Ruby 3: Ruby and the Naga [mind control][hypno][fantasy]

Ruby wandered the caves, the drug slowly wearing off as her blood pumped through her veins. She came across a small, dark cavern with a pool of shimmering aqua water. Ruby had searched the caves for so long and had been so drained of fluids on her journey, that the water was calling to her. It was irresistible, and she knew that she needed to drink if she was going to continue on her way through these stone hollows.

She looked around the grotto and saw only jagged rocks covered in green moss, vines clinging to the walls, and colourful stalagmites sticking up from the rocky floor. She hurried to the edge of the pond, and knelt next to the water. She drag deep and splashed the clear blue liquid onto her face. The liquid cleaned her dirty face and refreshed her. As she brought the liquid to her mouth in her cupped hands, she thought she heard a faint hissing sound. She looked around her but only saw the same green rock formations protruding from the ground. She turned back toward the pond and continued to drink.

She heard the hiss again, his time closer and louder than before. Before she could search the cave again for the sound, she was suddenly surrounded by a scaly green tail that picked her up off the ground and coiled tightly around her. The rock that she had barely noticed was not a rock at all, but the tail of a sleeping naga woman who was awoken by Ruby’s eager splashing.

The hero was now trapped by the naga’s green, scaled tail, and she couldn’t move even an inch within her grasp.

“I am Kat, the Naga Queen. You are in my power now.” The creature explained. She spoke little, but as she introduced herself, she emerged from the shadows and revealed herself. Her hair was short and auburn coloured, her eyes yellow and slitted like a snake. She reached out and stroked Ruby’s cheek with her long, black claws, and pressed her serpentine hands to the travellers face.

Ruby struggled against the snake Queens clutches, thrashing her head left and right in a futile attempt to free herself. The hypnotic essence of Kat’s yellow eyes entranced her, and Ruby found herself sinking into the coiled grasp of this scaled enchantress. Flashes of images ran through the hero’s head, and the pictures grew more and more intense as she looked into Kat’s eyes.

A snapshot of Ruby in the arms of a massive Amazon temptress flooded her brain. She saw herself being held tight in the Amazons muscular arms, cuddling up against her mahogany skin and giving herself to the Goddess completely. As this picture embedded itself into Ruby’s memory, she felt Kat’s tail coil tighter around her. Ruby gasped for air and struggled to breath as her body was squeezed and compressed.

Suddenly, a new image emerged from the darkness of the travellers mind. He saw herself kneeling on the stone ground, bowing at the feet of her Amazon overlords. She watched, entranced, as she submitted completely to the towering, feminine creatures. The vision encompassed her brain, just as the Naga’s mass encompassed her physical body. The hypnotic eyes of the snake woman burrowed these images into Ruby’s subconscious, and she squeezed the life out of her, leaving the hero gasping for breath.

Ruby wheezed and panted, Kat’s tight grasp around her massaging and rubbing her body as she compressed around her. Her smooth scales titillated Ruby’s stiffening nipples and pressed down against her engorged clitoris. Another picture flashed in Ruby’s head, a picture of her servicing her Amazon Mistress on her knees. She knelt in front of the giantess, her tongue pleasuring her enormous clit and fisting her cavernous pussy. She could see herself doing everything in her power to give her Goddess pleasure and make her cum hard.

The sight made Ruby quiver, and the lack of oxygen seemed to excite her on a primal level. Her body writhed and the visions invading her subconscious pushed her to a new level of submission that she had not experienced with Crystal or Blake. Kat’s claws caressed Ruby’s temples, and her final image send the hero into convulsions of pleasure.

Ruby saw herself on all fours, a chain around her neck, and her Amazon lords surrounding her. She was being used and toyed with until she could take no more, and orgasmed for her taunting Queens. She watched herself squirt, her juices flowing down her thighs as the surrounding Amazons masturbated and watched her. This vision, along with the final crushing squeeze of Kat’s tail, coaxed an extreme climax from the travellers powerless body.

“Aaaaahh! I’m a slaaave!” She cried out in joyful agony. “I belong to them!”

Feminine liquids gushed from Ruby’s aching cunt, coating Kat’s green tail as she squirmed within her serpentine clutches. Just as the pleasure built and exploded within her, the lack of air sent Ruby’s mind spinning. The Naga’s tail finally released and Ruby collapsed, tumbling to the ground. She laid there gasping for air and breathing in deep, staring up at the jagged ceiling waiting for it to stop whirling overhead.

She laid there for what seemed like hours, eyes closed and on hand on her heavily beating heart. When the room finally became steady again, she opened her eyes and looked up to see the subject of all of her visions standing over her. Over fifteen feet tall, the ebony Queen smiled down at her, and Ruby knew that this was the moment she truly became a slave.



  1. Is there a prequel? :o im interested in how she was drugged prior to wandering into the cave

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