The company retreat [FF]

This was to be the fifth of ten three day promotion courses that my company had arranged for employees who they considered were managerial material. The company has various centres spread around the country and each course was held in a different location so that the various staff members gained experience within a wide selection of environments.
We are about the same height and size, I am slim and stand 5ft. 10 inches bare foot, 34B with a nice trim bottom (so I’ve been told!). I have shoulder length dark brown hair while Gayle’s is very short and a gorgeous rich red. We had paired up together at each of the earlier venues and had spent many a happy evening in the hotel bars where accommodation had been arranged, but this particular venue was to be the company’s Norwich complex and as it was only a few miles north of where Gayle lived she had invited me to stay at her home.

I accepted her kind offer and as the course didn’t start until Tuesday we had arranged that I should arrive on the Friday evening so that we could have a long weekend together beforehand. As we also both had a few days annual leave still left to take we had decided to include the Monday in our break.

I arrived at her local railway station at just before 6.15pm and could see Gayle waiting on the platform and she greeted me with a peck on the cheek as I alighted from the train. Taking one of my bags she led me through the station to the car park where she had left her little red sports car.

It was a lovely bright spring evening and we drove to her home with the top of the car down, the wind blowing through my hair leaving it in a right mess by the time we arrived.

I hadn’t noticed just how naturally pretty she was until we stepped out of the car. Up until now we had always met in a work like situation. I had noticed in the past that she, like me wore very little make-up but today she was wearing none at all. She had on a lightweight yellow pastel blouse that revealed a lacy bra beneath and a black skirt that didn’t quite reach her knees while I was wearing a white sweatshirt and tight blue slacks.

We entered her house via the kitchen and she led me through to a passageway and on to a staircase that we climbed. At the top was the bedroom that would be mine for the next few days and beside this was a large bathroom with her bedroom on the other side. There was also another small bedroom opposite that Gayle used for dressmaking.

She left me to settle in while she went to make coffee and before she left suggested that we walk to a local Inn on the edge of the village for a meal and a drink when I was ready. I washed in the bathroom and changed into a red blouse and short black skirt, and the only makeup I applied was some bright red lipstick.

When I went downstairs Gayle called me into the lounge and I was surprised to see that she was dressed almost identically, the only obvious difference being her lack of a bra. We both laughed and Gayle said “Toni, I think that we are going to get on just swell this weekend.”

I kept looking at her blouse and the outline of her small but bare breasts against the material made her outfit look stunningly sexy. As we drank our coffee we chatted about what the next week was likely to bring and after about fifteen minutes Gayle stood up and said that ‘Work talk’ would now be totally off-limits until at least Monday night and that we were to now concentrate on enjoying each others company for the rest of this long weekend. I wholeheartedly agreed with this and told her so. We then set out on the walk to the Inn.

It was a lovely warm and bright evening and we both decided to go, as we were, not bothering to take coats. As we walked down the long narrow lane that led from Gayle’s house to the road on which the Inn was situated we made simple conversation.

Gayle said that this lane was ankle deep in leaves during the autumn and she remembered as a child running the length of the lane kicking them in all directions only to turn around when she reached the bottom to find that they were still as deep as when she started. I said to her that she must have lived in the village for a long time if she did this as a child and she told me that she had lived in the same house all of her life, in fact she was born there and she has never had any intentions of leaving so she will probably live there forever.

She went on to say that both her parents had died a few years back, within weeks of one another and as an only child she had inherited everything, although apart from the house and its contents there was little else of value.

At this point she walked ahead of me as we navigated our way past a series of muddy puddles, the last reminders of the rain that had been so never ending over the last couple of weeks until this present welcome spell of fine weather had arrived a few days before.

Looking at her walking in front of me I thought to myself that she certainly didn’t have the body of a forty one year old, in fact most twenty something girls would die for such a perfect figure. We soon reached the road and I followed Gayle, as it didn’t have a footpath. Not only did she have the perfect figure but she also knew just how to move it as well!

We reached a long bend and as we worked our way round it the Inn came into view on the left. It looked just like you would imagine an English country pub to look like on a post card or on the front of a box of chocolates, an olde world picturesque building, with a thatched roof and a large swing sign telling all that this was ‘The Shepherd’s Rest’.

Groups of people sat at tables at the front and side eating and drinking and enjoying the spring evening. The large entrance door was open and Gayle led the way inside. As we made our way to the bar quite a few people, making it obvious that she was a regular visitor, greeted her. As we reached the bar I was introduced to the barmaid, whose name was Sandra, and Gayle asked me what I would like to drink and I said that a pint of Best Bitter would go down a treat. I knew from our previous meetings that Gayle, like myself liked a nice glass of ‘real ale’.

Gayle asked for a menu and told Sandra that we would pay for everything at the end of the evening. We then picked up our drinks and made our way to an empty table in a corner away from the door. We sat facing each other and my eyes were drawn to her breasts pressing against her blouse, her nipples clearly visible.

We ordered our meals and more drinks and chatted away, my eyes continually being attracted to her blouse. Her nipples seemed to become more pronounced as the evening wore on. I learned that there was nobody special in her life and that there hadn’t been for quite some time. Our meals arrived and as we ate we continued our conversation. I told her that I hadn’t been in a relationship for a long time either.

Still my eyes were being drawn to her breasts and I was sure that she must have noticed me looking at them. I looked up at her face and she was smiling. She really was very pretty.

A young couple asked if they could sit at our table as there weren’t any free seats anywhere else and I moved to sit beside Gayle. I then noticed that her skirt had ridden high revealing an exquisite pair of legs. We had another drink or two and then decided to head home. Gayle insisted on paying the bill and I said that I would pay the next time we went out and then we left.

When we got outside it had started to rain. We walked briskly and it didn’t take long for our clothes to get soaking wet. I walked in front and Gayle was very close behind. I could feel my blouse sticking to my skin as we walked up her garden path. Gayle went into the house first and turned on the light and as she turned around to face me I noticed that her blouse had stuck to her as well, the full shape of her breasts and nipples revealed to my gaze. I looked up and she was smiling again.

She then suggested that we take a hot shower and said that I could go first and that she would sort me out a towel and bathrobe. I had my shower and was grateful for the robe. As I don’t wear anything to bed this meant that I wouldn’t have to get dressed again.

When I returned downstairs I found that Gayle had made a hot drink. I sat in a high backed chair in the middle of the room and Gayle went to have her shower. When she returned after a few minutes she was wearing a very short robe and it seemed obvious that, like me, she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. She also had a small towel with her and said that she would help me to dry my hair.

I hadn’t had anyone dry my hair for me since I was a little girl. I just smiled and she walked towards me. She started to rub my hair and as she leaned forward I could see down the front of her robe. I couldn’t see her nipples but as her robe fell forward I caught a glimpse of her breasts.

She then walked around to the back of my chair and started drying my hair from there. She seemed to be taking ages and then I realised that the front of my robe had fallen forward and I knew that from where she was standing she had a clear view of my breasts. Instead of pulling my robe tighter I found myself letting it fall even further open.

I could feel her eyes probing me and I liked it. I let my robe fall open a little further, allowing her an even better view. I had never been attracted to another woman, but Gayle had me mesmerised. She continued drying my hair for a while and then walked back to the front of my chair and then sat down opposite me.

As we chatted for a while more I kept looking at her lightly covered body. She was beautiful. I looked at the clock that stood in the corner and noticed that it was gone one o’clock and I said that it was time I was in bed. We said our goodnights and I made my way to my bedroom.

I lay on the top of the bed and I could hear Gayle downstairs clearing away our cups and after a few minutes I heard her switch off the light and climb the stairs. As she passed my door she said “Goodnight” and I replied the same and I then heard her close her bedroom door. I lay on top of the bed thinking of the evening and realised that I was only thinking of what I had seen of Gayle’s body and then became aware that I had my hand on my pussy.

I lay there for about ten minutes when I heard Gayle’s door open. She quietly walked towards my room and stopped. After a moment or two there was a gentle tap on my door. I removed my hand from inside my robe and said, with a quiver in my voice, “Come in”.

The door slowly opened and Gayle stood there. She was completely naked. The light was still on beside my bed and it illuminated her body. She was stunning. Her rich red hair, slim body, perky breasts and hard pink nipples were divine. Then I moved my eyes down from her breasts, past her navel to her pussy. I gulped. It was wet, it was pink and it was bald. Not a single hair, as smooth as the day she was born.

“Can I still come in?” she asked. I heard myself reply “Please.”

She walked to the side of my bed, leaned forward and kissed me full on the lips. I closed my eyes, placed a hand on the back of her neck and responded. I have never kissed, or been kissed by another woman but this was wonderful.

She parted my lips with her tongue and proceeded to give me a long deep kiss. When she eventually pulled away she said to me that she had wanted to do that since the first time that she had seen me. She then lifted a knee onto the side of the bed and kissed me again. I lifted my hand and placed it on the cheek of her ass as she kissed me and she let out a little moan. She broke the kiss and then brought her other knee onto the bed and kneeled beside me.

He breasts looked superb and I wanted to touch them. She placed her hands onto the belt that was holding my gown together and asked, “Can I?” Again I replied “Please.”

She gently pulled the ends of the belt and it parted. She then gave me another kiss before putting a hand on each side of my robe and slowly and gently laying it completely open. She just looked at my body and then my face and then back to my body. It made me feel fantastic, the greatest turn on that I think I have ever experienced, my nipples went rock hard and my pussy ached.

She looked me in the eyes and said, “You are beautiful, more beautiful than I ever imagined and I imagine you naked every time I go to bed. I long to play with your body, to kiss your lips,” she then kissed me again, “to kiss your breasts,” she moved slightly down the bed before placing soft, gentle kisses all over my breasts, “to kiss and suck your nipples.” She leaned over my body and took a nipple in her mouth and sucked lightly, before opening her lips slightly to let her tongue draw circles around my rock hard bud.

Her own small breasts hung just above my hand and as she caressed me with her lips and tongue I brushed them with my fingers. I felt her nipples harden and she sighed as I played with her. She carried on kissing, licking and sucking first one breast and then the other and as she was doing so she moved the bottom part of her body slowly up the bed.

She was still on her knees and they were now level with the side of my head. I reached up and started brushing her bottom. It was so smooth. She lifted her face away from my breasts and started making her way down my body, kissing as she went, short gentle kisses.

When her lips reached my navel she started kissing and licking it. I lifted and parted my knees. I knew that if she looked she would see my gaping, soaking pussy, and must realise that it was longing to be touched. She lifted her head, and turned to look me in the eyes, “and this,..this is heaven.” she said, as she placed a single finger on my pussy.

Her smile was beautiful. I smiled back and she turned so that she could kiss me on the lips again before returning to her position. She placed a hand on each side of my pussy and gently parted my lips before slowly moving her face downwards. “Your pussy is so inviting,” she said as she continued her slow descent towards her goal.

She parted my lips a little further, “I can smell the love juices from your honey pot. I want to drink them.” She then placed her lips around my pussy and started lapping with her tongue. I arched my back slightly as she made contact and let out a loud moan.

I closed my eyes as her tongue went to work. I couldn’t believe the feelings that I was experiencing. I pressed my pussy against her mouth as she opened her lips wider and I then felt her tongue enter me. She moved one hand round and its fingers instantly found my clit, which she started to caress. I was taken to a new high. I was breathing deeply and moaning loudly.

I opened my eyes and saw her legs beside my head. I put a hand under her knee and pressed it upwards so that Gayle would know what I wanted her to do. She responded by lifting it off of the bed and I then swung it over my head so that she was straddling my face.

Her soaking pussy was inches from my face. I lifted it towards her and placed my lips around her hole. I put my hands on the cheeks of her ass and caressed them as I ran the full face of my tongue all over her pussy and she jolted upwards when it first made contact. I worked my tongue round and round, slowly increasing the pressure and she did the same to me.

My tongue was darting up and down her crack making her moan louder when I plunged it deep into her. I moved one of my hands to the top of her crack and started rubbing her clit, all the time keeping my tongue and lips working hard. She increased the pressure on my pussy and her tongue was now doing overtime.

I could feel myself coming close to a climax and this resulted in my working harder on her, which of course had the effect of Gayle doing the same to me. I felt her body start to shudder just as I started to climax and we both came together, letting out muffled groans as our respective mouths continued to do their work.

We carried on until we had both finished and Gayle then collapsed beside me. We lay like this for a few minutes before she turned around on the bed and lay beside me. She put a hand on my cheek and we moved our faces together as we kissed each other. We kept kissing for ages, breaking off occasionally to look into each other’s eyes. We never spoke any more that night, we just cuddled up to each other and eventually went to sleep.



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