[M] Tasked to walk around the mall licking up a cum filled ice cream cone.

The dare: Buy an ice cream cone, cum into it then stroll around the mall licking it up.

Had a few dares and tasks given following from my previous post. Decided to do this one as it’s a little step up from the last. An extra task was to have nipple clamps on.

First challenge was how I’d wear the clamps on in public without being too obvious about it. I only had these paperclip ones https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1Qz3XXH1YBuNjSszeq6yblFXal.jpg which I found were really painful and stuck out. I could deal with the pain, or so I thought, and a thick hoodie would mean it didn’t stick way the hell out, so I put it on. Damn it really is much stronger than a clothespeg.

I left the house and drove to the nearby mall. Nipples hurt every fucking step I took, as the thick hoodie material was rubbing against it.

When I got there, went straight to get some ice cream. So tempted to get chocolate for the white cum to obviously be out of place on it, but ended up chickening out and getting a lighter cookies and cream flavoured one. By this time, the clamps were seriously starting to hurt and I couldn’t just take it off in the middle of the store.

To get my mind off the pain, I headed for the cute girl with the nosering at the cashier, focussing my thoughts on how freaky could be. Maybe she’d be totally into a super slutty dare? Think about anything but the clamps… Was she wearing a bra? Hard to tell… Try not to stare… At this point, keeping my mind off the pain was only way to not physically wincing with every step I took. I was hoping she didn’t start talking to me as I would struggle to maintain conversation.

Fortunately that transaction was quick, and I left the store. Couldn’t take it any more and unclipped one side through the hoodie on the way out. Definitely felt the shock of that and jumped a little. There were a couple of guys around the corner, wonder if they thought anything of it? Or was I just being hyper sensitive? Either way, I swivelled around so nobody was in front of me and took the other off and just let them fall into the bottom of my hoodie.

Next up, preparing the ice cream. I had taken a coffee stirrer on the way out of the store as I thought it may come in handy for this. There was an instruction for it to not only cover the surface, so I figured I could dig a little hole through the cone top down, and fill it for it to last longer :) So I headed to the bathroom, cored out the middle slightly and went at it. It didn’t go exactly as planned, the hole I made was too big, and the cream was absorbing some of the cum so instead of filling up the middle like I expected, it kind of got absorbed and glazed slightly.

Regardless, it’s a success. What I had now was a ice cream cone with a core of cum going all the way down the middle. (I’ll DM photos of this on request). Made it tasted like salted caramel ?? Bit of that sweet and salty !

Spent the next 10 minutes walking around crowds of people licking down my cone. Was getting quite turned on and hard with the knowledge that everyone else around me had no clue. I mean, if they took a close look, that ice cream glaze looks strange! Who would though? I hope they didnt pay close attention, but the idea anyone passing me could easily see it was super hot. .

Nothing special happened for the rest of the dare unfortunately, except I couldn’t resist chatting with this really cute girl selling chocolates. So wish she wasn’t paying attention, and at the same time, kinda hope she was ! :)

**That’s basically it for this dare, and I’m open to taking other good or creative ones.**

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/djatij/m_tasked_to_walk_around_the_mall_licking_up_a_cum

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