Published Short Teaser: Pegged by the Boss [Femdom][Male Sub]

This is an excerpt from my short “Pegged by the Boss”, a story I published. Enjoy!

Adam knew he screwed up royally.

The Jameson account was over a third of the firm’s business every year. He had screwed up transfers between their portfolios and it was going to cost the Jameson account tens of thousands in fees. Fees that his firm would cover since it was their mistake. And his boss was not happy. Miss. Isabella was a slave driver on a good day. He didn’t know what to expect when she really brought the hammer down. His mind wandered and wondered if he would ever be able to find another position like this after she sent him packing.

Adam sat on his desk, Monday morning, expecting to be called into her office at any moment. He was sweating bullets underneath his suit. His fingers drummed tirelessly against his desk. His eyes stared at his desk phone, waiting for it to ring. He nearly jumped out of his chair when the phone call came.

“Miss. Isabella wants you in her office,” Mia, Isabella’s secretary, said. “Immediately.”

“I’ll be right there,” Adam said, taking one last breath to consign himself to his fate as he rose to his feet.

Walking to Isabella’s office, he saw several of his male co-workers look at him like he was on death row. It did wonders for his devastated confidence. Her office was at the corner of the floor that the firm held, overlooking downtown. Adam saw Mia speaking softly into the phone as he approached, the door to Isabella’s office closed.

“Go on in,” Mia said. “Good luck.”

He nodded to her and entered the office, ready to face the music. The first thing that hit Adam was the scent of her perfume. It was a deep, rich scent of sandalwood and something else that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Normally, colognes and perfumes annoyed him but hers never seemed to bother him. The second was how Isabella was dressed. She wore a grey business suit while she sat at her desk: grey jacket, matching heels, white button-up, black stockings and heels. It was the way she wore it that drew his eyes. Her glasses were perched on her nose, making her blue eyes stand out, her face framed by her dark hair. The top two buttons of her shirt were undone, exposing the bare curve of her breast and the hint of the lacy underwear she wore under it. Her skirt was short and her toned legs were clung to tightly by her stockings. Adam had to admit: his own arousal cut through his fear at that moment.

“Adam,” Isabella said, her voice firm and authoritative. “Thank you for joining me. Please, take a seat.”

He did so without question. Isabella let out a tired sigh, looking over from her computer screen and directly into his eyes. That gaze alone sent an icy chill down his spine.

“What do you have to say for yourself?” Isabella simply inquired.

“I do apologize,” Adam said, wringing his hands in front of him. “I made a serious error and I know I put egg on your and the firm’s face. For what it’s worth, I do feel terrible about making such a stupid mistake. If you decide to let me go for this, I understand. I’ll clean out my desk.”

Isabella looked at him in quiet contemplation for a few long moments before she cracked a smile. “Adam. I’m not firing you.”


“Do you truly believe that you’re the first person to make a mistake in this firm?” She said, her shoulders relaxing slightly. “When I was getting started, I made all sorts of mistakes and cost who-knows how much money for the company I was working for. When I set off to start this firm, I made even more mistakes. Your colleagues make their own errors all the time and some of them have even screwed up worse than you. So, please relax Adam.”

He let out an exhausted sigh, practically curling into a ball in relief. “Thank you, Miss Isabella. Thank you so much.”

She held up a finger. “But don’t think that you’re out of the woods yet. You did make an error and cost the company money. For that, you will need to be punished.”

Adam grit his teeth. Was she going to dock his pay until it was paid back? Was she going to have him working later hours?

“I’m going to have to spank your naughty ass before fucking it,” Isabella plainly stated.

The words didn’t exactly click with Adam as he tried to process them. “What?” He blurted out.

“You made a mistake, so you need to be encouraged not to make it again,” She said as she rose to her feet, walking around her desk towards him. “So, I’m going to strip you down. I’m going to slap that ass a few times with my hands. Then, I’m going to put my on my strap-on and fuck that sexy ass of yours so you remember to be more careful in the future.”

“I don’t,” Adam said, rubbing at his temples. “I don’t understand.”

“Those are my terms,” She said, standing over him. “This is the punishment I’ve given all of my employees when they’ve screwed up as you have. I find it keeps them from making the same mistake twice, especially when sitting down.” She smirked. “It’s your call, Adam.”

He didn’t know what to say. She had done this before? He thought about the look he had gotten from the other male employees. They had all been called into her office. Adam assumed they had been chewed out before being sent back to their desks. Now, things were making a little bit more sense. If this is what it took… then he was going to have to take it if this was what it cost for his errors.

“I’ve never done anal before,” Adam admitted. “I mean, I’ve never taken anal before.”

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” Isabella said as she reached down for his cheek, stroking her fingers teasingly along it. “I’ll be gentle with you. But, you have to take your spanking first. Go and lock the door and strip down for me.”

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