Weekend at the Ren Faire [MF] [CUCKOLD]

This weekend my wife and I joined a large group of friends out at the Ren Faire. There were 5 couples, including ourselves and 6 singles. The singles were 4 women and 2 men. The trip was overall amazing but I wanted to share the highlight of the entire weekend.

As you can imagine when it comes to dressing up, camping and copious amounts of alcohol things can get pretty crazy. Add in the fact that the Ren Faire just breathes debauchery and living out your fantasies. This year I dressed up as a nobleman, including the tights, and my wife dressed up as a sexy bar wench. Her outfit consisted of tight black yoga pants, a sexy corset that pushed her tits up so high that I constantly had to remind her to check for nip slips since part of the day was around “family events” and a pirate type hat. She decided that a bra would be super uncomfortable in the tight top so she went without.

While we got dressed in the tent I saw her slide on her yoga pants without any panties on so I asked “Were you not going to wear any panties today? Won’t you be cold?”

She laughed and shimmied ass into the tight fabric that was already pretty see-through “Nope I’ll just keep drinking if I get cold”

We both laughed and went about the whole day. We shopped, saw shows and ate turkey legs the size of an adult thigh, it was amazing. The mead, beer, and wine did not stop flowing the entire day.

The couples kind of all did their own things all day long which was to be expected, even wife and I did our fair of solo shopping and drinking. It’s impossible to wrangle a group that large. At one point in the afternoon wife and I went back to the camp to eat some lunch and drink so of our own beer. As we walked up we were greeted by Jay. Jay is one of the single guys in our group who has been a great friend for quite a while but we have lost touch due to work and life.

Jay hopped off the folding chair and gave us a huge drunken hug. I noticed that he lingered a little bit longer with my wife giving her a body sway where her feet dangled just barely touching the floor. Jay is a built guy and this year he came dressed as a barbarian, only wearing a makeshift loincloth and some furs. He is well built from being a cross-fit dude and stands somewhere along the lines of 6’1-6’2” so the costume suited him well. We all sat around the campfire and had a few more drinks.

At one point I excused myself to go to the restroom and walked 100 plus yards to the nearest portapotty. When I came back I noticed no one else came back for lunch which was strange and my wife was now sitting in a chair right next to Jay, as to across the fire from Jay when I left them. They were laughing and having a good time. I even noticed when Jay said something funny my wife laughed and rubbed her hands up and down his thigh arms. She was clearly drunk flirting with him and I don’t think he quite got it. I sat down across from them and kept drinking. After some food and drinks, we headed back into the park.

That night is when the real fun began. The whole group was back at came and pounding drinks. Where the day was more of a marathon, we were now on the final sprint. I was beyond wasted at this point and I can promise so was everyone else. This is when the subject of going to visit the festival bonfire came up. The bonfire is a ritual where they light a huge fire and people dance around it while drummers play around them. We all went as a group and had a blast.

At one point while watching the bonfire the group sort of split up. Some went to the stores, others got lost in a EDM dance hall near the fire and some just visited other camps to make new friends. Once again I went to the restroom but this time I came back to a missing wife. I thought nothing of it at first because at best she was probably back at camp.

This is when my ADD perverted brain got FULLY distracted. A huge camp hosted a Naked Jenga contest where each block had dares and if you knocked it over you had to strip naked and rebuilt the tower. There were probably around 300 people watching the whole event. I fought myself debating if I wanted to join or not, unfortunately, my shyness got the best of me and I only spectated. Even that was amazing. So many beautiful women of all sizes played and even some men. It was a blast. It then dawned on me that it was getting late and I wanted more beer so I walked my drunk self back to camp.

As I turned down the aisle towards our camping spot I heard a sound that sounded very familiar but could not put my finger on it. The closer I got the louder it became and the clearer it sounded. It was my wife moaning like crazy. She was near screams following the sounds of hard skin on skin slapping. In my drunken state, I don’t think I fully understood the situation and what exactly was taking place. I could see our tent from this distance and it was shaking from what I can only imagine was the cause of these beautiful moans.

I saw a group of friends sitting around the campfire. Some had their phones out filming the tent while others were just laughing cheering towards the tent. That’s when I heard what my friends were actually chanting, “Get it DESIGNHERO444! Give it to your wife dude!” The group was all of the single women and 1 of the single men.

I came around the backside of where everyone was facing and just said: “Hey yall what’s up.”

The look on all of their faces was priceless the second they turned to see in fact that wasn’t me actually in the tent.

“What the fuck!” One of the girls said.

I didn’t say anything I just walked to the cooler and cracked open another beer and sat down near the fire. Not one of their eyes looked away from me. Once I sat down their shocked expressions went from me to the tent and back to me. They all looked as they were waiting for me to jump up and run over to the tent where the sounds of my wife getting fucked hard were coming from. I just drank my beer and asked if they went to the naked Jenga. No one answered.

One of the other girls asked if that was my wife in there and I said I didn’t know and that I lost her in the crowd.

“Aren’t you gonna go check?”

“Why? Whoever is in there fucking is having way to much fun to stop them now. I’m not a cockblock”

Meanwhile, the air around us was being filled of the sounds of moans and screams. Every now and then you can hear the woman’s voice yell. “Fuck me harder! Don’t stop. Fuck me, Jay.”

Once his name was said out loud that made the group widen their look and stare at me again. I was just sitting cozy in a chair drinking by the fire.

About 15 minutes later you hear the grunting and moaning of orgasmic bliss followed by panting and heavy breathing. After about another 10 or so minutes Jay comes walking out of the tent sweating. His large size made the tent door look tiny. He was fully dressed and the second he saw all of us sitting by the fire his face grew just as red as the embers in the flame. When he finally saw me sitting across the fire it looked as though Jay’s feet were about to turn face and run as far away as possible.

I stood up walked over to Jay as he walked towards the group. There was a sudden gasp of air as the group held their breath, waiting to see what I do next. I walked up to Jay placed a hand on his right shoulder and said: “Did she fall asleep?”

Jay froze, “uhh yeah she passed out when I got up.”

“Cool, night.” Then I turned to the group. “Goodnight guys! See you all in the morning.”

I walked into the tent and could hear the group mumble about what had just taken place. I walked up to my wife who was snuggled up in the blankets and kissed her on the forehead. She opened her eyes and gave me that sweet little smile I love so much from her.

“Have a good night baby?” I asked her.

“Yeah, it was really fun.” She whispered in a cute voice.

I got undressed down to my boxers and climb into the bed next to her. She was still naked but had a towel between her legs. I knew exactly what this meant. I kissed her one more time on the back of her head and cuddled up close to her before I fell asleep as well.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/drmmqt/weekend_at_the_ren_faire_mf_cuckold


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