A BJ on the beach – [MF] and almost a [Group]

This happened quite a while ago, but was by far the hottest thing I’ve been a part of, and it could have been even better!

So, in college I played baseball. I attended a small Midwestern private Christian college. We were in Florida for Spring Training and a bunch of us guys were sharing a hotel room. Were out on the balcony late at night when what to our wandering eyes should appear? Two women and a guy skinny dipping on the beach in front of our hotel! So, we did what any group of horny sexually frustrated guys would do and went down to the beach. No plan, just wanted to be closer to people having a good time.

By the time we got down there, they were all out of the water in various states of dress. Some dialogue ensued, ending with one of the women who was in her early 20s and completely naked saying “If one of you gets naked right now I’ll suck your dick.” I think it took me about 8 seconds to be completely naked to the amazement of my friends. Then she turned around and saw me and said to my friends, “You guys are going to be sorry!” She then proceeded to get on her knees and started giving me the best blow job I’d had up to that point in my life. Having led a rather sheltered life to this point, I had no idea what to do, so I just put my hands on my hips and let her work me over. My friends, seeing there was nothing there for them, went back to the room to watch everything unfold from the balcony.

After a few minutes (the other couple stood back and had given us some space), she stood up and kissed me a little, dragging me around the beach by my cock. She went to get some clothes on (it was a little cold and she did just get out of the ocean) and talk with her friends, she came back and got a nice firm grip on my cock again. She then said to me, “If you go jump in the ocean right now, you can come back to our hotel and fuck my friend and me.” I was a little skeptical, so I tried to get her to finish what she had started right then and there. She wasn’t having it. She invited me to grope her and kept tugging my cock. I was still a virgin at this point, and was really excited for this to be the way to lose it, so eventually I gave in.

I started walking into the ocean, occasionally looking back to see if I’d gone far enough, but they kept telling me to go further. Of course, once I got far enough that I wouldn’t be able to catch up to them, they all ran off, leaving me cold, wet, and my balls very blue. At least they didn’t take my clothes! I hung my head and slowly walked out of the ocean, of course seeing all my friends laugh at me from the balcony.

When I got back to our room, they all definitely let me have it, I couldn’t seal the deal, even after she’d had my dick in her mouth for several minutes and pulled me around the beach by it even longer. I ended up finishing myself off in the bathroom and never did live it down on the team. I think we may have all gotten in a bit of trouble, but it was definitely worth it. I only wish I’d played it a bit differently, both girls were super hot (the guy wasn’t bad looking either) and I think I easily could have been part of a foursome that night, but alas, twas not to be.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ds18n7/a_bj_on_the_beach_mf_and_almost_a_group

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