REAL STORY / MY BEST FRIEND’S MOM / Only 3 chapters so far, im planning to make adult comics on 7 stories from my life, this is 1 of them

A little background:
My name is Eric,

I live in a house with my mother and father in the capital city of my country, the neighborhood is not very good so i had only 1 friend from there, 3 houses down the street is his house, his name is Kyle.

Me and Kyle are friends all of our lives, our mothers were pregnant at the same time so we grow up toghether.

Kyle’s mother was a signle mom as her husband went to work in Ukrain met other woman there and never came back. She was a beautiful woman, fit with blue eyes and dark hair, her name is Debbie.

Everything started one day when Kyle’s grandma decided to buy him a hamster.
We played with the hamster in his room when it went under the bed and we were afraid to reach with our hands because we were told that they bite.
Debbie came to help us to reach the hamster and thats when i first develop a crush on her, we were 13 years old at the time.

It was hot summer day and she was wearing white top that could see the bra under it and a super short jeans that showed her bottom butt cheeks.

When she crouched to reach under the bed i forgot what day it was, where i was and what we were doing at all.
Her shiny legs and perfect ass were printed on my mind for weeks.

She had a very bossy temper tho, she was very nice to me, but she often yells at Kyle for some random bullshit infront of me.. and she was a golddiger, she was the reason for her husband leaving for better job and more money.

However i was obssessed with her at 1 time i was jerking off every day thinking about her, i even jerk off when i was at their house a few times.

One time they had to go pick up her sister from the airport and Kyle went as well to welcome his aunt. We were playing a computer game (stronghold crusader) so they leaved me for like an hour alone in their house.

I wasnt snooping or anything, i went to the bathroom and there was a dryer at the hallway with her underwear.
That was the hardest errection ever, for like 30 minutes i was hard as rock and i slapped and rubbed every intch of them with my dick.

Then i found a black panties that she had wearing, they were in the bathroom on the sink, where she probablly forgot when took a shower before leaving. They smelled really nice… i came so hard on them at that age that was the first time i shoot sperm. After that i felt guilt, i wasn’t some pervert, that was pattetic…

The real story continies 5 years later:

Kyle went for the summer to stay with his aunt (she is living in USA) this was his first trip, so he was very excited about it.
Debbie in the other hand was worried because he had to travel to France and from there to USA all by himself.

One day she called me to chech if i was home to come by and help her with the router because she coudnt connect on skype to call Kyle and his sister.
I was home watching a movie so i told her i will be there in a few minutes

I went to her house and enter like i always do. My god, she was passing the livingroom with 1 long (not long enough) t-shirt and green panties, she had no bra either, her nippels were sticking out. I was so shoked, she was too, she pulled down her t-shirt to hide and the nippels were bearly visible from stretching the shirt down, she start to laugh.

She: Ooh you came too quick.

Me: Sorry aunt Deb, i should have knocked before entering.

She: No, no, no problem its just too hot and i should got dressed right after i called you.

I enter at the livingroom and she quickly walked in her room pulling her t-shirt again from the back.

I was hard as that day when i found the underwear on the dryer and the sink.
I was trying to cover it before she came back. So i pulled my dick up towards my bellybutton letting my sweatpants to keep it there. She came out of her room 1 second after that still laughing.


Then we enter Kyle’s room and i sat on the computer, i troubleshooted the network, everything seems fine, so u did the thing that always fixed this problem – i just swithed off and on the router…

The network was fast again and she started telling me how im her tech guy and how i always fix computers really fast (had re-installing their windows a few times and thats it)

The only problem was that my dick was going to exolode. I had a girlfriend at that time for like 2 years and had sex regulary, but i felt like im seeing woman for the 1st time.

She: Thank you very much Eric, let me make you a orrange juice and we will call Kyle toghether.

Me: Any time Aunt Deb, ok i havnt seen him sence he left we only chat.

The real reason was that i decide that if i stay and talk with Kyle my errection will go away and i can leave like normal person.

She turned around and went to the kitchen to make tha juice.
I was sweating a little and could feel my dick pulsing under the pressure of my sweatpants.

She came back after a few minutes with 2 cups of orrange juice, passed me the one and sat besides me.

The skype was ringing for like 1- 2 min without nobody answering…
I wrote on the chat but nothing.

Her legs looked so shiny and smooth, i really wanted to touch them.
Is she teasing me with those jeans and that accedently walking around half naked when she called me? But its her house she can walk and wear however she wants i thought.

She slapped me on my leg and said:

Well at least we tried.
We dont know what is the time there.

Me: Like 6-7 hours difference from here.

She: He will call when he see the missed call said she.

Me: Yeah for sure.

She: And how are you, im used to see you almost everyday here (chuckles again)

Me: Im fine, everything is as ussual.
I can come by anytime if you needing help with something :)

She: Thank you Eric! (Lean towards me and kissed me on che cheek, nothing unusual)

Me: Nothing to thank for aunt Deb.

She: Come i will make you a sandwitch ( i really liked her sandwitches, when we were little i used ti eat Kyle’s sandwitch too because he didnt like them so much)

Me: You are spoiling me :D

She: Well of course, you are my tech guy (chuckles)

We head to the kitchen, she was walking in front of me and i coudnt look away from that ass.

I sat on the table and she is browsibg through the fridg, cutting bread e.t.c.

And im looking every move, she surely noticed that and smirk a little from time to time.

She made me a sandwitch and sat across the table smiling.

She:Here you go sweetie.

Me: Thanks.

She: How is your mom?

Me: Good, she is working most of the time.

She: She promised me to drink coffe this sunday, we shall see if she will keep that primise :)

Me: She will forget probablly :)

She: Oh i forgot to give you a napkin.

She walked to the 1 of bottom kitchen drawer and bends, not crouch – bends

That was when i decide OK THIS WAS NOT ACCIDENT.

My hearth started to pound at my throught.
My dick was just cooled off while we had the small talk, but now was back online.

She took 1 pack of napkins, opened it, gave me 1 and went back there to leave it again with bending.

Then she sat and smiled again like nothing has ever happened.

I eat the sandwitch and drinked my juice, she took the plate and the cup and went straight to the washer machine to put them in.

She: While you are here can you see my phone as well, the ringtone is too weak and i cant hear it when its in my purse

Me: Yeah sure.

She: Great, come in the livingroom because it’s charging.

As i enter the livingroom she showing me with her finger where the phone was.

I volumed up the ringtone and turned around to see that she is folding the washed clothes on the sofa with her ass facing me of course.

I pretend that i still look at the settings just to buy some more time.

She turned around and and said:

She: You really like my jeans dont you?

I was stunned by that question and she saw me looking at her.
I left the phone and sat at the edge of the sofa while trying to fugure out what ti say.

Me: Yeah….they are very fashionable. All the girls in our school wear jeans like this.

She: She laughed and said they are old collection.

She: I had them for few years.

Me: 5 years i said. At this point i was so scared and so curious if she really trying to tease me or i was going crazy so i decided to shoot.

She: What? From where did you know how long i have them?

I got scared big time now, all my courage left me by her tone.

Me: I just remember you wearing them from time to time.

She smiled – they made you impression huh?

She: Because I remember how you looked at me 1 time and i thought it was really unapropriate to be dressed like that infront of kids, that was the last time i wear those jeans… sooo from 1 time they must made you quite an impression.

Damn, did i felt in her trap or i just gave out myself i thought.

Me: They did, i mean they stay perfectly on you.

She: Thanks :)

Me: If you ask me, you should wear them more often, like always (i laughed nervously)

She: Really? Do you like them this much?

Me: Its not really about them.

She: Then what is this all about?

Me: Well you look great.
I mean your body is beautiful.

She: Hahahaha so you are checking me out?

Me: Sometimes ( i laughed nervoualy again, trying to make it as a joke)

She: Im flattered, i didnt know that young men are checking me out.

Me: Oh believe me they all do.

She: I didnt know you were a ladies man, come here, your girl had no chance.

She reaches for a hug and as i stand and hugged her my hard dick is now pressed against her stomach.

There was awkward 3 seconds hug then she looked a little surprised and uncomftarble but trying to hide it.

Me: Thank you for the juice and the sandwich aunt Debbie, i will go now, but if you need any help, call me :)

Sure do sweetie, thank you for fixing the internet problem and for the company :)

I left as soon as possible from there asking myself what the fuck just happened.

End of 1st chapter.

Chapter 2.

I went straight home, repeating silently:

Whaaaat just happened?
What the fuuuck?

It was like a dream.
I went to my room laied down on the bed.
My head was going to explode.

I jerked off 3-4 days like 5 times a day minimum and fantasing about what could have been if i’ve said that and did this, if i had the balls to do something bold and provoce her to see if im imagining or it was real, but the price and the risk were too high.

I realized later that we actually flirted with each other a little and why not? She was lonely beautiful woman, vurnable after her husband left her or am i just remembering and thinking what i wanted it to be and she didnt even felt my erection? To be honest my dick is not something giant, its like 15 santimeters ( 6.1 inches according to google) but its quite thick, i couldnt touch my thumb and middle finger when i grab it in the middle (where is the most thick). And i have a big hands for my body.

I had to do something about it.
So i did what had to be done.
I made my girlfriend Tina (i will write chapters connected to her in the future) to buy herself a short pair of jeans… (i know..)
She bought similar style and came home to showed off.

From that moment i started to fuck her like an animal and to not get suspicious i told her that her ass is unreal in those jeans and i cant help myself.
The empty compliment was more than enough to encourage her to wear them more often, it was a win-win situation.

As i started to cool off and get back to normal i havent seen Debbie since 10 – 12 days, she didnt call either (i was hoping she will)

Back there i didnt have a car, so i waited Tina at the bus stop near my home.
She called me when she was on the bus, so i went to the bus stop to get her (as i said before the hood was not safe)

The bus stopped and from the central door Tina is jumping out happy with her tight short jeans just like she was going jump on my dick in a few minutes when we get home.

From the last door in the background my eyes are focusing Debbie getting off too, she saw me right away and smiled. The sitution was strange, at least for me.

She was dressed very stylish – business like with skirt and everything. She worked as an accountant in some big firm at that time.
She made 2-3 steps and said:

Debbie: Heey love birds :)

Me: Hii aunt Debbie, Tina this is Kyle’s mom

Tina: Its really nice to meet you.

Debbie: The pleasure is all mine Tina.

Me: How are you aunt Debbie?

Debbie: Im really tired, all week its like this, i cant wait to go home.

Me: Sorry to hear that.

Debbie: I’ll be fine, just need this weekend to come faster :)

Debbie: Tina, i love your shorts

Tina: Thanks, they are not really my style, but Eric likes them as well.

Debbie: He deffenetly have taste :)

Me: Im fashion guru its not a secret ( i cant believe that this came up as a topic of conversation…)

We all laughed (i faked mine)

Debbie: I will go to the supermarket before head home, so wish you two a great night :)

Me: Bye aunt Debbie, you too
Tina: Byee, thank you

Tina: She seems cool
Me: Yeah, she is.

We had home and my mind was trying again to understand why she bring that up.
She didnt know that i made Tina to buy this shorts, many people buy clothes everyday. Could be a coincedence.
I cant believe that this fucking shorts maybe are responsible for everything right now…

The next day Tina went to see her father and i decide to wait the bus around 7 and “accedentally” to bump in to her when she was coming back from work.


The 4th day was my lucky one, i had no plan at all, i just wanted to see how and what was going to happen if we were alone again since hat day.

She didnt noticed me this time, i saw her on the bus even before it stopped.

Me: Heey aunt Debbie.

Debbie: Hey sweetie, are you waiting for your girl.

Me: Noo she just took the bus. ( i lied)

Debbie: She is gorgeous and such a positive smile.

Me: Yeah, she is quite positive :)

Debbie: She is a lucky lady :)

Me: Lucky? Why? :D

Debbie: Ohh please, dont play dumb, you are handsome and a good guy, that is not easy to find those days.

Is she flirting again???
I can play this game too.

Me: So you were checking me out? (It was my chance to shoot back)

Debbie: Sometimes :)

Me: Im flattered, I didnt know that hot women are checking me out.

Debbie: Believe me, they all do.

I was stunned how she remembered everything that i saud to her more than 2 weeks ago… is she thought about thus as much as me? Million questions hit my head.

We were almost at my house with this chat and slow walking.

Me: I will walk you home.

Debbie: And a getleman too, not only to your girl : ) thats what i was talking about.

Me: Yeah im a saint :D

Debbie: You are a little naughty for a saint heheh

Okay now the version that she didnt felt my erection was washed away.

I just said to myself fuck it we are like 20 meters from her house anyway.

Me: Only when you are around :)

Debbie: Oh so its my fault? Hahah

Me: Absolutely yours :)

Debbie: Well i’ve been around you whole your life.

Me: Exactly, its nothing new for me.

Debbie: I had no idea (laughing)

Me: Im good at hiding things.

Debbie: (Laughed harder) Well… not really.

Me: I meant secrets :D

Debbie: Hahahaha we will see about that.
Have a great night sweetie she said entering the yard.

Me: You too :)

I turned around with a big smile.
Everything was clear now, all i had to do was to act next time. I felt so happy and hyped, my dream was about to become reality.

End of chapter 2

Chapter 3

My heart was going to break my chest and spine and the same time.
I was so fucking happy, felt butterflies in my stomach for hours and i still couldn’t believe what happened and started to overthink everything…

I convinced myself that i should make plan and go for it or just go there, enter, drop my pants and see what will happen, then i conviced myself that maybe she was joking and wasn’t serious and i will make mistake and won’t be able to look at her in the eyes anymore. I haven’t seen her with a man all my life besides her husband when i was like 8-9 years old. Didn’ heard if she had a boyfriend after that either.
I didn’t slept that night.

2 days passed and i was still processing the situation. Only training helped me to clear my mind at least for 1 hour (fitness)
I couldn’t think straight most of the time and i was constantly daydreaming.
Now that the possibilities were real i didn’t felt much satisfaction or pleasure fucking Tina anymore, i wanted the real deal.

I’ve done it a million times in my mind, but she was a real woman, do i have what it takes, do i have enough experience? I started to doubt in myself and that held me.

A few days later it was Satarday and i was out with the dog (German shepard) for a walk, i looked to see if she was home, but nothing indicates if she was or not. I walked the dog and on the way back she was taking out the trash.

I waved at her and smiled.
She waved too and head back to the house checking if im watching her before closing the front door. Maybe i should have said something… she done everything from her side and i was acting like a pussy now…
I got angry to myself.

Then my phone started vibrate in my pocket.
It was her!!

Me: Hellooo

She: You were checking me out again, haven’t you?

Me: I deffenetly did (i said proudly with joking tone)

She: Come by when you have some free time, i haven’t seen you for a while.

Me: I will be there in 15 minutes

She: Okaaay see you in 15 minutes then.

I basiclly run to my house and went straight to the bathroom.
I took a fast shower and got dressed.
My hair is shortest possible with clipper so i was raady for 10 minutes.
I headed to her house with a mini panic attack.
I got myself together before enter the house.
As i enter i hear the television in the living room and nothing more.

She was sitting on the sofa dressed with yoga pants and very fit t-shirt.
I could see that she was not wearing bra again.

She saw me and smiled.

She: That was fast.

Me: I just had to leave the dog.

She: You didn’t knock again, were you expecting to got me by surprise like the last time (laughing)

Me: To be honest, that crossed my mind when i was entering (i laughed too)

She: I appreciate your honesty.
Are you going to stand there? Why dont you sit. (Laughing)

Me: Sounds nice (laughed too like an idiot)

She: Before that will you please go and take the ashtray from the sink.

Me: Of course.

As i came back and passed the ashtray to her she made a kissing sound with her lips and said: Thank youuu
I sat next to her.

She: Do you smoke?

Me: Sometimes.

She: Do you want one?

Me: Sure, i will make you company

She passed me one cigarrete and the lighter.

She: Your mom forgot about that coffee, you were right

Me: Told you, but im here, representing the family :D

She: Absolutely, you are cleaning the family honor (laughed)

She: How is Tina?

Me: Good i havent seen her those days.

She: Why?

Me: She is with her father, their parents are divorsed.

She: I see.

She: Soo, did you guys make sex?

Me: Aaam, yeah (laughing)

Is she really asked me if im a virgin….

[ ] She: Whaaat you were honest and i said i appreciate your honesty, i was jus woundering (laughing as well)

Me: No just the question surprised me, im still being honest.

She: Sorry if that offended you, you are almost 18 it’s normal to have sex.

Me: I will try to get over it (i laughed sarcastic)

That really made her a little uncomftarble.
And i decided to hit hard.

Me: Will you be honest too?

She: Hahaha well i have to make up to you for the insult, sooo yeah.

Me: Sounds like truth or dare a little (laughing)

She: Do you want to play?

I was going to ask her if that she was half naked the last time i got here was accident, but this was way wayy better.

Me: Sure

She: Okay, i will go first since you are such a gentleman (big smile with teeth)

Me: Okay (raised my sholders)

She: Truth or dare?

Me: Truth

She: What do you think of me?

Me: Well, you are great person and a geourgeous woman.

She: Only that? (Laughing)

Me: Yeaah (laugh)

Me: My turn.
Me: Truth or dare?

She: Truth.

Me: Do you enjoy when im checking you out?

She: Ooh (laughing) of course i do.

She: Truth or dare?

Me: Truth.

She: Am i sexy (making shy facial)

Me: That is so easy.. hell yeah :)

She: Im going to blush :)

Me: Truth or dare?

She: Truth

Me: Last time when i was here, when i enter and saw you half naked, was that accident or on purpose?

She knew what i was going to ask her in the beggining of the sentance and change her face, really ready to blush now.

She: Maybe (laughed)

Me: You know how to play this game right? (Laughed)

She: It was half accidental, half on purpose

Me: How is that work :D

She: Its my turn sweetie, Truth or Dare? (Smiles)

Me: Trurh.

She: Did you had a hard on when i hugged you?

Me: Yes

She: Interesting (laughed)

Me: Truth or dare?

She: Truth

Me: Did you put those shorts that day on purpose too?

She: No, i put them in a hurry, but decided to get the most of the situation and play with you a little (smiled)

Me: I see, but how do you remember how i looked at you 5 years ago when you wear them.

She: Its my turn again, but i will answer you :D you looked so sweet then, looked at me like you were inlove, it was cute, but the fault was mine for dressing like that..

She: So, truth or dare

Me: Truth

She: Is it a coincedence that your girlfriend have like those shorts?

Me: No, i tip her off to buy them.

She: Its getting more and more interesting (laughed) this is maybe the best truth or dare game that i had ever played.

Me: Truth or dare (laughing)

She: Truth (laughing with me)

Me: Did you liked it when we hugged?

She: Yeah, at first i thought you are stealing our remote controller. (Laughed)

Me: ahahahah what a compliment to acuse me of theft.

She: Hey its truth or dare i must tell the truth (laughing) Yes, i enjoyed it.

Me: I appreciate your honesty (laughing)

She: Your turn.

Me: Dont rush me (laughing) what’s the hurry?

She: If you dont come up with question its my turn again, these are the rules (laughing)

Me: Truth then?

She: Yes

Me: Did you thought about it?

She: About what?

Me: About the climate change (laughed) i really thought you were honest.

She: Yes, i thought about it it was a hard and i think big remote controller (smiles)

I was meaning having sex with me but im not dissapointed by her answer.

Me: Interesting (laughed)

She: Truth or dare?

Me: Truth.

Her: Have you jacked off while thinking of me?

Me: Yes

She: So sweet (laughed)

Me:Truth right?

She: Yes

Me: Have you thought about me in that way too?

She: I had (covering here eyes and laughing)

Me: mmmm (i smiled very wide)

She: Truth or dare you little devil?

Me: You mean little naughty saint (laughed) Truth.

She: Did you fuck your girl and thinking of me? ( raised her eyebrow proudly)

Me: Almost every time.

She: Poor girl (laughed)

Me: Truth or dare?

She: Truth.

Me: Do you thought about using the remote controller (laughed)

She: Hahahahah they can be very useful, yes.

Me: Hahahaha

She: Truth or dare.

Me: Truth.

She: Are you inlove with me?

That was an odd question and she was serious, i later thiught about it and understood that she asked me that to know what to do from here because we were down the rabbit hole, deep, deep, down. She just wanted to be sure that there was no emotions, just physical attraction and there were no emotions at all, i just wanted to fuck her so bad, she was my best friend’s mom i didnt wanted a relationship with her…. she could’ve been my mother.

Me: Noo

She: Good :)

Me: Truth or dare? :)

She: Dare :)

She surprised me with that… i had a question on mind, but i forgit it after i heard DARE…

Me: Hmm i didnt expected that (laughed nervously)

She just sat there with a smile and didnt said anything.

At the whole time that we were talking i looked at her tits under that shirt from time to time, how they moved and bounced when she laughed and changed position, her crossed legs in that tight yoga pants. There were many things that i wanted her to do and after that conversation i knew that she would do A LOT ot the things i dreamed about so it was not an easy choice.

I got hard only thinking about this.

Me: Remove that shirt

My heart started to beat so fast when i said that. I felt how i cant catch my breath and started ti breath more deep and slow so she don’t notice it.

She: You men with those tits (laughing)

She just stood up and pulled her shirt up for 1 second and gave me the shirt all smiled like it was the most normal thing… like she passed me the salt while having dinner.

I was shoocked, i know that i wanted this, but 1 small part of me was in doubt that she actually is going ti do it.

Her tits were avarage size, round with pink medium size nipples that point a little upwards. They were so perfect.

Me: Woaw, they are even better than my expectations.

She: Im glad you like them (laughed)

She: Truth or dare Eric? (Still laughing)

Me: Dare :D

She: I won’t be that bad with you, take off just the sweatpants.

I stood up and my boner was quite visible i even point it at her while taking down my sweatpants, by the look on her face she was enjoying. I left only with trunks.

Me: You women with that dick (laughed)

She: hahahaha come here.

I just sat again next to her and she grabbed my dick through the trunks and squezed it hard and started to stroke it slowly.

She gave a heavy breath out with little trembling sound and said:

She: Its is… mass…ive

It felt amazing, my whole body was so intense but with her strong grip on my dick and her reaction i was so aroused .

I put my hand on her thigh and moved my hand slowly between the hips (only hips)

She was looking at me the whole time and was pressing her lips toghether while squeezing my dick probably as hard as she can.
I bend down to her and started to lick her neck, at the same time i squeezed her thigh with my hand.
She reacted with heavy breathing in and out.

She pulled my trunks down to my knees leaving my dick to jump out.

She then bend her waist down to my lap and the only thing i remember is that i coudn’ t reach her neck anymore with my mouth and her lips were on the top of my dick.

She then slided down from the sofa on the ground on knees in front of me, pulled my trunks to my ancles and then threw them on the floor.
I spread my legs for her.
She moved her hair behind her sholders and leaned fowrard to my dick grabing it with 1 hand and the other placing on my leg.

She looked at me the whole time ith that blue eyes and a smile that i see the first time on her face.

She opened her mouth and navigated my dick with her hand towards it ( because i was so hard that my dick was pointing at me ) she took her tongue out and put my head on her tongue, with the upper lip the covered my head and slowly begin to head down, opening her mouth more on gh way down, the more thick my dick gets after the middle the more she opened her mouth, she was moving her tongue as well especially at the beginning i was the most amazing thing i’ve ever felt.
She reached almost to the bottom removing her hand and closed her eyes at the end choking a little.
Then she slowly begin the way up leaving my dick drolling with saliva.

She laughed silently while looked at my dick.

She then squeezed her lips and pressed down with her head, it was so tight that when she reached to the bottom again i was in little pain.
She waited like 2 seconds and then squeezed the way up sucking and twisting her tongue.
Then continue to do this speeding up.


I cum maybe after 8 – 10 times she repeated that (like 30 seconds TOP) in her mouth making dying sounds and trembling uncontrolable, squeezing my fingers and toes and little lifted myself with my waist from the sofa, but she pulled backwards and sucked every bit of it to the last drop making a champane pop sound at the end from that sucking tornado, i heard her hard swallow everything.

Me: Im sorry…

She: Oh don’t worry sweetie, nobody can last more than a minute (laughing as she raises her head)

Me: I will accept this challenge.

She: Hahahaha

She dressed her shirt and breathed out heavy again.

She: That was fun (laughing)

I sat there with my half hard dick on the sofa, trying to get back to my body and get dressed.

She: Cigar?

Me: Yes, please (smiled)

She gave me one and lighted it for me.

I stood up to put my trunks on, my dick wa so wet, i had saliva all over my balls and the sofa had a little wet spot of it.

She: Did you had good time ( asking with proud smile)

Me: We should do this again (laughed)

She: ahahahaha i will take that as a yes.

Me: ahahahaha

She: Sweetie i will get a shower and get ready for a night out :)

Me: Okaay i will go then :)

Me: Have fun aunt Debbie :)

She: Oh i already had sweetie but thank you, say hi to your mom from me to see if she’ll remember something about that coffee.

Me: I will :)

She: mua (kissing with lips sound)

I left without feeling the ground under my feet, i floated to my house.

End of chapter 3

Аpologise for my english.

Thank you for your time :)



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