[MF] Navy Midwatch

This happened back in the day while I was still in the navy about 25 years ago.

As a young Chief Petty Officer (senior enlisted) I was witnessing the military going through dramatic changes and placing females in more and more complex and combative roles.

By the time these “split tales” were getting to small combatant ships, the Navy, in its infinite wisdom decided that placing a few officers on board first would ease the transition, because everyone knows that a 23 old Ensign fresh from college has all the control and professionalism required to avoid any misconduct.

But we had five females on board, two mid-grade officers and 3 junior officers. How many guys you might wonder? The crew was about 285 so you can do the math of women to men ratio. Now might be a good time to let you know the average age of anyone in our military is under 30.

Introducing Miss Sara Stevens. The BARELY 23 year old checked on board about two months before we deployed and only after she graduated from college not two months prior. This seemingly innocent blonde haired beauty was quickly a focal point for most of the men.

She was assigned to the navigation department, and it’s still my belief that the reason was because it only had 5 guys in that department to ogle over her, and less chance of “an issue.” Also she answered directly to the executive officer and he kept pretty close tabs on her for the first couple of months.

We deploy for what started off as six months (it turned out to be eight and a half) and here I am, 28 years old and have 10 plus years of service under my belt, and I’m standing the mid-watch watch in a foreign land. (For you non-military folk, the mid-watch for us was from midnight to 0600)

This particular night, I’ve been tasked with taking one of these young nubile officers “under my wing” and train her in standing Anti-Terrorism Watch Officer. Want to guess who I have to “spend the night” with?

While the ship was in port, this watch consisted of standing twenty-four hours a day on the ship’s bridge, and coordinating all the posted armed guards. However, as soon as the sun went down, all the lights are turned off to keep from being silhouetted, and the only exception was our flashlights with red lenses.

The first hour I had her read the standing orders and policies, and tried to instill the importance of leadership in a potentially hazardous situation. What made this all bullshit to her, was the fact that we were visiting a country that was very much our allies, and to keep from anything becoming news worthy, our host country had provided a 3 meter high double fence with armored cars patrolling inside and outside the parameters. Even my guys walking around the ship knew we were only there in case all hell broke loose and we were doing everything we could to defend the ship so this time it was a pretty slack watch.

This petite 5 foot 4 inch blonde, with what I can only assume as to having small to medium sized breasts, graduated from Florida State less than six months ago is on watch with a crusty “old” chief in the dark for the next six hours. What could possibly happen?

Assume? You might ask… What dirty old sailor wouldn’t recognize the tits and ass on a sexy little minx? The kind of sailor who had never seen this officer in anything other than the working uniform, which at the time, was coveralls.

Ill-fitting coveralls did little to the imagination of what lay underneath. Nary could a curve, or bump be conceptualized. Was she attractive? No doubt about it, her face was angelic and her smile was full of sparkly white teeth. Light blue eyes, seemed to be pools of sea blue that Neptune himself could admire. She was slender and petite, that I knew from her standing next to my 6’3” – 200 lb. frame.

I digress back to the story…

Boredom set in quickly, and it didn’t take long for our conversation to lead to more personal matters and her adventurous days in college, and tailgate parties on game days and the sorority mixers. And of course a few of my own exploits from 3 past deployments while in Spain, Pattaya Beach Thailand and Puerto Rico, started to come out so we both admitted to having a bit of a wild streak.

It came time to make our log entries that everything was going well on watch, so I brought her over to the table to show her how to make the appropriate reports. With it being so dark, and the chart table being so small, she stood incredibly close.

Back in bootcamp we had a term for this…”nut to butt.” Little did I know then how true this was going to be, but she is stood in front of me, and my chest hovered millimeters from her back.

When she leaned back to adjust the angle of her flashlight to see the report, I felt her firm ass push into my groin. The events after happened so quickly and the blood rushed at light speed, to my cock, causing it to grow. A month or so without getting laid can have its effects. Nervousness set in, and I back up hoping it wasn’t too late and I found myself talking to the Equal Rights Officer in the morning.

“Chief, what goes here?” She asked and of course I can’t see a damn thing. So I attempted to side step her to look over her shoulder when she moved just in time for my groin to come back in contact again with her backside.

Ok, remember me talking about these coveralls? I also need to tell you there is no way in hell a guy can hide an erection. They fit so loosely and nothing was ever held at bay and confined. Think about when a guy wears sweatpants and no underwear……..

So now there is no doubt in my sea loving mind, that she couldn’t feel the hardness that was saying hello to her bum.

She said something cheesy like “I just want to make sure everything is lined up right and the proper entry is made” while wiggling her ass just a little more and grinding it up on me.

“Well Miss. Stevens, I think you know exactly what you are doing and have everything lined up just fine.”

And so it began, not the wisest of military decisions I made over the years considering the potential repercussions, but I allowed this girl….woman, to tease and play. My hands went to her waist and rested on her hips and she only pushed back a little more. Fully hard now, she ground that ass up and down pressing it firmly and gave a little whimper in the process from feeling the effects she was having on me.

“Do I really need to say this needs to stay between you and me ma’am?” I ask her.

“I can follow orders very well Chief.” Was her reply.

I turned the flashlight off and total darkness consumed us. One hand reached up and around to find that I was correct in the assumption of her breast size. The round globe fit nicely in the palm of my hand and I massaged it. My other hand found very good use of the reversible zipper on the coveralls. They had the double zipper, so a guy can unzip from down to up to facilitate taking a piss. Now it was going to give me access without having to remove her clothes.

I slip my hand inside, and find what feels like standard cotton bikinis, but what wasn’t standard issue was the wet spot in them. My fingers quickly slipped inside the waistband to find a smooth but very wet slit.

With the bridge being eerily quiet, even her subdued moans seemed to echo as if put on loud speaker.

“You have to be quiet.” I said and she whimpered more as I slid my middle two middle fingers in and out of her pussy.

She continued to press her back and head into my chest as one of my arms was wrapped around her body, while the other hand was quickly fingering her to orgasm. When it came, she stood there bracing herself with her hands gripping the chart table and her body shuddered. I held her in place and rode her through it. Removing my soaked hand from her coveralls I licked my fingers to taste the sweet flavors of her orgasm.

Breathing hard, Miss Stevens took deep breaths trying to fill her lungs with much needed oxygen. My left hand only left her breast long enough to unzip her coveralls from top to bottom and I could reach inside and massage both modest sized titties, feeling the hard points through a standard issue white tee-shirt sans bra.

Miss Stevens stepped away from me and I heard her zipping up and down as the case may be, to put her disheveled uniform back in order. Slightly confused, I wondered what was going on since my cock was still hard as the forward anchor.

It wasn’t long before she eased my concerns. Her hands found the zipper to my coveralls and getting on her knees I soon felt the heat of her warm wet mouth as it enveloped the head and shaft.

I wish I could tell you, and paint the erotic visual of what was going on…but I can’t. The color of the coveralls is dark navy blue, and when she got on her knees, she disappeared into darkness with only vague outlines of movement being seen. I can only tell you that I leaned my head back, rested a hand on the back of her head, and enjoyed the pure bliss of her talented mouth moving down my shaft while occasionally stopping to suck and lick the head.

Now it was my own moans and grunts that filled the dark space, and between holding my breath and biting my lip I tried my best to keep from cumming too soon, but the sounds of her sucking mouth which seemed to be amplified in the darkness made the whole scenario overwhelming.

Whispering in gasped breaths “I’m going to cum” to warn her only caused her to increase her efforts. Soon volley after volley of baby gravy washed down her throat, and hearing her gulps and swallowing seemed to enhance the pleasure I was receiving. It was my turn to grab the chart table with clenched fists and Miss Stevens took every bit I could give her without missing a drop.

When my own orgasm subsided, Miss Sara Stevens stood up while I put my softening cock back in its place and zipped up. Pulling her in close, I kissed her hard on the mouth, tasting my own saltiness.

We completed the entries in our log books and still had about four hours of watch left, so we spent the next 2-3 hours talking, groping, and teasing. I fingered her to a couple more orgasms and my reward was her dainty fingers stroking me to release. Sunrise that particular morning was just a bit more pleasant to watch.

We decided that from time to time, a little play time could be fun, but we wouldn’t make it very often, nor would we make it obvious that fraternization was going on between and officer and enlisted guy. With us being in different departments we didn’t have to work that close together, which made it easier.

True to our word, we hooked up a few more times that deployment, and twice more, Miss Sara Stevens volunteered for extra instruction during a couple of my mid-watches…in other countries where we thought it was “safe”, both tactically and professionally.

I honestly don’t think anyone was the wiser, that this young innocent Seminole and crusty old chief had banged each other’s brains out a few times making serving our country a little less stress filled that deployment.

God bless America and Go Navy!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dpcxdp/mf_navy_midwatch


  1. Didn’t finish the story. I came as soon as I read “nary could a curve or bump be conceptualize.” I’ll have to cool down and try again. So far, very well written!

  2. As a navy guy myself, the mid watches were the best times, especially when you know when your boat boo was on watch all alone…

  3. Sure hope that’s not her real name… baby gravy? That’s a new one for me haha

  4. You lost me at navy and combat roles. Like yall dont just drive the marines around to get the baddies.

  5. Former Navy junior officer here…had a similar occurrence with a Deck Seaman enlisted gal in my stateroom while the other officers were out on liberty. That girl sucked and fucked like a champ.

  6. Saved this for a later read and I’m glad it didn’t disappoint. That was hot af. Do you have more stories about other hookups while deployed or even when you weren’t?

  7. I can’t wait to hear your stories about Spain! I had a great time in Rota when I was deployed there.

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