A Deep Dive into Sunshine (NSFW, requested fantasy)

Some guys seem to have it all; the sweet car, the bad ass girls and even the lifestyle that comes along with “having it all together.” Nick Dulakis is by no means one of those guys. Sure he served his country and survived some incredible things with the stories to accompany them, but Nick has never seemed to get his shit together after leaving the service despite his growing up on military bases across Europe. He is well traveled and certainly has gotten some culture in his life. Despite this, between the time spent playing video games and aimlessly chatting in Reddit chat rooms, Nick’s life is just a dull grey thing not hardly worth them mention.
[Phone ringing in the sound of Shinedown’s Simple Man] (…well momma told me, when I was youn…) “What’s up girl?… Nah, I don’t have much planned for tonight, why what’s up…Yeah okay, what time’s that going down…Never been to one of those types of parties before, I’m down. You want me to swing by and pick you up, we can head there together…Shit, okay, I’ll hit you up when I’m on the way to your neck of the woods…A-ight, I’ll let you know.” (Before you go and get all excited allow me to explain. Nick and Keila grew up practically next door to each other. They’ve been the best of friends for as long as anyone can remember. In elementary school they would steal Winchester Unfiltered cigarettes from Keila’s grandfather and smoke them under the bridge at the front of their neighborhood. By the time they made it to middle school, Keila’s mom had already brought Nick home in the middle of the night after finding that he had snuck in Keila’s window and fallen asleep with her in the bed more than twenty times. Keila was the first girl Nick had seen naked and vice versa (that’s a whole other story for another time), but it wasn’t long into the early high school years that Keila turned out to be completely gay. This small detail had literally zero impact on their relationship as the two have never skipped a beat in their friendship. Keila wanted the best for her friend so she constantly did all in her power to get him out of the house and doing things. Unbeknownst to the clueless Nick, Keila unofficially adopted a mission to find Nick a girl, so every opportunity she got, she was introducing him to yet another candidate. Nothing ever seemed to stick) ‘A murder-mystery party’ he thought, ‘never had any clue these things actually existed’. Nick’s curiosity was peaked so he decided it best to get on with his day. Nick didn’t leave his apartment much except for work occasionally and the gym. His dedication to fitness was about the only thing he held onto after leaving the Army a few years back. Between his online gaming buddies, the anonymous bloggers on Reddit and obviously Keila, none besides the regulars at the gym ever really “saw” Nick or even knew he existed.
The remainder of the day flew by for Nick as most all of his days typically would. He even mentioned to his clan in their online chat separate from the game about the party he was going to attend that evening adding that he may not be online until a little later depending on how the night unfolded.
On the way over Nick called up Keila as he said he would to let her know that he was in route. The excitement in her voice quickly became reciprocal as he neared the parking lot of her apartment. Keila was outside smoking a cigarette as he pulled up and quickly jumped in the passenger seat of his Yukon before he even came to a complete stop. “Bro, this party is going to be packed with single girls tonight, I can’t wait to see what I can pull” Keila exclaimed to Nick. “Really dude, a hoodie, the same dirty jeans and Chucks you look like you’ve been wearing all week” she quickly hammered before giving Nick the chance to speak. ‘Here we go’ he thought, “It’s good to see you too and I’m certainly glad you told me you were planning to dress up tonight” Nick stated in a sarcastic manner. The fact is that Keila always dressed overly nice for every occasion as she was a well-established bachelorette constantly on the prowl for her next fling. It was a lesson failed on her part to impress on her friend who gave off the vibe of half nerdy and mostly just not giving a shit. “Didn’t we just go shopping together the other day and get you a few shirts, nicer looking jeans and actual nice looking shoes?” “Keila, if you thought I should have dressed up to match you, you think you could have told me something earlier…right?” “I love you to death, just don’t know what the hell I’m ever going to do with you bro” she stated as she plugged in her phone and started blasting Deadmau5. (To the untrained observer, Keila and Nick could easily pass for brother and sister. Practically the same age, Nick has the potential to actually be a handsome guy if he wouldn’t be so unkempt all the time. Pushing 6’, he’s naturally tanned, dark hair, blue eyes and has an accent even I can’t quite place and I’m the one telling this story. The guy lifts weights religiously and is very lean, I guess its because he just doesn’t eat. There is rarely a time you will catch him not playing some video game or generally wasting the day away. Keila is the polar opposite at barely 5’ and change, fair complexion, light brown hair and dark eyes. Its more in the way she dresses and presents herself and this exact lesson is one that she’ll be dammed that Nick will finally learn one day…fit and act the part if you want the girl! It’s something that Keila learned long ago…shit, how fast does this fucker drive? Shall we get back to the story at hand since they’ve now made it to the house where the party is being held?) Keila’s sneaky plan to talk some confidence into Nick seemed to be paying off, she did after all talk the whole ride over. Keila was involved with the host of the party in setting up the guest invite list so she knew well there was going to be more single girls at this party than even she would know what to do with. “Keep that swagger about you when we walk in and lets go meet some new people” Keila said as they approached the door of the house. A sign next to the doorbell read, “Welcome to a murder mystery. At the top of every hour all attendees should congregate at the kitchen table to discuss the previous hour’s findings before drawing another scenario slip from the top hat in the center of the table. Follow the directions on your individual scenario slip and let the rest of the hour play out. Anybody left alive should participate in solving the murder or deception and misdirection to get away with it. Unsolved murders reward the murderer with their choice of “top shelf” drink each scenario. Everything goes, welcome and have fun!” Nick and Keila both looked at each other and without a word spoken gave the same look of intrigue to one another as they entered the house.
The first scenario had just kicked off a few minutes before Nick and Keila arrived so the two walked in and went their separate ways to get a feel of the vibe happening inside.
“Want a beer?” a random guy asked as Nick approached the kitchen. ‘Red Stripe, okay, this guy must be good people’ Nick thought as he extended his hand and promptly thanked the random guy. The two discussed the rules of the game for a few as he encouraged Nick to grab a slip from the hat and jump into the game. “Appreciate it bro.” Nick finished up his first beer and read the small slip of paper as he walked from room to room exploring the house and getting a real feel for things. It seemed that each room had its own set-up complete with an individual theme of sorts. Each was unique in its own way and none really had anything to do with another. One room had board games set up on a couple of child sized tables, children’s toys in a box off-set to the center of the room and even a set of jump ropes laying on the floor. The bathroom adjacent was lit only by a black light. What appeared to be smeared blood was streaked across the mirror and there was even a topless girl in the Jacuzzi tub listening to headphones. ‘That’s some extremely nice tits’ Nick thought before giving a slight nod to the girl and moving on to the next room. ‘This party definitely has some potential’ he couldn’t help but to think as he turned the knob to open the next room. This was clearly the bedroom of the owner and the host of the party. The California King sized bed had bondage equipment, sex toys for both males and females and even whips and handcuffs on the nightstand. ‘Fuck yeah, this is the room I want to be in’ barely crossed Nick’s mind as the door across the room opened slowly. Nick was caught off guard and took a figurative step back as she walked in. The light from the neighboring room glistened through her soft, long and wavy red hair. Her porcelain skin was of perfect contrast to her freckled face, neck and arms. This tall ginger goddess was wearing a cropped top shirt accentuating her voluptuous rack and quite favorably showing off her long sexy little mid-section. Her smartly short, yet still nearly-conservative skirt had sprouting forth from them a sexy pair of long slender legs of porcelain perfection to match the rest of her everything flawlessness. ‘Holy shit’ is the only though Nick could muster as he and this startling beauty locked eyes. Knowing he had to say something before awkward set in, Nick lumped together a half-ass wise comment after looking slightly toward his slip without fully breaking eye contact, “glad to make your acquaintance.” ‘Really? Seriously, fucking say something, do something better than that’ he thought as he played the room for what it presented in a near panic. Nick slid across the floor quickly closing the distance with a handkerchief he picked up near the foot of the bed, “does this smell like chloroform” he wisely cracked as the girl equally witted in rebut, “no, it smells like cum.” Chuckling slightly and playing into the made-up scenario Nick threw out, he assisted this ginger deity onto the bed as she played into it. Not a moment after she pretended to sleep now fully laid out on the bed, a small group plunged through the door asking if the girl on the bed had been murdered. Nick stated that he didn’t believe so, that she appeared to be only sleeping in this odd setting. After a quick assessment, the small group meandered onto the next room over closing the door behind them. “I’m Nick” he whispered low into the ear of the pretend sleeping girl who gave a slight shiver before returning with, “very nice to meet you, I’m Olivia.”
‘A beautiful name to go with a smoking hot girl’ he thought as he accidently muttered “gorgeous naval, uh, I mean name.” Olivia blushed and thanked him before whispering to inquire how long she should stay pretend drugged in this manner. Nick didn’t know what to say but simply said “long enough for us to get to know one another.” Olivia opened her eyes briefly and smiled nearly catching Nick eye her up and down.
Nick took great advantage of the time he created for himself with Olivia making up crazier and crazier stories to each person or group of people that walked into the room asking about the game. While the others didn’t seem to catch what he was saying without saying, Olivia figured out quickly that he was doing all in his power to keep others away which really made her happy. The two got to know each other pretty well with their conversation escalating quickly. By the time the top of the hour approached, neither wanted to leave the situation in which the quickly seized opportunity created for them.
Walking in fashionably late to the discussion of the murder clearly at hand, Nick and Olivia moseyed toward the rest of the group in the most non-challan of manners with only Keila really noticing them clearly fancying each other. “Keila, this is Olivia.” Keila slapped Nick’s ass as he motioned over toward Olivia to finish the greeting between the two, “this is my home girl since we were barely out of diapers.” Keila being more than wise to what she was clearly witnessing before her even before it had time to fully develop reciprocated the introduction in just short enough of mannerism as to not seem rude or short before stating that she would see the two of them in the game before making her way off. (Nick and Olivia were both a little awkward I’m sorry to have to be the one to point out, but they were certainly attracted to each other without a doubt. Well into the next scenario the two were never out of each other’s immediate company halfway playing the game, but more less getting to know each other) Aimlessly walking through each room of the house and getting to know each other better, Nick and Olivia found their way onto the lanai in the back of the house. There was a barrel fire burning in the yard with a few tree stumps set up in a circle around the fire as seats. Nick took a seat and pulled Olivia onto his lap. His nervousness was just under control when he finally made a move toward a kiss. (It was about time to be honest, the poor girl couldn’t give any more blatent signals.) From the moment their lips first met, fireworks seem to set off in both of their stomachs replacing the butterflies that had long been present. ‘Her lips are so soft’ Nick thought as he realized right then that this was the first girl he had kissed in longer than he wanted to think about and certainly wouldn’t admit. As the kiss became more affectionate Nick’s hands rubbed up and down Olivia’s back before brushing across the base of her neck slightly. An obvious but very quiet whimper made its way up through Olivia’s body which was picked up by Nick. Her deep inhalation coupled with the tensing of her butt in his lap noticeably excited Nick. Olivia felt his penis get noticeably harder under her causing her to pull back slightly from the intensity of the kiss and open her eyes in surprise. Nick took notice which emboldened him to pull her closer, kiss her deeper and allow his hands to wander down her back more gradually.
The kiss had quickly become an all-out make out session with the two breathing heavier and getting more into it by the moment. (The attraction quickly morphed into infatuation as the hours of the night drew on. The murder-mystery game soon became completely side-bar as Nick and Olivia got more touchy-feely with each passing minute. Time has the habit of flying when having fun and in this way the party was drawing its end as people started to leave.)
Keila found Nick and Olivia as the remainder of the people were giving their farewells on their way out the front door and into the yard. “Don’t worry about me bro, I’m staying out later and will get my own ride home, no worries.” Keila didn’t allow Nick to even rebuttal her statement before adding, “I’ll hit you up tomorrow.” Eyeing Olivia, Nick quickly offered, “hop in with me, I’ll give you a ride.” Olivia gave another of her slightly blushed smiles as he opened the passenger door of his Yukon to let her climb in. Exuding confidence, Nick slightly reclined his seat back a bit as he turned the key to the ignition and quickly turned the volume of the radio down low. The truck filled more and more with tension with each passing mile per hour on the speedometer. At the very first stop Nick leaned toward Olivia who hurriedly met him half way to again kiss. Her racing breaths were met with his as Nick placed his hand on her slender porcelain leg nearly fully exposed as the seat seemed to hike her skirt up. Her breathing intensified as his hand reached further up her leg and his tongue slipped deeper into her mouth. Only the honking of a car behind them slowed the escalation. Nick’s hand did not move from its noticeably welcomed perch as he began to drive. Inching slowly up her leg, Olivia strengthened his resolve by pushing her hips forward in the seat and gapping her legs slightly to allow easier access. The warmth radiating from between her legs was palpable and Nick wasted no time working his hand all the way up toying with the elastic band of her boy-cut underwear’s left leg opening. Olivia grabbed Nick’s hand and aided its exploration. ‘Wow she’s wet, play it cool and this will happen’ Nick thought to himself. Before he could begin to ask further direction. Olivia quickly gave instruction that lead the vehicle to a massive lake park not far off the main road. The park itself was dimly lit toward the middle of each parking area scattered around the perimeter of the lake. The moment the vehicle’s transmission was placed into park and the lights turned off, Olivia sprang into the second row’s captain’s chair directly behind her seat. Never losing the grip on Nick’s hand, he was drawn into the back with her. Nearly pouncing atop, Olivia’s legs wrapped around his back and drew him in tight as their lips again connected. The kissing was intense as each frantically pulled off their shirts. In the dim light entering from the distant light pole, Olivia’s bright skin seemed to nearly glow in the light. Her voluptuous breasts now on full display beckoned a slight pause as Nick longingly beheld how perfectly her nipples were sized for her melon sized C-Cups, now fully erect in excitement. With two massive handfuls of breasts, Nicks began kissing her neck. This was clearly an erogenous region as she let out a moan. Feeding off of this, Nick made his way slowly down the left side of Olivia’s neck teasing further with a lick before reaching her collar bone. Olivia was breathing heavier and heavier as his hands were repositioned further down her sides as Nick began to kiss her breasts and tease her nipples further.
Making his way down slowly, Nick circled his tongue around Olivia’s belly button as he noticed in his peripheral her neck cock back and eyes begin to roll slightly. Abruptly, Nick then pushed both hands up either side of Olivia’s skirt and grabbed a handful of panty in each hand. “You don’t have to” muttered Olivia in the faintest of speech. Nick paid no attention as he pulled her panties down to her knees. ‘She’s wearing little boy’s Spiderman underwear, badass’ thought Nick as Olivia again, more audibly stated, “you don’t have to, really.” With only, “just relax sweetie” Nick finished removing the panties down her legs and off the tips of her shoes. Grabbing each hip and repositioning Olivia’s pelvis forward for easier access, it was then, at a complete standstill Nick paused in pure amazement. ‘Oh my fucking God!’ (Nick had only a handful of sexual experiences of any kind and he had never in his life been struck in such awe as this) ‘Her pussy is perfect!’ Nick thought in pure excitement as he beheld the naturally grown triangle of red pubic hair with perhaps a week worth of growth framing the clearly engorged lips barely touching with slight overlap. The contrast of delicate porcelain skin outside was in perfect harmony to her deliciously pink gleaming wet pussy. It made his mouth water reminding him of Bubble Yum bubble gum as he anxiously inched his eager mouth closer for the first taste. ‘She’s so fucking sweet’ was the only thought as he dove in tongue first.
From as far down as his tongue could reach, Nick slowly licked upwards between her now sobbing wet pussy lips. Olivia made no secret of the intense pleasure she was experiencing as Nick began to toy with her throbbing clit now protruding from its cleaver hideaway. With each thumb he spread her delicate lips wider as to assert his entire tongue for the maximum sensation. Pushing the fingers on both hands under Olivia’s ass cheeks, Nick pulled her closer and gaped her wider as he reenacted every lesbian porno flick he had ever studied. The light shining in through the windshield was sufficient enough to render every gorgeous detail of this picturesque pussy now so sopping wet it began to puddle beneath her in the seat. Upon first contact with her incredibly pink little starfish ass hole, Olivia bellowed out a moan into her first orgasm. Nick pushed his tongue as deeply as it would reach into her incredibly tight little vaginal canal. “Oh my God, baby, baby oh…” Olivia moaned as she attempted to thrust her pelvis forward in a way to allow his tongue to penetrate deeper into her. Barely a minute later a wave of sweetness filled Nicks entire mouth as Olivia again came another gush of wet tastiness. “It’s your turn” she said rather forcefully as she again thrusted her hips forward, this time to push Nick’s mouth away. Nick retreated to the captain’s chair next to hers and watched as Olivia finished removing her skirt. ‘She’s got the sexiest little moles just barely visible on her stomach’ Nick thought as he realized his cock was glued to his leg with pre cum. Olivia made her way in between Nick’s legs in the sexiest of manners rubbing slowly up both of his legs. She slowed in complete awe as her right hand brushed against the bulge through his pants of his left leg. Licking her lips with a devious little smile she pulled the recline bar and pushed Nick back into a reclining position in his seat as she worked his button and then zipper down. Providing only the tiniest assist, Nick lifted his butt slightly and Olivia pulled his pants to his ankles.
Her eyes widened as she again hesitated. Grabbing two hands-full of elastic waist band, Olivia inched his boxer briefs slowly down. Her awe turned into shock when his fully erect penis slapped upward now being free of its cotton housing. (Olivia had even less sexual experience than Nick. Having only had a couple of boyfriends she had ever had sex with in the past, this was not in any way what she had before experienced) Her eyes said what no words could properly express. With exhilaration and intense bewilderment Olivia grasped two handfuls of Nick’s cock and realized there was still more remaining. “I’ve never worked with something of this magnitude before” Olivia stated bluntly. Nick couldn’t give a response before the complete ecstasy overwhelmed his body as Olivia cupped her mouth around the head of his dick leading with her tongue. She slowly stroked the shaft upwards with both hands to receive a generous portion of pre cum. (One could describe Nick as a little strange. He often practiced borderline self-masochism by practicing a technique known as “edging.” Like practically everything else he had learned in terms of sexuality, the copious amounts of porno he watched taught him this technique. He would consistently masturbate just to the point of orgasm and then abruptly stop. Supposedly this is what the porn professionals would do along with supplementation to increase the amount of cum in their orgasms.) Olivia seemed more than thrilled to not only receive this in her mouth, to which she happily swallowed and sought more, but also having a man-sized dick for once. It became more and more apparent to Nick that her statement earlier was of no exaggeration. Olivia licked up and down the shaft while stroking it wildly as if it were a shake-weight during her exercise. Nick laid back enjoying every second of getting his dick sucked. “I want you so bad” Olivia said to Nick. “I want you in me.” Ready to oblige, Nick reached over to grab Olivia by the waist and push her back to her still soaked seat. Reclining it back he pulled her completely forward as he knelt before her. He toyed with her, starting with the middle of his shaft between her puffy pussy lips with small thrusts toward the ceiling of the truck. Dragging his dripping penis head down between her lips carefully toward her tiny little opening, he tapped as if he were knocking on her door. Olivia bit her bottom lip and her eyes began to widen to the size of soft balls as he made small circular motions at her ridiculously tight little hole. As the head slowly penetrated Olivia whined “oh be gentle” at the top of an incredible moan. Nick pushed in as carefully as possible finally clearing the edges of the head now being gripped snugly. ‘Her pussy is perfect, it’s so fucking tight’ Nick thought as he cautiously pushed in a little further. Olivia immediately began to push back with both her hands against his hips as she let out another moan. Taking the hint, Nick grasped the shaft of his immensely hard dick and motioned small little circles inside of her pussy in an attempt for it to better accommodate him. Olivia’s eyes rolled back into her head as her hands eased off Nick’s hips. Inch by inch Nick slowly pushed in her not daring to make any type of reverse thrust. He continued the circular motions as he felt an overwhelming warm and wet sensation. Olivia moaned louder as she again came. Barely halfway in her, Nick made little contractions, Olivia’s eyes opened just enough to meet Nick’s eyes as she again bit her lip. Beginning to now thrust in and out extremely slowly Nick’s eyes rolled back in pure pleasure. After a few minutes Olivia was able to handle further motion.
Nick was in pure amazement as he noticed the grip her pussy had on his cock as its lips nearly folded completely in on the inward thrust and about an inch worth of incredible pink accompanied his dick on the outward thrust. “Oh, fuck me baby, fuck me like you mean it!” That was all that Nick needed to hear as he grabbed the underneath of Olivia’s knees and pushed them back toward her ears. He began thrusting harder and deeper. The sounds of wetness slopping about overwhelmed that of Nick’s balls clapping against Olivia’s absolutely gorgeous pink little ass hole. The harder and deeper he fucked her, the wetter and sloppier her pussy became. Nick noticed his entire thighs were soaked just as Olivia was quite literally laying in a puddle of her own secretion on the leather seat. At the top of her next orgasm, more explosive than the previous still, Nick pushed in all the way. The gasp Olivia let out overcame that of the moan from her orgasm. He was now bottomed out in her, balls resting snugly against her ass without a single hint of space. Nick thrusted only an inch or so out and back in completely in a barbarous manner, violently thrusting harder and harder. Between the screams “harder, oh harder” is all that was heard when he exploded. With more than eight inches inside of her, completely buried as deep as he could go, the force of his cum came spewing out all around his dick. With each pulsating push of orgasm, he came more and more quite literally filling every bit of Olivia’s incredibly tight little pussy. Once the last pulsation was complete, Nick fiercely pulled completely out of Olivia’s pussy, pushed her knees back further over her head and dropped his face toward her pussy. His tongue first made contact with her asshole as he scooped up as much of his own cum as possible spewing out of her profusely. Once his mouth was completely full, Nick dropped her legs and began to kiss Olivia. Without a skip in beat, Olivia slurped the cum out of his mouth as if a baby bird receiving a meal. Swallowing every bit she could extract, Olivia began to eagerly kiss in return. She had never been so turned on or experienced this before and was nearly overwhelmed with pleasure. “Oh my God, that was amazing” was all that Olivia could manage to piece together through the incredibly deep breathing and overwhelming ecstasy she was still in the midst of.
Nick and Olivia remained in near disarray the entire ride home in almost disbelief as to what they had just experienced together.
“My world is still spinning if I have to be completely honest, would you please come inside to tuck me in?” Olivia asked Nick as the two approached the door of her apartment. “Make yourself comfortable while I get ready for bed please, I will only be a minute.” Nick was still processing the amazing night he still couldn’t believe had actually happened as the door to the bathroom of Olivia’s bedroom sprung open. With just the bed side lamp dimly lighting the room, the backlight of the bathroom displayed before his very eyes one of further disbelief. Finally seeing all the details of her incredible body; her ginger hair pulled back gave full display of her totally bare perfect breasts. Her gorgeous little pink nipples were totally erect as her breasts bounced slightly with each step toward him. Her incredibly sexy hips caught his attention with each strut as his eyes honed in on her unbelievable natural red pussy hair.
‘There is a God’ Nick again thought to himself as Olivia pushed him onto her bed and immediately mounted him, rubbing her already wet pussy on the bulge continuously expanding down his left pant leg. Their lips again met as Nick’s hands were seemingly drawn to the magnificent breasts resting firmly against his chest. Without another thought, Nick began to undress as quickly as possible careful not to disturb the delicate kiss until absolutely necessary. With his pants working their way to his ankles, Olivia ripped of his underwear and immediately swallowed as much of his cock as she could bare. Eagerly sucking and stroking, Olivia’s pussy got wetter and wetter on its perch against Nick’s leg. Once fully satisfied with her efforts of getting his cock as hard as possible, Olivia dove forward, quickly grabbing a handful around his shaft and directed his bulging head into her tight little opening. Olivia was able to accommodate the mass of Nick’s penis much quicker than even she had anticipated and with only a few moments of working it in her completely and was now riding it wildly. With her eyes rolled back in her head, Olivia leaned back and popped her hips with her hands bracing against Nick’s legs. Her moans quickly became screams of intense pleasure as she popped her hips harder thrusting his massive dick deeper and deeper each time. Being more and more turned on by each screaming moan, Nick’s hands cupped Olivia’s ass cheeks, spreading them slightly as he toyed with her asshole using his right middle finger. This clearly drove Olivia to be further wild in her intense cowgirl rodeo type riding. At the height of a deep scream, Olivia’s legs buckled dramatically as her intense orgasm rendered them to near Jello. “Fuck me in my ass baby!” Nick couldn’t believe what he had just heard as he picked her up, literally sliding her up and off of his fully erect pole. His penis slammed against his stomach as his dick fully left her throbbing vagina. Olivia could not help but to follow it and try to suck it further but Nick was beyond excited after what was just said. Taking charge, he positioned her rather forcefully into the doggy style position pushing her head into her pillow to fully expose the super enticing little pink starfish quite literally begging for entry. Starting with his thumb, Nick penetrated Olivia’s extraordinarily tight ass with his right hand and rubbed her soaking wet pussy up and down in an attempt to further entice her with his left. Only a moment or two passed before Nick decided it was time. With pre cum oozing from his penis head, he began to carefully push into her perfect little ass. Finally getting the head in completely, Olivia’s moans again got louder and louder. ‘Oh shit, this is so tight’ he thought as he continued carefully penetrating. Olivia’s entire body was tensing and loosening in a convulsive manner by the time Nick was half way in. The clinch she had held on her ass finally let loose simultaneous with the intense convulsions coming to a halt. Nick concentrated all he could to not explode too soon as Olivia’s ass was nearly too tight to bear. “You want it baby, you got it” Nick exclaimed as he began thrusting in and out. With greater intensity in each thrust Nick was barely able to maintain his composure when suddenly all control was lost. Olivia belted a scream in the midst of an intense anal orgasm when Nick too followed suit with an immense moan. Olivia jumped forward and turned all at once completely 180 degrees I just in time to catch the first spew of Nick’s hot cum on her face. Closing her eyes and opening her mouth, Olivia grabbed the shaft and began stroking the remainder of the steamy cum spewing forth with each ejaculation catching it all in her mouth.
Cupping her lips around his cock, Olivia didn’t allow another single drop to escape her swallowing as she carefully stroked every bit of it down her throat. Finishing with a massive smile on her face, Nick opened his eyes and met hers with a grin that stretched from ear to ear. Olivia convinced Nick to stay with her, though not much sleep took place the rest of the night, the two drifted off together held tight in each other’s arms.
Nick’s life had finally taken a turn for the better. Olivia soon replaced the games and the pathetic conversations with anonymous strangers until even Keila noticed. Sometimes things finally take a turn for the best and a little ray of sunshine can peak through and grace even the darkest of days changing it for the better.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/dlqabc/a_deep_dive_into_sunshine_nsfw_requested_fantasy

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