The ti[m]e I [f]ucked my best friend by the lake

Long time lurker, first time poster, etc., etc. Finally got around to writing out the story of one of the hottest experiences I ever had. It’s about me and a friend of mine, a girl we’ll call Claire.

For those who care, I’m 5’10”, slim but muscled, with light brown hair and grey eyes. Claire was around 5’4″, generally pretty small, with dark brown hair and the most ridiculously beautiful blue eyes.

When I was twenty-three, finally finishing up the bachelor’s degree I’d been working on a for a few years (English major, and no, I didn’t find a job—ha ha.), I met a girl who finally convinced me to pursue my long-standing interest in the natural world a bit more actively. I grew up as a Boy Scout, but never really fit in with the others and ended up quitting as a result. Since then, I’d had opportunities to go camping here and hiking there, but never really got as “connected” as I would’ve liked to be. My shoddy fire-building skills are a source of shame to this day.

After meeting Claire, though, I started to make up for lost time. We sat together in a seminar on the philosophy of language (snore) and became fast friends, constantly distracting each other silly jokes and doodles written all over our notebooks. She was quick-witted and a bit hot-headed, but all in good fun; her tattoo of a young Hermia was inspired by her favorite line in Shakespeare, “though she be but little, she is fierce.” I can’t say I wasn’t attracted to her, but at the time she was in a long-term relationship with another girl that I got along with pretty well—for a while, I wasn’t sure if she was even interested in men. It seemed like every weekend, though, she was going out somewhere to hike, boulder, or camp, and after learning of my Boy Scout past she quickly started inviting me along. Her girlfriend wasn’t really the outdoorsy type, so Claire was grateful for a regular “nature buddy,” as she teasingly called me.

We went to school in upstate New York, but neither of us was local. She was from Colorado, and I’m from Texas, so I was glad to have another Westerner to talk to, but this also meant we weren’t as familiar with the craggy terrain of the Upper Adirondacks. Fortunately, that fact led to more discovery than danger. We had a few close calls when the weather was snowier, but always had a first aid kit and a radio in our backpacks. For the most part, we just appreciated the opportunity to relax and spend time outdoors, getting to know each other and the mountains.

The summer after our last year in undergrad, each of us found a place to stay near campus, using our college town as a kind of “home base” to work odd jobs, apply for graduate programs, and enjoy the last weeks of adolescent freedom. Of course, we also jumped at the opportunity to explore the mountains we’d learn to love in somewhat warmer weather. Suddenly, snowshoes and handwarmers gave way to sunscreen and beach towels. I have to admit, I certainly didn’t mind spending time together in swimsuit season; Claire was small but very cute, incredibly my type, and she didn’t seem to mind the occasions when it was too hot for me to wear a shirt. (I had learned early on that she was pansexual but with a tendency just to date girls.) In fact, she and her girlfriend had broken up a few months prior, but by that time we had been friends for so long that I never made the mental leap from the occasional fantasy to genuine interest.

On one of our weekends out, though, things got a bit more interesting than expected. We had driven out west and hiked down to one of our favorite spots, Pine Pond. It’s relatively hidden, only accessible by way of a hiking trail and a short kayak across Massawepie Lake. Even in the summer months, we never once ran into other hikers there, so it became a kind of private oasis, allowing us to escape the stress of grad school applications and shitty café jobs. On this particular Saturday, we had brought a picnic, setting up a small, technically prohibited grill on the shore and enjoying barbecue burgers by the lakeside.

After eating lunch and waiting the Red Cross-approved 30 minutes to finish digesting, we stripped down to our swimsuits and jumped in. I have a terrible memory for names and birthdays, but tend to remember banal details unusually well, and that July afternoon is no different. I can still see Claire’s black-and-white striped bikini as if she were standing in front of me; after a year and a half of working out regularly, I didn’t think I looked too bad in my sunset-patterned swimming shorts, but suddenly it struck me how perfect Claire’s body looked in the midday sun, a few stretch marks that I knew she was self-conscious about just making her look even sexier.

To this day, I don’t know what changed that afternoon, but for the first time, Claire’s playful wink upon catching me staring felt like much more than friendly teasing. I chuckled and splashed her, deflecting, and when I looked up to lock eyes with her, I got a face full of pond water. I spit out the dregs and narrowed my eyes, preparing for war.

“It’s on, Nature Girl.”

“Come at me, Boy Scout.”

Claire continued splashing around wildly, trying to defeat me via attrition, but I had other ideas. I ducked under the water, neutralizing her attacks, and rushed towards her, picking her up onto my shoulders. Immediately, she saw through my plan, but was helpless to resist as I carried her onto the shore and deposited her onto our picnic blanket.

“What the fuck,” she exclaimed. “You know I hate it when people pick me up!”

“Sorry,” I demurred. “’I felt like a fascist, but it had to be done.’”

“Oh, shut the fuck up! And don’t you dare quote Fear and Loathing at me again. As if I wouldn’t see through your wannabe Hunter Thompson act.”

“Don’t quote Fear and Loathing at you ever again, huh?”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Or what?”


Finally, it was perfectly clear to both of us that all bets were off. I became acutely aware that I had my best friend pinned to the ground, my body inches above hers, just two layers of thin waterproof fabric between us. I lowered myself down tentatively, but Claire was as impatient as always, pulling me down and meeting my lips with hers. Immediately, we started exploring each other’s mouths, lightly probing with our tongues, all the while grinding against one another. I knew from prior conversations that she liked things a bit rougher, so I moved my lips down and bit her neck. She shuddered and scratched her nails across my back.

“That good, hm?” I surprised myself with how husky my voice had become. I guess she was really getting to me too. In response, she just pushed me further down along her body. I continued occasionally grinding myself into her crotch, but moved my lips across her torso, finally starting to kiss her chest. When I bit the strap of her bikini, it seemed she couldn’t take it anymore, as she whispered, “just take it off.”

“What was that?”

“Youcantakeitoff,” she muttered shyly. “Y’know, if you want to…”

I raised my head up, kissed her, and we locked eyes. I felt my cock twitch against her.

“Do you want me to?”

She moaned quietly in response.

“I want to hear you say it.”

Finally, I got what I was waiting for.

“Please undress me?”

I reached back to untie her top, then tried to lift it over her head before getting it caught on one of her arms. Claire started laughing, and for a moment, the tension dissipated.

“Fuck you! Don’t laugh at me,” I said, already turning red. “I’ve never taken off someone else’s bikini before.”

“It’s fine, babe, I thought it was cute.” As if to punctuate her reassurance, she pulled me down and kissed me deeply. “Now get back to work.” She winked at me, and I nearly fainted.

Soon, I was lying on top of my her, both of us wearing nothing but big, goofy smiles. I was lost in the feeling of my cock gliding across her pussy, never quite going in. I could tell neither of us wanted to give the other the satisfaction just yet. I reached up and pinched her nipple, bringing out a moan. I took this as a good sign and began playing with Claire’s tits as we explored each other’s mouths. We continued making out for a bit, but soon I could only think of one thing. I bit her neck once more, feeling her buck her hips in response, before asking:

“May I taste you?”

She didn’t say a word, just grabbed my hair and guided my head down between her legs. I ran my tongue up and down her labia, careful not to touch her clit just yet. Wary of moving too fast (and, if I’m honest, eager to tease her a bit longer), I moved away, lightly kissing across her thighs. She moaned deeply, grabbing a handful of my hair, but I didn’t give in, continuing to tease her with a few brief licks across her pussy. Finally, I pushed my tongue into her, glancing up to watch the look of pleasure wash across her face. I paused briefly.

“Feel free to give verbal feedback, if you can still string together a sentence.” I winked at her and moved down to bite her nipple.

“You’re doing… just fine,” she managed weakly.

Satisfied, I kissed my way back down her body and ran my hands across her thighs. I finally began using my tongue to tease her clit, a development which she certainly seemed to appreciate. I took her into my mouth, sucking her labia while continuing to lightly tease her clit. She continued playing with my hair, her moans reaching a high point as I finally slipped two fingers inside her. Between sighs, she squeaked out:

“Babe, I…”

“Hmm?” I inquired, mouth full of pussy.

“I—uMH—I’m about to come!”

Fingers still inside her, I slipped my thumb onto her clit and raised my head up to her lips. We kissed deeply, and she moaned as I felt a shudder run through her body. I briefly disengaged to watch her face—to this day, one of the sexiest single images I’ve ever seen. My best friend, naked, hair a bit disheveled, with my fingers inside her and a look of absolute bliss on her face. She kissed me once more, deeply, before glancing down, amused, at my rock-hard cock.

“Oh, you’re just rearing to go, aren’t you?”

“What can I say? You’re fucking sexy when you come.”

She bit her lip, bucked her hips to brush against me, and whispered:

“Would you please just fuck me?”

She didn’t have to ask me twice.

As a teenage boy in the late 1990s, I somehow learned—whether from older boys, from late-night TV, or just through cultural osmosis—that men are expected to carry condoms in their wallet. In case of emergency, or whatever. Ridiculous, I know! But to this day, I always make sure to carry a condom on me. (These days in my backpack, since I learned that the heat from carrying condoms in your wallet can reduce their effectiveness.) I’ve never used it before or since, but on that Saturday in July, for once in my life, I took the condom out of my bag and put it on.

“Good thing you’re a Boy Scout, right? ‘Be prepared.’” So I wasn’t the only one thinking about how odd it was that I had a condom.

“Shut up,” I shot back, chuckling.

“Make me.”

I shrugged in assent and leaned down to kiss her. She stopped me, though, holding a hand against my chest. We locked eyes, and my breath caught in my throat. Had I done something wrong? But Claire quickly calmed my fears, saying simply:

“I need you inside me.”

With that, she reached down and guided me towards her. For what felt like an eternity, she just rubbed my head against her entrance, driving me absolutely crazy. Finally, she began to ease me inside her. The tension was unbearable as she slowly but surely worked me in—first the head, then briefly sliding just the head in and out before finally taking my entire length. I can hardly describe just how incredible it felt feeling my cock fully inside her. For a moment, we paused to kiss, and she bit my bottom lip while dragging her nails down my back. God, this girl was driving me crazy.

Tentatively, I started thrusting in and out of her, and she bucked her hips in kind, confirming how good this felt for both of us. I knew I couldn’t last very long at this pace, but hoped Claire was enjoying things as much as I was. I leaned my head down and took her nipple in my mouth, rolling it around with my teeth and tongue while I fucked her. Remembering what she had mentioned about getting rough, I started to go even harder, and her deep sighs gave way to audible moans as I thrust deeply into her. I raised my mouth from her chest.

“Do you think you’d like it if I choked you?”

Although distracted, she managed to nod demurely, and I wrapped my hand around her neck, sure to press the sides of her throat so as not to actually suffocate her. I was rewarded with an eager partner as she began raising her hips to ensure that we were fucking even more intensely. After a few minutes of this, though, I could feel my orgasm starting to build, and slowed down, letting Claire know I needed a brief break. She happily agreed and guided me onto my back, lowering herself over me and bringing her lips to mine. Within moments, though, she was moving down to my chest, kissing all over my pecs and torso. At my request, she began scratching my sides and occasionally biting my skin, and soon I was rearing to go again.

This round, Claire was eager to stay on top, and I certainly wasn’t complaining. She lowered herself down, guiding me inside her, and in no time was bouncing up and down on my cock like her name was Annie Oakley. At first, I tried to stay active as well, reaching around to slap her ass or up to pinch her nipples, but soon the whole situation was a bit much, so I lay back and tried to focus on enjoying Claire using me for her pleasure. After just a few more minutes, I could feel the rush coming on, and let Claire know I was about to finish. This time, rather than taking a break, she encouraged it.

“Come for me, baby. I want to feel you come inside of me.”

Even more turned on by her transformation from shy “nature buddy” to lust-filled partner, I soon felt a familiar ecstasy, and as I came, she leaned down to kiss me, poking her tongue playfully into my mouth and giggling. Claire eventually dismounted and I disposed of the condom. For a time, we lay side by side, both enjoying the quiet, naked afterglow. Claire was the first to break the silence.

“Good thing we brought a blanket, right?”

I chuckled and we kissed one last time.



  1. Great story! And going exploring? Very epic! I hope you two are still together

  2. Great story… wondering what school you guys went to up there. I went to college up that way around the dame time.

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