[Group] House Party with Friends.

Strap in folks this will be a long one.

Usual disclaimers, names changed to protect the innocent, everyone over legal age at the time.

Mel and I had been FWB for about a year before she met Jason. He seemed like a nice guy, we ran into each other at a couple parties after she ended things with me to try and get serious with him. I always tried to respect that, even though every time we saw one another that spark was definitely still there.
She was tall, almost as tall as I am at 6’1”. She was thin and strong, short brown hair, small breasts, wired tight with muscle. She had been a serious athlete all through school and it showed.
He was a little smaller than her,slight of build, long hair, pale complexion. Like Woody Allen and Ichabod Crane had a baby but it somehow came out effeminately handsome. He was funny and a talented artist. I could see what she liked in him and to be honest when I ran into them together the Bi part of me heated up pretty quickly, sex with her was always amazing, she made you work for it. She liked to be dominated but it was a challenge, she wasn’t going to just lay there and let you have your way with her. You were overpowering a 5’11” athlete who liked to play rough, and damn did she like to play rough. She wanted to be thrown around, choked, held down and fucked hard, and if you could do it she would cum over and over again.
I think that was part of the reason we had such chemistry. I am a big guy, over 6 foot tall, 220 pounds, I wasn’t an athlete or a gym rat but I grew up doing farm work and was working as a roofer at the time. I was strong enough to over power her and had a dominate streak in me that she just amplified. It seemed like I could never be too rough with her.

I wasn’t sure how their dynamic worked, maybe he was a discrete powerhouse or maybe she had a shift in what she liked sexually. Or maybe it was just full on love and even if the sex wasn’t satisfying it was worth it for her.

Either way about a year went by that I occasionally ran into them, and every time I could not get the idea of getting into bed with both of them out of my head. Just the thought of being with both of them. Would have me hard for days afterwards. She was alway flirtatious and he seemed to flip back and forth between oblivious and slightly flirtatious himself. This did not help ease my fantasies as I thought of holding them down one at a time and going down on them or bending her over the top of him and fucking her while he licks us both.

So fast forward about 18 months after her and I stopped having sex and I started seeing this girl, Ally. Ally was a cute little pixie of a girl. Barely 5 foot tall and not quite 100 pounds. Ally may not have been the dynamo that Mel was but she was down for anything. She made it clear from day one that she liked fucking me, but would never commit to just me. I think her exact words were “ I like pussy too much to ever give up girls and if the right guy comes along I might get some just for sport, if you can deal with that, we can fuck for as long as you want.”

About a month in and Ally and I had always met at my place, she invited me to a party at her house. She had three roommates.
I arrived at her house, beer in hand ready to mingle and hopefully get to fuck Ally in her own bed for a change.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by an attractive but boyish looking girl who introduced herself as as Jen. I explained who I was and she walked me in explaining that Ally was in the kitchen. I walked through the living room where five or six people where lounging on the furniture obviously buzzed. Jen called out to Ally as we entered the crowd in the kitchen. She called out to Ally, “ Al, look who’s here” Alley turned and saw me and just lept into my arms kissing me hard and almost causing me to drop the beer I was carrying. It was early in the evening but it appeared the party was in full swing and she was already drinking. I returned her kiss as she pressed against me hard, her mouth was wet and hot and tasted sweet like fruit and rum and I could smell the weed on her but I couldn’t tell if she had been smoking or just in the room with people who were.
The room got a little quieter while we embraced. Ally pulled back and smiled at me and said “ I think we just made everyone either uncomfortable or horny, but I think they are all staring at us”
I looked over her shoulder, right into the eyes of Mel. I tried to not react, not to show my surprise and immediately conflicted feelings seeing Mel here just 6 feet from me while I am still holding Ally up in the air as she just had her tongue down my throat. I let Ally slip down and asked where I could stash my beer. She took it from me and headed for the fridge. I slid past a couple people who were politely pretending to ignore our little show and headed straight for Mel. I leaned in and hugged her tight. She returned the embrace and ran her sharp painted nails through my short hair as she pulled back from the hug. It was subtle but she knew what she was doing I loved feeling her nails on my head during sex and she always used it to tease me into a frenzy when we were together. Just as she released me as I was embraced again this time it was Jason sipping his arm around my waist and pulling me into a weird little side hug “ This guy “ he said still holding my waist, “ shows up late, makes out with my roommate, hugs my girlfriend, and completely ignores me. It’s a good thing you’re hot and I’m drunk or I might get my feelings hurt. “ I put my arm around his shoulders and pulled his head closer to mine, “ ahh buttercup, you know I was just saving the best for last” I played along. Mostly to get a laugh out the room full of people I didn’t know but also to gauge his reaction. I tried not to act surprised about Ally and Jason being roommates, it’s a weird coincidence but not too weird for me to roll with it. More than anything I was intrigued. I fully planned to spend the night fucking Ally and now to think that Mel and Jason were under the same roof. I knew Ally and Mel were down for almost anything but I wasn’t sure about Jason or the timing. At the very least I would get to fuck Ally while Jason and Mel were close by.

By this time Ally had come back and saw Jason and I standing there with our arms around each other. “ Well, Chief it looks like you’re making friends.” “ No, Al “ Jason drawled
“ Chief and Mel were banging when her and I got together “.
I saw the look exchanged between Ally and Mel, I was concerned for the briefest second, then I caught the look on Ally’s face. She was all good with this new revelation. There was no jealousy at all on her face. Just a wry half smile that I have seen more than once and it usually meant I was in for a wild time.

The night went on about as expected, I mingled and met people, most of them really cool and got into a couple of conversations that were well worth the time and beer money even if nothing sexual happened that night.
The whole night Ally was very affectionate. Holding my hand, kissing me on the neck, very obviously wanting to hold my attention. Every touch held a promise of something to come.
As the party wound down I ended up in the kitchen with Ally and Jen and a handful of others, Mel and Jason were holding court in the living room with a couple of his friends from work. I leaned against the kitchen counter Ally leaned up against my left side, my arm around her, Jen walked up and slid up against my right side and laid her head on my shoulder. I immediately made eye contact with Ally and she grinned that half grin again. She whispered in my ear, “ remember that pussy I told you I could never give up ?” Jenn leaned up close to my ear, I could smell the beer and cigarettes on her, “ So, my date didn’t show up tonight “ she whispered, “ do you mind if I share yours ?” I pulled her close to me. “ you sure your roommates won’t mind the noise ? “
Ally responded for her “ As many times as we have caught them or had to listen to them go at it, I am sure we will all be alright.” “Worst case is they hear us and try to join in “ I glanced at Ally when she said that. She never stopped smiling.

The next hour or so was excruciating and thrilling. Every time we had an opportunity so that it wasn’t obvious one of us was teasing one of the other two or both. Ally and I were still in nearly constant contact and now we were adding Jen into the mix as well touching, whispering, teasing. It was so exciting. Even Jason and Mel seemed in on it, quick glances, lingering touches between all five of us.
At one point Jen had gone to the bathroom, down a little hallway off of the kitchen and Ally whispered in my ear for me to meet her coming out of the door and get her a little worked up.

I did as I was told and when Jen opened the bathroom to the dark hallway I was standing there
She jumped a little then smiled up at me. I pushed her back into the bathroom, half listening to the sounds of conversation coming from the kitchen and hoping that Ally would give a warning if anyone was headed our way. I wrapped my arms around Jen’s waist and nuzzled into her neck planting a soft kiss just below her ear. “ Ally wanted me to give you a message “ I whispered to her. I slid my hands up her sides and started to run my fingers through her hair when she took ahold of my left forearm and guided my hand to her throat, I followed her lead and wrapped my big hand around her throat being careful not to cut off her breathing, I squeezed her throat, her eyes closed and head tilted back as I increased the pressure. I spun her around so she was facing the mirror, her back to me, I moved forward until her thighs pressed against the small counter and again wrapped my hand around her throat, I slid my right hand down the front of her jeans and inside her panties. She was already wet and so warm. I slid my finger down to her entrance then slowly back up over her clit, a couple of very light strokes over her clit as I increased the pressure on her throat and she pushed back hard against me, grinding her ass hard against my cock. A couple more seconds of this and then I released my grip on her throat and slid my hand slowly out of her pants.
She opened her eyes and looked at me in the mirror. I again planted a small kiss on her neck and whispered “ soon” into her ear.
She nodded then walked out of the bathroom back towards the party.

After a few moments I returned to the kitchen and found Jen engaged in conversation with one of the few remaining guests and Mel and Jason next to the counter with Ally. Ally smiled at me as I walked up and handed me my beer.

As the last of the guests were leaving Mel and Ally were in the kitchen chatting and Jen was showing the last of the guests to the door and saying goodbye.
Jason and I sat each on one corner of the small couch in the living room. Jason was rolling a joint and had lit some candles and put on some music. We talked about our respective jobs and life in the city. I found the more we talked the more wound up I became. Teasing with Ally and Jen already had me almost blindly horny and now sitting this close to Jason and getting to know him a little better my mind was reeling. Maybe there was a shot at this. But how would that work ? Ally seemed cool with my history with Mel and so did Jason but if we all ended up naked on the floor would that remain the case ? I resolved to just ride the wave tonight and not push or over think things too much.
Once Jen came in from saying goodbye she plopped down on the couch between Jason and I, she leaned over and said something softly to Jason and he nodded yes, then she kissed him on the cheek and then reached her hand behind me and started to almost absently play with my hair, running her nails lightly across my scalp. My cock twitched and began to rise. Jason finally finished rolling the joint he had been working on and held it up. Jen nodded approvingly then unexpectedly reached both into my lap and Jason’s at the same time she found my cock quickly and from the look on Jason’s face she must have had his too
“ bitches “ she yelled into the kitchen “ I have two hard cocks and the joint and if you don’t want to miss out you better bring your asses in here “.
“ Hooker!!!” I heard Mel reply from the kitchen, “ you know cock and weed both fall under the community property rule in this house”
“ We’re coming” Ally said “ who needs drinks ? “
We all answered in the affirmative and after a minute or two of shuffling both girls emerged from the kitchen carrying drinks and both completely naked now. Ally came first pale and petite, Mel behind her tall and still exceptionally fit. They distributed the drinks then looked at the sitting arrangements. “ This is bullshit” Ally said” where’s the hard cocks I came to see, and Jen why aren’t you naked yet ?” Jen hopped up from in between Jason and I and started to undress. I looked at Jason and he was already moving so I did the same. I slid my shirt off and Ally walked over to me and unbuckled my belt as I kicked off my shoes, she helped my to undress, the whole time she kept kissing me hard and running her nails across my arms and chest. It did not make it easy to keep focused.

Once everyone was undressed I sat back down on the couch where I was
Ally sat down on my lap turning slightly so that she was sitting on my left leg and leaning partially against my arm and partially against the high arm of the couch. Jen slid next to me putting her head on my arm, the heat from her leg and Ally shifting on my lap made my cock throb and Ally reached down and pulled my hard cock up between her thighs. It felt incredible. Mel sat next to Jen, Jason looked at the little space left on the couch and smiled. “ well, I brought the weed so I guess I get the seat of honor “ he lit the joint then walked like he was going to sit on Mel’s lap then laid back. We all shifted and adjusted to allow him to lay down across us his legs were across Mels lap and across Jen. His upper body laid across my right leg and his head rested against Ally’s. He pulled on the joint and passed it over to Ally. Mel started running her hands up and down his thighs, sliding up and running her fingers over his cock. Jason was slim and other than a little dark hair around each nipple and at the base of his cock and on his lower legs he was almost hairless. Mel softly trailed her fingers along his sack tickling his balls. His cock leaked precum onto his abdomen and Jen reached up with a single finger and smeared it around the head of his dick making his eyes close and his breath stop for a second. Ally passed me the joint then shifted again so that the head of my cock was sliding against her dripping pussy. I wasn’t sure who was leaking more, her or I but one of us was making a hell of a mess between her legs.

I inhaled deeply, I needed it to try and stay relaxed. This whole scene was almost overwhelming. The heat, the smell of everyone pressed in together Ally on my lap my cock pressed against her slit held between her thighs, Jason laying across us, Jen pressed against me almost absently playing with his cock. Not stroking it or jacking it with any intention, just rolling her finger around the head. Mel playing with his balls. It was all just so erotic and yet so relaxed.
Instead of exhaling the smoke directly I turned Jens head towards me and gently blew the smoke into her mouth before handing her the joint. I relaxed almost immediately from the hit I took and the inhibitions dropping gave me the courage I needed.
I reached up to Jason and started softly tweaking one nipple. Ally reached down and started playing with his hair, stroking his face.

I slid my hand down to Jason’s cock, moving my hand under Jens I gripped his shaft while she continued playing with the head and Mel slipped her hand under his balls presumably to play with his ass but I couldn’t see for sure from my angle. His dick was hot and hard in my hand as I gently stroked it. Ally shifted on my lap again and I realized what she was doing I moved as much as I could and it allowed her to just slide the head of my swollen and sensitive dick into her

Both of us drew in a quick breath at the same time and Jen looked up at me and smiled “ he’s inside you isn’t he ? “
Ally nodded without speaking and rocked her hips a little. I could feel her walls gripping me but with the angle and position only a little more than the head of my dick was inside her and there was no way to push in any further without moving Jason and I was loving the feel of his cock in my hands and the look on his face as the three of us stroked and rubbed him.

A few minutes went by of all of us seeming mesmerized by Jason writhing in our laps.

I was still inside Ally and she would shift and grind as much as she could but I could tell the lack of movement and depth of penetration was as frustrating for her as it was for me. Finally she broke the spell “ Alright your highness “ she told Jason “ you’ve been more than compensated for the joint and I need to cum now !” Jason sat up quickly and practically dove on to Mel kissing her hard and pinching her nipples between his fingers. She moaned in his mouth and started grinding her hips on the couch.

Ally wasted no time she turned to face me and put one leg on one side of me and the other she planted between Jens legs and slid all the way on to my cock. The feeling was glorious. She ground herself hard on me. Jen slid out from under her leg and stood behind her, she wrapped her arms around Ally and played with her tits while kissing and biting her on then neck while she rode me
Jason stood up and Mel slid over next to me and leaned back against my side and spread her legs wide
I lay back against the couch and draped my arm around her shoulder while Jason dropped to his knees in front of her.
I looked up at Ally’s face, she was red and breathing hard and well on her way to an orgasm between grinding on my cock and Jen making out with her. Jason was loudly sucking on Mel’s pussy and she was moaning his name and had a handful of his hair holding his head in place. I roughly squeezed her breast and pinched her nipple hard. Between the sight of Ally riding me and Mel pressed against my side with Jason pushing her towards her own orgasm I was in heaven. The weed and beer were helping me stay in control but not by much.
Jen let go of Ally then pushed her forward hard and dropped to her knees behind her. She cupped my balls in her hand and I could feel her as she moved in on Ally’s ass. Ally groaned and yelled “ fuck” the word drawn out long and loud as Jen worked her tongue on Ally’s ass she began humping faster although her movement was limited due to Jen holding her down so she could lick her. I looked over Ally’s shoulder as she laid her head on my chest and Jen looked up at me and smiled then slid a finger into Ally’s ass. That was the straw that broke the camels back and Ally started thrashing around hard on my cock I could feel her orgasm roll through her and Jen’s finger thrusting in and out causing her pussy to tighten even more.
Just as Ally was collapsing on me and Jen was withdrawing her finger a sharp pain shot through my arm as Mel bit down hard on my forearm her own orgasm rippling through her.

Ally pulled herself off of me, attempting to stand and turned and kissed Jen, whispering something to her to which Jen nodded. Ally grabbed her beer and walked in to the kitchen not saying anything

Jen dropped to her knees in front of me and spread my legs. She wasted no time and began cleaning the results of Ally’s orgasm off of my cock
I slid further down on the couch and made it a little easier on her and Mel took the opportunity to lay her head down on my stomach and lifted one leg up on the back of the couch. Jason moved up on the couch and slid his hard cock into her. Mel sighed and took the head of my cock into her mouth without hesitation while Jen continued to lick up and down the shaft. I reached over and slid my fingers across Mel’s clit while Jason fucked her, she moaned her approval around the head of my dick.

Ally came back into the room carrying an arm full of pillows and blankets. Jason had started to fuck Mel harder now and she took my dick out of her mouth and reached down to just hold my hand in place over her clit obviously close to another orgasm.
Mel came again, hard, shaking and calling out Jason’s name.
Ally in the meantime had spread the pillows and blankets on the floor along with some condoms and what looked like lube. She walked over to us and moved Jen out of her way Jen moved to the makeshift pallet on the floor. Ally slid down in front of me and opened a condom and rolled it down over my cock. She pointed to Jen who was laying on the floor now on pile of pillows and was rubbing her pussy slowly while staring at all of us on the couch.
I moved to where she was and slid between her legs I caught her right leg under the knee in the crook of my arm and pushed as far into her as I could in one movement. No teasing or easing in. I ground hard against her not pulling out just increasing the pressure and shifting against her. She bucked her hips against me and pounded her fist against my chest her face turned hard against the pillows and she bit down on one of them. Even with the condom on I knew it was probably going to be a race to see who came first. The whole situation was just so hot. I leaned up and wrapped my hand around her throat careful not to put any weight on that arm, I squeezed and started fucking her as hard as the position would allow. She dug her nails hard into my sides and matched my intensity. I could hear the others moving around us but I was so focused on Jen at that moment we may have well been alone. I felt a hand run up my back and Mel’s familiar voice in my ear urging me on “ Fuck her baby “ she purred, I looked over at her she was straddling Ally’s face at the moment. Ally laid on her back and Mel rode her mouth while she watched me fuck Jen. I felt another hand run up and down my back.
Jason was on my left now sliding his hand up and down my back. It was so different then Mel’s, callused and rough despite its delicate appearance
Jen was in the throes of her orgasm and was digging her nails hard into my sides. The pain distracted me from my own orgasm and prolonged it. I continued my pace fucking Jen. Her orgasm subsided and for a moment she seemed almost to pass out, her breathing leveled and her eyes closed, her grip on my sides relaxed I started to slow my pace to pullout and she keep back to life on fire. Her eyes opened wide and she started bucking against me hard. She looked over to my right and breathed “ goddamn that’s hot “. Mel was no longer just straddling Ally’s face but was upright, her right knee planted next to Ally’s head and was up on her left foot. She held Ally’s hair in one hand and was sliding her pussy fast over Ally’s open mouth and outstretched tongue. She was obviously close to cumming again and was so wet it appeared Ally might be in real danger of drowning, both of them were red and sweating and Mel was panting, eyes closed as she used Ally’s face to get her self off.

The scene was just so hot to witness I got a little distracted, Jen brought my attention back to her when she started fucking me from underneath again making it clear she wasn’t done yet. I leaned back on my knees and pushed Jen’s legs up high, Jason was still knelt down next to us and he started rubbing her clit while I fucked her. He slid his fingers down rubbing up and down her lips while I slid in and out then started to work two fingers into her on top of my cock. I slowed my pace a little while she breathed deep to accommodate the additional girth as he began to push his fingers into her in time with my cock. He must have hit her Gspot perfectly because she started to cum almost immediately . I tried to pick up my pace a little so I could cum with her, my orgasm having been delayed a couple times and I was getting tired I started to worry I wouldn’t be able to cum at all and that usually wasn’t an issue for me. Just then she bucked hard and stiffened up beneath me and I felt his fingers flex hard through the condom and she planted both feet on my chest and kicked me backwards.
I tumbled away from her laughing and she rolled up into a ball shaking and panting, Mel and Ally looked up from where they were laying, Mel was cradling Ally’s head and was kissing her gently obviously doing some aftercare after being so rough on the much smaller girl. They both disengaged and started shifting towards Jen looking to pull her into their afterglow
I was still hard not having come yet and pulled the condom off stroking my cock and trying to get my head around the scene. Jason lay down next to me and rested his head in my stomach. I wanted him to take me into his mouth so badly and he did not disappoint.

He did not start slow or tease, he could tell from the set of my body that I needed to cum. He rose to a kneeling position and I could see that his own hips were thrusting as he sped up.
I wrapped my arm under him and pulled him closer. He took my hint and rolled to the side as I rolled towards him.

I was a little self conscious about giving head as I have just never really mastered deep throating and if a guy gets too aggressive I just lose interest
I put forth my best effort, trying to match his speed and depth as best I could. I could taste the strong flavor of him and Mel’s cum mixed together on him. After only a couple of minutes I could feel it building up and I moaned my enthusiasm into his cock. He began to thrust a little more quickly into my mouth and I did my best to accommodate his length, I felt the head of his cock swelling in my mouth and the thought of him coming in my mouth was all it took, the orgasm I had been craving all night finally hit me. I tried to pull my cock from his mouth but he held on and pulled me deeper
Just as my orgasm subsided I felt his cum explode into my mouth. I tried to swallow as best as I could but I have to admit in my haze I lost more than I kept.

After my head cleared I sat up all three girls were turned towards Jason and I watching.
I made my up between Ally and Jen and laid down. I think Ally said something to me but I was asleep before I could ask what it was.

When I woke the next morning Alley and Jen were laying on either side of me still. I could hear the movement and heavy breathing from one side that told me Jason and Mel were already at it, I started rubbing Ally’s back lightly and my cock was already hard.
Jen kept her head on my chest and Ally climbed on top of me and began to slowly ride me, rocking her hips, playing with her nipples and just in general putting on quite a show for everyone. Jen stayed snuggled up to me and masturbated. I was raw and sensitive from all the activity the night before and it wasn’t long before I was cumming, Ally felt me release inside her and just smiled and lay down on top of me and kissed Jen as she finished herself off.
I looked over at Jason and Mel, they had apparently finished and were enjoying Ally’s little performance as well as Jen and I. I thought about how much I missed fucking Mel before last night and how, while we had contact during everything we never actually paired off. Maybe there was too much history there or maybe she wasn’t as fond of our time together as I was. Things went too well last night, I decided, and I would save those thoughts for another time.

The rest of the morning was filled with showers and coffee and an amazing breakfast whipped up by Jason and Jen. It was surprisingly comfortable considering all that had transpired the night before.

Ally and I kept seeing each other for nearly a year after that night. We got together with Jen quite often and Mel and Jason a couple more times before we went our separate ways.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dkosck/group_house_party_with_friends


  1. Damn, what a story. I appreciate how you gave such a good sense of both the relaxed vibe and the thoughts and tensions that went into everything. It’s so much better to get an emotional sense of the impact of events than to just get a blow-by-blow account with “it was soooo good” commentary.

  2. Without a doubt, the best story I’ve read on here! You are a very talented writer and obviously an incredible lover as well. Please keep writing more!

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