Being chased by a Truck [m] 23 – after having relations with my ex-girlfriend [f] 20 in a graveyard.

Where I grew up there was park, and a path uphill for a decent stretch brought you to a graveyard that was pretty big. Me and my girlfriend at the time decided it was going to be fun to fuck around in the woods right at the outskirts of the graveyard. It was a wooded area between the graveyard a church.

It started as most erotic adventures start, passionate energy, lusty eyes and me telling her suck my dick. Which she was super excited to do.

I have dark brown hair, very strong blue eyes, 5’10 and am ripped.

She looked like a thiccer version of Meg Ryan… bright blue eyes, naturally platinum blonde hair and a phat ass..

Anyway, I bent her over on a tree, pulled her jeans and panties down and commenced the animal tier fucking.

When we were done, we began walking to the park, which involves walking across the graveyard (a rather large area) down through a path in the trees, then you’re at the park, but to get to your vehicle you had to cross a rather lengthy bridge.

As we were walking we heard a truck coming, which isn’t unusual there is a round that circles the graveyard but something about the truck made us uneasy so we hurried to the path in the trees, only to discover that the truck began hurrying too – there was a part of the path that you could use for vehicles.

We high tailed it through the path and the truck was in hot pursuit, we didn’t think anyone saw us during out escapade but I guess we were wrong, this beat up truck was trying to get to us.

We zigged and zagged through the woods until we hit the park, we got on the bridge with the truck about 50 feet behind us… the bridge wasn’t big enough for the truck to cross over, the truck stopped and I saw two men in it.

I stopped.

I looked over at my then girlfriend and told her if they get out of the truck, I am going to fuck both of them up (at the time, I was an aspiring MMA fighter).

fortunately for them they didn’t pursue any further.

Was quite a rush.


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