Note : This is my first try and english is not my first language. Comments are welcomed and I will post more parts if you are all interested.

Today’s technology is awesome. You can find any information you need on the internet, buy all sort of thing, chat with friends, anything is possible including having some sick pervert hack your computer and control your webcam. Which is how, me, Sandy, a cute and slim 14 year old teen brunette, ended up in front of this cabin in the woods all alone about to knock on some stranger’s door.

It all started a week ago when some weird message popped out on my computer’s screen «I KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN UP TO» and I wasn’t even logged in to facebook or anything else. I figured it was some weird pop up virus thingy and just closed the window. A new message popped up right away «YOU’VE BEEN A NAUGHTY GIRL» but this time it had pictures of me attached, naked pictures of me!! This time I answered the message «WTF DUDE!» trying to look angry and figuring now it was coming from an ex-boyfriend or something. Yes I know, you shouldn’t send naked pictures of yourself to guys but they always ask and it kind of turns me on to please them. He (I figured he’d be a male as most perverts are) replied «DO AS TOLD AND I WON’T SEND THOSE PICTURES TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILLY».

While I’m a precocious teen, I’m no less pretty smart for my age and very mature, so my reply was «FUCK OFF, GO AHEAD, I DON’T CARE» which I didn’t, my pics were probably being shared anyway just like those of many other girls. That guy risked child pornography charges while I would just risk more people seeing me naked, who cares! I’m cute and pretty, no harm in people seeing what I look naked.

I figured that would shut the asshole forever but I was wrong because more pictures popped out on my screen with the same message as before but this time the pictures were of me, in my bedroom, on my bed, naked and touching myself. I froze then quickly close my laptop. «OMFG this guy was watching me through my webcam while I was masturbating». That made me freak out but I decided to face this bully head on. He was still risking more than me and like what’s wrong with masturbating, everyone does it even when they deny it. I opened up my laptop again and wrote back «FUCK OFF ASSHOLE» then closed it again and went to bed hoping this would be the last of it. I would take my laptop to the Geek Squad and get it checked out tomorrow.

I wasn’t even asleep when this time it was my phone who dinged from a message, I picked it up and saw the message «DO AS TOLD OR DADDY WILL GO TO JAIL» with a video attachment. I clicked it and the blood drained from me when the video started. It was me in my room again, a man was sitting on my bed, I was kneeling between his legs and sucking on his cock. At first the video focused on my head from behind bobbing up and down on a fairly large cock but then the camera rose until it was focused right on … my father’s face and I heard him «OMG Baby I just love how you suck Daddy’s cock»!

Yes my father was guilty of incest and technically statutory rape, he could go to jail for a long time even if I was a willing participant which was the case. Actually I was the one who had seduced him. Mom had died a few years ago and he’d taken such good care of me, it just seemed natural when I started thinking about sex that Daddy should be the one to have me. It had been going on for about a year, almost every day, sometimes twice a day, I would suck his cock or he would fuck me. I hadn’t replaced Mom as his love, I just took care of his sexual needs and went on with the rest of my life, including having boyfriends and even letting a couple fuck me. They were ok but never as good as daddy.

I froze for what seemed like an eternity, then finally typed in «YES YES, I’LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT, PLEASE DON’T HURT MY DADDY» and then received my instructions : «Be at his address Saturday at 10am no later, make up a story that you’ll be back Sunday evening only. DO NOT BE LATE OR ELSE DADDY WILL BE PUT WAY» it said. I just answered yes and started shivering in fear. I debated all week on what to do but really I had no choice, I just couldn’t send Daddy to jail, especially since I was the one that had seduced him. That nasty pervert probably just wanted to fuck me, I kind of like fucking, well liked it a lot, so it couldn’t be all that bad if is he was fat and bald. So I made arrangements and told Daddy I’d be spending the weekend with my BFF Cindy and he said no problem, have a great time.

So this is how I ended up here on this grey Saturday morning. I was about to knock when I saw the box at the doorstep. I opened it and there was a card, some black leather mask thing and super tall black stripper high heels. The card said «Strip and put on the mask and shoes, then knock». Well in for a penny, in for a pound I guess. I looked around and luckily the cabin was pretty much remote so nobody would see me naked. I stripped off my leggings and top and struggled to put on the stripper shoes then I put on the mask. It was all black leather and had openings for my mouth and holes for the nostrils but then eyes were covered with some kind of removable mask. It closed with a zipper in the back. Once I zipped it shut, I extended my hand, fumbled a bit to find the door and knocked.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/doc9ki/hacked_webcam_f4m_bdsm_ageplay_beast_incest_part_1


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