F(18+)4M HACKED WEBCAM – EDITED PARTS 1 TO 4 (Incest, BSDM, Beast, Anal and more)

*Hi again, thank you for all the good reviews. Sorry for the lack of updates, I forgot a few rules and parts of my story were rejected by Reddit and I was put in the penalty box! Back now and I’ve edited out the parts that were not according to the rules and added a new part. So this post will be parts 1 and 3 edited plus the new part 4. Hope you enjoy. xxx*

Today’s technology is awesome. You can find any information you need on the internet, buy all sort of thing, chat with friends, anything is possible including having some sick pervert hack your computer and control your webcam. Which is how, me, Sandy, a cute and slim brunette, ended up in front of this cabin in the woods all alone about to knock on some stranger’s door.

It all started a week ago when some weird message popped out on my computer’s screen «I KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN UP TO» and I wasn’t even logged in to facebook or anything else. I figured it was some weird pop up virus thingy and just closed the window. A new message popped up right away «YOU’VE BEEN A NAUGHTY GIRL» but this time it had pictures of me attached, naked pictures of me!! This time I answered the message «WTF DUDE!» trying to look angry and figuring now it was coming from an ex-boyfriend or something. Yes I know, you shouldn’t send naked pictures of yourself to guys but they always ask and it kind of turns me on to please them. He (I figured he’d be a male as most perverts are) replied «DO AS TOLD AND I WON’T SEND THOSE PICTURES TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILLY».

While I’m a precocious girl, I’m no less pretty smart and very mature, so my reply was «FUCK OFF, GO AHEAD, I DON’T CARE» which I didn’t, my pics were probably being shared anyway just like those of many other girls. That guy risked legal charges while I would just risk more people seeing me naked, who cares! I’m cute and pretty, no harm in people seeing what I look naked.

I figured that would shut the asshole forever but I was wrong because more pictures popped out on my screen with the same message as before but this time the pictures were of me, in my bedroom, on my bed, naked and touching myself. I froze then quickly close my laptop. «OMFG this guy was watching me through my webcam while I was masturbating». That made me freak out but I decided to face this bully head on. He was still risking more than me and like what’s wrong with masturbating, everyone does it even when they deny it. I opened up my laptop again and wrote back «FUCK OFF ASSHOLE» then closed it again and went to bed hoping this would be the last of it. I would take my laptop to the Geek Squad and get it checked out tomorrow.

I wasn’t even asleep when this time it was my phone who dinged from a message, I picked it up and saw the message «DO AS TOLD OR DADDY WILL GO TO JAIL» with a video attachment. I clicked it and the blood drained from me when the video started. It was me in my room again, a man was sitting on my bed, I was kneeling between his legs and sucking on his cock. At first the video focused on my head from behind bobbing up and down on a fairly large cock but then the camera rose until it was focused right on … my father’s face and I heard him «OMG Baby I just love how you suck Daddy’s cock»!

Yes my father was guilty of incest, he would ruined socially and professionally. I was the one who had seduced him. Mom had died a few years ago and he’d taken such good care of me, it just seemed natural when I started thinking about sex that Daddy should be the one to have me. It had been going on for about a year, almost every day, sometimes twice a day, I would suck his cock or he would fuck me. I hadn’t replaced Mom as his love, I just took care of his sexual needs and went on with the rest of my life, including having boyfriends and even letting a couple fuck me. They were ok but never as good as daddy.

I froze for what seemed like an eternity, then finally typed in «YES YES, I’LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT, PLEASE DON’T HURT MY DADDY» and then received my instructions : «Be at his address Saturday at 10am no later, make up a story that you’ll be back Sunday evening only. DO NOT BE LATE OR ELSE DADDY WILL BE PUT WAY» it said. I just answered yes and started shivering in fear. I debated all week on what to do but really I had no choice, I just couldn’t send Daddy to jail, especially since I was the one that had seduced him. That nasty pervert probably just wanted to fuck me, I kind of like fucking, well liked it a lot, so it couldn’t be all that bad even if is he was fat and bald. So I made arrangements and told Daddy I’d be spending the weekend with my BFF Cindy and he said no problem, have a great time.

So this is how I ended up here on this grey Saturday morning. I was about to knock when I saw the box at the doorstep. I opened it and there was a card, some black leather mask thing and super tall black stripper high heels. The card said «Strip and put on the mask and shoes, then knock». Well in for a penny, in for a pound I guess. I looked around and luckily the cabin was pretty much remote so nobody would see me naked. I stripped off my leggings and top and struggled to put on the stripper shoes then I put on the mask. It was all black leather and had openings for my mouth and holes for the nostrils but then eyes were covered with some kind of removable mask. It closed with a zipper in the back. Once I zipped it shut, I extended my hand, fumbled a bit to find the door and knocked.

I heard the door open and a muffled voice said «Stay» and I felt something being attached around my neck, a collar I guess and I was right because soon after it was snapped shut the voice said «Walk» and something pulled at my neck, a leash I guessed again. I followed the best I could, barely being able to walk in those ridiculous heels and luckily for me I didn’t have to walk far. «Stop» the voice said followed by «Kneel». I hesitated for a moment and before I could kneel on my own, I felt a searing pain around my neck and crumpled to the floor. I knew then that the collar around my neck was one of those doggy electrical shock thing. «Obey quickly or be punished» the voice said again. Fearing another jolt, I quickly got on my knees. «Good girl, now stay» the voice said.

I did as told and felt my arms being pulled behind my back and some kind of wide bands being wrapped around my wrists and lower arms. Once he was done, I tried to move my arms and found they had been restrained from wrist to elbow. I felt movement and then some bands were also attached to my ankles and must had been secured to the floor because I was immobilized soon after. Without warning, I felt hands on my head and the voice said «Open wide», I did and felt the familiar feeling of a fleshy member being pushed between my lips. «You like sucking Daddy’s cock so much, now suck mine and you better be good at it». He pushed his very sizable cock roughly in my mouth and starting pumping hard and fast. Nothing like I did with Daddy who enjoyed how I would slowly and sensually suck on his fat cock until he couldn’t stand it anymore and flooded my mouth with his warm semen.

I guess I wasn’t being as good as he wanted because I heard a whoosh sound then felt a hard painful slap at my backside. He whacked at my little ass with a stick or something. It stung and hurt like hell. I yelled with a mouthful of his cock and he said «Do a better job or else». I tried relaxing my jaw more and moving my tongue against his cock and that seem to please him because I heard him moan and mumble «Yeah slut yeah». He fucked my mouth like that for a few minutes and suddenly shoved his cock deeper down my throat and as he grunted loudly and said «YEAH SWALLOW YOU BITCH» he shoot all his cum straight down towards my belly. I would have chocked and spited it back but his cock was so buried in my mouth that I’d lost all control and all I could do is wait for him to pull out which he did after he last of his semen had slid down my throat. «Good bitch, you get a reward. Face down!» he ordered as I felt my neck being pulled down by the leash until my face my pressing against the rough wood floor. He secured the leash to an eyebolt on the floor and there I was face up ass down as they say in porn lingo.

Next I heard footsteps going away then a door opening and closing. I tried struggling but to no avail, I was secured to the floor and there was no moving possible. A few minutes elapsed and I heard the door open and close again. I heard his footsteps but I also heard a different sound, something like nails clanking on the floor. Just as I figured out the noise belonged to a dog walking, I felt something warm and wet press against my bare pussy. My immediate and unfortunate reaction was to loudly complain «Whatttttt get him off me» which resulted in another excruciating jolt of electricity shot through the dog collar. «Shut up bitch» was all he said before he shoved a big rubber ball in my mouth and strapped it around my face. «Your mouth is for sucking cock and drinking piss only» I was told once gagged. Meanwhile the dog was now slurping away at my pussy with his wet tongue making little chills of pleasure travel along my body against my will. He kept that up for a few minutes or so and then stopped. I heard him walk around some then I felt his paws against my back and I knew then what was coming next.

I felt the dog’s breath against the back of my neck and figured he must had been a fairly big dog because he felt heavy pressing against my back. He seemed to hesitate or at least fumble or something for a moment but quite suddenly, he stabbed his cock at my pussy and it in all the way. I screamed through the ball gag and before I could catch my breath, he was hammering away at my pussy like, like… well like an ANIMAL! I’d been fucked by daddy and a couple of guys and they’d never gone as hard and fast as the big dog did. Daddy was gentle and always asking if he was hurting me and the guys did as best as young guys could, which wasn’t much. Only daddy could make me cum. The dog pounded away for what seemed like an eternity but was in fact only minutes and then I heard him growl and something swelled up inside me «Oh yeah, you’re his bitch now. He’s got his knot inside you and going to pump in seed inside your womb» I heard the man say and just then I felt the dog grow even bigger and his cum invading my cunt. As the dog shot his semen inside me, he kept moving which cause his now swollen knot to rub just right inside me and it started to make me feel just like when I’m about to… oh god «NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO» I screamed through my gag but my body betrayed me and a huge orgasms worked its way through my body making me shutter with pleasure until my legs were trembling uncontrollably. The dog stayed buried inside me and seemed to pump a never ending stream of doggy juice inside me as I moaned through the gag for at least 10 minutes. Then he started pulling hard and it really hurt as he make my pussy stretched wide open to be able to pull out his swollen doggy cock. As it popped out, I felt lots of his cum gush out of me. I guess I was too small inside to take all that he had.

My poor pussy was pulsing with the pain of the dog’s exit when the man took off my gag and blindfold and placed a dog bowl right under my mouth. I looked into it and saw a fair amount of white and clear creamy substance. It looked like cum but not exactly and just as it dawned on me that his was the dog’s cum that had just leaked out of me, the man said «Eat it all bitch». When I hesitated, the collar went off and I was punished by a nasty electric shock. «Eat it now bitch», I was ordered and this time did as told. I’d swallowed cum before and actually liked it but having to eat doggy cum that had been inside me, that was totally disgusting and humiliating. Fearing more pain, I went to work and slurped/licked the bowl clean. «Now that’s a good little girl, you get a reward for that» he said.

My reward came seconds after he promised. I could only see the lower parts of his legs since my face was pressed to the floor but I guessed he was standing right in front of me and that’s when my reward came. He started urinating right in the dog bowl while standing up. Of course plenty splashed against my face as he did and quickly the bowl was almost full. He still had to pee and so did on top of my head and back until he was done. I kept my eyes shut and lips while he did but I still had the taste and I quickly figured out what my reward was. «Do you need a reminder of what you have to do?» he said sternly. I shook my head and lowered my mouth towards the bowl and I tried, oh god I tried but as soon as my lips touched his still hot pee, I almost retched and pulled my head up. «ZAPPPPPP» the shock collar went off and made my face actually go down in the piss bowl but still I couldn’t swallow. «Well I guess my new bitch still needs some training» he said. He walked away and all I heard was him rummaging through some drawers.

He came back and move behind me and I felt something cold and metallic press against my asshole. «Your ass needs some training anyway before I fuck it» he said and pushed hard. I screamed as my asshole almost tore open before what I figured was a big metal butt plug popped in. I could feel every inch of it as it filled and stretched my anus to its maximum. Then I felt him bend over and he grabbed one of my nipples and pulled it hard. I winced then screamed again when he snapped a clamp right over my poor nipple, I started crying in pain when he moved around and repeated the process with my other nipple.

«Last chance bitch, drink up of else» he ordered. I figured he couldn’t hurt me more than he’d just did and god was I wrong. He must had wired the metal plug and the clamps together because as soon as I shook my head «no», he send more electrical shocks but this time true the anal metal plug and the nipple clamps. The result was immediate and searing pain all through my body. He only did it for a second or two but that was enough for me. So when he said «Drink up or I’ll fry your nipples», I did as told and started drinking like a dog until all the piss was gone. I’m still amazed I didn’t throw it all up right after but I guess fear is a great anti-puke reflex. «Good girl» he said and «it’s time to fuck you now but I need to her you scream some more to get hard again» he continued. He blindfolded me again and started undoing the straps restraining me to the floor.

My legs were pure rubber so I just collapsed on the floor and he simply grabbed me by the ankles and dragged me to another area in the cabin. He snapped restraints to my ankles and before I knew it, I was being hoisted feet up towards the ceiling until I dangling off the floor. I couldn’t see him or anything for that matter but I felt him undoing the wires but the plug and clamps were left on.

I next felt some kind of harness being strapped around my hips and legs. I hear him walk away for a second and come back. Something was attached it to the harness and I felt a rubber head being firmly pressed against my clitoris. «Here’s the deal little bitch, I just strapped an hitachi wand against your pussy and for every orgasms the wand induces, you get ten lashes until my cock is rock hard» he said before putting the ball gag into my mouth again. He turned on the wand and stepped away. I figured, no problem, I can keep myself from cumming, right? Uhhhhh not really! The wand’s vibration attacked my clitty with a vengeance and after a few minutes, I was already thinking to distract my mind but it was useless. I tried my best but to no avail, maybe after 10 minutes of vibration, I started moaning and then wiggling my hung body as pleasure invaded my insides until it was too much and my little clitty took over my whole body and gave me an earth shattering orgasm.

As soon as I started cumming, the first noise came. A scary «whoosh» sound followed by a very painfull «thack» noise as the leather tails hit my tummy. I grunted/screamed through my gag as I was still in the midst of my orgasm and he started counting up to ten and snapping the whip at my bare skin. He hit my ass, my legs, my back, my poor clamped boobies, everywhere except my face and feet. All the while, he never turned off the vibrator, so the cursed thing was still attacking my clitty which had now become hyper sensitive and I’m not even sure I finished with the first orgasm before another took over. I’m not exactly sure how long I lasted because I was somewhat almost passed out but I think I heard fifty before the vibrator was turned off and I was lowered to the floor.

I didn’t get much of a break as he grabbed my almost lifeless body and bent me over something padded. My ankles were quickly secured and again my neck was pulled down to immobilize me. «Time for that fucking I promised» he said and quickly pulled out the fat metal butt plug. I didn’t even have the time to enjoy having it out before he was replacing it with his own hard cock and pushing it all the way up my once virgin ass. «Oh fuck yes bitch, you have one tight ass. Even after the plug, it still grips my cock good» he said and then grunting, started to fuck my ass hard. «Gonna take my time and enjoy this» he said as he fucked me hard but slowly and deeply, savoring the tightness of my asshole. «Here, never say I’m not a nice man» he said and flicked the vibrator back on. «The faster you cum, the faster I will» he continued but my poor clitty was so battered, the wand was more like torture than pleasure, so he kept fucking my ass and fucking my ass until I finally started to feel a shiver of pleasure. Was it from the wand or the ass fucking, I couldn’t tell but I welcomed it this time and concentrated on letting the orgasm come as quick as possible. He noticed and said «I knew you were some kind of nympho slut, who else would fuck their daddy and play with themselves at least twice a day. It was so fun watching you but this is so much better». Finally the pleasure came and I had another earth shaking orgasm and he matched his own with mine, grunting loudly and shooting his hot cum right up my asshole. After collapsing over my back, he finally pulled out and turned off the vibrator. «Time for a little break bitch» he said as I heard him walk off somewhere in the cabin.

I was left alone for a few minutes still tied bent over, my whole body aching in pain as the endorphins from the orgasm faded away. I could feel every welt the whip had left over my body and both my pussy and asshole hurt like they’d never before. He came back and untied my neck and ankles and made me walk to another place in the cabin. «Step up» he ordered and I went up to stand on a box or something. «Stand still or else» he said and I did as told, knowing full well the consequences of disobeying. «I’m going to take a little nap before I fuck you again, so you get a little break… well somewhat» he continued and I felt something thin being wrapped around one nipple then the other. «On your tiptoes» he went on and as I did so, I felt the thin line around my nipples get really really tight and then felt them being pulled up painfully. «Now the only thing keeping you here prisoner is fishing line tied around your nipples. You could try to run away, maybe the fishing line will break, it doesn’t say on the reel how strong it is or maybe you’ll rip your nipples off. One thing for sure is that is you lower your heels, you’re going to add at least an inch to those pretty pink nipples» he said laughing and then slapped me hard on the ass, causing me to almost fall off the box and feeling exactly how painful the fishing line felt around my now aching and swelling nipples. «Back later slut, have a good nap» he laughed again and I heard the door close.

I just there, blind, struggling to balance on my tiptoes and just after a few minutes, I could feel my toes cramping badly. The only way, my nipples barely survived the next hour (it seemed like an hour) was by standing on one foot while trying to work the cramps out of the other. Still, I lost balance many times and screamed as the fishing dug deeply into my sensitive nipples every time. I was afraid they be ruined forever. I was startled when he spoke «Oh you’ve been putting on the best of show bitch». He’d never left and had been watching me struggle in my predicament. I felt him come behind me and then his hard cock was pressing against my ass. He pulled my blindfold off and said «Look down and see what your once pink nipples look like. Aren’t they prettier now, they sure go my cock rock hard». I look down and gasped at the purple aching mass that my tiny nipples had now become. Without saying more, he grabbed my hips and pushed his big cock straight inside my pussy. Maybe there was some dog cum left or something to lubricate me, but at least his cock slid not too painfully inside me. But pain came soon again, as his hands reached around my chest and he grabbed my now ruined nipples and started pinching and twisting them while picking up the pace with his cock inside my pussy. The louder I screamed the harder he fucked me and soon he was literally lifting me up with every stroke of his hard cock while he kept punishing my nipples. Thankfully I excited him enough that he came pretty quickly inside with a loud grunt and «Fuck I love your cunt too bitch». I felt the tension come off the fishing line and then he just let me drop to the floor where I banged my head and passed out. I work up later, the cabin was dark but I could see some. I was lying on a blanket in the middle of a big animal cage. Big meaning I could lie down curled up but I couldn’t stand, maybe I could get on all fours… like a dog. That’s all I was to him right now, just an animal to torture and fuck. The only other thing in the cage was a water bowl. Thirsty I bent my head down and lapped at the water and again he surprised me «Awwww the bitch in heat is awake. Do you regret fucking your daddy now bitch? Go ahead and drink but remember if you have to pee, you have to use the bowl and it better be clean when I come back in the morning» and then I saw a dark figure rise from a chair and walk out the cabin. I curled up on the blanket and started sobbing until I fell asleep for pure fatigue.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ds3unh/f184m_hacked_webcam_edited_parts_1_to_4_incest

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