This One Was On Her. [M][F]

I finally got married. Thanks.

So day of the rehearsal dinner my place was an absolute mad house. We had people coming and going dropping off and picking up things for the upcoming wedding. After I got home from a long day of running errands and setting up decorations I decided to take a long hot shower.

There was still about 5 hours before I even needed to be ready but being that sweaty was starting to feel gross. I walked into our master bedroom, got naked and threw myself on the bed to relax a bit. Don’t tell my bride I wasn’t in full wedding mode. I needed a break.

I took my shower and dried as normal and laid out my outfit for the upcoming dinner. I was standing in front of my wardrobe when BAM the door to the bedroom burst open and in comes Jessica (one of the brides maids) She didn’t even hesitate for a second.

She came barreling into the room and said “Hey Designhero444 I need you to… OMG WHY ARE YOU NAKED!”

I barley tried to cover with my hands since nothing was around me except my clothes on a hanger. “WHOA! Don’t you knock?!” was all I said.

Then from the kitchen I see another bridesmaid (Alison) peek her head down the hall to the bedroom and cover her mouth in shock and laughter. Then my bride to be yelled “What happened?”

“Your groom is naked!” Yelled Jessica not letting her gaze leave my cock.

I let go and stood with my hands at my hips now in full display. Giving her a mean look.

“REALLY!?! Babe hurry up and get dressed and give Jessica the makeup on the dresser!” My bride yelled from the kitchen.

I walked to the dresser still nude and gave Jessica the makeup my bride asked for. Jessica just stared the whole time, then walked out closing the door.

Afterwards I walked out into the living room where my bride, Jessica and Alison were sitting doing their makeup. As soon as I walked out they busted out laughing.

“What the fuck why are you laughing at me.”

“Because its fucking hilarious that Jessica walked in on you naked!” My bride said.

“Well she didn’t knock and I was in my room. Plus you know I don’t get dressed until I need too.”

“Yeah I know but fuck we thought 20 minutes was long enough for you to at least have pants on, so that’s on you babe.”

Drunk Jessica at the wedding was a whole different story.


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