The Virgin and the Beast [MF]

She always loved the graveyard, she found it peaceful and inspiring, she found it the best place to really meditate on her life and goals, a bonus was that it was almost always deserted she could find a gravestone and settle into the cool grass and light her candles and just relax knowing that she wouldn’t get bothered by the usual idiots that made it their goal to taunt her daily.
Being a girl who was inspired by the dark side of life wasn’t easy in this town, but at least she felt like the spirits understood her and if they didn’t well, at least she felt a little creepier in her mundane life.
She usually wandered slowly amongst the stones waiting for one to feel right, she needed the energy to feel inviting, as she walked silently she thought she heard something in the bushes, which made her milky white skin tingle with fear, spinning around ready to give the creep a mouthful, she realised that the ‘creep’ was in fact a bird that was fighting with another bird over that spot to sleep in.
Continuing her walk she laughed at herself for getting frightened in this place that she spent most nights in alone, finally she found a headstone that made her feel comfortable, she got onto her knees and thanked the inhabitant of the grave for the seat she was about to take; placing her bag down next to her she set up her candles and incense in the grass around her.
Reading her Anne Rice novel she realised she was feeling aroused and alone, she took a sip from her bottle of wine and glanced at her watch, it wasn’t too late, she could stay a little longer, finding her spot on the page she carried on reading.
She awoke with a start, a feeling of being watched had roused her from her sleep, she looked at her watch and noticed she’d dozed off for about an hour or so, sitting up, she noticed a figure in the distance, standing, watching; feeling uncomfortable she started to pack her things away, as she did the figured slowly came towards her, he was wearing a mask she could see and a black robe, for a moment she wasn’t sure if she was still dreaming or not.
Feeling slightly more awake she knew she couldn’t allow this person to scare her away from her sacred space, ‘’Who are you and what do you want?’’ she called out hearing the quiver in her own voice, the figure continued to walk towards her and she realised he was wearing a goat’s head, this was like her dream, a man with a goat’s head that ravished her and left his mark upon her skin and her soul.

‘’I’ve been watching you my child, i’ve seen the desire for the dark and the desire for sex in your eyes many times’’ his hand reached out and caressed her cheek, his thumb running lightly across her lips; her body froze, she was a virgin, she touched herself almost nightly to a fantasy like this, she felt her nipples become hard and knew that she was growing wet just from this strangers touch.
There was a faint smell of incense and dirt to this man, she could only see his eyes glisten through the holes cut into the goat’s head he wore, ‘’I can smell your desire for me, a virgin with such a lust is a fine treasure indeed’’ she felt her knees almost let her down as he spoke to her, he let his fingers trace her face and slowly start their descent down her slender neck and collarbone, her breath hitching in her chest as he undid the first button on her dress, he let out a small chuckle, her innocence was clear and it aroused him and made him want to take her even more than he was originally, she raised her hands to touch him she wanted to feel him, she unbuttoned his robe as slowly as he unbuttoned her dress.

He slowly led them both to the ground, he lay her down, running his fingers over her eyelids to close her eyes, she could hear him breathing, he placed something beside her, he leaned over her, letting his hot breath dance against her ear ‘’you my dear are a divine delight, i have longed for such a sweet witch such as yourself’’, he continued to undress her slowly, relishing in her milky white untouched skin, her nipples pink and oh so ripe, her hips perfectly befitting this maiden, he could see she was ready for him, her moist cunt inviting, intoxicating him.
She lay still, feeling his hands, mouth, tongue tasting and feeling every inch of her, his tongue, lightly, delicately caressed her nipples, one at a time, tasting each as if it were a rare treat, lightly flicking her nipples caressing her breast, devouring her a part at a time.
The cold air lightly danced over her skin, her damp nipples prickling in the chilly air, the goosebumps on her skin a mixture of adrenaline and cold.
She felt him place his hands on her hips, her hang ups about her curves all melting with his touch, she swallowed away her apprehension as he pushed her legs apart, she could feel his warm breath glide over her now desperate lips, as he lightly traced her mound with his deft tongue, she gasped slightly feeling him pry deeper, tasting her sweet nectar.

He knew he has never tasted anyone as sweet as her, each stroke of his tongue made her gasp and made his cock throb in desperation for her moist warmth.
He continued to expertly tease her clit, making her body shiver with pleasure, guiding her fingers inside of herself as he continued to encircle her swollen clit, her hips moved towards him involuntarily, he knew she was close now, his mouth around her bud now sucking lightly, until he felt her tense, her cry of ecstasy as she came all over her fingers and around him.
As her head rolled to the side with the last waves of pleasure, he knew he couldn’t wait any longer, he sunk his solid cock deep inside her, letting out a small moan of pleasure, her velvety cunt devouring him, her body was his and he knew it.
His thrusts were deep and hard, both of their bodies were in tune with one another, their rhythm so perfect for one another, she could feel him inside her, she felt herself clenching onto him, his moans and gasps were her fuel, feeling herself rise to a climax again, both of them coming together pulsing and panting.
She felt him rise from her, ‘’You may dress, but do not open your eyes’’ she could hear him putting his clothes and mask back on as she dressed herself, once they were both dressed he allowed her to look at him again, ‘’You belong to me now, you gave your only gift to me my child, now let us leave here’’ and without thinking twice she took his hand and went with him.
