Random acts of betrayal pt1

It was another flight, but not just another destination, Albert K. and his wife Joanna, were on the way to their 10 year or marriage celebration. It was meant to replay their honey moon, the long gone times of easiness, they decided to go back to Greece and bathe in the warm waters of the Aegean sea.
They were both on their late 30s now and they have had what can be described as a bumpy marriage so far. The highlights of it have been the failure in having a kid, the subsequent betrayal and Joanna depression. Albert K have had a good career so path being now manager of a team of programmers in one of the local start-up company, his responsibilities were to delegate the tasks, being sure that his co-workers understood the goal of each project and that they kept their minds on that all the time. At 38 years old he was still considerably in shape, his hair was still in a strong amber, and his eyes were usually showing up the tiredness of hours of constant work.
Joanna was an accountant for a big company, she was manager of big accounts and had to deal with the clients needs of money being always available. 37 and no children have taken some impact on her, the relationship with her mother had freeze as she blamed her for the failure, but the worse has been when she found the betrayal. She was very fit woman, running every day and exercising a lot. Her blond long hair was still a trademark she used usually braided or tied in a ponytail. She had deep amber eyes and freckles all over her face. Her dreams of having a family and eventually become a housewife vanished over time. Though she could not say she was happy she was adjusted to her life. The depression that took her 3 years of her life seemed to be now controlled, she had learnt that either she accepted the circumstances and lived with that or that she needed to move forward and finish her marriage. For some reason it sounded easier to accept the circumstances and move on. She hadn’t told her family about Albert’s affair.
“Thank you. Just one moment. And insert your pin” ” There you have it” said Albert in a playful way.
Albert went back to his place and asked Joanna if she wanted some water to what she replied negatively. She moved on her bench, put on headphones and started listening to music.
Albert opened his phone and started making bullet points of one of his projects. Taking mental notes to email later on the day back at the hotel. Anytime the attendants passed through he took a quick look, putting his attention back to his notes back again. “I’m going to bathroom” he said without being listened. About to get to the cabin he bumped into the same attendant that had served him the water before. “I’m so sorry” she quickly said. “Not a problem… hmm… Nadia!” “I was walking carelessly, almost pushed you into the toilet, I’m the one to apologize” “not at all Mr. Albert” “Oh, you got my name!” Chuckled Albert to which Nadia blushed. “After I finish here I will have another request, so I might bump again into you” said Albert with a laugh. As soon as he entered the bathroom he felt he was aroused, he made sure that the door was well locked and stroked himself for half a minute. “This should be enough” he thought to himself. Got up and washed his hands and threw some water to his face. As he was walking out of the bathroom, not even one step out he heard the voice of Nadia saying “I am waiting for your request sir, I can take it now if you wish” Albert approached then the area reserved for the service and asked what kind of service they had. “For this flight we have a selection of sandwiches, salads and snacks, also cold beverages and alcoholic drinks” “What do you recommend?” “The salad is very fresh air” “I would like to see the salad if I may” “Do you prefer chicken salad with peach or avocado and mango salad?” “I think I want the chicken and peach” “I will take it to your place” “I prefer to wait here if I can, I want to see how fresh if that peach” joked Albert to which Nadia replied “It’s very well seasoned with a bit of salad, well cut on the sides” “Peach has always been my favourite fruit, you can learn a lot from it and it is quite tasty.” While speaking Albert reached to his wallet to get his card. “Here you have my card, I’ll be in my place. As soon as the salad his ready I will be waiting” as he handed the debit card he left together his business card. He walked back to his place and waited for the salad. It was the other flight attendant bringing the salad and his debit card. Albert wondered if the desperate attempt had scared the young girl.
This was not his first time doing such, before his wife discovered the affair he had with a business woman that he had a project with, he was calmer and more reluctant than before, as being caught a second time would be a great tragedy. Not only his marriage but his wife wouldn’t survive such. lately he had turned to watch porn and interact in social network with strangers. A series of fake accounts promptly deleted were satisfying his needs.
This time he did not knew what he was looking for, as he couldn’t possibly think of a way of getting his hands on this girl.
The plane landed in Greece on time and he quickly made his way with his wife into the luggages area. As they got their bags they walked out to the hall of the airport. The first night the hotel they had booked had a shuttle service and the driver was already waiting for them.
The checked in for the night and get to their room. As Joanna thought, the room was provided with towels and robes. As it was still early and the pool was opened she quickly changed into a two piece bikini, that reaveled her athleticism. Albert was already opening his laptop and getting the WiFi password to check his mail. “Are you coming to the pool?” “I’ll be there in 10 minutes, let me just check of the guys have sent me something. You know that they don’t do anything without me” “Okay, just before I go, can you apply the sunscreen on me?” “Yeah”
As soon as Joanna left the room, Albert was digging his mailbox and quickly typing replies to several questions that had been sent in the last hours.
His WhatsApp message sign rang and he looked into the number. It was unknown on his contacts.
“I hope you liked the salad” said the message.
“It was very tasty, I appreciate the effort. I see that you got my message. Hope I was not too Blunt”
“I liked that” Nadia replied quickly. “I hope it was not too spicy”
“I think you can make spicier salads”,

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/drfjto/random_acts_of_betrayal_pt1