[MF] The first time no one asked for

Posted my second time with this girl under the name “Y” . Just decided to tell you about my first time with her .

Skip to “!!!!!!!!!” For the spicy parts

Rain you are the real mvp….

Coming out of the fancy ass pizza place, we found that between us and my car was a 3ft wide river that seemed to appear due to the heavy rains. I being the gentlemen I am decided I will try to jump it to pull the car closer so “y” didn’t have to get wet ( little did I know …) .

So imagine a wet ground and me jumping over a 3ft wide 4 inch deep stream . I got wet . My socks were wet. I didn’t look back at her because embarrassment …. I got the car though !

“Y “ only laughed and told me I was so brave with a sarcastic tone . Heh whatever I thought .

As I was driving her home we talked about some Netflix shows I should watch and agreed we will watch it together sometime. Until I decided we should just pick up some one and watch it that night ! Y agreed and decided she would pick the wine since she just started drinking .

Now at this point I’m still thinking we are close friends nothing more ,so all this still seemed normal. I’m also kinda thick in the brain so I didn’t catch any hints at all.

Grabbed wine , she got me clothes to wear while she dried my wet clothes , started Netflix and invited me to her bed …..

Just there lying together watching episode after episode.

Of course I’m turned on at the point and she is laying in front of me. All My tipsy self can think about is her soft skin and whether I should just go for it and touch it .

!!!!!!!!!!!! Like the beginning it’s kinda hot but not hot hot yet

So I go for it . But if you know me from my previous story …. I gotta get that permission yo.

“ do you want a massage ?

Y just lays on her front and says “ only if you want to ! “

I straddle her and Start on her shoulders through her shirt, only to ask her to remove so it would be a bit more comfy .

Going from the top of her back to her butt. I wanted to make sure she was happy and feeling good . I start to slow down a bit and Y mentions I could stop and we can sleep if I am tired .

I was tired so I agreed.

Y just stands up turns the lights off and lays down right in front of me .


I can feel her breathe right in front of my mouth and I return that wordless exchange .

The moisture , the heat, the intensity of our breathing being the only type of contact in this dark room .

I could not take it anymore , so I decided to inch my way to the source of her breathing .

Then it happens .

Our lips made contact but it didn’t stop there . Her tongue and my tongue just started battling for domination.
Clothes start flying, arms start grasping and I decided I’m going to be on top .

It was way too dark to see other than a bit of moonlight hitting her collar bone . Weirdly that drove me crazy and I started to kiss lower and lower sucking each nipple , ridge and crevice until I’m met with what I’m guessing was her flower ( I told you it was dark ).

And it was soaking…

I take one big lick just to taste her and low key gauge where everything is and just start licking and sucking away .

I put my hand on her just to feel her breathe ,while the other hand is exploring inside . And in a few minutes she just pulls me up and grabs my average sized dick ( what else did you want to hear? ) … and grabs my self proclaimed nice looking piece of man hood .

She strokes it slowly over her belly . In my head this moment was a good pause. I ask her if she is okay. She probably nodded because next thing I know she aligns me and pulls me in .

That’s when I knew,
She was in control the entire time ….

I could not believe how wet this girl was and she knew. I could not even tell if she was tight , all I knew was this girl felt good as fuck. (Well yeah that’s what fucking means. )

I grabbed her ass as some points to help her out but she did not need my help. She was getting what she wanted.

Her hips just slid up and down with such ferocity. I literally lasted a minute or two of it .

Thing is …. she didn’t not stop and now I’m in a wave of my orgasm partially scared but also enjoying this feeling .

Finally she collapses and I along with her .
We got comfortable and just fell asleep.

We wake up and she basically does the whole “ I have work this morning and oh btw you snore “ , so I had a little walk of shame to my car.

However , part two of this story is already up :) so we continued and if you read it … you know how wet she can get !

Thanks for reading if you read . My other story didn’t get loads of attention which is why I named this “ no one asked for” . I just wanted to share my experience with Y because she was definitely different than any other girl I’ve been with .

Also sorry for any grammar. I’m on mobile and I didn’t care much for English in high school and college ( mathematics major)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dmatee/mf_the_first_time_no_one_asked_for