Her Name was Natalie (part 1) [mF] [oral] [rimming] [light humiliation]

Her name was Natalie and she had a great ass, for a white girl. We met in college, although ‘met’ might be a bit of an overstatement. We had some classes together and said hi in the hallways. Other than that, our paths rarely crossed. If she wasn’t studying, she would be at the gym, or out jogging. And it showed. That great ass was part of a fit body, and she knew it. She didn’t exactly flaunt it, but she did make sure her clothes were tight or revealing enough to show off her long, toned legs, her flat stomach, and her nice full breasts. She had a boyfriend, because of course she did. He was a remnant of her high school life. From the way she talked to him on the phone, I could tell he wasn’t that high on her list of priorities. But then again, neither was I. I was just around. Until one night in the fall.

I was sitting on the quad, smoking a joint and scrolling through my feeds, when I heard her shouting in the distance. She sounded upset, angry. I looked up to see her coming over, oblivious to her surroundings, just yelling into her phone. What she was saying, I wasn’t sure. It was clear she just came from the gym, dressed in her tight pants and sports bra. I’ll admit, even in her current state, she was a sight for sore eyes.

“You don’t get to decide that!” she screamed and hung up.Her shoulders dropped, she put her hands to her face and started crying.

For a moment I hesitated, but what else was I to do? I walked over to her.

“Hey, Natalie. You OK?”

She glanced up, blinking tears from her eyes.

“Oh, hey. No. No, not exactly.”

And before I knew what happened, she had her arms wrapped around me and was sobbing into my hoodie. I embraced her. She smelled nice, sweaty. After a while she pulled back a little.

“I’m sorry, my boyfriend, he thinks I spend too much time at the gym and not enough …” She stopped and looked up at me. “You probably don’t want to hear this.”

I shrugged. “Chances are I won’t know what to say, but I don’t mind listening. Come, sit with me.”

I led her back to the bench I had been sitting on.

“I get it, you know,” she said, “he wants more time and I should be happy about that. But I need to focus on my studies.”

“You weren’t studying just now.”

She frowned at me. “You sound just like him.”

“Sorry, just a thought.”

“I need it to clear my head. When I work out, pushing myself, sweating, I feel at peace.”

“Couldn’t you … sweat with him?”

She chuckled, but shook her head. “Whenever I’m with him my mind always gets, I don’t know. Fuzzy? It’s hard to explain.”

We were silent for a moment. I held up the remaining half of my joint, mostly to break the silence.

“Want some?”

“Yeah, sure. I could use it.”

I lit up and handed it to her. She took a long drag, holding in the smoke.

“Do you love him?”She snorted and then started coughing, the smoke clouding around her head.

“Jesus Christ. What kind of question is that?”

“What? You sound as if you don’t want to be near him. If you were my girlfriend …” The sentence hung in the air and I wished I could take it back. Especially when she let out a low chuckle.

“But I’m not, am I?”

She put the joint to her lips again, a thoughtful look on her face as she inhaled before passing it to me.

“Do you think I’m pretty?”

“Yes.” I had answered almost before she finished. Then, trying to sound more casual: “Yes, of course. Who wouldn’t?”

She placed her hand on mine. We both looked at it, her thin, pale fingers on my big, dark skin. She pulled back suddenly, as if she had surprised herself. With a soft sigh she stood up and took two steps before turning back to me.

“Thanks for listening. See you in class.”

She started to walk away.

“Told you I’d say the wrong thing!” I called after her.

She gave me a smile over her shoulder.

“I’m not sure you did.”

I watched her ass until it disappeared into the night.

I didn’t see her in class the next few days. But a week after our nightly rendezvous, there was a curt knock on my door. It was almost midnight and I was definitely not expecting anyone. When opening the door a crack, Natalie was standing there, staring off into the distance, swaying lightly on her feet.

“Are you OK?” I asked her, opening the door further.

She had a weird look on her face and her eyes seemed to gauge me, size me up, until they narrowed as they settled on my face.

“You think I’m pretty, right?” She slurred her words ever so slightly and I could smell alcohol on her breath.

“I- Uh, yeah.”

Placing a hand on my chest, she pushed me back into the room, closing the door behind her.”Good, I want to test something.”

“Wha- I don’t think …” I was mostly confused, but she cut me off.

“Shh, don’t talk.”

She had walked me all the way to my bed and now gave me a single shove. The force of it surprised me and I fell backwards onto the mattress. She was short, easily a head shorter than me, but now it seemed as if she towered above me. She was dressed for a night out, a short skirt and a white top, and white sneakers. Those I got to see up close as she climbed on the bed, planting her feet on either side of my shoulders. A soft gasp escaped my lips at the sight that greeted me. She wasn’t wearing anything under the skirt and even hidden in the shadows her naked pussy was the prettiest thing I had ever seen.

“I want to … I think that … My boyfriend …” She started several times, but couldn’t quite finish her thought.

“Do what you want”, I said, and meant it. My pants felt tight and my mouth was salivating. God, I wanted to taste her.

Suddenly I was plunged into darkness as she squatted down, her skirt falling all around my head. My nose pressed into her pubic hair, I could smell only her, her sweat and her arousal, and gingerly I extended my tongue. As soon as it touched her wet folds, I could hear her moan and felt her weight coming down on me. Emboldened I began to work my tongue all around her bare labia and into her pussy, her juices flowing into my mouth. I drank greedily as she ground on top of me. Her legs held my head in a vice. My hands went to her hips instinctively, but she pushed them back down with surprising ease. She was strong, much stronger than I could have guessed, and it turned me on immensely. Just as suddenly as she had squatted down, she stood back up. Without a word she turned around and sat back down on my face, pinning my hands under her knees. Bending forward slightly, her skirt rode up and let in enough light to give me the best view I had ever had: her tight round ass just in front of my face, her dark asshole already wet from her juices and my saliva. This time I wasn’t as cautious, licking and kissing her with abandon. She pushed back into me, panting and moaning, her knees digging painfully into my hands. I struggled to breathe, managing briefly to inhale her musk, my nose buried between her cheeks. My cock strained against my pants when her ass suffocated me again. My tongue lapped from her clit to her asshole, pushing a little way inside her rosebud. The tremor of her moan reverberated through my body. I couldn’t tell you how long I ate her out like that. But I could tell when she was getting close, as her moans intensified and her hips started moving forwards and back. I pushed my tongue flat against her and she rode it hard, all the way to her orgasm. Her thighs gripped my head as her body shook and a gush of wetness washed over my face. Panting she fell forward, her head on my leg. I remained motionless, staring at the ceiling with a big grin on my face.

“Damn, Natalie”, I said finally, not sure what else to say.

She climbed off of me and sat on the bed. I sat up next to her.

“I needed that, I think.” Her voice quivered.

“Well, it was my pleasure”, I grinned.

She seemed lost in thought, until I took her hand an placed in on the erection in my pants. With a yelp she pulled her hand back.

“Uhm,” I said, my confidence diminished, “care to return the favor?”

The look she gave me was not quite one of disgust, but close enough. To my own surprise, it only made my cock harder.

“Oh, fine. Stand up.”

I nearly jumped up and dropped my pants and boxers. She had a smirk on her face when she gripped my dark shaft. I knew I wasn’t that big, but honestly, I didn’t really care. I had made her orgasm, hard, and her hand felt great, stroking me up and down. This wouldn’t take long, I could feel that now, so I reached for her breasts, wanting a peak at least. Who knew if I would ever get the chance again? She swatted my hand away, annoyed, but pulled her top down nonetheless. Her pale breasts, firm and topped with light pink nipples surrounded by small areolas, bounced into view.

“They are nice, aren’t they?” she asked, cupping a breast and gently pulling on the nipple.

I nodded, transfixed, a guttural moan escaping me. She sped up her movements, stroking my entire length and twisting her hand around my glans every time she passed it. Thrusting my hips forward, I could feel my orgasm approaching. She took hold of my balls, pulling on them and twisting them a bit too hard. With a loud groan, I closed my eyes and tilted my head backwards. My knees shook and I felt sparks all the way to my toes and fingertips as I shot my load.

“Now what are we going to do with this?”

She was holding up a hand filled with my cum. A bit deflated after my orgasm, and still with my pants around my ankles, I shrugged, looking around for some tissues.

“On your knees.”

All the hesitation and insecurity she had shown when I had opened the door had left her. She was in control and we both knew it. I went down on my knees.

“Eat it.”

Now I hesitated, looking from her cum-filled hand to her face, which showed a mix of disdain and excitement.

“Look, Natalie,” I began, but she cut me off.

“Eat it, and we might do this again. Don’t, and this is over.”

It wasn’t as if I had never tasted myself, but it wasn’t exactly a habit either. But this was about more than me eating my cum. This was about me obeying her. And I didn’t have a problem with that. Quite the contrary, if I was honest with myself. Bending forward, I gave her hand a lick before slurping the salty, sticky seed from her palm. With a smile she wiped her hand on my bed, pulled her top up and stood up. At the door she turned around and gave me a wink.

“See you around.”

On my knees, limp cock dangling between them and the taste of cum in my mouth, I was left confused. Happy, but confused.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/dmdsxe/her_name_was_natalie_part_1_mf_oral_rimming_light