[MF] Went to club, met someone, fucked in cubicle.

Hello again readers. Are you sitting comfortably?

Then I’ll begin…

At about 19 my friend and I went out for a few drinks on a Saturday night, a fairly regular occurrence which usually ended up with us turning up to work together on the Sunday morning (as we worked in the same place) with monster hangovers that were being beaten into submission by cooked pig rolls and bottles of Irn Bru (the best hangover cure in the cosmos) although to be fair, we were usually still half pissed on the Sunday morning.

This particular Saturday night we go to a couple of bars first, have a drink in each bar and talk shit with each other and anyone who would listen, then headed to a club that was usually quite loud but was open late and had some table booths like caves carved in the rock hidden along a short corridor. Well a short while after getting there and half way through drink number 1 I started chatting with a girl that was standing at the bar next to me, just general chit-chat type stuff but it was really loud so we head to see if there’s a booth free because it’s quieter there so we could hear at least half of what we were saying.

We end up chatting in the booth for a while, although I went and got us a couple of extra drinks here and there, and we slowly started flirting with each other, like you do after a few drinks. It didn’t take long for us to move from chatting and flirting to leaning in and kissing and exploring each other with our hands.

I know I’ve described myself before but for the new readers I’m 6’1″ tall and at this time was a slim 11st so there wasn’t a bit of fat on me, I had brown hair that I had grown quite long at the time. The girl I had met was maybe 5’4″ tall with dark brown hair that reached about down to her upper arms and I would maybe describe her as very slightly cuddly, certainly not overweight, but her waist was about the same width as her hips and she had what I would guess as large C cup or small D cup breasts. But what really got me was not how she looked but her personality and the chemistry between us as we talked and laughed together.

I have no idea how much time had passed from meeting at the bar to hands roaming and tongues tickling, but it feels like it really wasn’t that long in my memory. A short time of kissing and she pulls back and looks at me and says “let’s go to the toilet together…” I really didn’t expect that so it took a few seconds for me to gather my thoughts and say something like “you mean TOGETHER? Are you sure?”

She stands up and takes my hand and pulls me up out of my seat and my mind catches up with what’s happening and we walk through the dance floor to the corridor that leads to the toilets and head for the Gents. I have a quick look to make sure there’s nobody in there and as the coast is clear I wave her in and we choose the middle stall and she walks in before me, I follow and close the door (which stopped about a foot from the floor so feet can be seen) and we realise that there’s not a lot of space in there, we make the best of it and start kissing again and my hands slip down her top to tease her nipples and gently squeeze her breasts, she reaches for my now very hard cock through my jeans and as she strokes it over my jeans I follow her lead and slip my right hand up the front of her skirt and rub her pussy through her sopping wet knickers releasing a moan from her even though I know we’re trying to stay quiet to not get caught. But that being said, the next thing I did was slip my fingers inside the top of her knickers and reached down to feel her slick pussy lips and rubbed my index and middle fingers in between her pussy lips and that makes her moan louder…

Feeling how wet she is and knowing how hard I was we looked at each other and both kind of knew and in sync she turned around away from me and bends forward, pulls her skirt up over her ass and drops her white knickers to her knees and while she did that I pulled out my cock and slipped a condom on (safety first peops) and then rubbed the head of my throbbing hard cock over her pussy lips, teasing her clit for a second before sliding back to find her entrance and pressed in to her. She was so fucking wet that my cock slipped inside her quite easily even though her pussy was really tight. And we start to find our rhythm together, her bent over in front of me and my knees bent enough for me to enter her in a kind of standing doggy position. “This is really happening” is what’s going through my mind and it’s feeling really really good when…

BANG BANG BANG, “ONE AT A TIME IN THERE” is what I hear behind my ears. We’ve been busted (thinking back, the door not reaching the floor meant we were always going to be seen) and the bouncer waits for us to put ourselves away and sheepishly open the door. He just stands there, shakes his head at us and points us out of the toilet. Fuck.

I’m sure that when we left the toilets to head out of the club, which meant going through the bar and dancing area, there were a few people that were cheering and clapping their hands at us. We head straight out the club without even checking to see if we were being kicked out or not.

Once outside she asked me if I’d like to go to her dorm and pick up where we were disturbed so rudely, which I obviously agreed to and we took a bus to her place and with barely a word we started stripping and headed to her room. I put on a fresh condom and she lays back on her bed with her legs open, a hungry look in her eyes that I had never seen a girl have before that night, and I climbed on top of her and slid easily inside her tight pussy again and fucked her with all the strength that I could muster.

I honestly do not remember if either or both of us came, (was a long time ago so some memories fade a little bit) but I do remember her commenting on how hard my cock was. And once we were finished we chatted for a very short while but I had work in the morning and she had studying to do so we agreed that as the fun was done that we should say thank you and goodnight and I dressed and headed home.

The next morning I got to work (complete with hangover, pig roll and Irn Bru) and it takes all of about 2 seconds for my friend to loudly proclaim that I had “pulled a fat bird last night” being a dick and trying to embarrass me in front of everyone (she wasn’t fat, he was pissed that I’d left the club without even talking to him) but one of our colleagues immediately retorts with “did you get your end away last night?” Which got a slightly timid “no” out of my friend. After that our colleague loudly said “well, he did” and shook my hand… no more shit was said by my friend for the whole day after that. ?

Thanks again for reading my tale of fun and slight embarrassment.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dl43em/mf_went_to_club_met_someone_fucked_in_cubicle