Roadtrip [MF]

Davis closed the door to his apartment and locked it. He carried his suitcase to the car. He was ready. After several years of hard work and saving his money he had finally quit his dead end job and was going on the roadtrip. Davis was 28 and up until recently had worked in Baltimore. But he had grown up near Boston and aside from family vacations to Maine or South Carolina he had not really seen the US and was ready. For the next three months he was going to travel through the US. Starting by heading north and west he had hopes to see the northern states, the midwest, down the west coast and back through the south. He had no plans for destinations or timelines. He would drive when he wanted and sleep when he was tired. He would stay for several days at places he wanted and move on. Who knows, maybe he would fall in love with a new location and find a job there.

He quickly found his way to I-83 north and was soon rolling through the Pennsylvania countryside. After some stops for gas he went through Buffalo, NY and crossed into Canada. He decided to stop in Niagra Falls and get a room for the night.He found a cheap motel and got a room for the night. It was dark and the falls were lit up and beautiful. Davis dropped his stuff in his room and walked over to the casino that was nearby. Davis was not a gambler but he loved the energy of the casino. He walked into the big room and spent some time wandering around. It was a Tuesday night and so the place was not very busy. He spent some time watching people play sots and roulette before finally finding his way to the blackjack tables. He decided to play a couple hands and found an open seat. After a while he was ahead and the guy sitting next to him left. Immediately a woman in her early 40’s sat down next to him. She was tall and thin with blonde hair and was wearing a slim fitting black dress. He could smell her perfume and it was intoxicating. They played a few hands together and he noticed no wedding ring. After a couple more hands Davis decided to quit while he was ahead and left the table. He decided to linger and see if the woman from the table would leave soon as well. He took up a station at a slot machine that left him with a good view of the blackjack table and waited. Eventually she left the table and was heading toward the exit. Davis quickly left the machine and caught up with her.

“Excuse me, ma’am.” She stopped and turned to look at him. “My name is Davis and I am just stopping overnight here in Niagara Falla and I was wondering if you would like to get a drink with me.” She looked at him curiously and Davis could tell she was trying to decide how to respond so he quickly continued. “I sat next to you playing blackjack and just knew that I wanted to get to know you. My treat.”

“Okay, sure.” She replied. “My name is Libby.”

They headed over to the nearest bar and took a seat.

“So, Libby, what brings you to Niagra Falls?”

“Well, I was here for a girls’ weekend and decided to extend my stay for a few days before heading back to work. I am supposed to leave tomorrow morning but was hoping to strike it rich tonight so I could stay longer.”

“What do you do for a living?”

“I am in agriculture marketing and sales for a large company. I hate my job. How about you? What brings you here?”

“I quit my job and starting a cross country road trip.”

“Really?! How exciting! I would love to go on a trip like that! Why are you here?”

“No reason. I left my apartment this morning and headed this way. I am going with my gut and don’t have any plans.”

“I don’t think I would have the guts to just walk away from everythiing and do what you are doing. I have wanted to quit my job for a long time but I have no idea what I would do.”

“I figured I have one shot at this. I finally had enough of my boss’ shit and so I told him off and walked out. I had been saving up for a while hoping to do a trip like this and it just seemed like the right time.”

They continued talking for a while and had a couple more drinks and before they knew it they were the last ones at the bar.

“We should get out of here.” Davis said, “Where are you staying? Can I walk you to your car or room or something?”

“Actually, I am staying at the Marriott near here. I walked here and would love the company. Where are you staying?”

“I am at the Comfort Inn near here. Let’s get going.”

They walked out into the cool fall air and headed south toward the Hotel. The chill of the air and the sound of the falls encouraged them both to walk in silence. Soon they arrived at the hotel entrance and Libby turned to Davis. “Would you care to come up for one last toast to send you off on your trip?”

“Sure, I think that would be wonderful.”

Soon they entered Libby’s room and Davis immediately walked to the large window overlooking the falls. “I hadn’t really seen the falls yet, they are beautiful.”

“I know” said Libby, “I payed extra for this room and have spent a lot of time simply looking at the falls and pondering my life.” She handed him a glass of wine from a bottle that had been sitting on the table. “Sorry it’s in a plastic cup. Since I assumed it would be just me I didn’t bother getting anything nicer.”

“That’s okay. I am a cheap date.” He grinned and Libby smiled back.

“To travel,” she said “and spontaneous adventure.”

“To being spontaneous” he replied and they emptied their wine glasses. Davis walked up close to Libby and said, “I don’t know about you but I think we shoul do something else spontaneous.”

Libby leaned in and kissed him passionately. When she was done she responded, “I am too old for you.”

“No, you are just right. When I saw you in the casino your beauty drew me to you immediately. I think you are a lovely woman and I would not have forgiven myself if I had not tried to get to know you.” He moved in and kissed Libby again pulling her body into his. Her hands wrapped around him and she pulled him onto her as she fell onto the bed. They continued kissing and Davis’ hands slid up her left leg as she wrapped her leg around his waist. He slid her dress up her thigh and slid his hand under her dress feeling hips. He moved his kisses slowly down her neck and began to kiss her shoulder and uppper chest that was uncovered by the dress. Libby’s hands went up Davis’ back and grabbed his hair. She let out a gasp and used her leg to pull Davis’ hips into hers.

Davis slipped the shoulder straps of her dress down and the straps of her bra went with it. Davis now had access to the tops of her breasts and began kissing and sucking at them. Meanwhile his hands continued to caress her hips and play with the waistband of her panties. He could feel himself getting harder and harder and knew that his cock was rubbing into Libby’s crotch and she was grinding against him more and more. He stopped kissing and pushed himself up on his hands and looked at her. Her hands immediately went to his shirt and pushed it up and over his head. He then too his hands and lifted the bottom of her dress up and over her hips exposing her black lace panties. Her hands were on his belt and pants and soon she was shoving his pants down. He stepped back to take off his socks and pants and she stood up and turned around, “would you help me unzip my dress?” Davis stepped up into her and slowly zipped her dress down and she let it fall to the floor and she stepped out of it. She backed into Davis and rubbed her ass against his cock. He could feel her cheeks around his cock and he began pressing into her while his hands began to caress her tits. They stayed in this position for a while enjoying the feel of each other until she turned around and took her bra off while facing him. She dropped her bra on the floor next to her dress and Davis finally got to see her perfectly round firm tits. He cupped them gently with his hands and then moved in to suck slowly on each perfect nipple. Taking one of them in his mouth he caressed it with his tongue and then sucked slowly as he pulled away until her nipple popped out of his mouth. He then did the same with the other nipple. He slid his hands down her sides until they came to her panties which he then slowly slid down over her hips until all of her clothes lay in a rumpled pile on the floor.

He pushed her back on the bed and lowered his face down to her trimmed pussy. He kissed her inner thigh and worked his way up to her warm slit. He could smell her fragerance and began to slowly lick her pussy pulliing her pussy lips into his mouth and slowly sucking on them. His tongue found its way deeper into her opening and worked its way up to her clit. He spent some time licking and sucking her clit as she moaned in pleasure. He could feel her clit becoming a hard little button in his mouth and could feel her wetness growing.

He stood up and slid his underwear down his rock hard cock ready to go. Libby slid farther up the bed making rooom for Davis to climb on the bed with her. He got himself in close to her his cock already dripping with precum. He rubbed the tip of his cock up and down her slit and slowly pushed his way into her.”Oh God, you are so tight.”

“Mmmm and you feel so good inside of me. I need a good fucking it has been too long.”

Davis pushed himself in until his balls were touching her. He then slowly pulled back out until just his tip was still inside her. He continued to push in and pull out slowly increasing his rhythm. Soon he was pounding away and Libby was groaning and had her head back enjoying the feeling of his cock filling every part of her. Davis used his hands to caress her breasts again and play with her hard nipples. Soon her pleasure overtook her and she grabbed Davis and rolled him over so that she was on top straddling him. She started pumping vigorously grinding into him as Davis again took her nipples in his mouth one after the other.

“Don’t stop” she panted as she continued to grind into him, “I am about to cum.”

Her pace quickened and Davis could tell her orgasm was close. Soon her whole body tensed as the waves of pleasure from her first orgasm pulsed through her body. Once she finished she got off of Davis and stuck her ass in the air, “I want you to fuck me from behind” she said.

Davis got behind her and grabbed her hips and thrust his cock deep into her pussy. “Yes!” she yelled, “Fuck me like that!”

Davis didn’t need to be told again. He started fucking her hard from behind and could feel his orgasm coming on. He pounded away on her from behind using his hands to pull himself into her. Everytime he filled her she grunted and as his pace quickened her grunts turned to panting and increased with him. Soon her body tensed again and as she got her second orgasm she said, “I want you to cum in me.” Those words were enough for Davis and he released his load deep in her pussy. He could feel his seed flowing from his cock and filling her pussy.

They both collapsed into bed and from the release and the late hour and the alcohol they had drunk they were soon asleep.

Davis awoke the next morning to Libby walking out of the bathroom in a towel. “I have a question for you,” she said, “I just called my boss and quit my job. I need to get my rental car back to the airport but if you are heading west, can I ride with you and can you bring me to Chicago?”

“I don’t know how quickly I will get there, I was hoping to take my time on this trip.”

“I am in no rush either. I think we could have a lot of fun exploring the country and exploring each other utnil we get to Chicago and who knows, maybe we can even continue on from there together?”

“Sure. I can drive you to Chicago. How soon do we need to leave?”

“mid-morning. I think we have time for one more quick fuck before we get checked out.”

The towel dropped to the ground and Libby walked toward the bed and Davis grinned. This trip so far was even better than he had hoped.


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