissing, passionately and sloppy, as I rubbed his cock in the kitchen. I could smell the food was done, I saw the candle light flicker gently on the counter out of the corner of my eye. “Do we have time for any fun before dinner?” I said in between kisses. “Meet me in my room,” he said, pulling away from me with a huge boner visible in his jeans. He carefully pulled a sheet of food from the oven, and began turning things off. I followed orders like a good student and drifted down the hallway, losing articles of clothing as I walked. By the time I made it to his bed I was completely free of all my clothes and underwear. I laid across his bed, letting my fingers find my wet pussy while I waited. I strummed my exploding clit as I listened to him in the kitchen. His room smelled like teakwood and fresh linen and just the sounds and smells of his house made me horny. I heard him make his way to me and then the doorbell rang.

Figuring he’d ignore it, I kept touching myself, eyes closed, waiting anxiously to feel him slide up between my legs.


“Oh. Um. Hi there,” I heard the Professor say, trailing off in a confused tone. “If this is about a class or something, I have office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays.” Now my attention was really peaked. Who on Earth had come to the Professors door and what was she wanting from him? I wanted to hop up and sneak down the hall and look but I was naked. I kept listening.

“Maybe you should come inside and we can talk about this. I don’t think this is something my neighbors want to hear.” I was fully convinced the Professor had another female student at his door, trying to fuck him too. I jumped up and wrapped myself in his towel which was hanging on the back of the bathroom door. I crept out into the hallway but couldn’t hear or see much. “Come out here,” I heard him say to me from the living room. I cautiously walked into the front room to see my sexy man standing with my ex boyfriend. “You followed me here?” I said to him, feeling both surprised and violated. “Why would you do that? I thought we were OK,” I said, walking to the Professor and standing next to him. I wanted him to feel that I was on his side in this weird situation, because I really was.

“I wanted to see who the other person was,” he said, “I thought I was coming to some guy’s house. I thought maybe his parents were out of town. But I can see I was way off.” He sat down on the Professor’s couch with a confidence that I could tell made the Professor a bit nervous, as he shifted his weight from one foot to another. “What do you want?” he said, looking at my ex-boyfriend.

My ex-boyfriend looked at me then over at the Professor. I clutched the towel so hard my hands felt like they were going numb. Was he going to get the Professor fired? I was about to graduate so what was going on was so close to being okay that I could not bear the idea of him getting busted now. “Hey,” I said, sitting down across from him, crossing my ankles as not to expose my bare pink parts. “This is not like you. Blackmail isn’t like you.” I meant it. I didn’t think he had this in him. Whatever he was here for, I was surprised. “Who said anything about blackmail?” he said, “I’m just here for the break-up sex. I mean, I didn’t get break-up sex when you dumped me, did I?” he looked at me expressionless. We both knew that we had fucked and I blew him, but we also both knew that I had spared the Professor from those details. He kind of had me.

“No. You are not fucking my girlfriend,” the Professor said, rubbing his hand through his tousled dark locks. He looked so strong and sexy standing before us. I was getting turned on even though I should have been panicking. “The alternative could mean your job,” I said to the Professor, insinuating that my ex was going to rat us out. My ex sat there silently, watching this all play out. The Professor shook his head, “I don’t believe him. How do I know he won’t tell after he fucks you?” I hadn’t thought of that. I looked over at my ex.

“I’m not gonna do that and you’re just going to have to believe me,” he said matter-of-factly. I looked over at the Professor. He was looking down at his feet for a moment before he spoke. “I’d lose my job for you.” It was heart-warming and made me excited. Validated in my choice, even. But I had a secret to protect in order to protect him so I knew I couldn’t let him do this. “I couldn’t be with you if I made you lose your career. I would never forgive myself and you would never let me forget it.” I stood up and dropped my towel, exposing my nude body to the both of them. “You promise here and now that the relationship I’ve had with him stays between us.” He nodded yes and stood up.

“I don’t want you to kiss her,” the Professor was talking to my ex only now. “I don’t want you to kiss her and I don’t want this happening in a bed.” My ex nodded, “here then,” he said, motioning to the couch. I didn’t know how to get things started without kissing, but I walked to my ex and pulled off his shirt. He unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to the floor. I stood there completely nude and he stood there in boxers. “Have a seat,” I said to the Professor, feeling nervous and anxious. He took a seat on the couch across from us, and I swear his eyes were glued to me.

I knew I had to get things started and make it fast, before the Professor could object to all of it and lose his career and… in the process, me too. I dropped to my knees and pulled my ex’s dick through his boxers. It was already half hard when I slipped it between my lips. I rolled his dick around my mouth for a few seconds until he was completely erect. I lifted his member and began licking his full balls, my tongue dragging from his taint, across his balls, to the base of his cock. I did this over and over while I gently squeezed his cock with one hand. I could feel the Professor watching me. The first few minutes were uncomfortable but as I got more and more into sucking his balls, it became very provacative having him watch me.

My ex and I had a ton of sexual chemistry but had only actually ever had sex a few times. THose times were fantastic. But we were also very good at pleasing each other orally and with our hands. I didn’t know what would bother the Professor the most so I tried to pick the least sensual act- I’d give him a sloppy blow job and follow it up with some anal sex and we’d be good. Yes, that was the plan.

I felt my full breasts swing back and forth each time I moved my mouth from the base to the head of his cock. I sucked it deeply, moving my tongue up his length each time I bobbed on him. It was a move that usually made him weak in his knees. I felt my own spit on my knees that had dripped off his cock. I felt my heart racing, my pussy aching and all I could hear was the noises of my mouth on his big, throbbing cock. When I felt him tense up, I turned my back to him and go on all fours, exposing my pink pussy and ass to them both. “Ass only,” the Professor said quietly from his dark corner on the couch near us.

The plan was working. And an added bonus? The blow job in front of the Professor was turning me on to the point of no going back. I didn’t know when but I could feel an orgasm building. I didn’t want to come from my ex in front of the Professor but I truly didn’t know how I would stop myself at this point. I didn’t look back but I could hear my ex get down behind me. His strong hands first went to my hips before he drug them down my ass and pressed them tightly before spreading me apart. He pushed the head of his cock to the opening of my pussy, spreading our juices around to create a lube. Then, without warning, he pushed his long, thick cock into my ass in one quick motion. I let out a sharp moan, of both pain and pleasure, and couldn’t help but to look over at my sexy Professor. I expected him to be shooting us daggers but instead I could see he was hard in his jeans, and his eyes were locked onto the huge cock going in and out of my ass.

My tits slapped against my torso as he picked up the pace and rammed my ass hard. I began to let small, short moans of pleasure and looked over at the Professor each time, to make sure it was OK. He continued to watch my ex fuck my ass, seemingly both angry and turned on. My ex reached forward and grabbed my hair and pulled my head back with force. “You like it rough don’t you?” he whispered as he pulled himself out of my ass and rammed it back inside me, as deep as he could. “Baby I like it rough and I like it deep,” I said while looking at the Professor.

He stood up, unzipped his jeans and kneeled in front of me. “Stop talking and suck my cock,” he demanded, a dark and sinister look in his eyes.
