How my mouth got used in a semi-public area [blowjob]

After writing the other story, I remembered that a similar thing actually happened a few years prior. This one happened in a somewhat public area so is probably better suited for this sub.

Anyways, here it goes:
There was this man I had a strange relationship with. We were close friends that also fucked a lot. A FWB. I am calling him a man instead of a guy because, being in his mid-thirties, he was also the oldest guy I ever fucked. We both always wanted more sex and would fuck as much as our available free time and location allowed – which ended up being about 3 times a day. I would give him everything he desired sexually and he would give me everything I desired sexually. We would cuddle closely all night and he would fill me with cum everyday.

So here is the actually story:
We were all waiting this this hotel lobby area for a bus: myself, some colleagues, and my friend. My friend wasn’t exactly my colleague but he was there for work reasons also. The bus was taking hours longer than usual and people were amusing themselves just chatting and playing some pool. My friend and I steal glances at each other. He is tall and has such a confident grin. He is also making jokes to the group that are actually funny and making me even more wet for him. We cuddled all night and fucked that morning already and I didn’t see how we would find another opportunity. Then he started walking towards the hallway and asking me to come with him. I just started following him. Suddenly he turned into a side hallway and I followed him there also. Then he turned into a room that contained a couch and a TV. The lights were off. The door was still wide open. Happy that he found a sheltered area where we could touch each other once more, I started to make out with him. Where he was standing, he was watching the door and I was facing the other way. Then he asked for a blowjob. While I love sucking cock, I did not want to do this initially. I told him I was scared and anyone could walk in and see us. I could never deal with that if it happened. He told me not to worry and that he will watch through the open door and listen for people in the hallway. I kept glancing back at the door as we were talking still. Even if I wasn’t sucking his dick, I didn’t want colleagues to see us alone in the dark room together. I told him how the bus could be there any minute and we could miss it. He said there was plenty of time. He somehow convinced me to reluctantly agree for his dick to be in my mouth for one second, just for the sake of it. My heart was pounding as he hastily undid his pants and I grabbed his cock. Adrenalin was coursing through my body. I quickly wrapped my mouth around his cock and then back out as I wanted to leave and was so scared of getting caught. He asked for me to please please do it some more and that he would be quick. I put my mouth back around his cock and started moving up and down his shaft. Sometimes I would stop and look at the open door every time I heard a noise in the hall. He would tell me not to worry, he was watching, and to get back to sucking his dick. In an attempt to make him cum faster, I tried deep throating him even though I know I don’t have that talent. I started gagging a whole bunch and didn’t know if I could even continue. He instructed me to take it easy and just wrap my lips tight around his cock and move at a consistent pace. He said I didn’t have to go down so far. I did just that and just went halfway down his shaft, going up and down, sometimes stopping for breath. He started making some noises that meant he was going to cum soon. I kept going for as long as I could because I wanted that cum. I was about to give up and catch my breath again, when he burst his load into my mouth. I swallowed right away but some of it spilled onto my chin and on the floor. I quickly wiped myself clean as best I could. Now I really wanted to cuddle and make out. I asked him to cuddle on that couch together and he was like, no that bus could be here any moment and people will be wondering about us. It would be suspicious. Basically the same reasons I was giving for not blowing him in the TV room in the first place. He started leaving the room to go to the lobby and told me to leave a bit later so that it wouldn’t be suspicious. As I was waiting in the room, I realized that he only wanted to use my mouth to dump his load in and that is what happened. I felt super used, high off adrenalin, and horny as fuck. Still glad I did it though.



  1. That adrenaline rush makes it hotter, thanks for sharing! Ever had a similar risque experience where you were on the receiving end (i.e., being eaten out)?

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