[MFF] Thwarted threesome: My fwb and her recently single friend

**Like I’ve said in previous posts. I figured it would be fun to go back to my promiscuous (man-whore) days and recall some of the stories from back then. I’m generally considered a good-looking guy (6’3”, dark hair, blue eyes, swimmers build, workout regularly), so that enabled me to have quite a fun sex life. These stories are 100% true and not embellished in any way. I think that a straight honest story even if not as exciting at times is a bigger turn on, so that is what I will continue to try to give.**

“Let’s meet up for a drink.” It was a text from Maria, a girl I had been hooking up with pretty regularly for about 4 months. This was about seven months ago. It was a Friday evening and I had no plans. Well, I guess I did have a plan, but it wasn’t anything of note. I was just planning to go home after work and relax on my couch. I responded simply, “Let’s do it.”

We coordinated on which bar and what time. I was on my way home from work when she texted me. When I got home I cleaned up a little, because I wasn’t sure whose place we would end up at that night. We sort of alternated going to each others places. I showered and headed back out to meet up with her. I got to the bar first and found an empty table. It was a very trendy bar, dim lighting, jazzy hip-hop instrumentals playing, and strong cocktails. A waitress approached me and handed me a menu.

Maria arrived a few minutes later. She looked even more attractive than normal. Something about her makeup or hair. I couldn’t quite place what it was. Maria always kind of resembled the actress Johanna Braddy to me in the face. Maria was a little mousier and nerdier looking though. She was about 5’3″, wavy blonde hair just above her shoulders, petite, b cup boobs, average perky ass, and almost always wore thick black rimmed glasses. I gave her a hug and we sat down to order drinks.

I was right, there was something different. During our conversation it came up that she had recently gotten her hair done. It was a little different than in the past. She just looked fresher. We had just ordered our second drink when Maria received a text. She apologized and quickly responded to it and set her phone down. It vibrated again quickly after. A look of frustration and slight annoyance washed over Maria’s face as she read the next text. She quickly wrote a text back and set her phone down. “What was that?” I asked. She said it was nothing and we continued on with our conversation. Her phone vibrated again. She stopped hiding her frustration and put her head in her hands. She told me her friend Amy was going to stop by. She explained that Amy had some issues going on with her boyfriend and really wanted to see Maria. She said that she didn’t even ask if she could come by and that she had just asked her where she was and she said she was on her way up there. I completely understood. I had been in similar situations where I needed to drop everything for a friend. It happens sometimes. I told her I would just take off and leave them to it when she got there. Maria insisted I stay and said she promised it wouldn’t be a big thing. She said she would just talk to her a bit to calm her down.

About ten minutes had gone by when Amy approached our table. I briefly introduced myself and I got a very quick hello, before she started spewing details about her current drama to Maria. We were at table that had a chair on one end and a sofa on the end against the wall. She sat down on the sofa next to Maria. Amy was about 5’5″, fairly petite, large boobs, average ass, and auburn hair just past her shoulders. Her face resembled the actress Karen Gillan a bit. She had a big personality. Kind of loud, but not obnoxiously so. She talked a lot and was emotional. I had to try to connect details along the way. I was siting there listening to them talk about things they both already knew about, but I didn’t. I was truly coming in about halfway through a story. I gathered that her and her boyfriend had broken up about a week prior and that they got back together briefly earlier that day before she met up with us. They got in a big fight that evening and she said she can’t take it anymore. She said they broke up again for good. She was crying off and on throughout all of these details. At one point I interrupted, which was difficult because of the rapid fire conversation. I told them both that I should probably just take off and let them have their time together. They both insisted I just stay. I truly have no idea why they didn’t just let me leave. I just kept having drinks and took it all in like I was watching a movie or something.

After awhile Amy started calming down and they tried moving on from the topic at hand. Maria told her to just try to forget about it for now and just have a good time. She said we should do shots. We shot some tequila and I suggested we go to the bar next door. The place we were at just wasn’t a shots and party type of bar. It was too low key. They agreed, so we walked over. Things ended up turning into more than I expected at the next bar. Maria was in “help a friend heal mode” and Amy was in “fuck it all I want to drink my sorrows away mode.” They initiated quite a few shots, which is not my thing. By the end of the night we were having a great time. There was a lot of “men suck” being thrown at me from Amy. She drunkenly slapped my ass and told me I better be nice to Maria.

This is about where the night starts to get a little hazy for me. I remember us being very drunk, but having a great time closing out our tabs. I remember ordering an Uber and us all jumping in. I don’t really remember the Uber ride to my place or the conversation that led to the decision for us all to go to my place. I do remember us getting to my place and memory flashes of turning on some music and dancing like drunken idiots.

The next thing I remember was waking up in my bed with Maria asleep on one side of me and Amy asleep on the other. Amy had her head resting on my right arm. I squinted as I took in my surroundings through the fog of a definite hangover. I tried to piece together what happened the night before. I noticed Amy had on jeans that were completely unbuttoned, but still on. She also had on a bra that was unclasped and just sort of dangled from her arms. It almost seemed like she went to sleep with her bra clasped and then unclasped it during the night out of discomfort. Her tits were almost completely visible and they were huge. They were much bigger than I realized. Probably double D if I had to guess.

Maria was on her side turned away from me, but with her leg draped over mine. She had a on a t-shirt and I peeked under the sheets and saw she had on underwear. I also just had on a t-shirt and underwear. I couldn’t remember getting in bed or anything that happened in bed. It seemed at the very least that I didn’t have sex with Amy since she still had her jeans on. Maybe we all started messing around and passed out. Maybe I had sex with Maria and then Amy came in after to crash in my bed with us. Maybe nothing happened and we all just passed out on the bed together. My arm was aching from being slept on the entire night. I had to move it. I slid it out from under Amy’s head and tried to brace her head with my other hand and guide it down to the bed. She kind of half woke up and placed her arm over my stomach and slid her hand under my shirt onto my stomach. I don’t know if she was aware of what she was doing or that it was me. I think she might have subconsciously thought she was in bed with her ex. My dick started getting hard from her hand being on my stomach and seeing her tits hanging out. I laid there like that for probably 10 minutes staring at the ceiling with a hard dick wishing my headache would go away. I was hoping they would both just wake up and fuck me, but I kind of wondered if I could even physically do it given my condition.

Amy ended the excruciating wait for someone else to wake up. She started moving her fingers on my stomach and sort of caressed up and down it. She still didn’t have her eyes open from what I could tell. It started to feel a little awkward. I didn’t want to startle her if she thought I was her ex. She kept going down and reached her hand under the sheets to my underwear. My cock twitched in anticipation as her hand drew closer. She touched it and then grabbed onto it with only my underwear between her skin and mine. Her eyes were now open. She whispered, “damn, are you excited?” She clearly was awake and aware of the situation now. I just kind of let out a slight laugh. She reached into my underwear and started stroking my cock. She whispered again, “that’s hot.” I reached over and started touching her massive breasts with my left hand. I played with her nipples as she stroked me. I was hoping Maria would wake up. I was also slightly afraid for Maria to wake up. I wasn’t sure if she would be pissed or roll with it. She had told me before that she had a threesome once in college, so I figured there was a decent possibility she would be okay with it.

Amy now slid her head down near my cock and pulled the sheets back. She also completely removed the bra that once dangled from her arms. She took my cock in her mouth and I watched as her huge tits hung down and moved slightly with every up and down motion of her lips. Then it all fell apart. Amy stopped and removed my cock from her mouth. She said, “fuck” and got up and ran to the bathroom. She threw up. Fuck, the drinking. In all of the commotion Maria woke up and looked at me and said in a sleepy voice, “what’s going on?” I said, “Amy is sick.” Maria had turned over toward me and noticed I was rock hard. I had pulled my underwear back up before she saw, but the sheets were still pulled down. She was resting her head on my chest still half asleep. After a long pause she said, “were you and Amy messing around?” Her tone didn’t seem accusatory, so I felt fairly confident just being as honest as possible. I said, “yeah, a little bit.” She said, “just now?” I said, “yeah.” She responded, “hmm, you suck” but kind of laughed. I wasn’t sure how to take it in that moment. Was she pissed and trying to play it off or was she just being playful? After another long pause she kissed my neck lightly. That led into us kissing.

Meanwhile, Amy was still in the bathroom with the door closed. Maria yelled out, “Amy are you okay?” A few seconds later Amy yelled back, ” yeah, I’ll be fine.” Maria got up and straddled me. We were making out when she helped me lift my shirt off and she took hers off too. I think it kind of turned her on that Amy and I were messing around. She kissed down my chest and slid her body down until she was between my legs. She pulled down my underwear and took my cock in her mouth to pick up where Amy left off. She took her underwear off as she was sucking me.

Amy came out of the bathroom around this time and walked through the bedroom and out into the kitchen still topless. She looked over at us and I asked if she was okay. Maria never took my cock from her mouth. Amy responded, “yeah, I just need water.” I had my fingers crossed that she would come back in and join us. Maria was now straddling me and lowering herself down onto my cock. Amy came back through and came over toward the bed. I had a moment of excitement thinking she was going to join. She grabbed her bra from the floor and put it on. She walked back into the bathroom, but left the door open this time. I was fucking Maria furiously. She let out stilted moans. I wanted her to cum. She always came really easily from clit stimulation, so I pulled her up off of me and guided her to straddle my face. I worked on her clit with my tongue and held her up with both of my hands on her ass. After a minute or so she was shaking and bracing herself on the wall. My mouth, chin, and neck were completely drenched.

I flipped her over on her back. It was the first time I had really gotten up from the bed and moved around. I almost made a run for the bathroom as well. I tried to hold it together and gather myself. After taking a few deep breaths the nausea subsided and she took me back inside her pussy. Her legs were draped over my shoulders. I just kept telling myself not to get sick. I focused and pounded away. I don’t know why I didn’t just stop. She had already gotten off. I felt like shit. Everyone probably felt like shit. In the moment, I just kept thinking it was hot that Amy was right there in the bathroom and that I was turned on that we almost had a threesome and I just wanted to cum. I didn’t want to walk away without having finished. A few more strokes. I could tell I was close. Her perky boobs were shaking slightly with every thrust. She always had a frightened sad look on her face when we had sex. The first time we did it I thought something was wrong, but I realized that was just the face she makes. She whispered to me, “cum for me baby.” Moments later I pulled out and shot one of the most satisfying loads ever all over her stomach and chest. There was something about being hungover and everything kind of tingling and feeling awful that made the bliss of my orgasm heightened. I got up and went over by the bathroom door. I told Amy I needed a towel. She handed me one and looked at me and just kind of laughed.

After cleaning up we all ended up in my living area drinking coffee, water, and nursing our hangovers. The sensation of sex and being turned on had worn off. It wasn’t fun anymore. We were just severely hungover. We tried piecing together things that happened the night before. We each remembered some things the others didn’t. Some of us remembered some things differently. Maria and Amy remembered a little about what happened in bed that night. Maria said that her and I were insistent to Amy that she could just sleep in my bed with us, because it’s a huge bed. She said that I told Amy and Maria they had to kiss each other goodnight. They started making out a little and then stopped. Then I made out with each of them. Amy took her shirt off and showed us her boobs. Maria touched them. We all laid down. I started trying to initiate something more. Maria took my cock out and started stroking it. Then, it seems we all passed out. So, not only was my threesome attempt thwarted once it was thwarted twice. Just remember to temper your alcohol consumption. Although, it probably never would have gotten to that point if not for the amount of alcohol. Find the sweet spot.

We all just relaxed at my apartment most of the day. Amy told me she was sorry for getting sick and messing things up. I told her I would never accept an apology from a woman for trying to suck my dick. I kind of thought something more might happen later that day, but the moment had passed. We all felt like shit and Amy eventually left. Maria updated me that Amy and her boyfriend got back together again a couple of weeks later. As far as I know they are still together.

**Also, if you are a female and live near me (p.s. I moved) you should send me a message. Might be a long shot, but would be cool/interesting to have sex with someone who enjoys my stories and then becomes a story**

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dt4d7s/mff_thwarted_threesome_my_fwb_and_her_recently


  1. Even though there was no threesome, this was a very well written story. Hope you have a few more new stories to post!

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