Good things come to those who wait. [MF]

I met “Maria” on reddit over a year ago. She posted as a married woman looking for advice from a guy about her husbands behavior. I messaged her and we began to chat. After confiding in me the issues in her marriage and her husband’s behavior which was leading her to believe he was cheating, I reassured her I didn’t think he was. We continued to chat for a few weeks and then it died out like these things often do.

About 2 months later I get a new message from her. I had pegged him all wrong and she caught him red handed. Inspite of my previous impairment in judgment she asked for my advise again. I ended up being an anonymous and unbiased shoulder to cry on as she struggled through her situation. I gave advice where I could trying to present all angles as I precieved them. Long story short we became good online friends with access to eachothers social media and chatting almost weekly. Her marriage eventually fell apart and her husband moved out.

Maria and I live a few 1000 miles apart so there was no chance we would ever meet without planning it and we both resigned to that fact. However this past week a death in my family landed me on a plane across country with a layover in her city. I on a wim sent her a message to say I’d briefly be in her area. She excitedly replied that she would come to the airport to meet me for my layover.

I arrived and quickly texted her as I walked off the plane. She said she would meet me at baggage claim. As I exited the elevator she was exiting the one across from mine. Maria is gorgeous to say the least. I caught my breath at the site of her. Her pictures on social media doesnt do her justice. She is petite at only 5 ft with dark hair and these killer big brown eyes. She has the curvy shape that is typical of many Latina women I have met, not over weight, but her hips, ass and boobs are prominent in contrast to her hour glass waist. She quickly came to me and we embraced. Never have I smelled something so sweet and they way she fit into my 5 ft 11 inch body was like a puzzle piece.

We headed to her car and as she unlocked it she opened the back door and climbed in with me in tow. Once in we began kissing. She sucked at my neck my hands exploring her body. Before long her clothes were off and mine were not far behind. I gave her breasts the attention of my mouth as my hand slid between her legs feeling her smooth wetness.. I had to taste her and moved down her body. She was receptive to my advances and her pussy tasted like I could stay there forever.. however she finally pulled me up, grabbing my cock and guiding it in. I have to say this was one of the best sexual interactions I have ever experienced. Not just because if how sexy Maria is, but a combination of spontaneity and the risk which the location presented. Not my first carpark experience, but the first to happen so smoothly and unforced.


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